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Aries Ascendant Revised

Updated: Oct 16, 2022

Mesha Lagna- The First & The Strongest


Sanskrit: Mesha

Movement: Cardinal (Moveable)

Element: Agni (Fire)

Graha: Mangal (Mars- Military General)

Symbol: Ram (Male Sheep)

Body Part: Head

Color: Blood Red

Gender: Male

Caste: Kshatriya (Warrior)

Guna: Rajas (Passion)

Direction: East

Strongest at Day or Night: Night

Exaltation: Surya (Sun)

Debilitation: Shani (Saturn)

I've decided to make an update on my Aries Ascendant article. Aries Ascendant is a powerful position to be born under. Aries is the first sign in the Zodiac. So, it represents a new beginning or a new creation. Therefore, Aries people have some level of control over their life direction. It's a journey of creating a new path for oneself.

The ram is the symbol for Aries. Rams charge their heads into one another. This shows the strong and competitive spirit of Aries. An Aries Ascendant has great willpower and determination. When they want something, nothing can stop them. Against all odds, they are committed to achieving. Headaches, head injuries, and scars on the face can also be seen.

On the negative side, Aries can become impulsive. Speed is a great love of Aries Ascendants. They want to see tangible and immediate results from their effort. There can be a tendency to leave a pursuit unfinished if unsatisfied. Aries people just keep charging ahead to the next objective.

If challenged, an Aries Lagna is likely to face the competition head-on. They are straightforward and honest. An Aries Ascendant isn't afraid to speak their mind. When backed into a corner, they can quickly become angry. However, their anger dies down easily. They are also skilled at using critical thinking to problem-solve.

Their impulsivity also makes them natural leaders. An Aries Ascendant can pursue a path that no one thought was possible. When others say there's no path, Aries people make their own path. They are naturally creative and inventive.

Entrepreneurs and trendsetters are often born under this position. This is because Aries individuals want to be in control of their lives. They dislike being told what to do or working under authority. Aries needs to be in charge.

They are courageous. Where others are afraid, they dare to drive ahead. Aries wants to experience everything. They are youthful and independent. Adventures and new opportunities excite them. Aries people demand a great deal of Autonomy.

Sometimes, they have difficulty sitting still. An Aries Ascendant can suffer from anxiety, restlessness, insomnia, and boredom. They need an outlet to express themselves creatively or physically. Generally, they are friendly and entertaining people to have around.

Aries is also very protective. Family is important to them. They are especially known for being protective over their mother and spouse. There's always a special connection with the mother. Children are important to them. They want the best for their kids. However, Aries Ascendants also protect those who can't protect themselves. They can be advocates for social causes.

These individuals also enjoy the finer things in life. Wealth tends to increase slowly for them. Aries Ascendants can have pleasing voices. They can be skilled in finances and business. However, slow progress can frustrate them at times.

Health is important to them also. However, an Aries Ascendant can find it difficult to relax for long. They are very active. So, meditation and yoga might be difficult for them. This is true even though they do have a great interest in self-improvement and spirituality. It can be difficult to sit still for these experiences.

More engaging activity is more likely for them. An Aries Ascendant can get into healthy eating, bodybuilding, martial arts, or spending time outdoors. Still, they do have an active imagination, good instincts, and vivid dreams. So, their spiritual life is there if they can have the patience to access it.

There are 3 Nakshatras in Aries. They will each show a different side of this Zodiac sign. Ashwini is closely related to healing, energy, speed, vitality, and miracles. Bharani relates to justice, restraint, willpower, creativity, and transformation. Krittika is to do with food, tribes, protection, leadership, activity, and direct speech.

To know for about the Nakshatra, see my previous articles on Ashwini, Bharani, and Krittika.

-Daquan Jones

Psychic, Empath, Author, Life Coach, YouTube Creator, Astrologer

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