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Dushamsta Houses

6th, 8th, & 12th Houses

(Stress, Death, and Escapism)

Dushamsta Houses are the most challenging. They can show challenges of all kinds. It's important to note that the 6th House is also a Upachaya House. Meaning that its significance has the potential to improve with time. Along with the 6th House being one of the Artha (material security) Houses. The 8th and 12th Houses are Moksha Houses. Meaning that they lead to liberation. They can help with spiritual growth and development. However, they can also lead to situations of loss.

6th House (Stress) House Type: Artha (Security)

House Type: Upachaya (Grows With Time & Effort)

House Type: Dushamsta (Challenging)

Association: Kanya (Virgo)

Association: Budha (Mercury)

Significator: Mangal (Mars) & Shani (Saturn)

Excelled: Rahu (North Node)

Best Planetary Positions: Mars, Saturn, Rahu

The 6th House is the first Dushamsta House. It is the least intense of the three. The 6th House is the House of everyday stressors. It deals with facing the real world and resolving conflicts. Everyday responsibilities and routine can be seen in this House. Such as managing your health, legal concerns, and household chores. It also deals with how we handle subordinates, the less fortunate, and those who provide service to us. Competitors and those who challenge us are found in the 6th House. Along with pets and those who can't care for themselves. People with strong 6th House placements are able to resolve conflicts, make excellent healers, might work in the legal field, gives service to those in need, and/or can have a special connection to pets. Digestion and minor illnesses can also be seen from the 6th House. Malefic planets tend to give the best results in this House because they help to overcome conflicts. Benefic planets can also help, but they don't give enough strength to fight through the stressors of life. Benefic planets in the 6th House can also cause weight gain and health concerns.

8th House (Death)

House Type: Moksha (Liberation)

House Type: Dushamsta (Challenging)

Association: Vrichika (Scorpio)

Association: Mangal (Mars)

Association: Ketu (South Node)

Significator: Mangal (Mars)

Best Planetary Positions: Mars, Shani (Saturn), Ketu

The 8th House is the House of sudden and hidden circumstances. Experiences of the 8th House can permanently transform our entire existence. Death, near-death experiences, accidents, debilitating illnesses, surgery, psychological changes, and other transforming events can be seen. Secrets and mystery can also be seen from the 8th House. Researchers, psychics, psychologists, private detectives, government agents, and other careers that evolve digging below the surface can be seen. This includes surgeons, historians, archeologists, paleontologists, anthropologists, morticians, gravediggers, and miners. 8th House individuals can take interest in topics that others might feel uncomfortable with. Subjects such as horror, sci-fi, fantasy, murder mystery, death, mysteries of life after death, sex, fetishes, trauma, phobias, witchcraft, government conspiracies, esoteric secrets, etc... There is a desire to explore the greater mysteries of life and find the truth that lies beneath the surface. Deep attachments can also be seen. The 8th House is extremely mystical and magnetic, hypnotically luring others in. Emotional intensity, intimacy, sexuality, and soul-bonding experiences are connected to the 8th House. Along with family inheritance and your spouse's family. However, it can also be a House of scandal, lust, lack of morals, criminals, reckless behavior, self-destruction, depression, agonizing trauma, and dark temptations. Those who put their life on the line or who need to act quickly in emergencies can also be seen from the 8th House. Such as paramedics, firefighters, police, military, etc... Resilience and self-control are always needed to survive the 8th House. It is like a jungle that can be navigated by animal instincts. Or like a war zone in which courage and a fighting spirit are needed.

12th House (Escapism)

House Type: Moksha (Liberation)

House Type: Dushamsta (Challenging)

Association: Meena (Pisces)

Association: Guru (Jupiter)

Significator: Shani (Saturn)

Excelled: Ketu (South Node)

Best Planetary Positions: Surya (Sun), Saturn, Ketu

The 12th House can be an extremely difficult House because it opposes the 6th House. The 6th House is where we deal with the hardships of reality. So, the 12th House can make us sensitive to the world and can lead to escapism. Those with 12th House placements have a strong imagination and psychic sensitivity. Some of the most amazing writers and artists are seen in this House. However, their sensitivity can make them more inclined to retreat from society. These are deep souls who can feel the pain of the collective unconscious. The danger to this House is numbing the pain with isolation, sex, alcohol, daydreaming, etc... Overindulgence, wasting resources, and escapist habits can be seen to the highest degree in the 12th House. 12th House individuals can have sexual fantasies, lustful thoughts, and can even get involved with casual affairs. Yet, it tends to be about filling an empty void they have. There can be a great dissatisfaction with life. Fantasy and spirituality are more enjoyable. 12th House individuals can also be very generous and focused on the good of humanity. Healers and mystics can be seen. Any career in hospitals, prisons, and locked-down facilities can be seen from the 12th House. The 12th House can also show those who suffer from mental illness, struggle with addiction, have to be placed in a mental hospital, those in jail, or have to retreat from their homeland. Foreign trips can be seen. Whether it's for escapism, travel, or settling into a foreign residency. Any sanctuaries, libraries, or isolated locations can be seen. 12th Housers tend to want to move away from society and follow a higher path to get closer to Spirit. This is a great House for spiritual development, but it can take a person so far away from reality if they're not cautious.

See my blog posts on the planets to see how they will affect you in the Dushamsta Houses. Keep in mind that the condition of the planet and how the planet is being aspected make a difference.

Moon in 6th House- Influential, Naive, Legal Issues, Weight Gain, Water Retention, Illness, Physical Weakness, Childbirth Conflict, Intelligent, Manipulative, Emotional Numbness, Honest, Social, Cynical, Calculative, Addiction

Moon in 8th House- Influenced by Spouse, Fearful, Depressed, Trauma, Good Memory, Interested in Occult and Mysticism, Intuitive, Psychology, Self Destructive, Impulsive, Healer, Concise, Mystery Writer, Mental Illness, Health Challenges

Moon in 12th House- Daydreamer, Mystic, Spiritual, Intuitive, Healer, Overindulgent, Escapism, Love of Isolation, Imaginative, Creative, Distance With the Mother, Comfort in Foreign Land, Fantasy Writer, Spouts of Depression, Hidden Emotions

-Daquan Jones

Psychic, Empath, YouTube Creator, Author, Life Coach, Astrologer

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