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Aries in Western & Pisces in Vedic

Updated: Dec 25, 2022

How to Bridge Tropical Aries and Vedic Sidereal Pisces?

So, many who have Aries Rising in Western Tropical are Pisces Rising in Vedic Sidereal. This doesn't apply to everyone. Check your degrees. Anything before about 24° will shift back to Pisces. I encourage you to see my new chart calculator to confirm.

In Western Tropical, Aries Rising is a lucky position. This is because all of the signs are in their respective houses. So, their life won't necessarily always be easy. However, there is a certain ease and flow to their journey.

Physical Features- Soft Attractive Features, Prominent Forehead, Prominent Cheek Apples, Angular Jaw, Chin Dimple, Piercing Eyes, Blushing Easily, Thick/Straight Eyebrows, Tall/Athletic Body, Innocent Look, Intimidating Presence, Quick Stride, Always Active, Athletic Clothing, Stylish Formal Wear, Love For Speed/Adrenaline, Love of the Color Red

Aries Rising is an independent and courageous personality. Often, they weren't expected to be born or were born earlier than expected. In rare cases, their early environment could have had abuse or domestic violence. They also tend to have a lot of energy in their former years. These individuals are very active and self-assured. Sports, music, travel, or going out in nature are common hobbies of theirs. An Aries Rising tends not to enjoy sitting still. Whether that be literally or in their minds. They are brave go-getters. Often, they become entrepreneurs or achieve something daring. Sometimes, they are the first in their family to achieve something no other family member has. They could also shock others with an impressive accomplishment at a young age. Aries Risings are strong and determined. They see life as a challenge to overcome. Getting knocked down encourages them to fight even harder. These individuals can be extremely protective, caring, and generous. They would give to others without expecting anything and fight for what's right. Sometimes, they can get into trouble. They can be impulsive and land themselves in unpleasant situations. Aries Rising has innocence about them. So, they can be witty, curious, playful, fun-loving, and optimistic. However, they also strive to be independent and self-sufficient. This can make them good leaders or complete loners. Fitting in with others and conforming to societal expectations isn't their style. They probably won't even listen to others' advice or don't care about others' opinions. Aries Rising thinks for themselves, does what they want, and can't be influenced if they don't want to be. Although they can be sweet and innocent, their presence can sometimes be intimating. Others might not know if they should approach them. There's always a warrior-like presence about these people. As if they're ready to go to battle. Many Aries Risings can become argumentative, confrontational, competitive, and unwilling to back down. They love speed, adventure, and excitement. Restrictions can make them angry and prone to reckless decisions.

Taurus in the 2nd House makes these people surprisingly earthy. They love sensual enjoyment and having nice possessions. Aries Rising can become impatient with their work. They want immediate tangible results. If there are no results, they can impulsively move on to something else. These individuals can be sentimental with their possessions. If a loved one gives them something, they'll want to hold onto it forever. They can become collectors of anything meaningful to them. Aries Rising is also good with money and can save well. However, their finances might build slower than they would like. Patience and persistence are needed especially at a young age. They can have good taste and like to dress up. Yet, they also like to be comfortable and can be attracted to sportswear.

Gemini in the 3rd House makes these individuals excellent with communication. They have a way with words. Aries Risings can be very clever, witty, observant, and well-read. Typically their communication is clear and straightforward. This can make them very skillful in media, journalism, entertainment, writing, or sales. However, this can disrupt their early education. Gemini in the 3rd means there's a lot of restlessness in the mind. They can get easily bored or distracted. So, concentration is needed to excel in their studies. Often, having a creative or physical outlet will help. They could also love to drive around in their cars. Sometimes they're a fast driver or fast walker. Aries Rising can be hard to pin down. They're always on the move.

Cancer in the 4th House shows that they have a close connection with their mother or a motherly figure. The mother can be extremely caring, protective, and encouraging. Often, the mother is a good source of wisdom and guidance for them. The mother can be very proud of the Aries Rising and tends to let everyone know. Sometimes, the Aries Rising also has to take care of the mother in some capacity. They can also change locations many times. There could've been a change of residence at a young age. This carries over in their older years when they love to travel. Aries Rising can also be loving and supportive parents when they get older.

Leo in the 5th House shows a love of fun and enjoyment. Aries Rising can be the life of the party. They are humorous, entertaining, and full of life. Sometimes Aries Rising can have creative talents such as theater, dance, and comedy. They could also be talented in sports. Aries Risings can hold themselves to a high standard. At times, they seek to be the best. They can be dramatic in romance. These people do grand gestures and like to show off for their date. The men can be very chivalrous. They can also be active and adventurous with their children. Sometimes, there's a need for caution around gambling and other risk-taking hobbies.

Virgo in the 6th House can make them very hardworking and disciplined. Aries Risings can be a perfectionist. They're good at solving problems and resolving conflicts. Also, they tend to be healthy people. Being fit and paying attention to diet is important to them. They could have a cabinet full of vitamins. However, they can have health issues related to nervousness. Sometimes, their illnesses are psychosomatic due to stress and anxiety. They can overwork themselves and burn out. Other issues are related to the head area. Aries rules the head and brain area. Mars also rules the blood. Headaches, migraines, sinus issues, cardiovascular concerns, and accidents that injure the head area can be seen. They are prone to scars.

Libra in the 7th House shows that they can be extremely fair and diplomatic in relationships. They also tend to attract a supportive spouse. Yet, sometimes their spouse can be overly analytical and nitpicky. This can cause some challenges. However, Aries Rising is skilled at problem-solving. So, it usually works itself out. Aries Risings tend to be attracted to more practical and intellectual partners. They find a strong independent spouse to be most suitable. Fragile insecure individuals are less appealing. Although, Aries also likes to be "the pants" in the relationship. So, they admire someone who can trust them to be capable and responsible. Even female Aries Risings are strong independent women. The females aren't afraid to make their opinions known. Female Aries Risings can have more challenges in relationships. They need a spouse who's comfortable with them being dominant as a woman. There is a need to be cautious of emotionally manipulative partners as well. However, Aries Risings like authenticity and will most likely see through manipulative people.

Scorpio in the 8th House can make Aries Risings very secretive. In particular, they are secretive about their emotions. Being strong and independent, they aren't used to openly expressing their problems or vulnerabilities. Aries Risings are used to dealing with it on their own and don't openly trust others. So, they can struggle with emotional crises or addictions. Sometimes, they go through self-destructive phases and overcome those phases. They aren't the ones to let their past stop them. So, a lot of transformation can occur in their lives. Aries Risings can be very intense in relationships. Sometimes, they are even possessive and overprotective of their partners. Mostly, their emotions and sexuality will be intense. This is because they rarely show their emotional side to anyone. Sometimes they can also be secretive about what goes on in their relationships. They see it as no one else's business. The intimate connection with their partner is special to them. Aries Risings can have conflicts with inlaws or around money. They also should make sure taxes and business affairs are managed correctly.

Sagittarius in the 9th House gives Aries Rising a love for travel. They are always on the go and are often interested in foreign cultures. Their father could be religious or philosophical. Sometimes, there's a distance from the father or they have a single mother. Aries Risings can also have strong devotion and strong conviction. They are very wise and philosophical. For them, learning is visual and experience-based. These individuals can also have good vision and insights. However, this especially becomes strong after traveling or gaining different experiences. Sometimes they become coaches, teachers, mystics, or travel guides.

Capricorn in the 10th House can frustrate an Aries Rising. Their career path is usually an uphill climb. Success doesn't come when they want it. It takes time to build their reputation and business. However, success will come with patience and persistence. They shouldn't give up too early. That would be sabotaging their potential for greatness. Many Aries Risings can become champions or achieve something incredible. They are disciplined and moral in their career. Sometimes, they can appear to be authoritative, competent, and even intimidating. Their focus is strong when a goal is in view. To them nothing is impossible. Telling an Aries Rising they can't achieve a goal is an incentive for them to prove you wrong.

Aquarius in the 11th House can make an Aries Rising feel awkward in group settings. They are so independent that they don't want to follow the crowd. So, they can be a loner on the outskirts. Aries Risings can also become the leader of their friend circle. They believe in quality over quantity. So, they will often have eccentric and mature friends. However, they can also be popular at the same time. Aries Risings might know many people but not identify with their group. So, they can float from group to group. They're also ingenious in attracting wealth and making their dreams manifest.

Pisces in the 12th House shows these individuals are highly spiritual. However, they might only be subtly aware of this or not at all. Aries Risings have to take the time to develop themselves spiritually. Then, they can unlock this side of themselves. Their dreams can be vivid and they have a deep imagination. Sometimes their intuition is so strong that they don't even need a plan. It's as if an invisible force is guiding them in the right direction. Their ancestors and spirit guides are closely watching over them. This makes them very lucky in life. Even when an Aries Rising has given up, something or someone will magically save them from destruction. Ultimately, Aries Rising people have come to bring an incarnation cycle to an end and begin something brand new. Sometimes, they can carry generational curses that need to be overcome. They do need to be careful of escapism, addiction, self-destruction, or doing something impulsive that leads to isolation. Forgiveness and letting go are major parts of their journey.

In Vedic Sidereal, everything I said is still mostly true. However, the ease and flow are seen as gliding through the water like a fish. Even the restlessness is compared to a fish constantly swimming around. The luck is also related to Jupiter, the planetary ruler of Pisces. Original Vedic Astrology never saw Pisces as a soft or daydreamy sign. Yes, it is an imaginative and compassionate sign. However, Pisces is not sleeping. The ancients saw it as a sign that can evolve spiritually and wake up from the illusion of the material world (Maya). It is the wise old soul that has come to bring an incarnation cycle to a close. Therefore, Pisces is a sign of liberation. The only conflict is that two fish are swimming in opposite directions. So, there is a battle between the lower and higher self. One fish is trying to escape and the other fish is trying to reach a higher spiritual path. This tends to lead to intense transformations and self-improvement. Spirituality is not light and love. It's facing your demons and growing as a person. This is the path of Pisces in Vedic Sidereal.

Three Nakshatras are associated with this. They are Purva Bhadrapada, Uttara Bhadrapada, and Revathi. The Bhadrapadas specifically deal with transformation, sacrifice, devotion, and accessing spiritual power. However, Purva is intense and Uttara is calm. Revathi is more about being in tune with your inner child. It is returning back to a state of open creativity and total liberation.

Purva Bhadrapada "Former Happy Feet"- The Scorching Pair

Aja Ekapada (One-Footed Unborn- Inbetweener)

Power to Use Spiritual Fire (Awaken or Evolve Spiritually)

Desire to Gain the Splendor of Spiritual Knowledge

Result: To Support the Entire World

20° Aquarius- 3°20' Pisces (Vedic Sidereal)

13°50' - 27°10' Pisces (Western Tropical)

Uttara Bhadrapada "Latter Happy Feet"- The Warrior Star

Ahir Budhyana (Serpent of the Deep)

Power to Bring Cosmic Rain (Cooling and Nourishing)

Desire to Find a Foundation

Result: Stability of the Three Worlds

3°20'- 16°40' Pisces (Vedic Sidereal)

27°10' Pisces- 10°30' Aries (Western Tropical)

Revati "Wealthy"- The Wealthy Star

Pushan (Shephard of the Animals & Guide of Deceased Souls)

Power of Cow's Milk (Nurture, Foster, and Protect)

Desire to Become Lord of the Animals

Result: Nourishment of the Entire World

16°40'- 30° Pisces (Vedic Sidereal)

10°30'- 23°51' Aries (Wester Tropical)

Daquan Jones

-Psychic, Astrologer, Life Coach, Author, Youtube Creator

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