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Aries Ascendant in Vedic Astrology

Updated: Sep 22, 2022

Vedic Aries Rising/Ascendant

"The Born Leader"

In Vedic Astrology, the Zodiac signs are based on the position of the stars rather than the Seasons on Earth. This results in a 23-degree difference between the typical Western Tropical Zodiac and the Vedic Sidereal Zodiac. The Moon Sign is also seen as the Zodiac sign vs. the Sun in Western Tropical. While the Sun still holds great importance in representing the soul’s desire or the ego of an individual. The Moon is representing the true nature of a person and the way their mind works. The Ascendant represents the personality, physical body, appearance, and life foundation.

Anytime that the Sun, Moon, or Ascendant is placed in a Zodiac sign, it holds great importance. The Moon is always the most important. Then the Ascendant. Lastly, the Sun will also make an impact. Primarily, the behavior and appearance of a person are based on the Moon and Ascendant. While the Sun can show what a person feels inspired about, where they shine, and what career path they feel drawn towards.

In Vedic Astrology, we also consider Fixed Stars. This is something that relates more to the Moon’s influence than the Sun. Since they can’t be seen from the Western Tropical view. However, this opens up the door to the 27 Nakshatras or Lunar Mansions. Each Zodiac Sign is distributed through 3 to 2.5 Nakshatras. This further distinguishes the Zodiac Signs into three different personality types. Therefore, even a person born under the same Zodiac Sign as someone else can behave differently.


Hey Astro-Kids. Today I would discuss what it looks like to have an Aries Ascendant. Please keep in mind that this is just a general interpretation. Depending on where you have your planetary positions will make it personal to you. Also, be aware that there are three Nakshatras found in the sign of Aries. Each of these Nakshatras has different characteristics. The first Nakshatra in Aries is Ashwini. If you haven't already, feel free to check the blog post Exploring Ashwini. There'll be more to come in future blogs on Bharani (13°20'- 26°40' Aries) and Krittika (26°40' Aries- 10° Taurus).

So, say you're new to Astrology. You might ask what the Rising Sign/Ascendant is. The Ascendant is a position that is found by the time of birth. So, if you don't know your time of birth, it can be complicated to figure it out. Even a close guestimation of the time can be helpful. Technically speaking, the Ascendant was the Zodiac constellation that was rising on the eastern horizon at the moment of birth. Just like how the sunrise marks the start of the day, the constellation rising from the east marks the start of a person's life in Astrology. On a deep esoteric level, the Ascendant is what your soul wanted to experience before coming into this life. It is said that the Descendant or 7th House of the chart is what we experienced in a previous life. So, we left the previous life with a feeling of wishing that we could've done what's in our Ascendant or 1st House of the chart. Well, in this life, that wish has been granted. The Ascendant represents more than that though. It makes up the 1st House of self. So, the Ascendant also represents your physical characteristics, personality traits, mentality towards life, the health of your physical body, and the themes/patterns of your physical life. This is why the Ascendant is considered to be one of the most important positions alongside the moon sign. It is also a position that horoscopes are read from because it represents your physical life. Also, it's because the Ascendant maps out the general foundation of your entire physical life. Each House in the natal chart follows the Ascendant's Zodiac Sign in consecutive order and each House represents a general arena of life.

To have Aries Rising (Ascendant in Sidereal Aries) means that in a previous life Libra was the major theme of your life. You spent the previous life creating balance in different areas of your life. So, your wish at the end of that life was that you would've focused more on yourself and your personal goals. That wish has been granted. In this life, your path is all about developing yourself and pursuing your independent ambitions. Not only is that where your focus is. You have the physical body and the personality to achieve it. Along with your life creating patterns and experiences that are helping you develop into someone who is independent and a true leader. Personality-wise, you are brave, confident, independent, authoritative, inspiring, helpful, loyal, strong-willed, resilient, ambitious, pioneering, creative, progressive, enthusiastic, protective, cheerful, warm-hearted, child-like, spontaneous, humorous, playful, energetic, straightforward, pure-intended, quick-minded. On the negative side, you can be quick to anger. Although, you get over it fast and you don't hold any grudges. You can also be impulsive in decision making, aggressively honest and direct, dominating at times, restless, quick to boredom, and easily stressed/frustrated. There can also be a tendency to become reckless, to get into trouble due to boredom, to become overly stubborn and hot-headed, to become independent to the point of lonesomeness, and to become overly worried/quick to react.

Why are these positive and negative qualities specific to Aries Rising? Well, you might have noticed that I mentioned speed and impulse a lot. That is because Aries is the first sign. It is the quickest. Especially if you were born with your Ascendant in Ashwini. Ashwini is a nakshatra that is all about achieving quick results. So, as an Aries Rising, you might be the first to think of a brilliant idea, the first to come to a solution, the first to respond, the first to take the initiative, or the first to achieve something unique/extraordinary in your family. For this reason, you are a natural leader. You're just minding your business and doing your own thing. The next thing you know, people are inspired and are following in your footsteps. As an Aries Rising, you set the bar for others to follow because you have a lot of freedom and influence over the way your life is directed. Part of this is also because Aries is a Cardinal or Moveable Sign. Meaning that it's action-oriented and goal-oriented. An Aries Rising with nothing to do is an unhappy person. You will be restless, bored, and frustrated. If not directed correctly, your energy will go into the wrong actions and land you in a difficult place. Aries needs a constructive outlet for self-expression, interaction/involvement with others, or a task to manage. You do make a good leader. You are skilled at managing yourself, tasks, and others around you. With your quick thinking and great efficiency in everything that you pursue. Sometimes you even want appreciation or encouragement when it comes to your achievements. Don't forget that Aries is the youngest of all the signs. Aries is also a Fire Sign ruled by Mars. That's a lot of fire. This is where you get all of your energy from. You might even still be extremely youthful in your later years of life. As a Fire Sign, you are extremely lively and ambitious.

Watch your health. Excessive heat, blood diseases, acidity, and inflammation could cause problems. Some of the biggest complaints from Aries Rising individuals are headaches, eye problems, stress, frustration, acidic problems like heartburn, blood diseases like high blood pressure, and small annoying concerns due to weather/allergic reactions. Despite this, you are most likely healthy. There tends to be a strong focus on health and routine. Sometimes even to the point of perfection. Most health issues are brought on by anger and burnout. So, spiritual and peaceful routines are recommended. It will help Aries Rising to find calm and keep their health balanced. Mars ruling Aries is also where the need for independence comes in. Mars is said to be a Military Commanding Officer in Astrology. So, you like to be the boss. It is rare that you will enjoy taking orders from others. At the same time, you have respect for authority figures. However, you can be stubborn to the point of wanting to do everything your own way and not listening to others. Ultimately, you are your own leader, and your ability to be the first to try something new without fear makes you a trendsetter. Mars also makes you devoted to loved ones, protective of the "underdog", and always willing to help those in need. You approach life like a soldier. With honor, strength, and integrity. As an Aries Rising, you are exceptionally strong. Sometimes this means that you can be athletic or physically strong. Although, your true strength comes from your fighting spirit and optimism. You never give up and you always come back stronger from defeat. For you, despair isn't for long and you take moments of disappointment as an opportunity to learn and strengthen yourself. Once again, the focus is on you in this life.

Physically, you are probably tall or medium in stature. Keep in mind that planetary influences can change this. For example, having Mars in Aries in your Ascendant or having Mars in Scorpio in the 8th House can make a person shorter. It's also believed that the Ascendant Nakshatra, Moon Nakshatra, Planets in the 2nd House, the Ascendant in the D9 Navamsa, and the Atmakarka can also affect appearance. Along with the obvious effects of biology and genetics. So, bear with me. Physical Appearance is very complex to interpret through Astrology. However, the Ascendant does play a big role because it represents the physical body. If Rahu, Saturn, and Jupiter are involved with the Ascendant it can increase height. Ketu and Mars can decrease height. Venus increases the beauty of appearance. Especially the beauty of the eyes. Mercury can give a well-proportioned body. The Sun will give a square masculine appearance. The Moon gives a round appearance with a fair complexion. Aries also usually have an association with the color red. Whether you have natural red hair, reddish skin tones, blush easily, etc... Aries Rising people also sometimes have a scar or mark on their face. Especially close to the head and face area. It is best to be cautious about anything dangerous to the face or head. Cuts, bruises, and scars are common due to accidents. Along with acne and skin rashes. You might also lean your head forwards or walk fast. There's always a need to move forward in life. Sometimes there is also a muscular or large stocky appearance. Even if you are shorter in height. Saturn, Rahu, Mercury, Mars, or Ketu involved in influencing the Ascendant can give a thinner appearance as well. While Jupiter, the Moon, and the Sun tend to give a larger appearance. Venus can also make the body curvy. Especially with the females. The ears tend to also be on the smaller side and can stick out a bit. There tends to be a thick long neck. Aries people are also known for their hair just like Leo and Scorpio. An Aries Rising can have wiry or rough hair with thick arching eyebrows. There is usually either strong abundant hair or a lack of hair. It depends on the planets in the Ascendant and the strength of Mars. Mars is definitely a hot planet. So, it can cause a receding hairline or baldness to occur.

Let's talk a bit about the Houses for an Aries Ascendant. In Astrology, certain Houses are considered difficult and others are considered to be beneficial. This is how we know which planets are beneficial to the sign that's on the Ascendant. For Aries, we already know that Saturn gets Debilitated, Mercury doesn't get along, and Venus feels uncomfortable. In the chart, we have to understand that the 1st, 5th, and 9th Houses are the most beneficial. The 6th, 8th, and 12th Houses are the most difficult. The 3rd, 6th, 10th, and 11th Houses grow with time. The 2nd and 7th Houses require sacrifice and the 4th House gives the most nourishment/satisfaction. Venus and Jupiter are the benefic planets. The Moon and Mercury are neutral. Mars and Saturn are the malefic planets. Rahu and Ketu are malefic too, but Rahu is akin to Saturn and Ketu is akin to Mars. The Sun is mild malefic.

Now, Mars rules Aries and Scorpio. For Aries Rising, Aries rules the 1st House and Scorpio rules the 8th House. So, Mars rules your 1st and 8th House. The 8th House is difficult, but Aries is a stronger sign for Mars. So, Mars is a "Benefic" for you. This shows your strength and ability to develop yourself through the experience of life. Scorpio in the 8th House allows you to look at yourself at a deep psychological level and you experience many changes throughout life. There can also be a tendency to be secretive at times. It's not the nature of Aries to be secretive, but there can be a tendency to keep things private and act individually. This can create a bit of a mysterious personality. Especially if your Ascendant is in Ashwini or Bharani. You might also have an interest in sex, mystery, danger, psychology, research, spirituality, and/or esoteric knowledge.

Venus rules Taurus and Libra. For Aries Rising, Taurus rules the 2nd House and Libra rules the 7th House. The 2nd and 7th Houses require sacrifice. So Venus is a functional malefic planet for Aries, but not entirely because Venus is still a benefic planet. See, Aries Rising people tend to be called on for leadership roles or given certain responsibilities by loved ones. So, you do sacrifice a lot, but you also enjoy it. You love family and having connections. Being alone is not a source of happiness. It's more so about having the freedom to do things on your own terms. So, the demands of others can be a burden to you, but you'll still do anything for the people who you care about. Connection to a special spouse is important. While you are a pioneer in some ways, you are also traditional and sentimental. You also don't settle. Having a beautiful, peaceful, and stable life is a must and nothing less. So, there is an inclination towards both spending and saving. You might be a collector or just enjoy having nice possessions. Aries Rising people also tend to have nice speaking voices and come across as charming and attractive when interacting with the opposite sex (or your sexual preference). You can also get a beautiful spouse depending on the condition of the 7th House and the 7th House Lord.

Mercury rules Gemini and Virgo. For Aries Rising, Gemini rules the 3rd House and Virgo rules the 6th House. The 3rd and 6th Houses grow with time. The 6th House is also a difficult House and Virgo is the stronger sign for Mercury. So, Mercury is a planet that helps Aries grow but it still causes problems. Aries Rising individuals have a lot of restless energy and many skills to go along with it. Some of the biggest strengths for you are your intelligence, communication, and/or writing abilities. You might do well in the public or in media professions. Depending on the placement of Mars and Mercury, sometimes there's a lack of follow-through. Aries Rising people are quick and straightforward with a tendency to get bored easily. So, sometimes new ideals come in before a project is completed and they move on. This can be reversed if Mars and/or Mercury are in a fixed sign or Saturn is involved. There can also be a tendency to be bossy at times. You have good analytical skills and do things efficiently. This can even turn into perfectionism. I mentioned how this can negatively affect health. If you have younger siblings, you are probably very talkative and competitive with them. Aries Rising individuals use mental strength and sharp wit to outmaneuver enemies. You can become argumentive and hot-tempered easily. Sometimes being aggressive and straightforward in your words. However, as mentioned earlier, you get over it quickly and go back to your normal happy self. So, you don't like for enemies to linger. You either look for a resolution or remove the person from your life entirely. No grudges are held and you seek to move on quickly when your temper settles.

The Moon rules Cancer in the 4th House. This is a neutral placement. Your relationship with the mother and the home can be a bit rocky. However, it usually works out if the Moon is in a good placement and no difficult planets are placed in the 4th House. You have a special connection with your mother and this makes up the roots of your life. A lot of peace and nourishment can come from your emotional ties to your family and the home. This might be where you go when you want to find some peace and comfort in your life. The mother can be a source of wisdom and advice. Often life skills and happiness in life come from the advice of the mother. When you get older and build your own family, the emotional connection becomes a necessity again. You might also change locations frequently or travel a lot in your life. Even though you're incredibly strong, deep down you're very tender and sensitive. You only share this with the people closest to you.

The Sun rules Leo in the 5th House. This is an excellent position. Especially if the Sun is strong in the chart. Either way, the Sun becomes a functional benefic. You have a strong connection to your past life skills. Along with a devotion to any rituals or mantras that might be a part of your daily practice. You're also a very knowledgeable person with many talents. Depending on where the Sun is placed or if planets in the 5th House encourage it, you like to go big or go home. A creative expression involving performance or being involved with the public is usually successful. There is a love of being appreciated and receiving recognition. Sometimes this can lead to pride and overambition if the Sun is exalted or badly influenced by other planets. When it comes to romance, Aries Rising individuals are very loving and affectionate. There can be a tendency to fall in love too fast or to trust too easily. Aries Rising individuals can also be a bit dominating when it comes to children. Sometimes your children might not live up to the dreams that you want for them. Although you can get a lot of happiness through your children's success and they can even boost your confidence at times. Even though you don't like being told what to do, you tend to have a good connection with authority. You respect them. You might also be a bit of a risk-taker or don't danger. There's a love of having a lot of fun and enjoyment.

Jupiter rules Sagittarius and Pisces. For Aries Rising, Sagittarius rules the 9th House and Pisces rules the 12th House. The 12th House is difficult but Sagittarius is the stronger sign for Jupiter. So, Jupiter becomes a functional benefic. You are most likely devoted to a religion or philosophy. There is usually some belief that allows an Aries Rising to hold great faith and optimism. You are also adventurous and courageous. Traveling and trying new experiences is something that you're always up for. It's also important to see the condition of Jupiter. Sometimes in a negative placement, you might be atheist or agnostic and you might not be open to travel at all. The strength of Jupiter shows how strong your beliefs are. You have good moral integrity. You also have a tendency to get lost in spirituality and imagination. You have vivid dreams and great intuition. Along with great spiritual practices. However, you might also get confused about spirituality and mystical topics. Especially if Jupiter is badly placed or if you have negative planetary placements in the 12th House. You might also live in or travel to a foreign place.

Saturn rules Capricorn and Aquarius. For Aries Rising, Capricorn rules the 10th House and Aquarius rules the 11th House. So, Saturn is a planet that can only get better with time and experience. You have high ambitions, but you might not get the results as fast as you want them. Especially if Saturn is in a difficult position. You might feel like authority is always controlling you or like you work a job that's too rigid and mundane. There's always a desire for freedom and you would do well in a leadership role or in owning your own business. You want to be socially involved, but you also want to keep your individuality. So, if you feel controlled or like you can't be yourself in a group, you are likely to not be a part of it. You have a strong desire to help the collective and are likely to be involved in humanitarian work in some way. Your ideas are always original and you might be the first to come up with something that's never been tried in such a unique way before. The impact that you have on people is inspiring and your ideas are very progressive.

In conclusion, The Sun, Mars, and Jupiter are your most favorable planets. Mercury and Venus are your most difficult planets. The Moon can be good or bad and Saturn gets better with time. Your Ascendant is a Moveable Fire Sign ruled by Mars. Things to pay attention to will be stress, anger, and health. Your strengths are leadership qualities, independence, a pioneering spirit, authenticity, agility, resilience, optimism, ambition, child-like innocence, confidence, dynamism, and heroism.

A Few Special Planetary Positions

Mars in the 1st House in Aries- Impulsive, Competitive, Dominating, Sexual, Child-Like, Enthusiastic, Stubborn, Confrontational, Physically Strong, Resilient, Accident Prone.

Sun Exalted in the 1st House in Aries- Confident, Self-Assured, Leader, Self-Developing, Fun, Brilliant, Creative, Charismatic, Righteous, Helpful, Proud, Dominating

Saturn Debilitated in the 1st House in Aries- "I have this position. So, I will use some of my own insights to describe it."- (Especially Difficult When Younger, Gets Better With Age- Partically Around 30-36). Feels Restricted, Humble, Hard-Working, Mature For Age, Delayed Results, Ambitious, Resilient, Overcomes Difficult Odds, Distant With Siblings, Hesitant in Decision-Making, Delayed Marriage, Committed in Relationships, Possibly Mature/Older Partner, Heavy Responsibilities, Fearful, Cautious, Depression/Laziness at Times, Limited Self-Expression

Mars Exalted in the 10th House in Capricorn- Strong-Willed, Hard-Working, Masochist, Risktaker, Successful, Difficulty With Children, Service-Oriented

Mars Debilitated in the 4th House in Cancer- Frustrated, Aggressive, Prone to Injuries, Spoils Children, Strength Through Mother, Conflict With Mother and Inlaws

Additional Facts About Aries

Ashwini Rising (0°-13°20' Sidereal Aries)- Quick, Youthful, Free-Spirited, Kind, Charismatic, Healer, Mysterious, Esoteric Studies

Bharani Rising (13°20'- 26°40' Sidereal Aries)- Creative, Destructive, Beautiful, Mysterious, Intense, Transformative, Sharp-Tongued

Krittika Rising (26°40'- 30° Sidereal Aries & 0°- 10° Sidereal Taurus)-

Authoritative, Competitive, Analytical, Strong-Willed, Supportive, Dominant, Proud

0°-5° Sidereal Aries: Said to be very fortunate to be born under.

25°-30° Sidereal Aries: Said to be a bit challenging to be born under.

Vedic Name: Mesha, Mesa

Planetary Lord: Mars (Vedic Name: Kuja, Kartekaya, or Mangal)

Nakshatra Lord: Ashwini (Ketu- South Node), Bharani (Venus or Shukra), Krittika (Sun or Surya)

Nakshatra Deities:

Ashwini (Ashwini Kumars- Physicians of the Gods, Ganesha- Remover of Obstacles, Bhrama- Divine Creator),

Bharani (Yama- Deity of Mysteries of Birth and Death and Esoteric Secrets,

Shiva- Divine Destroyer),

Krittika (Agni- Deity of Fire, Kartikeya "A Version of Mars"- Deity of War)


Ashwini (Pada 1- Aries Navamsa, Pada 2- Taurus Navamsa,

Pada 3- Gemini Navamsa, Pada 4- Cancer Navamsa),

Bharani (Pada 1- Leo Navamsa, Pada 2- Virgo Navamsa, Pada 3- Libra Navamsa,

Pada 4- Scorpio Navamsa),

Krittika (Pada 1- Sagittarius Navamsa, the other 3 Padas are in Taurus)

Body Part: Head

Length: Short

Gender: Masculine

Aim of Life: Dharma (Purpose and Right Action)

Direction: East (New Beginnings)

Element: Fire

Ayurvedic Temperament: Rajasic (Energetic, Restless, Active, Worried, Angry, Enthusiastic)

Ayurvedic Constitution: Pitta Dosha (Fire and Water)- Hot, Intense, Light, Oily

Movement: Cardinal (Moveable)

Strength in Day or Night: Night

Movement of Head: Rises From the Back

Caste: Kshatriya (Warriors and Rulers)

Color: Blood Red

Symbol: Ram (Dynamic, Quick, Initiating, Self-Oriented)

-Daquan Jones

Psychic Empath, YouTube Creator, Author, Life Coach, Astrologer

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