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Astro-Metaphysical Love & Light

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Pluto Rising is both mysterious and magnetic. You can’t miss their presence, yet you might not always see them. They can move through the shadows almost. Still, they are captivating and can easily attract attention. Though, Pluto Rising isn’t an attention seeker. They are extremely private people.

These people have an incredible gift of understanding the human psyche. They can see through the souls of others, including their own. Specifically, they mainly see the dark or unresolved parts of the psyche.

They are natural healers. Understanding how to deal with those unresolved issues. There is a tendency to attract the wrong crowd or those who need help. Others can sense their abilities.

Though this also means that they can attract a lot of negative energy. Sometimes others will show them what they need to face within themselves. Other times people will project onto them. Pluto always reveals what’s hidden in shadows.

They’re not only seeing what’s hidden in others, but Pluto Rising will constantly see their issues too. This will take them through several dramatic psychological changes in their lives. A Pluto Rising will look completely different after every internal change. Their entire personality will transform.

This ability can be used for good or bad. It is primarily a dark force. Making it easy to fall prey to dark desires and motives. However, it can also be used as a tool to transform oneself and to heal the souls of others.

This placement may come from an ancestral curse or a heavy karmic backlog. Power was abused somewhere in the family line and that trauma was passed down. This also means that the Pluto Rising was born to heal their entire bloodline.

On a lower mundane level, one can use this energy to manipulate others and to seek out their pleasures. Getting lost in their darkest desires and temptations.

At a higher spiritual level, Pluto Rising can manipulate dark energies by transforming them into the light. They explore the darkest depths of the soul to heal the unresolved parts.

If you’re interested in a Natal Chart Interpretation, see Book Reading.

-Daquan Jones Empath, Psychic, Author, Life Coach, YouTube Creator, Astrologer

Daquan Jones


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