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Aries Ascendant in Vedic Astrology

Updated: Aug 3, 2023

If you thought you were a Taurus Ascendant in Tropical Astrology, you might be an Aries Ascendant. Use my Birth Chart Calculator to find out your Vedic Sidereal placements.

Aries is the Kala Purusha (Cosmic Man) because it's the natural 1st House of the zodiac. All of the houses are lined up naturally for Aries. The 1st House is the Lagna or the Ascendant in the natal horoscope. So, it represents the moment of birth. It includes the character, vitality, health, constitution, appearance, style, and fame of the native. Each House signifies a body part in the Kala Purusha. The 1st House represents the brain. One's intelligence to make the right decisions can be seen by the 1st House and 1st Lord.

Aries is a Moveable sign. Moveable signs are action-oriented. They are constantly moving and getting things started. It's also a Fire sign. Fire signs are enthusiastic, inspirational, and authoritative. Mars is the lord of Aries. Mars is a planet of brotherhood, protection, building, real estate, courage, fighting, control, domination, competition, conquering, logic, computing, mathematics, energy, strength, instinct, leadership, stubbornness, impatience, anger, libido, violence, and masculinity.

The Ascendant is one of the most significant points in Astrology. It's vital to know the time of birth to calculate the Ascendant. The Ascendant is the sign rising from the eastern horizon at your birth time. It maps out the rest of your natal chart. All 12 Houses depend on the sign rising in your natal chart. So, the Ascendant becomes the 1st House in your natal chart. It represents birth, general life, health, constitution, appearance, presentation, fame, identity, intelligence, the body, and the brain. Any planets in the 1st House, aspecting the 1st House, or ruling the 1st House can alter the results. That's why an in-depth observation of the natal chart is needed.

An Aries Ascendant can come across as powerful, stubborn, and independent. They like to be the boss and dislike anything that restricts their freedom. These individuals are innovative, pioneering, and natural trendsetters. They have the courage to fight for the welfare of others. Sometimes, they can become bossy and dominating. Aries Ascendants are kindhearted, honest, and direct. They might enjoy being physically active. Often, they are passionate, strong-willed, and competitive in their pursuits. There's an innocence and playfulness about them. They can be naive in wanting to constantly start new projects. Not everything they take on is always completed. Impatience is their biggest Achille's heal. It can land them in trouble. Caution is always needed. However, they have the strength to come back from any obstacle.

Aries has Taurus in their 2nd House. They tend to have a comfortable upbringing. Their family is a source of security for them. Aries Ascendants have sweet and charismatic speaking voices. They have to be careful of their diet. Venus's rulership can give them a sweet tooth or a desire for rich foods. Eating on the go can disturb their digestive system. They can put on weight from eating in large quantities. Although, they can also lose a lot of weight through their diet. These individuals stick to what they choose to eat. They like to build their resources slowly and consistently. These natives can be possessive over their belongings. Family is very important to them. They could have an interest in learning about their family heritage.

Gemini is in their 3rd House. Aries Ascendants communicate a lot with their siblings. At the same time, they can be competitive with their siblings.

Aries has Cancer in their 4th House. Although they are tough people, they are truly softies deep down. Aries Ascendants love their mothers. They are very emotional towards their mother and family. Their mother could also be very emotional and nurturing. Sometimes, the mother could've been a stay-at-home mom or could've homeschooled the Aries. Depending on the placement of the Moon, the mother could be very changeable in her emotions. Aries Ascendants might travel or relocate frequently.

Leo is in their 5th House. Aries Ascendants are creative and flamboyant. They can be skilled in theatre and the arts. These individuals can make great parents. Although, they might have expectations for their children. They are supportive of their children being creative or athletic. Being active with their children is important to them. Aries Ascendants are also extremely romantic.

Aries has Virgo in their 6th House. They face many challenges and competitors in their work life. Still, they are determined to overcome their obstacles. They might struggle with digestive issues, food allergies, nervousness, and skin irritation. Aries also rules the head and brain. So, they can struggle with poor eyesight, headaches, sinus issues, acne, hairline recession, injuries to the head, or mental disorders. Sometimes, they have a prominent scar on their head or face area. Since Mars rules the blood, they should be careful of sudden accidents and cardiovascular concerns.

Libra is in their 7th House. Aries Ascendants desire to find a soulmate. Although they are independent, having a partner is vital to them. They tend to attract a beautiful, intellectual, and emotionally detached partner. It helps to balance their passionate nature. Sometimes, they can become possessive over their partner. Their spouse means a lot to them and they gain happiness through them.

Aries has Scorpio in their 8th House. They can make mistakes and face many obstacles. Yet, they have the strength to overcome their challenges. Transformation is a big theme for Aries. At some point, they will go through experiences where they have to change themselves for the better. They can do well with research or occult studies. Aries Ascendants can be extremely secretive about certain facets of their life. These people might also have a strong sexual nature. They should be cautious about getting involved in scandals.

Sagittarius is in their 9th House. Aries Ascendants can be religious or philosophical. They are interested in learning and education. Sometimes they can be skilled in science, mathematics, history, and theology. They love to travel. These individuals are also principled and perform righteous deeds. Their connection to their ancestors is strong.

Aries has Capricorn in their 10th House. Their career path can frustrate them. Aries lack patience and their success requires it. So, they might be more suited for entrepreneurship and independent efforts. They can get into conflicts with their boss and work colleagues. They might change their job constantly until they find a suitable path. Many Aries Ascendants will choose to slowly climb to a higher position. They prefer to be in authoritative positions.

Aquarius is in their 11th House. Aries Ascendants can have a large friend circle. Although, they like to be acknowledged for their uniqueness and innovative thoughts. Networking is the key to their wealth and success.

Aries has Pisces in their 12th House. They have an active imagination and dream life. If they can be patient enough, they can access spiritual knowledge and their intuition. They also tend to donate to religious or spiritual organizations.

Aries is symbolized by a ram. Rams charge head-first into obstacles and competitors. So, Aries Ascendants were born to face their fears and overcome challenges. They have the strength to endure many difficult circumstances. Karmic situations will test their patience and force them to be strong. Often, these experiences come with a complete transformation of self. Unfortunately, some Aries Ascendants can get discouraged by these obstacles. Aries should learn from their mistakes and acknowledge their personal power. However, try to avoid becoming too egocentric.

This article is generic. It won't match every person with an Aries Ascendant. However, it's a helpful foundation to start from. For every House, you have to see the condition of the lord. They are listed below.

Aries 1st House & Scorpio 8th House: Mars

Taurus 2nd House & Libra 7th House: Venus

Gemini 3rd House & Virgo 6th House: Mercury

Taurus 2nd House & Cancer 4th House: Moon

Leo 5th House: Sun

Sagittarius 9th House & Pisces 12th House: Jupiter

Capricorn 10th House & Aquarius 11th House: Saturn

Virgo 6th House & Aquarius 11th House: Rahu

Scorpio 8th House & Pisces 12th House: Ketu

Functional Benefics: Mars, Moon, Sun, Jupiter

Functional Malefics: Venus, Mercury, Saturn, Rahu, Ketu

Mars is the first lord. I would suggest seeing the condition of Mars first. The House Mars is in will show where the individual directs their focus in life.

See if Mars enjoys the sign he's in. Is he conjunct with other planets or receiving aspects from them? Is he hemmed between malefics? Is Mars placed well in the D9 Navamsa? The degree of Mars also matters. A lower degree (0°-10°) shows an infantile planet that has much to learn. A middle degree (10°-20°) shows a fully mature planet. The planet is exhausted and has already had a lot of past life karma if in the higher degrees (20°-30°). This will show us how strong or weak he is in the chart.

Then, is he forming any yogas in the chart? Yogas are combinations involving particular placements of planets. They can show beneficial or challenging results in the individual's life. Mars can form yogas on his own for an Aries Ascendant. The Ruchaka Yoga is an example below.

Ruchaka Yoga (Fearless, Bold, Confrontational, Victorious, Energetic)

Rules: Mars in his Own Sign or Exaltation and an Angle or Trine

Mars in Aries 1st House: Ruchaka Yoga

Mars in Capricorn 10th House: Ruchaka Yoga

We must see the individual's Vimshottari Dashas to judge their planetary periods. When is the Mars Mahadasha? Mars' Bukhtis or Antardashas should also be observed. What's Mars' relationship with the Bhukti planets? We can also consider Mars as a Bhukti planet in any other planet's Mahadasha.

We can continue by seeing the Chara/Jaimini Karakas. The 7 or 8 Karaka scheme can be used depending on your preference. What is Mars the Karaka for in the chart? This will depend on the degree of the planets. The Chara Karakas are easy to calculate. You can also find out by using a Vedic Astrology software.

We can find out if Mars is Badhaka for the natal chart. Badhaka placements present obstacles in life. However, Mars will support the chart even if it does present obstacles. The 1st House Lord always tries to protect the individual.

The 11th House is Badhaka for Moveable signs. Saturn, Rahu, and the 11th House will be Badhaka for Aries. Rashi Aspects to the Badhaka House will also present obstacles. Moveable signs give Rashi Aspects to the Fixed signs except for the one adjacent to itself. So, anything in Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius will also become Badhaka for the Aries Ascendant.

Along with this, we can see Nakshatras in the natal chart. 3 Nakshatras are contained within the Aries Rashi. They are Ashwini (0°- 13°20' Aries), Bharani (13°20'- 26°40' Aries), and Krittika Pada 1 (26°40'- 30° Aries).

Ashwini means "Horse Woman or Born From a Horse or Dual Harnessed Horses" It's given the title of The Star of Transport. Ashwini is ruled by the Ashwini Kumaras (The Celestial Horsemen and Physicians of the Gods). This Nakshatra has the Shakti to reach objectives quickly and the desire to hear well.

Those born under Ashwini are kind, helpful, and generous. They are interested in health and wellness. Sometimes, they can work in the medical field or as a healer. These people can also have an interest in herbs and alternative healing methods. Meditation and yoga often attract them. They are usually very active and love to be out in nature. Sometimes, they are even athletic or exercise a lot. These individuals can have a love of horses or vehicles. They are quick moving and should be cautious of breaking traffic laws. Ashwini natives love wide open spaces and need freedom. They can be stubbornly independent and dislike any restrictions. There's a sweetness and innocence about them. These people can be physically attractive, charming, witty, and playful. Sometimes, they are pranksters. They can also keep their youthful attractive looks for a long time.

Ashwini people are competitive, driven, and always actively pursuing new projects. The first 5° fall in a Gandanta (Karmic Knot). These degrees mark the transition from Pisces to Aries. It's said that the most strength is found in the Gandanta. Ashwini natives make great pioneers, inventors, and fashion trendsetters. They are often the first to do something new and daring. Sometimes, they can act without thinking. This can get them into trouble. Although, they also have a strong intuition that feels like their being called to move in a certain direction. These people love calmness, cleanliness, and order. They can have a spontaneous and adventurous side to them. Travel is a big part of their life and gives them clarity.

Ashwini natives might have dreamy eyes. It's as if they've just woken up or could slip back into a sleep-like state. It's a reflection of the influence of Ketu on Ashwini. They might also love the color red. Ashwini individuals also love to experiment with their style and appearance. These people can have an affinity towards astrology, mystery, and occult subjects. They tend to absorb knowledge quickly and understand the vastness of every subject. Ashwini people are brilliant and make great researchers. They should be cautious of trying to influence others with the wrong ideology. Sometimes, their occult knowledge turns into cults and leads people astray. Otherwise, they can make great spiritual leaders and political activists. Similar to Pisces, their soul has a desire to break free from this world. They can have a sensitivity to light and sound. Light and sound healing therapies can also interest them. Many Ashwini natives speak about energy and vibration. These people also tend to speak about gaining assistance from a higher power.

On the negative side, Ashwini people should control their anger and impatience. They can become frustrated by things not moving as quickly as they would like. These people love to just take action and get the job done. They can be dominating and bossy at times. Ashwini people could also get involved in the military or politics. Due to their strength and passion, they might not realize the harm their actions can cause others. Sometimes, other people can also try to take advantage of their kindness. Ashwini people should only give to those who truly need their help. They should avoid toxic people and toxic situations. Along with this, they can struggle with sensitivity, insomnia, boredom, restlessness, OCD, ADHD, anxiety, and impulsivity. Their energy needs to be channeled into something constructive.

Bharani means "The One Who Bears or The One Who Cherishes" It's given the title of The Star of Restraint. Bharani is ruled by Yama (God of Death and Justice). This Nakshatra has the Shakti of cleansing and the desire to become lord of the ancestors.

The symbol is the female reproductive organ. Some also depict the symbol as a triangular structure. Triangles are used as architectural structures because they're the strongest shape. Women also endure tremendous pain when giving birth to a child. It shows the strength and endurance of those born in the Bharani Nakshatra. It also represents the ability to have self-restraint. Bharani natives can have intense passion and desires. Sometimes, there's a need to have more discipline and patience around these passions. Otherwise, their impatience can get them into precarious situations. They can be very sexual, creative, passionate, energetic, and comfort-seeking.

There's a duality to Bharani. Positively, they can channel their passion into creativity, beauty, and trailblazing endeavors. Although, they can become chaotic and difficult to handle if their energy is used incorrectly. Still, they have many great qualities. Bharani people can be friendly, magnetic, charming, and charismatic. They bring an upbeat cheerful energy and get easily excited in certain situations. These individuals can also change their habits and go through enormous transformations. Their progress is inspiring and makes them leaders by example.

The female reproductive organ is internal. Yama is also known as the god of death. These symbols bring a connection to the underworld and the afterlife. Bharani people can be interested in exploring psychology, philosophy, spirituality, astrology, and the paranormal. They are deep thinking and seek to uncover mysteries below the surface. Sometimes, mediums are born under Bharani. These individuals can also have a strong connection to their ancestors and believe in past lives. To them, connections transcend the cycles of life and death. Bharani people are the most secretive and mysterious version of Aries. They can be very selective about who can enter their friend circle.

Yama is also associated with justice and karma. Many advocates for female rights and other social activists were born under Bharani. They care a lot about the rights of others and hate any injustice. Sometimes they have very strong opinions that can turn into fanatical ideologies. These individuals are intelligent and well-informed.

Krittika means "To Be Critical or The Cutters" It's given the title of The Star of Fire. Krittika is ruled by Agni (God of Fire). This Nakshatra has the Shakti of purification and the desire to become the eater of foods.

The symbol for Krittika is a sharp blade. Krittika natives are sharp-minded. They can cut through the nonsense and get straight to the point. Sometimes, they can come across as harsh to more sensitive people. They are critical thinkers. This can make them skillful and knowledgeable.

Their appearance might seem tough. Yet, they are extremely nurturing and protective. They make amazing parents. "The Cutters" is a reference to the mothers who fostered Kartikeya. So, being raised as a foster child or becoming a foster parent can be a theme of their life. Family and brotherhood are important to them.

Krittika natives can have a deep insecurity. Yet, they are meant to develop their confidence. Sometimes they can compensate by putting on an impressive show of pretending to be stronger than they are. They are sensitive deep down. However, it doesn't take away the strength they have to find within themselves. Krittika is related to the quest for manhood or a rite of passage. These natives can find themselves on an individual journey to grow into themselves. Sometimes, it includes karmic tests and trials. They transform themselves by cutting ties with the past.

Fire and a sharp blade can also be related to cooking. Krittika natives are food lovers. They can be experts at cooking, food reviews, or finding the hole-in-the-corner restaurant. Sometimes their weight can fluctuate because of their love for food. They can gain a great deal of weight. At the same time, they can have a high metabolism. So, their body demands a lot of food and they can lose weight just as easily.

Fire can also relate to spirituality. Krittika is known for performing fire rituals. They can be extremely spiritual and intuitive. However, Krittika can be just as materialistic and driven by their passions. So, they need to find a balance between the material and the spiritual. Sometimes, they can become angry, impatient, egocentric, pompous, and arrogant. Military leaders and political leaders can also be born under Krittika. They make natural leaders but should avoid abusing their power. These natives have strong personalities and a magnetic aura.

There are many more techniques to read the horoscope. To find out more, see my YouTube Channel and my additional articles.

-Daquan Jones

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