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Western Scorpio and Vedic Libra (Nakshatras and Decans)

I’m taking a short trip back to Western Astrology. Lol. This will be a blend of insights from both systems. I will attempt to bridge the gap between Nakshatras in Vedic Astrology and Decans in Western Astrology.

Scorpio in Western Astrology is known as "The Enigma of the Zodiac". They are private and can easily move "underneath the radar". Making their personality come off as very subtle and calm. Yet, there's an intensity that lies beneath the surface. Others feel this intensity at a subtle level. This creates a magnetic effect that draws people in. Some will dislike them for no reason. Possibly because their "demons" are being reflected back to them. Many are curious to get closer and understand what exists beyond their silence. Yet, these are very private people who dislike a lot of attention. They enjoy downtime and working alone. These are people who are famous for being deep thinkers and intense feelers of emotion/intuition. Feeling every experience at full capacity and giving credit to every emotion. They love, laugh, cry, fear, desire, work, protect, and conquer with their whole heart and soul. Refusing to conform to the "norms" and being completely authentic in who they are. Getting close to them can be a challenge because they don't trust anything/anyone at face value. Reading between the lines, learning to the depths, and being hyper-aware of subtle details is their specialty. They are idealistic and creatively gifted. If they aren't talented themselves, they would at least appreciate artistry, fashion, and/or design. They take quality over quantity. Enjoying the value of comfort and beauty. They are extremely loyal and would die to protect their loved ones. Love is their weakness and they will completely lose themselves when swept up in the feelings of love. Yet, they will never tell you this. Some things are sacred and these people keep their feeling locked away. Only certain people will have access. Holding onto them is only possible if you'll be loyal, supportive, and not controlling. They will cut off relationships quicker than you can imagine. Once the connection is gone, there are no second chances. Don't hurt or betray them. Especially if it's intentional. It won't end well. Either you will be hurt in ways that you can't come back from or you will never have a relationship with them ever again. Although they can easily let go of relationships, the thoughts & feelings that come with it plague their minds. These people are always going through unexpected changes. Especially at a young age. Life seems to dramatically change. Leaving them feeling unsteady. Yet, they are able to change themselves from within and come back stronger from defeat. They have an intuitive understanding of other people. Often, they see through facades and understand the souls of others. Making them a powerful healer or your worst nightmare. It depends on what path they choose to take in life. They are very sexual people and tend to give off attractive energy to others. Yet, this can attract unwanted sexual attention and potential stalkers. They can make great mystics and tend to love exploring the esoteric/taboo/spiritual. On a mundane level, they might be interested in research, psychology, detective work, politics, artistic pursuits, or the medical field.

Do you have a Scorpio Sun, Moon, Rising, or Stellium? Keep in mind that the Sun, Moon, and Rising are slightly different, but they all are major parts of the personality.

Sun is soul, ego, purpose, willpower, authority, fame, and reputation.

Moon is mind, body, reflection, emotion, intuition, social, and comfort.

Rising is intellect, body, projection, health, appearance, and life path.

Did you know that the sign can be broken up into three decans (10° sections)? Each of these still carries the qualities. However, the Decans add an undertone of specific Scorpio qualities. Making each section a bit different from the other.

Anubis- Egyptian god of Death Fate Of Souls On The Scales of Justice

This somewhat relates to the Nakshatras in Vedic Astrology. Vedic Astrology sees the purpose of Libra as finding balance and using their trading skills. It doesn't suggest that Libra is perfectly balanced. Perfect is a word that relates to Virgo. Instead, it sees Libra as even and nonchalant in demeanor. Needing to be the social leader and balance striker. To bring truth and justice to situations of chaos and disharmony.

This immediately reminded me of Anubis. Anubis is the Egyptian jackal-headed god of death. He is responsible for the care of dead bodies and guiding the souls on the journey into the afterlife. Anubis is usually present when souls are tested at the end of their lives. They have to place something special (some refer to it as an organ like the heart) on one end of a scale. A feather is on the other end of the scale. If your object is heavier than the feather, you are condemned to the Underworld.

In Western Astrology, Scorpio is said to be ruled by Pluto. Pluto is the god of the Underworld in Roman mythology. It's a planet that's described as being very eccentric and mysterious. NASA has demoted it from the status of a planet and people tend to discredit it a lot. Yet, people are still talking about it. Pluto's at the farthest reaches of our solar system. Almost like it's guarding the boundaries of our existence. It holds so much power, creates explosive changes, and reflects the darkest depths of the human psyche. In Vedic Astrology, Pluto seems to share qualities with Lord Shiva (the destroyer and recreator of the Trimurti).

See my earlier insights on Libra Rising in Vedic Astrology.

Western sees it as Scorpio going through moments of sudden change and disharmony. They need to find the strength to overcome challenges and heal through them. Ultimately, this makes them leaders. Allowing them to use their experiences to heal and guide others through the challenges of life.

See my earlier insights on Scorpio Rising in Western Astrology.

Regardless of which system you use, it's a similar concept. In both systems, attraction and artistry are highlighted. Along with knowledge, sophistication, emotional intelligence, ambition, articulation, and business skills. The lower side will always be about ego and being trapped by base-level desires.

Note that the last part of Scorpio is still Scorpio in Vedic Astrology. This doesn't change the objective all that much. Especially if you're observing it from the Rising Sign.

Vedic Libra Rising has Venus ruling the 1st House of Self and the 8th House of sudden changes. Meaning that they will go through many intense changes in life. They will need to find balance within themselves.

Vedic Scorpio Rising has the sign of sudden changes in the 1st House of Self. So, they will also go through intense changes in life. However, they have Mars ruling their 1st House of Self and the 6th House of conflicts. So, they will need to overcome endless changes through strength and competition.

Scorpio is likely to be more enthusiastic and outwardly dynamic. They’re concerned with truth and ask many questions to find deeper meaning.

Whereas, Libra is quiet and zen. With reserves of power within them and a beautiful mind. Libra tends to be optimistic and idealistic. They need to learn about themselves through relationships and develop themselves with time.

In Vedic Astrology, the 1st Decan mainly corresponds with the Swati Nakshatra. To learn more, see Exploring Swati.

Swati Nakshatra- The Self-Going Star 6°40'- 20° Vedic Libra Single Blade of Grass Swaying in the Wind or Coral Moveable

Passive Deva (Divine) Male Buffalo Power To Scatter Like the Wind Desire: To Move Freely in All Worlds Result: Transformation Vayu- god of wind & prana, king of the celestial musicians Rahu (North Lunar Node) Saturn’s Exaltation

Sun's Debilitation Facing North Black Color

1st Decan: Mars & Pluto + Mars & Pluto 0°- 10° Western Tropical Scorpio October 23rd- November 1st "Snake Shedding Its Skin" The Focus is on Intensity

These people are the most private of the three. Keeping their thoughts and feelings locked away. Only certain people earn entry into their space. Yet, they are very honest and straightforward in their speech. These people can be easily misunderstood and unintentionally come off as too intense for others. Their silence can be perceived as intimidating. Others might even be suspicious of them or quick to make judgments about them. They do have great compassion and are reliable. Yet, they prefer to deal with their emotions alone. Trust doesn’t come easily and survival skills are very strong. They appear to be quiet and easygoing at the surface. You might find that you enjoy being around them or want to dump all of your secrets onto them. Yet, they possess a great intensity and potential within. They undergo the most transformations in life and gain a lot of strength from their experiences. These Scorpios are extremely resilient and determined. They come back from any defeat and nothing can stop them when they put their minds to it. Constantly, they reconstruct themselves and situations for the better. Anger, impulsiveness, excessive individuality, strong desires, and restlessness should be paid attention to. They thrive on independence and constantly receiving others' advice doesn't help. Alone time is definitely needed to ground themselves and refocus their energies. Yet, they can forget how much they need to have healthy connections with supportive people. They have excellent social skills and are very concise thinkers. Yet, they rarely feel comfortable expressing themselves or they don't recognize their incredible gifts.

In Vedic Astrology, the 2nd Decan mainly corresponds with the Vishakha Nakshatra. To learn more, see Exploring Vishakha.

Vishakha Nakshatra- The Star of Purpose 20° Vedic Libra- 3°20' Vedic Scorpio Decorated Gateway, Triumphal Arch, or Forked Branches A Mix of Sharp & Soft

Active Demon Male Tiger Power To Achieve Many and Various Fruits of Life Desire: To Gain Splendor Amongst the gods Result: Fruit of the Harvest Indra-Agni: god of Thunder and god of Fire Guru Dev (Jupiter) Facing East Golden Color

2nd Decan: Mars & Pluto + Jupiter & Neptune 10°- 20° Western Tropical Scorpio November 2nd- November 11th "Scorpion Digging For Treasures" Focus is on Depth

These people aren’t as intense as the 1st Decan. They still possess great power. Yet, these are softer and more sensitive souls. Often, these individuals are extremely spiritual and intuitive. Picking up on subtle vibrations and reading others easily. They can also have the mystical quality of being able to cloak themselves. Sometimes they go completely unnoticed if they choose to. Escapism and over-expansion can be one of their downfalls in life. These Scorpios should be cautious of the friends they keep and any bad habits that can turn into an addiction. Mostly stemming from depression and emptiness. This is because having a goal to execute is so important. They need it to give their life meaning and direction. These are some of the deepest people. Possessing a lot of substance in their personality, deep knowledge, and being open in feeling. Some of them think in a very poetic way or possess creative talents. They can make very beautiful and dramatic performers. Expressing their Scorpio intensity through artistry. Some say that they appear to be tortured souls. Finding beauty in the darkness and sadness of life. Yet, they also have great faith and believe that God is watching over them. They are loyal and loving people. Relationships are extremely important to them. Their guesses about people and their ability to "read between the lines" are usually correct. Still, they should choose their connections wisely.

In Vedic Astrology, the 3rd Decan mainly corresponds with the Anuradha Nakshatra. To learn more, see Secrets of Anuradha.

Anuradha Nakshatra- The Star of Success 3°20'- 16°40' Vedic Scorpio Lotus, Staff, or Triumphal Archway Soft



Female Deer Power To Worship Desire: To Be Regarded As a Friend in All Worlds Result: Honor and Abundance Mitra- god of Friendship and Harmony Shani Dev (Saturn) Facing South Brownish Red Color

3rd Decan: Mars & Pluto + Moon 20°- 30° Western Tropical Scorpio November 12th- November 22nd "Phoenix Risen From the Ashes" Focus Is On Charm

These Scorpios are very friendly and supportive. They show a great deal of affection to loved ones. Emotions aren’t private for them. They aren’t afraid to show their feelings and intensity to others. Motherly and protective energies are strong here. They focus heavily on family and building security. Sometimes, they struggle to work many jobs or put in a great deal of effort for others. They are the most self-sacrificing and the best at nurturing great advice to others. Many of them have seen the struggles of life and have found a way to overcome them. So, they can use their experiences to guide and teach others. Some say that these are the most charming of all of the decans. The 1st Decan is magnetic in a quiet and understated way. The 2nd Decan is hypnotic and puts people under a mysterious spell. However, this Decan has a sweet and tender quality that people love. They can also be quite moody and fickle at times. Yet, they always find stability. They are always there to be a shoulder to cry on and to give caring advice. These individuals also need to control their desires and avoid overindulgence. Strong sexual and romantic desires flood them. They can be some of the most loving people. Yet, they can also be a bit shy and bashful when first meeting someone new. They can find more success when not clinging on too tightly to connections.

-Daquan Jones

Psychic, Empath, YouTube Creator, Author, Life Coach, Astrologer

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