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Astro-Metaphysical Love & Light

सार्वजनिक·17 सदस्य

Ashwini is the first Nakshatra in the Zodiac. It can be found from 0° to 13°20' of Vedic Sidereal Aries. It can also be found at the end of Aries to the beginning of Taurus in Western Tropical.

Ashwini comes from the Ashwini Kumaras, the celestial healers. The Ashwini Kumaras were twin brothers with horse heads. They are known as the bringers of the dawn. In mythology, these Demi-gods brought the fruits of heaven to earth. They did this between the day and the night. At dawn and dusk. The Ashwini Kumaras weren’t allowed to attend an event with the other deities. This is because they were helping the less fortunate. Instead of letting the people suffer their fate, they were determined to fight for the underdog. The Ashwini Kumaras were also said to possess miraculous healing abilities. They were especially known for healing the deaf and the blind. It said that they never wished to become deaf. The Ashwini Kumaras wanted to be forever young and healthy and to reach enlightenment. However, they were denied enlightenment and liberation because of their healing abilities. They were told that they must complete their work before rushing to achieve their desires. Although, they were able to always keep their youthful looks.

This tells us most of what we need to know about this Nakshatra. The symbol of Ashwini is a horse head and the sexual type is a male horse. So, there’s a strong connection with horses. Many born under this Nakshatra can have a love for horses or work with horses. Alternatively, they could have an interest in cars. Cars have "horsepower".

Another connection between horses and cars is racing. Like the Ashwini Kumaras, these individuals can be a bit impatient. They want to pursue their desires quickly. This can be problematic and can land them in trouble. Getting speeding tickets and acting before thinking is very common. Plunging headfirst into danger might not be wise for them.

On the other hand, their speed makes them great leaders. Ashwini individuals are the trailblazers and the trendsetters of the Zodiac. This is also why fashion is associated with this Nakshatra. They can have a love for dressing up and might even get creative in how they choose to dress. Coming up with new styles and pushing fashion boundaries.

When these people try something new, it gives way for others to feel inspired. Not only are they quick in their actions. Ashwini individuals tend to succeed in academics. They are quick thinkers and can grasp new information quicker than most. Their intelligence is almost more intuitive than it is logical.

Going along with this, they are exceptional when they follow their intuition. However, there’s a tendency to ignore their inner wisdom. Ashwini is a Ketu Nakshatra. Ketu is directly connected to divine truth, past lives, and enlightenment. Also, the Ashwini Kumaras brought the heavenly fruits between day and night.

So, Ashwini individuals are always phasing between the spiritual and physical planes. Perhaps that’s why Ashwini is at the beginning of the Zodiac. Also, this is why it’s nicknamed The Star of Transport. Aries is creation manifested into the physical and Pisces is leaving the physical. Ashwini starts where this in-between place exists.

The first 5 degrees of Ashwini are in a Gandanta point (karmic knot). Meaning that this is an extreme transitional point. Those born within those first 5 degrees might feel the intensity. In the case of Ashwini, it’s the immediacy of a soul being born into the physical. There are no guidelines or connections to the past. Just the forward thrust into the world.

All Ketu Nakshatras have explosive and even dangerous energy about them. This is because Ketu is unconcerned with the physical plane. Ketu seeks to unveil us to the great truth beyond this world. This doesn’t make Ketu angelic. To wake us up from the material illusion, Ketu uses destructive force. Sudden endings and beginnings can take place.

This is important because Ashwini natives carry great power. With that comes great responsibility. Ashwini can be very independent and detached from society. This can awaken them to the truth and lead to spiritual awakening. Many healers, inventors, teachers, and social activists were born under Ashwini.

It could also lead to horrible and dangerous acts. This is because of how detached they are from the illusionary reality. It is easy for Ashwini individuals to let spirits and other entities take over their consciousness. Along with being so detached that they can sometimes lack empathy for others. Many criminals and cult leaders were born with Ashwini placements. They can also get into bad habits and addictions through their impulsive behavior.

It’s always a choice of how to use this incredible and explosive power. The power comes from Ashwini being a Ketu Nakshatra. Despite it being spiritual, great force is needed. This is why Ketu is described as being smokey in nature and as holding victory flags. Smoke is a byproduct of fire. So, Ketu is the hottest planet. The flags also represent our natural talents. It’s what’s been conquered in the past life.

Aries is also ruled by Mars. Mars is the righteous policeman of the universe and the commanding officer of the celestial army. It represents our strength, energy, determination, and will to fight for good. Along with following our karmic path with discipline and relentlessness. The strength of Mars combined with the explosive energy of Ketu is a force to be reckoned with. This is why these individuals are so strong. They can achieve extraordinary feats.

Ashwini is also very stubborn and free-spirited. They have a bohemian attitude towards life. Their freedom and individuality are like oxygen to them. Energetically and spontaneously, these individuals find their path in life. Often, they are lovers of sports, adventure, and thrill-seeking. At the very least, they love nature and some level of physical activity. They enjoy competition and have a love for open spaces.

Although, they can be bold and "the life of the party", they can be very mysterious. Ashwini individuals don’t reveal much. You can see this in their facial expressions. They have daydreamy eyes and might only give away a little smile or smirk. As if they know something that the rest of us do not.

Ashwini individuals are playful and humorous. They prefer to be positive and don’t take life as seriously. Although, they are concerned with truth and fighting for what’s right. Despite being so detached, they are also very sensitive. Ashwini people especially care for their loved ones, if no one else.

There’s certainly a youthful demeanor about them. They tend to keep their beautiful appearance until old age. Unless other planetary placements contradict it. They also have child-like energy that makes others feel happy around them.

Ashwini just has to remember to not lose focus on what matters to them. Many of their mistakes can be avoided if they trust their powerful intuition. At their best, Ashwini individuals are beautiful souls with extraordinary gifts.

Malcolm X- Ashwini Moon and Mercury

Zendaya- Ashwini Moon

Nikola Tesla- Ashwini Ascendant and Pluto

Serena Williams- Ashwini Ascendant


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