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Astro-Metaphysical Love & Light

सार्वजनिक·17 सदस्य

I’ve briefly written about the effect that Swati Nakshatra has on appearance in my blog. However, I’m continuing to notice similarities.

The appearance mostly has to do with Swati being a Rahu (North Lunar Node) Nakshatra.

Rahu has no limits or boundaries. It’s an illusionary planet that represents our desires and present destiny. Rahu takes us into the future, the unknown, and everything beyond what we believe is possible. It’s essentially amplifying what’s in our minds. That includes fear, obsession, imagination, and ambition.

Swati falls in Vedic Sidereal Libra. It can also be found in Scorpio if you use Western Tropical Astrology. Specifically, Swati is from 6 degrees 20 minutes to 20 degrees Libra. Libra is ruled by Venus.

Venus is the guru of the lower beings or demons. These demons represent our lower base desires. So, Venus is about full indulgence in everything good and pleasant. Sensuality, beauty, peace, luxury, sophistication, relationships, creativity, and enjoyment can describe the nature of Venus.

So, what happens when Rahu and Venus come together to influence the Swati Nakshatra? Swati can be broken down to "SU ATHI" (Very Good). So, there is an excess in everything good and pleasant.

This includes beauty. I have found that those born under Swati can be considered very beautiful or handsome.

Even if it’s not a conventional way. They exude pleasant and mellow energy that others enjoy. Swati can also be soft-spoken and charming.

The negative side of this is using their sweetness to manipulate. That can happen because Swati people are peace-lovers.

These individuals don’t like confrontation and disharmony. So, there’s typically a more passive and gentler approach. They can have a balanced (unbiased) perspective.

Swati is a great Nakshatra for emotional intelligence. A noticeable feature of Swati is wide receptive eyes. You can tell that these people are "taking it all in."

They can be very polite, accommodating, agreeable, and encouraging. Amplifying the energy and emotions of others around them.

For this reason, Swati people can do well in business. They know how to meet the needs of others. Counseling or mediating roles can work well for them.

These specific eyes also have to do with the excess of everything good and pleasant. Swati people have the desire "To Have the Freedom to Move as I Wish in All Worlds".

So, these individuals can shift into a world of their own or can enter any artificial or alternative reality.

These are deeply imaginative and insightful people. Swati can create a fantasy novel, movie, song, video game, etc… that feels like a real experience.

They also tend to love to immerse themselves in any experience they have. Even something as simple as listening to music is like entering a different dimension.

Although, Swati should be cautious of any addictive behaviors.

Many times, Swati people also have extrasensory perceptions. Psychic abilities and out-of-body experiences can be seen.

This Nakshatra’s asterism is the star, Arcturus. So, there can be a Starseed connection to Arcturus.

Sometimes the appearance is almost alien-like or eccentric in some way. Especially when it comes to the eyes. While still being attractive.

Yet, Rahu Nakshatras are known for having unique hairstyles and mid-tone skin. Sometimes, it also shows very sensitive skin that needs to be taken care of properly.

The eyes are not only wide and receptive. Typically, they have a specific color about them. This might be more difficult to see depending on genetics.

Especially in European backgrounds, Swati can show light blues and gray colors. A lot of the time, the eyes can also be hooded and deep-set. Rahu is "the smoke" or illusion and the color of Rahu is smokey blue.

I also noticed that Swati can sometimes lean towards wearing mostly black clothing. This is another color that relates that Rahu. Libra’s color is also black in general. This is because black absorbs light.

Similar to how Libra is about an equal exchange with other people and prefers to be on the receiving end. Rahu also absorbs the qualities of any planet and multiplies their effects.

This also relates to the ruler of Swati, Vayu Dev. Vayu rules over the winds. Not only the external winds. It also rules the Prana or life force (breath) that permeates through the body.

Additionally, you might notice that Swati people can be distant or difficult to connect to. Swati is called The Self Going Star. Making it all about independence.

So, there is a deep desire for freedom and life brings many lessons that lead to becoming more independent.

In particular, the shakti is Pradhvamsa Shakti (The Power to Scatter or Disperse Like the Wind). The result of the shakti is Transformation.

So, these people tend to go through many hurdles in life. Those challenges can vary depending on the person.

It’s not always abusive or a severe experience. However, there is always trauma that leads to deep psychological changes.

Swati people can break themselves apart and find the areas that they need to change. Causing them to undergo a major transformation.

They can change form. Reconstructing their whole identity and becoming a stronger version of themselves.

One of the symbols of Swati is "A Young Plant Blowing in the Wind". This shows the need to adapt to survive and thrive in the world.

Swati people are relatively sensitive and kind-hearted. Yet, they will have to stay firm in their roots and adapt to the changing pressures of life.

This is something that usually evolves with age. Interestingly enough, Swati is so independent but falls in Libra. Why is that? Relationships teach them a lot about themselves and help them to grow. It's a mirror.

Many times, being so polite means that Swati people lose who they are by trying to support everyone else. There is immense power and potential within these individuals.

Understanding the psychology of others helps them to begin to break themselves apart. This eventually leads to reaching the freedom that they’re looking for.

Another symbol of Swati is "Coral". Sometimes these individuals can seem very mellow and aloof.

If you were around them, you’d probably remember what you thought about them. You might’ve said, "They’re chill." or "They’re cool." Yet, it might’ve been followed by wondering why they’re so quiet or so distant.

Coral appears to be inactive if you look at it from a distance. Yet, if you look closer, there is a lot of life on the inside. Swati is the same way.

There is a tendency to put up invisible armor and silence to the world.

Especially to anyone who would disrupt their peace. Swati would rather be alone than be treated unfairly. Authentic connections are important to them.

Swati people find that the world isn’t always as kind as they are. Sometimes they go through betrayal/abandonment. This gives a feeling of being controlled or taken advantage of.

So, they have a great desire to be the leader of their own lives and to have complete freedom. If you become too clingy, Swati will immediately distance themselves. However, this can damage relationships and poses another lesson for them.

Musical abilities and mystical/philosophical knowledge are some of the biggest qualities that you will find in Swati individuals.

Vayu Dev is also the ruler of the celestial musicians.

Another deity connected to Swati is Saraswati. She is the goddess of speech and learning. Swati individuals are restless and always want to learn. They also tend to have concise speech.

Saraswati is also depicted as holding a string instrument.

The Weeknd- Swati Moon sign

Lady Gaga- Swati Moon sign

Whoopi Goldberg- Swati Moon sign

Daniel Craig- Swati Ascendant

Katy Perry- Swati Ascendant, Sun, & Mercury


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