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Astro-Metaphysical Love & Light

सार्वजनिक·17 सदस्य

What planet influences your personality the most? Moon, Ascendant, and Sun will be the strongest. Comment Below!

Sun Ruled (Dominant, Virtuous, Independent) Krittika- 26.40 Aries -10.00 Taurus (Vedic) U. Phalguni- 26.40 Leo -10 Virgo (Vedic) U. Ashadha- 26.40 Sag -10 Cap (Vedic)

Moon Ruled (Sensual, Creative, Receptive) Rohini- 10.00- 23.20 Taurus (Vedic) Hasta- 10.00- 23.20 Virgo (Vedic) Shravana- 10.00- 23.20 Capricorn (Vedic)

Mars Ruled (Reactive, Creator, Ambitious) Mrigashira- 23.20 Tau -6.40 Gem (Vedic) Chitra- 23.20 Virgo - 6.40 Libra (Vedic) Dhanishta- 23.20 Cap - 6.40 Aqua (Vedic)

Mercury Ruled (Clever, Skillful, Focused) Ashlesha- 16.40- 30.00 Cancer (Vedic) Jyeshta- 16.40- 30.00 Scorpio (Vedic) Revati- 16.40- 30.00 Pisces (Vedic)

Jupiter Ruled (Opinionated, Happy-Go-Lucky, Freedom-Lover) Punarvasu- 20.00 Gem - 3.20 Can (Vedic) Vishakha- 20.00 Libra - 3.20 Sco (Vedic) P. Bhadra- 20.00 Aqua -3.20 Pis (Vedic)

Venus Ruled (Creative, Sexual, Cultured) Bharani- 13.20- 26.40 Aries (Vedic) P. Phalguni- 13.20-26.40 Leo (Vedic) P. Ashadha- 13.20- 26.40 Sagittarius (Vedic)

Saturn Ruled (Serious, Traditional, Supportive) Pushya- 3.20- 16.40 Cancer (Vedic) Anuradha- 3.20- 16.40 Scorpio (Vedic) U. Bhadra- 3.20- 16.40 Pisces (Vedic)

Ketu Ruled (Brilliant, Detached, Truth-Seeker) Ashwini- 0.00- 13.20 Aries (Vedic) Magha- 0.00- 13.20 Leo (Vedic) Mula- 0.00- 13.20 Sagittarius (Vedic)

Rahu Ruled (Worldly, Obsessive, Intelligent) Ardra- 6.40- 20.00 Gemini (Vedic) Swati- 6.40- 20.00 Libra (Vedic) Shatabisha- 6.40- 20.00 Aquarius (Vedic)


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