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Astro-Metaphysical Love & Light

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Shatabhishak is the last Rahu Nakshatra. It can be found from 6°40' to 20° Vedic Sidereal Aquarius. You can also find it in Western Tropical Pisces.

Shatabhishak means Requiring A Hundred Healers/Medicines. It also has many other names. Another important name is Shatataraka (A Hundred Shooting Stars). These names are referring to extraterrestrial beings who incarnate on Earth to help the human race. Also known as earth angels, lightworkers, starseeds, or humanitarians. In the ancient texts, Shatabhishak is described as A Hundred Rescuers. They are healers who have been chosen with a very important mission.

Even the power of this Nakshatra is Bheshaja Shakti (The Power to Heal and Support). The result of the power is A World Freed From Calamity. So, many healers are born under this Nakshatra. However, that doesn’t only mean medical physicians. It doesn’t even have to mean working in a healing field. Their presence can simply be healing. Many celebrities and musicians are born under Shatabhishak. Yet their performance is healing and inspiring for others.

Shatataraka is also said to be "The Stargazers". So, they are wandering and ever curious. These individuals are always interested in the mysteries that lie beyond. Many scientists and philosophers can be seen. They can be interested in metaphysical subjects also. There is especially a fascination with stars and other galaxies. Shatataraka individuals can show an interest in astronomy, astrology, and space travel.

Shatabhishak is symbolized by a dark empty circle. It is also believed to be connected to the Ouroboros (serpent eating its tail). The symbol is also associated with the cosmic egg. It is said that the water bearer’s vessel contains the cosmos. In all of these symbols, there is a dichotomy between restriction and limitlessness. This is a major theme of this Nakshatra.

The circle of Ouroboros is an ancient Esoteric symbol for a portal. So, Shatabhishak is related to interdimensional travel. There are no limitations to the mind of these individuals. They often have a high IQ, a vivid imagination, and deep wisdom. However, these symbols don’t just open us to greater possibilities. They also are contained. So, this knowledge doesn’t exist for everyone. There are limits as to whom will have access.

Shatabhishak is also the height and refinement of Rahu. Rahu is the head of the serpent. The master of illusions and seizer of our destiny. He is a controlling planet. Keeping us imprisoned in this material illusion to fulfill our purpose. So, Shatabhishak represents Cosmic Law. It is the limit of the universe. Just like how the vessel contains the cosmos. This is the Nakshatra of the Collective Consciousness.

In this Nakshatra, you will find those who observe human behavior intensely. They set the rules for what’s allowed. This is to protect mankind from utter destruction. So, politeness is important to these individuals. They can also restrict themselves. Shatabhishak can have the greatest discipline and self-control. This restriction can also represent isolation, protection, and secret social groups (subcultures/organizations). So, this is a very secretive and mysterious Nakshatra.

However, this means "letting loose" is difficult for them. So, they run the risk of being too wild when removing their restrictions. Rahu is the planet of unconscious insatiable desires and Shatabhishak means A Hundred Medicines. So, they should be cautious about using addictive substances. Many Shatabhishak individuals fall prey to substance abuse. As many Vedic astrologers say, Shatabhishak is both a poison and a cure. It just depends on how you use it.

Shatataraka is ruled by the deity of Varuna. Varuna is the god of the terrestrial, cosmic, and subterranean seas. He protects and conceals all areas of the cosmos. Setting up the cosmic boundaries for every living being in existence. The cosmic seas refer to the enveloping night sky. The subterranean seas represent the underworld kingdoms that exist below the earth. Varuna is the one who rides the giant sea monster (Makara or Capricorn). So, the sea can be a source of healing for these individuals.

These individuals have the same Rahu eyes as Ardra and Swati do. They have hooded and wide-set eyes. With a beautiful, awake, and penetrating gaze. Often the eye color leans towards light blues and greys. The color of Rahu is also black or smokey blue. Shatabhishak is related to the color seafoam green. I’ve noticed that these individuals tend to resemble these colors in their outfits. They wear blue, green, and purple. They also tend towards being tall and slim. This could have to do with Saturn being the ruler of Aquarius.

Zayn Malik- Shatabhishak Ascendant and Venus

Whitney Houston- Shatabhishak Ascendant

Elvis Presley- Shatabhishak Moon

Sonam Kapoor- Shatabhishak Moon

Chris Pine- Shatabhishak Moon


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