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Donald J Trump Desire to Help & Major Losses

Updated: Sep 29, 2022

Donald J Trump is a Leo ♌ Rising. A Leo Rising always holds a strong presence. This is because Leo is ruled by the Royal Sun. Leo Risings look at the world as a stage or a place to express themselves. They aren't the kind of people you can miss or that “fly under the radar”. There are many leaders, entertainers, and inspirers in this position because Leo is the energy of royalty. He is the 45th President of the United States of America and a Television Personality. Whether you like him or not, this isn't about politics. This is simply about his personality and life experiences based on his Astrological placements. That being said, his personality grabs everyone's attention. Especially with Mars in a Conjunction to his Rising Sign. The energy he gives off is bold and aggressive. He is willing to conquer all enemies and obstacles in his way. Donald Trump wants his accomplishments to be on front and center stage. This is because Mars is a planet of energy levels, fighting ability, sexual nature, focus, anger, courage, and aggression. His Rising Sign is in a Semi-Sextile to his Venus in Conjunction with Saturn in Cancer ♋. Cancer controls his 12th House of imagination, spirituality, dreams, isolation, bed pleasures, and subconscious holding patterns. He has unconditional love for the collective. This desire to care for others unconditionally fuels his aggressive straightforward approach to leadership. He wants to take charge and stand up for others. There is a victor/savior mentality to his dreams in life, where he wants to be the hero. Again, this isn't political. So, I'm not here to tell you that he’s caring for the world. However, he does believe he’s caring for the world and his intentions are pure. So, I’ll let you, as the reader, decide if his desire to love is really making a difference or not. The 12th House is also the House of Losses. So, this shows how he is prone to losing connections and the possessions he truly values in life. He did suffer two divorces and four business bankruptcies. Especially with Venus in a Quincunx to his Moon in Conjunction to Ketu the South Node in Sagittarius ♐. Sagittarius rules his 5th House of children, recreational activities, romance, creative talents, and education. This creates a disconnect between giving love and getting his emotional needs met. Donald Trump has a need to be free but also loves emotional commitment. This is a conflict of interest. He has had difficulty maintaining loving connections in romantic relationships. This can also affect his fame and connection to his children. Not only is the Moon unhappy in a Quincunx to Venus. The Moon is also with Ketu. Ketu is where we feel most comfortable karmically speaking. So, not only can he require freedom in relationships, but he might also feel unsatisfied in relationships. This can also contribute to why he is in his third marriage. He most likely went through several romantic relationships at a younger age as well. This is in an attempt to find that connection that truly satisfies him on an emotional level and also provides the freedom he needs. In his past life, he most likely experienced many loving connections. This is why it isn’t quite as satisfying in this life. Karma always wants us to learn something new. This doesn’t mean that he can’t have the connection that he wants. It just means that he has to find what works for him and clearly communicate those needs to his partner. The expansive nature of Sagittarius in his 5th House of children also contributes to his five children. The Moon in the 5th House can also make him closer to his father than his mother. Especially because the Moon is in Sagittarius. There might have been a level of distance between him and his mother. This doesn't mean that he wasn’t connected to his mother, but a lot of connection and support was gained through the father. His Moon is also in a Trine to Mars Conjunct his Rising Sign. So, he has a ton of creative energy to share his opinions and creative skills with others. Not to mention, that he was born on a Lunar Eclipse, making him more emotional and sensitive to change. We can see that he was born on an Eclipse because his Moon and Ketu in Sagittarius are in Opposition to his Sun and Rahu the North Node in Gemini ♊️. He is actually going through his Nodal Return because we are in a Rahu in Gemini/Ketu in Sagittarius Transit as we speak. So, he is learning a lot of lessons that are coming full circle in his current life. Whenever the Sun and Moon are in Opposition there is a Full Moon, but adding the Lunar Nodes creates an Eclipse. Like me, he was born with the Sun in Gemini. That shows that he has a ton of mental energy. Donald Trump spends a lot of time in his head. Whether that means thinking, communicating, listening, learning, writing, etc. He needs a ton of mental stimulation to stay energized and is restless and changeable in conscious thought. This can be both good and bad. He makes a great communicator and Mercury in Cancer ♋ even adds inflection to his voice. However, at times he can only learn on the surface. Especially because Mercury is in the daydreamy 12th House and the idealistic sign of Libra rules his 3rd House of early education, neighbors, siblings, short-distance travel, and familiar surroundings. While he is great at charming others with his words, this position can make it difficult for him to have the patience to dive deeper into information. He likes to get straight to the point and have his immediate opinions heard. This position can also create boredom, nervousness, insomnia, and mental anguish. Unfortunately for him, all of these traits are increased because of his Sun in Conjunction with Rahu and Uranus in Gemini. Rahu is where we gain new lessons and experiences karmically. However, Rahu isn’t all good, because it's Rahu’s obsessive hunger that leads us to gain new experiences. So, his desire for mental stimulation is increased even more so. This can lead him to constant changes and nonstop thinking. Uranus doesn't make it any better either. Uranus is the planet of sudden changes to help us evolve as a collective. So, he can have a tendency to behave, think, and communicate in shocking ways. Also, because Gemini rules his 11th House of large groups of people, hopes, future goals, and long-term success, he can have ups and downs in his success and popularity. He also has a way of shocking and surprising humanity with his goals and future plans. The Sun in Gemini is also his Chart Ruler because it rules his Leo Rising. So, when he talks, people do listen. His self-expression makes a huge impact, for good or bad. He always wants to make sure that his thoughts and opinions are heard “loud and clear”. For this reason, it makes a lot of sense that he was a Television Personality and has a world stage as President at the moment. He is naturally built to entertain and communicate with large groups of people. The Sun is also in a Sextile to his Mars in the 1st House. This gives him a great ability to be straightforward and aggressive in expressing his thoughts to others. The Sun is in a Semi-Sextile to both his Midheaven/10th House in Taurus ♉ and Saturn Conjunct Venus in Cancer. He feels very comfortable expressing his desire to help others and all thoughts and feelings buried within his subconscious. The Midheaven in Taurus shows that he wants a wealthy stable life and to be someone that others can rely on. This makes so much sense as to why he also set out to and received his Bachelor's degree in Economics at The Wharton School. He has a great interest in business and wants to live a comfortable life. With this Semi-sextile, he has a love of expression around finance. This love of business and finance can also be contributed to his Sun in a Trine to Jupiter in Libra ♎. Libra rules his 3rd House. This shows that he loves to communicate and relate to others. Getting his thoughts and ideas across is a must for peace and balance in his life. This is the case for most Leo Risings. They are natural networkers and social influencers. Jupiter is the planet of higher wisdom, philosophy, religion, travel, culture, abundance, expansion, and the husband in marriage. So, Jupiter is a very fortunate planet that is connected to wealth. So, this makes sense as to why he became a businessman. Also, Jupiter rules his 5th House of fame and education and his 8th House of shared resources and taxes. In a Conjunction with Jupiter, we also see Juno and Chiron in Libra. This can create a fear of commitment due to how others will perceive his business dealings. He also has Neptune in Libra in a Square to Mercury in Cancer. This can add to his intuitive perceptions. Mercury in Cancer also gives him a great deal of intuition. However, there is a fine line between intuition and imagination in the 12th House. So, he must be cautious to make sure he has clear discernment before coming to a conclusion. This position can also indicate a feeling of having hidden enemies. He can often attract many hidden enemies because of both Mercury and Venus in his 12th House. These enemies can also cause him great distress and fear on a subconscious level due to Saturn being in the Conjunction with Venus. This can relate to his constant talk of “the Deep State” and his questioning as to why others dislike him. His instincts aren’t entirely wrong in this area, but the lesson is to not allow these feelings to take control of him. He also has Pluto in Leo. This can give deep fears, interests, and speculation about hidden secrets and mysteries. It also gives him a complex personality built off of power and obsessive behaviors. There is a need to look out for liars and anyone trying to overpower him. This could be just in his head or it could be that others are out to get him, but he is always on guard. He enjoys being the most powerful one and the one helping to transform others when in social settings.

-Daquan Jones

Empath, Psychic, Life Coach, Author, Youtube Creator, Astrology

-Astrological Natal Chart Provided by: Astro Gold

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