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Astro-Metaphysical Love & Light

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Uttara Bhadrapada is found from 3 degrees 20 minutes to 16 degrees 40 minutes of Pisces.

Uttara Bhadrapada is known as "the Warrior Star". Those who are born under this Nakshatra are protective of their loved ones. They also have the power to cleanse their past karma. Making them the spiritual warriors of the Zodiac.

Uttara Bhadrapada translates to the "Latter Luck Feet" or the "Beautiful Left Foot". These individuals are incredibly fortunate. They tend to attract the right people and situations to help them succeed in life. Their inner voice can be a powerful guiding force. They are also considered to be one of the wealthiest individuals in the Zodiac.

Uttara Bhadrapada is symbolized by the Back Legs of a Funeral Cot. This shows this Nakshatra’s connection to the transition between the physical and the spiritual. Those born under this Nakshatra are highly evolved souls. They have a natural wisdom and intuitive awareness about them. These people can be both practical and spiritual at the same time. This is the bridge that takes us to the last Nakshatra. This also shows the connection between esoteric and mystical knowledge. These individuals make great researchers and mystics.

Uttara Bhadrapada is also represented by the Twins. This is a continuation of the previous Nakshatra of Purva Bhadrapada. In Purva Bhadrapada, there was a duality that brought great mystery. We see the same effect here. Those born under Uttara Bhadrapada have a great need for alone time. They lack ego. That also can mean that they don’t have as strong of self-esteem. Making them easily hurt by criticism and the harshness of reality. Eventually, they learn to cope. However, they find more of a desire to retreat from the mundane society. This retreat from the world also aids in their spirituality. These individuals can draw on their inner wisdom, psychic abilities, and deep imagination when they are at peace. This retreat can also symbolize their success in foreign places. Although, shyness; hesitation; or being in their own world might give them a fear of interaction in foreign places. They might need to leave their comfort zone to get past obstacles in the way of their greatness.

Uttara Bhadrapada is also seen by the deity attached to it. Ahirbudhnya is the deity of fertility and life force energy. The name translates to "the Coiled Serpent". Also known commonly today as the Kundalini. Ahirbudhnya is the Serpent at the Deepest Depth. It is said that "the Coiled Serpent Above the Sacrificial Altar Needs to Moisten, to Extract the Essence". Here, we see the spiritual ascension. As the coiled serpent rises to awaken the higher self. Many born under this Nakshatra can reach high levels of spiritual awareness. Much of what these evolved souls understand is not understood by others. This can make them feel misunderstood and all alone. As if they are lost in their own world.

There is a uniqueness in Uttara Bhadrapada that these individuals should embrace. They are not here to fit in and to be understood by others. These souls are exactly where they need to be and it is okay for them to get lost in their own universe. This is where they get their deep understanding from. By pulling the cosmic wisdom from within and bringing it back down to earth. This is also described in the power of this Nakshatra. It’s the power to Bring Cosmic Rain. These individuals are pure and deeply insightful.

This Nakshatra is ruled by Saturn but is in the sign of Pisces. Pisces is ruled by Jupiter. Saturn helps to give them analytical power and to ground them in this reality. At the same time, Jupiter connects them to spirituality and wisdom. Their Human temperament keeps them fairly calm at their composure. These people can bring healing and peace to others around them. They make excellent counselors or spiritual guides. This can even simply be in the form of advising friends and family. There is a very serene and simple nature to these individuals. They are very rational, yet they have soft caring hearts. While they might not come off as too emotional, they are generous and caring people.

On the negative side, they might suffer from difficulty with self-expression. Very protective of their loved ones, they wouldn’t want to start a conflict. So, they might keep their wisdom to themselves or might not express feelings that could hurt others. This makes them mostly passive. Although, if you push them too far, they will stand up for themselves. These people are extremely powerful and can win any debate when angry. This is because of their mostly calm and rational demeanor. They will fight against those who offend their family.

Another difficulty that is found in Uttara Bhadrapada is inactivity. As I mentioned before, they can disconnect from the world and sometimes can be hesitant to express themselves. This can lead to doing nothing at times. This Nakshatra is the most likely to retire from their job early, take breaks in education, gain weight, and shut themselves off from everyone and everything. This can also make them great religious devotees. However, it might be wise for them to start their own business or to only stick to what they love. This usually gives better results. They tend to do well in performing arts, creativity, research, counseling, teaching, banking, mathematics, healing, spirituality, and humanitarian pursuits. Their calculative and observant qualities tend to make them great at math and science. Giving them excellent visual memory and problem-solving capabilities. This can be paired with their spiritual knowledge. Making them excellent at astrology, numerology, and other complex mystical practices.

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