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Exploring the Vishakha Nakshatra

Updated: Sep 22, 2022


(20° Libra ♎️- 3°20' Scorpio ♏️) "Burning With Dynamic Passion"

Meaning: Forked, Many Branched, Poisoned Vessel

Name: The Star of Purpose

Star Name: i, a, b, and g Librae

Symbol: Forked Branches, Triumphal Arch, Potter's Wheel

Presiding Deity: Indra-Agni (god of Thunder and Fire)

Planetary Association: Guru (Jupiter)

Aim of Life: Dharma (Principles)

Temperament: Rakshasha (Demonic)

Caste: Mleccha (Outcast)

Element: Agni (Fire)

Gender: Male

Ayurvedic Type: Kapha (Earth and Water)

Quality: Rajasic (Ambitious and Energetic)

Nature: Mix of Sharp and Soft

Trimurti: Brahma (Creator)

Yoni: Male Tiger

Yoni Consort: Chitra (Female Tiger)

Best Match: Chitra, Jyeshta, Shatabhishak

Worst Match: Rohini, Uttarashadha, Revati

Padas (Quarters) of Vishakha

(Luck, Marriage, & Microscopic View)

Pada 1: 20°- 23°20' Libra

Navamsa: Aries

Focus: Passionate, Impulsive, Focused

Pada 2: 23°20'- 26°40' Libra

Navamsa: Taurus

Focus: Materialistic, Practical, Beauty-Lover

Pada 3: 26°40'- 30° Libra

Navamsa: Gemini

Focus: Humorous, Playful, Selfish

Pada 4: 0°- 3°20' Scorpio

Navamsa: Cancer

Focus: Sensitive, Authoritative, Secretive

Vishakha is found from 20° Sidereal Libra- 3°20' Sidereal Scorpio. So, 3/4 of this Nakshatra is in Libra and the last quarter is in Scorpio. This can also be found in Western Tropical Scorpio. Vishakha means "Many Branched", "Forked", or "A Poisoned Vessel". It's symbolized by forked branches, a lightning bolt, a potter's wheel, a decorated gateway, and the triumphal arch. Vishakha is known as the Star of Purpose. The ruling deity of Vishakha is Indra-Agni. This is a combination of Indra and Agni. Indra is the king of the gods and the god of thunder. Agni is the brother of Indra. He is known as the god of fire and war. Vishakha is associated with the planet of Jupiter. Also, the Libra portion is influenced by Venus. Mars and Ketu influence the Scorpio portion. The difference between the Libra and Scorpio side of this Nakshatra is in the focus. They are both incredibly dynamic and passionate. However, Libra is more focused on achieving material success and diplomacy. Where Scorpio is focused on gaining authority and recognition.

Vishakha is referred to as "Many Branched" or "Forked". This has to do with the shakti or power that's found within this Nakshatra. Vishakha is said to have the power to achieve multiple goals. We can also see its expansive nature has to do with the rulership of Jupiter. Those born under Vishakha are extremely dramatic and flamboyant in their pursuits in life. They aren't settling for anything small in life. No, these are those whose motto is "go big or go home". Their ideas and dreams are larger than life. Also, Vishakha individuals approach their goals like the branches on a tree or the branches of a lightning bolt. They start with one focus, then they branch out to the next goal. Vishakha isn't lazy and will never be satisfied with just relaxing. Once one goal has been achieved, it gives way to many more to come. In some cases, this can get them into trouble. It's advised not to start anything new without finishing a goal completely. This is because there's a tendency to never look back and to just keep marching ahead towards many victories. If there are too many goals, these individuals can't focus or get anything done. Great concentration is required. This can also be seen through the symbol of the lightning bolt and the forked branches.

"Poisoned Vessel" refers to the fact that sometimes what Vishakha contains can cause conflict. Sometimes Vishakha is willing to do anything to achieve success. Even if it means trampling over others in the process. Sometimes these individuals don't even realize that they're doing this. They are so intensely focused on their own goals that they fail to consider how their actions affect others. So, many people can see these individuals as selfish, ruthless, and overly aggressive. Vishakha-born can even become frustrated and angry when something that they pursue doesn't go to plan. Causing drama and havoc that can disrupt the peace of others around them. Sometimes they do behave aggressively and vindictively towards others. On the other hand, many are jealous of how successful and powerful these individuals become in life. Some might even seek to sabotage or discriminate against the Vishakha natives.

A major symbol of Vishakha is a Potter's Wheel. This symbol speaks about the amazing creations and talents that Vishakha can bring into the world. This is especially true for the Libra side of this Nakshatra. Whereas the Scorpio side tends to lean towards politicians and leadership positions. The Potter's wheel represents the ability to craft a creation into existence with one's bare hands. Vishakha individuals tend to have some sort of creative talent. I immediately think of Prince's placement of Vishakha Rising and Katy Perry's placement of the Moon in Vishakha. Vishakha individuals often have creative gifts to show to the world and do it in a dramatic inspiring way. These talents can vary from person to person. Painters, singers, musicians, songwriters, actors, sculptures, etc... are a few examples. Hilary Clinton and Bernie Sanders are some of the examples of those born on the Scorpio side of Vishakha.

The Decorated Gateway or Arch can be found at a wedding. This represents entering into a new phase of life. It's both a celebration and a commitment. With that commitment comes new responsibilities and new challenges to overcome. Just like how Vishakha is faced with new commitments to adhere to when they begin a new project. As these individuals branch out to new territory, it's important to realize that patience and responsibility are always needed. This is important because Vishakha natives are very passionate and can be impulsive at times. However, there is something that's always guaranteed about them. These individuals are always determined and dedicated. The amount of courage and ambition found in this Nakshatra is incredible. It's why they are able to be so successful and superior to others. No one can work harder and with more enthusiasm than Vishakha. The Triumphal Arch is similar to the Decorated Gateway. It's also a symbol of celebration and entering into a new commitment. However, it mostly speaks about their relentless victory and unstoppable power.

The Star of Purpose is related to the powerful energy and concentration that these individuals possess. This dynamism is the key to them staying focused on their purpose and ultimately achieving victory. Indra-Agni is the ruler of Vishakha. Indra is the king or the chief of all of the gods. Representing the power and leadership in this Nakshatra. Indra is also the god of thunder. He rules over the sky and the heavens, possessing unlimited power. This represents the large dreams and lofty goals found in Vishakha. These are individuals who are going all-in on their dreams. Agni is also the god of war and fire. The power of Indra and Agni together makes these individuals unstoppable in their pursuit of success. Agni's influence sometimes makes them ruthless and aggressive. It definitely makes them courageous and dominant. Just like their animal symbol of the male tiger. Agni makes them hungry for success. It's said that Vishakha is "Burning with Passion". Along with this, they can have a bit of a temper and impatience that can lead to conflicts. Marriage can be difficult for them unless they learn to be more patient and understanding with their partner. On the other hand, sometimes they can attract people who are ruthless towards them. Krittika is opposite to Vishakha.

Jupiter is also the planet that rules Vishakha. To learn more about Jupiter, check out my blog on Secrets of Guru (Jupiter). This makes them highly intelligent and wise beyond their years. They can achieve anything with their intelligence, creativity, and passion combined. Jupiter is also responsible for the expansion of ideas and accomplishments. However, they should be cautious of overindulgence for that reason. There is a desire for Vishakha individuals to live life to the fullest. This can lead to weight gain and major health concerns. Jupiter is also associated with religion and spirituality. So, having a spiritual connection can help Vishakha individuals with finding their purpose. They can stay focused on their path in life.

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-Daquan Jones

Psychic, Empath, YouTube Creator, Author, Life Coach, Astrologer

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