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Briefly Understanding Libra Rising

Updated: Sep 22, 2022

Libra Ascendant

"The Beautiful and Dynamic"

Libra ⚖️

Vedic Name: Tula

Symbol: Weighing Scale/Balance

Movement/Modality: Cardinal (Moveable)

Element: Air

Planetary Lord: Shukra Guru (Venus)- Moolitrikona (Strongest)

Exaltation: Shani (Saturn)

Debilitation: Surya (Sun)

Nakshatras: Chitra (0- 6°40' Libra), Swati (6°40'- 20° Libra),

Vishakha (20°- 30° Libra)

Direction: West

Caste: Sudra (Worker)

Ayurvedic Type: Vata (Air and Aether)

Body Type: Rajasic (Passionate and Energetic)

Nature: Balanced and Flexible

Strength in Day or Night: Day

Body Part: Inner Reproductive Organs, Lower Back, Kidneys,

Adrenal Glands, Skin, and Excretory System

Benefic Graha (Planets): Shani (Saturn), Budha (Mercury), Chandra (Moon)

Malefic Graha (Planets): Mangal (Mars), Guru (Jupiter)

Neutral Graha (Planets): Shukra Guru (Venus) Surya (Sun)

Friendly Rashis (Zodiac Signs): Mithuna (Gemini), Kumbha (Aquarius)

Opposite Rashi (Zodiac Sign): Mesha (Aries)

Life Path of Libra Rising:

Balance the Extremes of Life

Libra 1st/Ascendant and Taurus 8th House

(Venus Chart Ruler)

Attractive PeaceMakers and Mystery Lovers

If you have a Libra Ascendant in Vedic Astrology, this means that Sidereal Libra was the constellation on the Eastern Horizon at the moment that you were born. The way to see this is if you know your time of birth. What this shows us is that you must have not been able to acquire balance in a previous life. You were somehow involved with war or conflict in the past. So, your wish as you left the previous life was that you would've had more balance. Now, that wish has been granted in this life. As a Libra Ascendant, life will take you through unfair and disharmonious events. This is to teach you how to create balance and harmony within your life. Anytime that you lean to extremes, you will be reminded that you must "even the scales" to live your best life. As a Libra Rising, you are most likely beautiful in appearance and ooze sex appeal. People are instantly drawn to your charm and sensual expression. You probably are also beloved by many and very popular amongst your group. It is difficult not to like you because you are so pleasant to be around. The only time that you will be hated is by those who are jealous of you. You have great social etiquette and polite mannerisms. Always possessing good taste, you are a lover of beauty; comfort; entertainment; peace; and pleasure. You might value the way you dress, the environment that you're in, and how you make others feel in your presence. This is because you are so exquisite and have excellent emotional intelligence. Although, you are not an aggressive or straightforward person. You are able to remain calm and peaceful in your appearance. You also dislike causing conflict or disharmony. At times, it might be difficult for you to come to a decision or to stand up for yourself. For you, you prefer to approach life in a peaceful and intellectual manner. Every decision and action is weighed strategically before moving forward. Still, you are progressive in your actions. You seek to reach your goals and do it in an effective way. You are also a great communicator. Exceptionally articulate and concise with your words, you are able to convince others. Not to mention that you are most likely soft-spoken or possess a calm and pleasant voice. This makes others love to listen to you and also makes your communication very charming. You are an expert at negotiation and diplomacy. You could charm anyone with your speech and you are willing to find clever ways to come to a fair agreement. Possibly, you possess an artistic talent or at least have an eye for beauty. You can be excellent at poetry, writing, singing, art, design, fashion, etc...

You are also affected by the 8th House of your chart. This is because Venus rules Libra and Taurus. With Libra Rising in the 1st House, Taurus is placed in the 8th House. So, you are also interested in 8th House activities. This can include dark subjects, mystical knowledge, history, ancient artifacts, conspiracies, aliens, spirituality, psychology, secrets, transformation, undercover jobs, and deep research. As a Libra Ascendant, you are a profound thinker who is always looking to collect more knowledge. Especially if it is deep and complex. You might also be a sensitive and/or intuitive individual depending on how your planets are positioned. At times you can be pessimistic or feel depressed during moments of struggle in life. However, you also learn through these struggles and can transform yourself at a deep level. Although you are relatively quiet and peaceful, you also have a lot of personal power and inner strength. At times, others might be surprised at how intense you can be if pushed too far. There can also be a tendency to go overboard with your desires and enjoyment of material pleasure. You should be cautious of addiction or overindulgence. It can possibly be destructive to you and can negatively affect your health. Once again, balance is needed. You are a highly sensual and passionate individual. However, it's not just about the physical experience of sex. It's also about a spiritual, mental, and emotional union with your partner. Sharing intimacy and being involved in a relationship can be a powerful experience for you. You are also able to remain calm in situations where others are likely to react emotionally. This makes you a good person to rely on for support during any crisis. Your peaceful demeanor combined with the privacy of this 8th House can make you somewhat of an enigma to others. People will be attracted to your sweet and calm personality and will want to know more about who you are. Especially anyone who is sexually attracted to you.

Scorpio 2nd House and Aries 7th House

(Mars 2nd and 7th Lord)

Protective of Assets and Attracting Powerful Partners

Scorpio in the 2nd House means that you might've had a difficult early upbringing. However, this is not always the case. We have to see how the planets are configured within the natal chart. Especially how Mars is positioned. Ultimately, it means that you have a strong emotional attachment to your family background. This can be for better or worse. You might've come from a very demanding family environment where you were expected to live up to certain expectations. Yet, maybe you weren't able to succeed in areas and are hard on yourself about this. Maybe it was even an abusive or controlling environment. Some of you are intense about your emotional attachment to your family and don't want to let go. You are also protective and possessive of your family. If there are secrets or challenges within your family, you never reveal this to anyone. Your family might have a military or medical background. Parents or other Ancestors within your family could've been involved in the police force or any other professions that involve protecting and fighting. Along with surgery and other emergency or transformative careers. Even jobs that involve some sort of research or investigation. You have a sexy and convincing speaking voice. Sometimes, you can even use your voice to manipulate others or to get your way in life. However, at times, you can also speak in a way that hurts others or gets you into trouble. You can also receive support and resources from other people. It might be that others love who you are so much. So, they give you gifts or want to support you in your goals in life. You can also gain money through the activities related to the 8th House. So, you might work in a job that involves healing, psychic abilities, medical emergencies, secret organizations, research, etc... Some people might also feel intimidated by you. This is because you speak in a way that reveals what's hidden in others.

Aries in the 7th House means that your focus is on others more than yourself. This is why you can be taken advantage of at times. Although you like peace and calm, it is important to assert yourself at times. However, with this placement, you are excellent at dealing with others. Whether that means being a counselor, healer, diplomat, etc... Very progressive and innovative in your thinking, you can have some brilliant ideas to share with the public. You also love to argue in relationships. A good intellectual debate and constant witty batter can keep your mind stimulated. Along with this, you are attracted to power. So, your partner is likely to be more dominant than you are. This is true even if you are a man attracted to women. Then the woman will be more of the one "wearing the pants" in the relationship. You can attract a partner in the military, police, surgeon, or simply someone who is more aggressive in nature. They would be active, lively, and assertive. You enjoy this and can have a happy married life. However, there can be a feeling of distance in your relationship at times. You might not enjoy being alone or might expect more intimacy from your partner. However, they are likely to be very independent and will probably try to encourage you to be more independent and assertive also. Although, you can make a power couple together. This is because your partner is likely to be just as progressive and idealistic. So, you can exchange ideas with one another and come up with something life-changing together.

Sagittarius 3rd and Pisces 6th House

(Jupiter 3rd and 6th Lord)

Takes Just Action and Settles Conflict With Charm

Sagittarius in the 3rd House makes you pursue large desires in life. Some might say that this is selfish or too materialistic. However, you are simply doing what makes you happy and everyone can take something away from that. You love to have fun and enjoy life to the fullest. Preferring to focus on the positive and knowledgeable aspects of life. You might enjoy deep philosophical subjects as opposed to getting involved with trivial matters. You are also a justice lover. Although manipulating to get what you want at times, you still do this in an ethical way. You don't do anything that is morally incorrect if your planets are strong. So, this manipulation has more to do with being clever and charming. One area of life where you definitely possess courage and willpower is your intelligence. You are confident in how knowledgeable you are and this is a major key to your success in life. Your actions are just. This also means that you might punish others accordingly for their unpure actions. That could refer to having a job in the legal field. You might make an excellent lawyer or even a judge. At times, it is difficult for you to make up your mind because you weigh all of the options. You are able to see a situation from another person's perspective and can see many possibilities of how an outcome might turn out. You are definitely a high-minded thinker.

Pisces in the 6th House shows that you don't like conflict. In some cases, you might avoid confrontation altogether. Although, Libra Risings are known for using their charm, calmness, and intelligence to win over opponents. Instead of facing conflict directly, you can take your time to develop a strategy to win. By calmly giving in to others, you are able to get what you want in the end. It seems weak on the surface because it's very submissive, however, it does work. So, in this way, you outsmart others and use their advantages as your own. You also like to work and complete your daily responsibilities in a calm environment. So, a mundane job is probably not for you. You tend to do better at working from home, working in a healing profession, doing spiritual work, or being an artist of some kind. What you do for work definitely has to mean something or you aren't likely to have enough energy to follow through with it. It's also important to not push yourself to perfectionism. This can burn you out, leaving you with no energy to complete the rest of your tasks. It can also affect your health negatively. When a Libra Ascendant is under stress; fevers, outbreaks of the skin, and seasonal illnesses are more likely to happen. However, on the opposite extreme, you should avoid laziness. Putting effort into your work can give you incredible success in life. So, balance is extremely needed in this area. Also, illness can be brought on by indulging in sweets, alcohol, and rich foods too much. You might also be prone to weight gain if you don't take your body's needs into consideration. Sometimes, Libra Ascendants do neglect their health or don't get medical examinations enough. There can also be a tendency to have difficulty in maintaining certain routines for a long time. Don't be hard on yourself or strive for perfection. Just try your best and listen to what your intuition tells you. This can help a lot. Any spiritual practices can help your health tremendously. Meditation, yoga, and other Eastern practices are usually highly recommended for this Ascendant.

Capricorn 4th and Aquarius 5th House

(Saturn 4th and 5th Lord)

Deeply Profound Thinkers and Innovative Ideas

Capricorn in the 4th House again points towards a possibility of a difficult home environment. It could've been very strict and militant. You might've gone to private or religious education. From a young age, high expectations and responsibility were placed on you. You might've also had a very loving parent. Especially the mother. However, this is not the conventional style of a mother. She might've been loving in the sense that she gave you structure and made sure that you had everything that you needed. However, it might've still been a serious or detached connection in some way. For some, you could've had separation or a loss of a mother. You might've even been forced to mature and take care of adult tasks very quickly. Ultimately, this home environment would've helped to give you structure and security in life. This is true whether you had to learn to survive or it was just very disciplined. We have to see the planets to know the extent of this. Saturn will be especially important to look at. Your mind is fairly stable and rational. However, you might also have very pessimistic thoughts and might have difficulty letting go of hardships from your past. You can also be disciplined in the home like the way that you were nurtured. So, you might enjoy organizing and maintaining a well-structured home. You are really never settled in your home and are always making improvements. It's also possible to work from home, to work with children, to work in education, to work in real estate, or to work in a job-related nurturing/hospitality.

Aquarius ruling the 5th House makes you brilliant. You bring from your past life your idealism and innovation. So, you are able to "think outside the box" and to think in complex ways. You might create something inspiring and get others to think in revolutionary ways. You also get bored easily and love to learn. So, mental stimulation is always needed. In romance, you are very idealistic. You can make a very charming and romantic lover. However, you don't just like the emotional connection and romance. You also like to have an intellectual connection. Mental debate, playful banter, and deep philosophical conversation are important to you when dating and interacting with love interests. You would also make a great parent. Sometimes, you actually do better with young people. This is because they bring out the playful and fun-loving side of you. This encourages you to express yourself more than usual. Not only would you make a fun and pleasant parent. You would also bring the same discipline that you were raised with into your child/children's life. Giving them structure, a good education, and all of the possessions they need will be important to you. There might also be an instance where one or more of your children don't see "eye-to-eye" with you. They might be a bit rebellious or they might simply have different views than you do. This disagreement usually tends to go away when your child/children get older. Then you get along better when they are an adult.

Gemini 9th House and Virgo 12th House

(Mercury 9th and 12th Lord)

Philosophical Conversations and Love of Traveling

Gemini in the 9th House makes you a very diverse individual with many interests. There isn't much of anything that you wouldn't try, at least once. You are curious about different religions, cultures, and philosophies. Travel will definitely be a love of yours. Many of you love old architecture, ancient artifacts, and exploring foreign cultures. You might even be a collector of antiques and beautiful pieces that come from other countries altogether. Not only this. You love to have an intellectual conversation about your travels and about foreign traditions. Having conversations with foreign people and getting to know their customs might be very enjoyable for you. Along with discussing religion and other higher-minded beliefs. You are always restless and curious. Discovering new information is never a "turn-off" for you and it keeps you mentally stimulated. You might be very talkative with your father or a mentor of some kind. The same or similar beliefs might even be shared between you and your father. It will depend on the placement of the planets in your chart. Especially involving the placement of Mercury and the Sun.

Virgo in the 12th House makes you very practical about spirituality and mysticism. Where others might struggle to understand, you are able to make sense of it. Not only this. You are able to apply it to your life in a way that is useful and realistic. You might have profound dreams or out-of-body experiences. It's even possible that you clearly remember these experiences and can explain every detail of them. If you don't know if you have these gifts, you should explore meditation and try listening to your intuition. Chances are that you are incredibly gifted with psychic abilities or some sort of spiritual healing practice. You are also calculative about how you give away your energy. Whether that means giving away your energy in sex, giving away your energy in charity, etc... You would rather think it through or ask for advice before jumping into any situation like this. It might even cross your mind that it isn't worth it to you or that you might lose out on something. You can be very useful in service and healing professions. Money might even be made by working in private facilities, helping others, through spiritual work, or through some foreign involvement.

Cancer 10th House

(Moon 10th Lord)

Fluctuations and Nurturing Attitude in Career

As mentioned earlier, choosing a career that follows your heart is best. With Cancer in the 10th House, you won't do it if you don't feel connected to it. You also lead with your heart. This makes you excel in careers that involve dealing with other people's needs. You are excellent in anything related to nurturing and hospitality. With your emotional intelligence and calmness, others will feel at ease around you and strongly impacted by you. It is impossible to see you as a harmful person. People know that you come off as harmless. So, they feel comfortable unpacking all of their problems with you and you take great care to be considerate of others. The medical field and counseling are large careers associated with this position. Working on people undergoing surgery or with people on hospice might be suited because of how at peace you make others feel. Also, anything to do with real estate, children, and the hotel industry. Another avenue could involve going the creative route. Many well-known dancers, singers, actors, comedians, writers, etc... chose this route. Anything creative can be successful for you if you intuitively follow your heart, you're skilled in it, and you enjoy it. Politics is also related to this position. For some, you might change careers from time to time or you might work in a career that involves a great deal of flexibility. Also, you might work from home or own your own business. You also do well in partnership because of how much others love being around you. It's important to see the condition of the Moon. Especially because it's so changeable and easily influenced.

Leo 11th House

(Sun 11th Lord)

Powerful, Successful, and Popular Amongst Others

Due to how attractive, tender, and calm you are; it's very difficult not to like you. That makes you such a powerful force when it comes to succeeding in life. Leo in the 11th House makes you popular in whatever group you are involved in. Even though you might remain calm and quiet, everyone seems to know you. Most people will want to be your friend and discover more about who you are. For this reason, some will also become jealous and dislike you. You have no trouble attracting friends, romantic/sexual interests, opportunities, etc... People admire your charisma and gentle demeanor. This is why you are likely to attract powerful people that can help you reach high positions in life. Many opportunities will come your way. If you work for an organization, your boss will admire you. If you work on your own, you can also attract a large fan base and achieve great success in what you do. Ultimately, it is your social contacts and popularity amongst others that make you so powerful in being a successful person. You might be selective about friends. Having a preference for surrounding yourself with powerful, competent, successful, elegant, and refined individuals. You definitely have large hopes and dreams. Settling for a mundane and ordinary life is not for you. You like being wealthy, influential, and able to buy nice possessions. A certain level of prominence will help you live out your dreams and have the beautiful life that you seek. You have the potential to make such a powerful leader within your group and to truly leave your mark on this world. However, you shouldn't lose yourself in this. Sometimes the need to be famous can come from low confidence and the need to lean on others. Don't be afraid to be yourself. You are also a social justice warrior. This makes you a loyal and reliable friend who stands up for others. Although, your justice can lean to a darker side at times. This can come off as dominating to others. So, you should pay attention to how you deal with the wrongdoings of others. It's important to see where the Sun is positioned in your chart for this.

Venus in Aries (Neutral)- Quick to Wrong Relationships, Impulsive Partner, Divorce, Conflicts, Good for Business

Venus in Taurus (Own Sign)- Good For Business, Success in Business Partnerships, Intense Values, Sudden Events, Positive or Negative Transformation, Possessive in Relationships, Passionate Loves, Interest in Occult Knowledge/Mystery

Venus in Gemini (Friendly)- Social, Friendly, Philosophical,

Foreign Connections, Learning Language, Cultured, Attached to Sibling

Venus in Cancer (Enemy)- Business Success, Success in Business Groups/Partnerships, Social, Nurturing, Popular

Venus in Leo (Enemy)- Large Gains, High Status or Surrounded by High-Status Individuals, Leader, Brings Peoples Together, Peacemaker, Inspiring, Influential, Good at Advice Giving, Loyal Friend, Good Friends, Fluctuations in Success

Venus in Virgo (Debilitation)- Lonely in Isolation, Desire to Socializing, Spiritual Growth Alone, Foreign Relationships or Long-Distance Relationships, Occult/Spiritual Knowledge

Venus in Libra (Own Sign)- Attractive, Beautiful, Conflicts,

Need For Balance, Relationship Conflicts

Venus in Scorpio (Neutral)- Intense Values, Protective of Family, Possessive in Relationships, Good in Finances, Difficulties with Joint Resources, Strong-Willed, Determined, Capable

Venus in Sagittarius (Neutral)- Philosophical Knowledge, Cultured, Talented, Love of Deep Conversation, Social, Creative,

Conflict With Younger Siblings

Venus in Capricorn (Friendly)- Home Conflicts, Family Relationships Get Better With Time, Work From Home, Nursing, Hotel Industry, Real Estate

Venus in Aquarius (Friendly)- Cultured, Artistic, Creativity, Intelligent, Conflict With Children, Possible Female Children

Venus in Pisces (Exaltation)- Overcome Conflicts, Deals With Health Issues Well, Serving Others, Caution Needed With Sweet Food, Nurturing Instinct, Love Pets, Need to Focus On Yourself

Famous Libra Rising Individuals

Adolf Hitler

Napoleon Bonaparte

Mahatma Gandi

Clint Eastwood

Nicole Kidman

Katy Perry


-Daquan Jones

Psychic, Empath, YouTube Creator, Author, Life Coach, Astrology

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