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On May 1, 2024, Jupiter (Guru/Brihaspati) will enter Sidereal Taurus (Vrishabha Rashi).

Jupiter is the most benevolent planet in astrology.

The Vishnu avatar of Jupiter is Vamana. Vamana appeared as a young boy in front of the demon king. The demon king offered the boy anything he wanted. Vamana said he only needed three steps of land. The demon king laughed at the young boy. Then, the boy revealed himself as Vishnu and grew to full size. With three footsteps, Vishnu covered the earth and the heavens and placed one foot on the demon. He had conquered the demon king and restored peace in the world.

Vamana shows us the power of wisdom and expansion. Jupiter is the most expansive graha. He rules the fat that insulates the body. Jupiter gives us protection and security. If God saved you at the last moment, Jupiter is well placed in your chart. He protects the area he is placed in.

Jupiter 1st house- gives you the wisdom and intuition to come out of any sudden event

Jupiter 2nd house- gives you the support you need when you run out of resources

Jupiter 3rd house- gives support from your close family/local community

Jupiter 4th house- spirits watch over you and guard your home

Jupiter 5th house- you have a childlike enthusiasm to make the best of any situation

Jupiter 6th house- gives you the best medical/legal/financial advice

Jupiter 7th house- other people give you advice and wisdom

Jupiter 8th house- you have great wisdom from self-healing and spiritual transformation

Jupiter 9th house- you find luck in religion/travel/higher studies

Jupiter 10th house- you get great job opportunities when you can't find work

Jupiter 11th house- you get wealth/promotions/awards/connections

Jupiter 12th house- spirits protect and guide you from behind the scenes

Jupiter is the minister to the king in the planetary cabinet. He's the one who gives wise counsel. Whether that counsel is emotional support, advice on important decisions, or military strategy. Therefore, Jupiter is the one who guides or manages. He represents managers, directors, military, teachers, preachers, gurus, writers, and philosophers.

The two signs (rashis) ruled by Jupiter are Sagittarius (Dhanus Rashi) and Pisces (Meena Rashi). In Sagittarius, Jupiter writes the law and upholds traditional values. Sagittarius is represented by a centaur. Centaurs are wild rambunctious warriors. Since the beginning of time, wars were fought over philosophical systems.

Jupiter is more like a mystical hermit in Pisces. Pisces represents everything that expands beyond the physical or familiar places. Jupiter rules the space element. It's the subconscious, astral plane, isolated locations, and foreign lands. Pisces is in a world of its own but possesses the highest spiritual wisdom and great vision.

Jupiter also plays a big role in marriage. He represents children, husbands, wealth, and security. He is the lord of wisdom, knowledge, religion, spirituality, philosophy, education, and teaching. Jupiter has directional strength (Dig Bala) in the 1st House because the 1st House represents the brain.

Jupiter is also the significator of the 2nd, 5th, 9th, and 11th houses in the natal chart. Therefore, he signifies wealth, family, seech, values, food, lineage, security, oral/written tradition, knowledge, creativity, children, childbirth, risk taking, love, past life rewards, philosophy, religion, the father's teachings, teachers, gurus, students, fans, the inner child, foreign culture, internet, income, friends, social networking, groups, social movements, lofty ideas, large animals, the face, the upper stomach, the thighs, and the shins.

Although Jupiter is a great teacher, he is far more generous than Saturn. Jupiter teaches and expects us to listen to his guidance. Yet, he will ignore if we proceed not to listen. At the same time, he has great compassion and empathy. So, he will change his mind and save us as the last moment.

The three nakshatras of Jupiter are Punarvasu (20 Gemini- 3:20 Cancer), Vishakha (20 Libra- 3:20 Scorpio), and Purva Bhadrapada (20 Aquarius- 3:20 Pisces). In Punarvasu, we see the grace of Jupiter. Punarvasu shows repeating themes where the individual gets to try again. In Vishakha, we see the expansion of Jupiter. Vishakha does everything to the extreme.

In Purva Bhadrapada, we see the wisdom and compassion of Jupiter. Purva Bhadrapada is about the full human experience including the good, bad, and ugly. It's also about extending kindness to other humans and even animals. On the Aquarius side, it's more about being human. In the first 3:20 of Pisces, it shifts the focus to spirituality and liberation. We also see high IQs and access to mystical knowledge in Purva Bhadrapada.

Although Jupiter is the most benevolent, he is still apart of this physical incarnation. So, Jupiter can still subject an individual to ego. In particular, Jupiter can make an individual feel that they know everything and that their teachings are superior. However, it's important to realize there is still room to learn no matter what age you are or credentials you have. When we close our minds, we stop growing.

Taurus (Vrishabha) is the 2nd sign in the zodiac. The Sun enters Sidereal Taurus from May 15th- June 15th. Taurus is a fixed sign. So, they like to stay in their comfort zone and don't enjoy change. Once a Taurus feels relaxed, they tend to bask in the comfort. They are family oriented and are concerned with material security.

Taurus is an earth sign. So, they like the beautiful and luxurious things of life. They also enjoy being outdoors, connecting with nature and animals. Taurus people are practical and down to earth. They are concerned with what makes sense in the tangible world. Their personality is calm and grounded.

Venus is the lord of Taurus. Taurus people are charming, persuasive, comfort seeking, nurturing, sexual, and highly creative. Almost every Taurus person enjoys a creative hobby (singing, acting, dancing, writing, cooking, fashion, design, DIY, social media influencing, etc...).

They can be friendly and flirtatious. Sometimes, you have to be careful with they say. They can have a soft or pleasing way of speaking. It can be used to seduce, convince, or for double speak.

Taurus people might enjoy the country or suburbs, where it's more peaceful and slow paced. They can be stubborn in their mindset. Sometimes, they will collect/hoard their favorite possessions or stay in a toxic relationship too long.

Taurus can help with wealth and prosperity, especially if calmer graha are placed in it (Moon, Mercury, Venus, Jupiter). Sun, Mars, or Rahu in Taurus might make an individual impulsive with spending.

Saturn will delay wealth initially to teach the individual how to use it properly. With maturity, they will have a stable income and will use it to help others. Ketu in Taurus will make the individual detached from wealth. They will donate and support those in need.

Jupiter in Taurus is a great time for wealth accumulation. The previous transit of Jupiter in Aries brought war and conflict. This transit will be a time of attempting to increase necessary resources. Jupiter in Taurus will be more beneficial at the beginning of the transit. This is because Ketu will move closer in degrees and Jupiter will station Retrograde in October. We will also have a temporary combustion when the Sun enters Taurus. It will be most potent when Jupiter is moving closer to the Sun. Otherwise, it will be fine because the Sun and Jupiter are friends.

Jupiter will continue in Krittika Nakshatra (26:40 Aries- 10 Taurus) to start the transit. Krittika is a nakshatra that's skilled at banking and managing finances. Following Krittika, Jupiter will enter Rohini Nakshatra (10- 23:20 Taurus). Rohini is about making thing grow and manifest. It's a nakshatra of joy and accumulation. Lastly, Jupiter will enter Mrigashira Nakshatra (23:20 Taurus- 6:40 Gemini). Mrigashira is about searching for joy and fulfillment. It's taking resources and creating a pleasant experience.

The biggest lesson with Jupiter in Taurus is to have faith. Jupiter is intuitive with its rulership of Pisces and rationally optimistic with its rulership of Sagittarius. However, Taurus is practical and security oriented. So, the focus will be more grounded in logic and the material world. However, spirituality is just as important. While you should think critically and only make calculated risks, don't forget you're a co-creator with Spirit.

Transits in Vedic Astrology are studied from the Moon sign (mind) and Ascendant (life path). You can also see the transit from the Arudha Lagna, Mahadasha planet, or D9 Navamsa chart. For specific areas, you can view the chart from a divisional chart (D10 for career, D11 for wealth, etc...).

Ashtakavarga shows how strong the house is. If the house is average in strength, the effects of the transit will feel almost non existent. If the house is weak, you can get negative or below average results. If strong, the effects of the transit will be noteable. The Dasha also matters. If your current Dasha supports the effects of the transit, they're more likely to manifest. So, just keep in mind that these are general predictions. I don't know the specifics of your natal chart.

Transits over natal planets will be significant (especially if close in degrees).

Jupiter over the Sun will expand your ego for better or worse (depending on the chart).

Jupiter over the Moon will expand your mind. This will likely make you emotionally and mentally restless. Try calming and spiritual practices to settle the mind.

Jupiter over Mars will make you courageous and active. You might be more willing to stand up for your beliefs and to fight for a righteous cause.

Jupiter over Mercury will make you curious to learn and teach. You might find yourself drawn to particular subjects. Try to take the opportunity to explore the subject in dept and share it with those who need it.

Jupiter over Venus will make you more inclined to socialize. You might crave love and intimacy. You can find yourself with the courage to pursue a new relationship. It can also be great for your friendships and wealth.

Jupiter over Saturn will cause a great transformation in your life. There will be a new beginning in the house where the conjunction occurs.

Jupiter over Rahu will expand your desire for material gain (power, status, wealth, knowledge, success, or indulgence). Be wary of false gurus or advisors/teachers trying to sell snake oil. You might attract a foreign teacher or learn about a foreign subject. If you want to pick a new language or experience another culture, it's a great time. Try to control material desires. Not everything is as it seems and you might not be fulfilled the way you think. Still, don't be afraid to get out of your comfort zone and experience life.

Jupiter over Ketu is a spiritual combination. You might feel slightly detached from the material world. Listen to your intuition and take time for self reflection. Spiritual practice and relaxation techniques will be good at this time.

The most positive results will come to Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn natives. It's time to take up that course you've been putting off. If you have creative talent, don't be afraid to explore. It's a great time to write a book or work on a project. You might also find yourself traveling to a foreign land and/or meeting a teacher. Taurus, you might have to have more open conversation in your relationships. Virgo, have courage and trust in your intuition. It's okay if you make mistakes, just avoid getting into ego battles. Capricorn, you might get opportunities through promotion or new social contacts. Be grateful and take advantage of it.

The transit will also be prominent for Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius. It's time to push the boat out for new opportunities. You're getting a fresh start. Leave the past behind and move forward.

Leo, don't be afraid if an old job has to come to an end or you get to move up in your career. It's all for the best. Just be ready to serve others and don't forget the importance of your domestic life. If you have a health, legal, or financial issue, you will get the advice you need.

Scorpio, you might get a new partner or finally resolve issues in your current relationship. It's a great time for business and wealth opportunities. You might also get to travel or meet new people.

Aquarius, you will find peace and contentment in yourself. You might take up a new system of belief or meet people who can add wisdom to your life. It can also be a time of purchasing a new vehicle, getting a good property deal, or working on making changes in the home. It's a great time for meditation, contemplation, and self healing. Don't avoid the inner work, and listen to yourself if you need some time for yourself.

Aries, this is a time of growth and stability. You've gone through so many fresh new starts. But, it's time to slow down a bit. Enjoy everything you've achieved so far. If you find yourself dissatisfied, it's time to work on building your self esteem. Your voice will be full confidence and will be heard by others. Use it for good and to fulfill your goals. Don't worry if you run low on resources. You will be supported or will get opportunities to regrow your assets.

Growth is coming for Cancer, Sagittarius, and Pisces. You will feel improvement and a surge of courage. Just don't get into too many unnecessary battles. Nonetheless, you will find victory over enemies if needed.

Cancer, you will gain new opportunities. You might also get the chance to expand your network circle. Just remember to take time for yourself and realize that material gain isn't everything.

Sagittarius, you might face competitions, illnesses, or legal concerns. However, you will get the right advice to deal with these obstacles. Try to be cautious with your diet. You might have to change your diet, medicine, or workout routine. Just remember to check with a professional first. I'm not a licensed physician. Helping those in need and tending to your health will bring you happiness.

Pisces, it's time to work on the project or book you've been putting off. If you want to learn a skill or subject, it's the perfect time. Everything will happen at an accelerated pace. You might feel overwhelmed or like you can't keep up. Pace yourself, but don't be afraid to push forward. You will want to speak out and showcase your talents.

Jupiter in Taurus will be most challenging for Gemini and Libra. Still, Jupiter always protects even if he can't provide. Check for other planets in your chart.

Gemini, it's time to let go of the past and heal. You will be called to look inward for self healing. This might involve being in isolation, taking a vacation, or incorporating calming practices. Your spiritual wisdom might increase during this transit. Walks in nature and creative expression will be good for you. If you wanted to write a book, you will have plenty of alone time to accomplish the project.

Libra, it's time for some major changes. You might have to heal and let go of the past. Spiritual practice or occult subjects will help you along your journey. You might also come across inheritance or gain wealth from unexpected sources. Avoid unnecessary conflicts or secretive activities. You might get caught up in an unpleasant predicament if you choose the wrong crowd. It's definitely more of a self reflective and explorative transit. If you want to research or study a subject, you will go deep in any area of interest.

Daquan Jones


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