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Born to Be Famous & Living On the Edge

Thomas Cruise Mathopher IV

Tom Cruise is an actor who is known for doing his own stunts and making stunt history in Mission Impossible: Rogue Nation. His high-risk acting really speaks to his Rising Sign/1st House being in Scorpio ♏️. Having Scorpio Rising does give a natural desire for challenge, mystery, or "living on the edge". This is because Scorpio deals with our "darker nature". That is to say, the parts of ourselves that we cast shame on, the subjects that we feel are taboo in the eyes of society, or the activities that we perform in secret. Anyone who is born with Scorpio Rising sees the world as a "battlefield" or a challenge to help them transform themselves and the lives of others around them. From their perspective, there are allies, enemies, obstacles, and a mission to accomplish. This gives a Scorpio Rising a natural fighting instinct. That doesn't necessarily mean physical fighting though. It is more of the will to conquer and overcome difficulty. However, most of this power is kept secret. This gives an intense, quiet, secretive, mysterious, charismatic, sensitive, generous, determined, magnetic appearance. Tom's exes have actually said in the past that he is very shy and reserved but is still a pleasure to be around. There is something about Tom Cruise that is very likable to many people. His presence can either draw people towards him or repel them away. No matter which scenario, he has a way of grabbing people's attention and making others curious to know more about him. Neptune is also in Conjunction with his Rising Sign. This makes him very creative and imaginative. Neptune is also about spirituality and going beyond the physical world. At one point in his life, he was Catholic and wanted to join the priesthood. However, in high school, he was convinced to join the school play. From there, he discovered his natural talent. This led him into a professional acting career. And while I don't recommend it, he did drop out of school at 18 years of age to pursue his acting career in New York. Neptune is specifically connected to film, photography, and media. So, this would make perfect sense for an actor. Later on in his life, he also took up Scientology.

Neptune is in a Grand Water Trine with his Sun in Cancer ♋️ and his Jupiter in Pisces ♓️. A Grand Trine is representing creative potential or an opportunity for major blessings. His Sun is in Cancer. Cancer rules his 9th House of travel, culture, philosophy, religion, wisdom, and his vision for the future. His 9th House in Cancer makes him very emotional about his beliefs. Tom follows his gut in acting on what he believes is right. Especially with the Sun here. He can be quite dominant and dogmatic with his higher truths and beliefs. You might even find it difficult to win an argument against him and he is willing to fight for whatever cause he believes in. However, his beliefs can change because Cancer is ruled by the Moon. So, you can see a waxing and waning effect on his perspectives and beliefs throughout his life. This explains the shift from Catholicism to Scientology. The Sun in his 9th House also makes him very adventurous and open to experiences. He isn't afraid to explore unknown territory, such as traveling and going outside of his comfort zone. This can also show that he makes connections with others in foreign places. It also shows his mother playing a dominant role in his life. Cancer Sun men do tend to have close connections to women and need women in their lives in general. We do know that his mother divorced and took him and his siblings while he was at a very young age. This also makes sense because this is the house of travel, both figuratively and literally. His Jupiter is in Pisces. I have this placement myself, so I am very familiar with it. Pisces rules his 5th House of education, creativity, children, fame, speculation, and recreational hobbies. Jupiter is also the ruler of Pisces. This makes Tom extremely romantic, creative, compassionate, sensitive, and spiritual. He can tend to get lost, escaping into fantasy, mystery, and imagination. While this adds to his natural creative talent, this could also be a major factor that causes difficulties in romantic relationships for him. Not to mention that his Jupiter is in Conjunction with Chiron, the wounded healer. Having unrealistic expectations or being overly generous can be a major issue in his life. Scorpio Risings are naturally generous and love helping others. This carries over into romance by being passionately devoted and willing to do anything for their partner. However, this selfless, heroic, non-boundaries approach to compassion can work against him. Especially if it is coming from a non-realistic place. Jupiter in his 5th House also gives him great luck in fame, but Chiron can cause fear of speculation. He might be a perfectionist for fear of public ridicule. We do know photos floating around the internet that Tom doesn't want to be seen. What's interesting is that those photos aren't the worst thing that we've ever seen before. He isn't doing anything wrong in these photos. They're just embarrassing photos of wearing outfits that he's not proud of or looking a certain way when he was younger. So, his appearance matters a lot to him. This would make sense because it is common for many actors who have to keep up a certain appearance in the eyes of the public. All of this sensitivity gives him the ability to be dramatic in films. It also allows him to be emotionally vulnerable and gentle while still being extremely charismatic. Some say this combination freaks them out a little and there are rumors around the internet that they are the same charming and manipulating behaviors of a psychopath. However, I don't see any psychopathic tendencies in his character based on Astrology. He is just a very sensitive guy.

His Neptune is also in a T-Square with his Lunar Nodes. His Rahu North Node is in Leo ♌️ and his Ketu South Node is in Aquarius ♒️. Ketu represents what he's learned in past lives/past experiences. It is where his comfort zone is and what he already knows. Aquarius rules his 4th House of home, family, comfort, the past, and the connection to the mother. It is essentially our roots (where we come from and what we bring into this life). With his Ketu here, he is used to moving around a lot and living an unconventional life. Saturn Retrograde is also in Conjunction with his Ketu. Saturn is in its Domicile in Aquarius. So, this increases the effect of being eccentric and always wanting change or excitement in his life. Tom doesn't enjoy having an ordinary life and refuses to sacrifice his independence. Rahu is obsessive and hungry for more. It represents the area of our lives where we need to grow and learn from experiences that we've never had before. Leo rules his Midheaven/10th House of status, goals, reputation, and public image. Rahu is exactly Conjunct with his Midheaven. This means that how he wants to be seen in the eyes of the public is a big part of the karmic lesson that he has to fulfill in this life. He was meant to learn to be "the star of the show". Leo is all about expressing yourself while Aquarius is about being part of a group. While he is more reserved and unconventional, he would rather fall back behind the scenes. However, in his life, he has to be "center stage" to do what he loves. Most Scorpio Risings are very quiet and mysterious, but secretly they actually want to connect with others and to be acknowledged for their work. He enjoys the admiration and attention that he receives for his achievements. This placement gives him natural leadership abilities and a love for carrying his public image with dignity. Tom has also been very dominant and successful in his career. This speaks to the energy of the Royal Sun that Leo carries. This could also contribute to difficulty in relationships. If he is living an exciting life where he is always on the go and committed to work, he might not have a lot of time to settle down for the people closest to him.

His Chart Ruler is Mars because he is a Scorpio Rising and Mars is the traditional ruler of Scorpio. Mars is the soldier. It represents anger, aggression, drive, purpose, sexual nature, energy levels, and fighting ability. His Mars is in Taurus ♉️. This is an interesting placement because Mars is in Detriment in Taurus. Taurus rules his Descendant/7th House of marriage, business partners, legal issues, other people, and his shadow side. Taurus is his shadow side because he identifies with Scorpio Rising. He is constantly reinventing himself, living on the edge, and facing changes in life. This means that he will see himself as constantly changing instead of being stable. While this is mostly just his perspective, he feels a lack of stability that makes him feel attracted to stable partners. Tom wants to partner up with people who are loyal, practical, and reliable. However, with Mars being here, this can shake things up a bit. While he might still want a grounded partner, he doesn't want them to be too gentle. He is looking for people with confidence and determination. Cruise might enjoy a good debate or someone who can challenge him a little bit. This makes sense for his acting career. A lot of the work he does requires having people around who are extremely confident in what they do. As far as romance, he pursues his interests in a slow traditional way. For the most part, he is a very patient and grounded person. Tom is very slow to react and it takes a lot to make him angry. However, when he is upset he doesn't back down. Unfortunately, Mars in the 7th House also adds tension to relationships. It can cause disagreements, power struggles, and separations. This is especially true because Mars is in a slightly wide Square with his Pluto and an Exact Square with his Uranus. Uranus deals with our independence and unconventional behavior. Any aspect (especially negative ones) between Pluto and Mars can cause issues because of the intensity of both planets. This aspect behaves a lot like the pressure of a volcano building to an eruption. He did have 3 divorces, and in all of them, the explanation was that there were conflicts that just couldn't be resolved.

Tom Cruise's Pluto is in Virgo ♍️. The Pluto Virgo generation is about finding power in being modest, practical, and service-orientated. Many of the people in the Pluto Virgo generation are the ones who criticize and complain about the Pluto Scorpio and Pluto Sagittarius generations. Their complaints are especially because of the Pluto Scorpio generation, otherwise known as the Millennials or Gen Y. This is because the Pluto Virgo generation believes in being modest and following the traditional rules very closely. Taking risks and being selfish or entitled is not usually in their nature. The Pluto Scorpio generation is the most notorious for being rebellious and exploring their darker impulses. The generation that I'm part of is also in disagreement with the Pluto Virgo generation. I'm part of the Pluto Sagittarius generation, also known as the Post-Millenials or Gen Z. Sagittarius and Virgo are 2 signs that are in conflict with one another. This is because Virgo is more about practical details and Sagittarius about philosophical beliefs. The Pluto Sagittarius generation is known for having their own philosophy that is different from everyone else's and being hopeful for the future. Both of these generations go against the views of the Pluto Virgo generation. Virgo rules Tom's 11th House of friends, social organizations, gains, and, wish fulfillment. So, he is naturally supportive of others and willing to do acts of kindness for the people in his circle. Many people around him have said that he's a very thoughtful and generous person. He also wants to have control over his success and future gains. His Pluto is also in a Yod. A Yod is referred to as "the Finger of God" or "the Finger of Fate". It represents a destiny or spiritual mission in an individual's life. The Yod is formed by Pluto making a Sextile to the Sun in Cancer and by Pluto and the Sun in a Quincunx to Ketu Conjunct Saturn. The base (Pluto Sextile the Sun) of the Yod shows his caring and considerate nature and his instincts about doing what's right. The Apex (Ketu Conjunct Saturn) shows his need to be independent and to live an unconventional exciting life. The challenge is to balance his desire for freedom with being connected to others. Not only this. Also, balancing his desire for freedom with being open to the opinions of others, even if his heart says that they're wrong. Finding a way to piece all of this together will fulfill the mission of the Yod.

He has Mercury in Gemini ♊️. I also have Mercury in Gemini in my personal natal chart. Gemini rules his 8th House of shared resources, intimacy, secrets, taboo subjects, occult knowledge, crisis, sudden ups & downs, and transformation. This gives him a deep understanding of people and how to relate to them. He can pick up on subtle cues and read between the lines when communicating. This makes it easy for him to see the weaknesses and flaws of others. He can choose whether he wants to use that to help support others or use it against them. It seems that he's choosing the wise option. Being lied to and easily manipulated by others isn't in his nature. Although others might not easily fool him, his mind might fool him with a lot of questioning and overthinking. It also gives him a curiosity for psychology, mystery, danger, taboo subjects, esoteric knowledge, or deep research. This placement can give quick changes in mode. Especially because Mercury is positioned here. Mercury is in its Domicile in Gemini. This is because Mercury is the planet that deals with processing information, business dealings, short distant travel, quick logical decisions, and communication style. Gemini is the Zodiac Sign known for speedy intelligence, quick changes, and excellent communication skills. Tom Cruise gets easily bored and needs a ton of mental stimulation. However, he doesn't usually enjoy superficial or mundane topics. He wants to communicate when it's valuable. So, he is likely to be quieter than others, unless he has a specific reason to communicate. In intimate relationships, he is extremely talkative and enjoys deep philosophical conversations. His communication is very serious, but he also has a spontaneous sense of humor. The variety and excitement of learning and having new experiences keep him feeling alive. After getting to know him better, one might be surprised to find that he can be very lighthearted and entertaining. His Mercury is also in a Sextile to his Venus.

Tom's Venus is in Leo. He is attracted to the "glitz and glamour" in life. This includes flashy partners. This makes sense because he is a famous actor and he has dated and married celebrities. He loves being in the spotlight and getting praise for his capabilities. He also loves giving recognition and attention to the people he loves. His nature of relating is warm, generous, and playful. This applies to any relationship. This also adds to his charisma because Leo is a Zodiac Sign that is known for confidence and expression from the heart space. Though, Venus isn't just about love. Especially not in the Sign of Leo. Leo is ruled by the Royal Sun (the giver of life). The Sun is so important in Astrology that "Mainstream Astrology's" superficial approach uses only the Sun to identify personalities. This energy that the Sun uses to generate life is embodied by Leo as creative energy. So, he loves performing and working on creative hobbies. Venus in his Midheaven puts this love of creativity in his social status. Not only that, but his Moon is also in Leo. Both Venus and the Moon are the feminine sides of one's personality. The feminine energy is all about receptiveness, connection, creative expression, and the things that bring us comfort in life. The Moon in Leo shows that Tom Cruise finds emotional comfort in being confident, generous, creative, expressive, and entertaining. Leo Moons are known for being drama queens and carrying a large heart. He takes a lot of pride in himself and loves when others appreciate him. This is how he shows up in the eyes of the public. He also has Uranus in Leo which forms a T-Square with Mars and the Part of Fortune in Scorpio. This is another internal conflict. He is torn between wanting independence to express his creativity with the world and wanting to have a secure partnership. He finds a lot of luck in having an independent life and a successful career, but he is met with challenges in his relationships. The solution is to stay connected to others while still appreciating his uniqueness. Mars Square Uranus also shows that he can shock the world with dangerous or rebellious actions. We know this is very true with him being a man who performs his own stunts. This could be complicated but that's his mission, should he choose to accept it. Over and out!

-Daquan Jones

Empath, Psychic, Life Coach, Author, YouTube Creator, Astrology

-Astrological Natal Chart Provided by Astro Gold

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