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Astro-Metaphysical Love & Light

सार्वजनिक·17 सदस्य

Magha is positioned from 0°- 13°20’ of Vedic Sidereal Leo. It can also be found from the later degrees of Tropical Western Leo through the beginning of Virgo.

Magha corresponds with Regulus (The Royal Star). Its name means "Wealthy" "The Mighty One", "The Magnificent One", and "The Great One". The nickname is The Star of Power. This Nakshatra is symbolized by a Royal Throne Room or a Palanquin.

Magha deals with power, status, and legacy. It is said that these individuals have done good deeds in their previous life. So, they are reaping the fruits of those deeds in this life. Depending on the entire natal chart, Magha individuals can get wealth and privileges through their families. At the very least, they are pampered with love and abundance. These individuals are also very hard working. They can achieve great fame and success through their efforts. So, entrepreneurship and entertainment are the most popular career routes. This is especially true in the second half of life. Magha individuals don’t want to be without security and comfort. So, they work hard to strive for the top. These individuals need to be the best and don’t like to work under anyone. They are their "own bosses" and can become leaders of others. Anything that threatens their career reputation also threatens their ego. Making a good impression is important to them. They always want to carry themselves with grace and dignity.

Magha is ruled by the Pitris (forefathers). So, there is a direct connection to ancestors. These individuals would want to learn about their ancestral background. They also want to make their ancestors proud and carry on their legacy. Even if the lineage is bad, they would want to make it better. Tradition and family values are important to those born under Magha. They can hold onto strong family values or keep family heirlooms. There can also be an interest in antiques and ancient history. Along with an interest in ancient mystical subjects. It is said that Magha individuals are a reincarnation of a deceased grandparent or great-grandparent. They can even have the same appearance and attributes as a passed relative. In some capacity, they will appear to be an old soul. Whether that’s how they carry themselves, their moral beliefs, or the knowledge that they possess.

Magha desires to Flourish in the World of the Ancestors. As I said, family tradition and legacy are important to them. So, these individuals don’t just want success. They want a legacy so grand that it will support their family. Creating generational wealth that will live on for generations to come. Magha individuals might be power-hungry in some cases. However, they have a huge heart underneath it all. Sometimes these individuals don’t want to show their softer side. They can be very generous and polite. This is especially true when it comes to loved ones. Yet, they can also be protective and generous towards their social groups. Whether that be work colleagues, friends, or a community that they’re a part of. Magha people can seem quiet and reserved to those who don’t know them. In some cases, their silence is perceived as being snobbish or arrogant. However, it’s simply because they don’t know them yet. These individuals are very loving towards the people to whom they’re connected. They want to make sure their people are taken care of.

Magha has the power of Shepani Shakti. Meaning the Power to Leave the Body. The result of the power is Death. This is related to Magha being the second Ketu-ruled Nakshatra. Ketu is the significator of liberation and enlightenment. So, the power to leave the body represents mystical and psychic powers. This is a metaphorical death. These individuals can separate their astral body from the physical body. Giving way to vivid lucid dreams, psychic visions, and out-of-body experiences. Magha people are very spiritual and imaginative. Sometimes this manifests physically as appearing detached and daydreamy. As if their mind is somewhere else. The result of death can also represent their ability to connect to the dead. If they choose a spiritual path, Magha should be careful of summoning the wrong entities. They do act as an open channel for Spirit.

One of the lessons of this Nakshatra is to use power in the right way. They can possess incredible material, physical, mental, and spiritual power. However, Magha individuals should not forget that their power is a gift. Using it incorrectly could mean losing it. The best and easiest remedy for this Nakshatra is to honor their Ancestors and the Ancestors. Being humble and asking the Ancestors for assistance can lead to massive success.

The sexual type is a mouse or a male rat. On one hand, this represents the ability to achieve the impossible. They are exceptionally blessed and have a lot of willpower. Along with being courageous and even fearless at times. Magha people are not afraid to strive for success and are very outspoken about their beliefs. They could do anything that they’re passionate about. Yet, Magha individuals should be cautious of hasty decisions.

However, the mouse and rat are also highly sexual creatures. So, this can also represent greed. These individuals need to have discipline when it comes to their sexual urges. Their high libido could put them in situations that destroy their reputation. It also can allow others to use sex to manipulate them.

A rat can also fear trying new things. This can show the stubbornness of these individuals. You can’t make a Magha person do anything they don’t want to do. They have very strong convictions. This could be a quality that others admire about them. Especially when it comes to their loyalty and leadership abilities. However, it can stifle them in other areas.

They can have the same dreamy bright eyes as Ashwini. However, the men tend to lean towards a heavier build due to it being in Leo. Women tend to have slim appearances. Their hair is usually a noticeable feature also. Magha individuals could like their hair to be in a certain style. This relates to the sign of Leo. It’s their lion mane. Leo people are also known for having attractive facial features and a big bright smile. People tend to love their smiles and find their laughter to be infectious. They have very prominent cheekbones. The hair can also lean towards red or have reddish tints.

Each Pada (Foot or Section of the Nakshatra) showcases a different side of their kingly mannerisms.

0°- 3°20’ Leo (1st Pada)- courageous, aggressive, impulsive, determined, fearless, reckless, go-getter, first to achieve a family milestone

3°20’- 6°40’ Leo (2nd Pada)- stubborn, ambitious, materialistic, comfort-seeker, reputation matters, family-oriented

6°40’- 10° Leo (3rd Pada)- curious, restless, clever-minded, researcher, business-oriented, interested in discovering their ancestral background

10°- 13°20’ Leo (4th Pada)- emotional, sentimental, caring, intuitive, needs privacy, protective and generous towards family

Donald Trump- Magha Ascendant and Mars

Emma Stone- Magha Ascendant

Drake- Magha Ascendant

Bebe Rexha- Magha Sun and Moon

Daquan Jones (me)- Rahu (Ascendant Lord) in Magha

***Keep in mind that the Ascendant isn’t the only indicator of appearance. See the Moon, Sun, Ascendant Lord, and Atmakaraka.

Planetary Appearance

Sun- Square, Red Hair Moon- Round, Fair Complexion Mars- Short, Thin Mercury- Well Proportioned, Golden Complexion Jupiter- Tall, Large Bone Structure Venus- Curvy, Beautiful Eyes Saturn- Thin, Tall, Big Teeth, Darker Complexion Rahu- Thin, Tall, Big Teeth, Darker Complexion Ketu- Short, Thin

Zodiac Sign Appearance

Aries- Tall, Red Hair Taurus- Tall Gemini- Average Height, Over/Underweight Cancer- Fair Complexion, Over/Underweight Leo- Tall Virgo- Average, Youthful, Over/Underweight Libra- Average Height Scorpio- Short Sagittarius- Average Height Capricorn- Tall Aquarius- Average Height, Darker Complexion Pisces- Average Height

Nakshatra Lords of Moon, Ascendant, Sun, placed in 1st House, placed in 2nd house

***Note, I learned about the appearance formed by Nakshatra Lords from research-based astrologer Claire Nakti. The credit is all hers.


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