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Astro-Metaphysical Love & Light

सार्वजनिक·17 सदस्य

Hey Astro Kids! See my new Article on the Pisces Ascendant. Do you have this placement or know someone who does? Visit my Blog on my Website to explore this article and many more.

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Daquan Jones

***Please keep in mind that these are just general predictions.

We're transitioning into 2023 and I have the number 9 as my life path and vibration. Born on June 3. 6+3= 9. Vibration 9s experience the Universal Year number as their Personal Year number. We're going into a 7 universal year. I can already feel it.

2022/6 year was somewhat stable but 7 is a mystical number that's withdrawn and solitary. 7 is also shocking and dissociated. It relates to Ketu in Vedic Astrology and Neptune in Western Astrology.

It has to do with finding deeper meaning and uncovering the truth. This is a great time to study your ancestors or any ancient knowledge you’re interested in. Hidden truths are being revealed in 2023. People in powerful positions might be stepping down.

Nuclear power and natural disasters will increase. Forceful actions will lead to disappointments and people will need more…

The Intuitive Entrepreneur Show
Daquan Jones

Happy Holidays to everyone! 2023 is right around the corner and major changes are coming.

In April 2023, Jupiter in Aries will bring themes of confidence, adventure, and risk-taking.

Rahu in Aries will continue with a theme of war, ego, and independence.

At the end of October, Rahu in Pisces will shift the themes to freedom, spirituality, and isolation/travel. Ketu in Virgo will bring themes of health, perfectionism, and obsession.

In January, Saturn will move to Aquarius. Aquarius is the mooltrikona (strongest home) of Saturn. So, Saturn will be in his full power. This makes karmic themes exceptionally strong. It's a time for success and wish fulfillment.

Daquan Jones

Jyeshta is positioned from 16°40'- 30° Sidereal Scorpio.

It can also be found in Tropical Sagittarius.

Jyeshta means "The Eldest" or "The Chief". It's called The Elder Star. So, this Nakshatra represents maturity, power, and superiority. Jyeshta seeks to be robust and in control. They are protective and have a soft spot for the underdog. Everything for them must be done efficiently and routinely. They like productivity and dislike incompetence.

An earring, talisman, or umbrella symbolizes Jyeshta. The earring is a symbol of supreme power. It used to be that only people with power and prominence could afford to own earrings.

The talisman is a symbol of luck and protection. These people can have a lot of luck in their lives. Scorpio has the willpower to bounce back from challenges. They go through a lot of transformations but don't shy away from conflict. These individuals can also be protective towards…


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