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Exploring Uttara Bhadrapada

Updated: Sep 29, 2022

Uttara Bhadrapada (3°20'- 16°40')

"The Deepest One of All"

In Vedic Astrology, the Zodiac signs are based on the position of the stars rather than the Seasons on Earth. This results in a 23-degree difference between the typical Western Tropical Zodiac and the Vedic Sidereal Zodiac. The Moon Sign is also seen as the Zodiac sign vs. the Sun in Western Tropical. While the Sun still holds great importance in representing the soul’s desire or the ego of an individual. The Moon is representing the true nature of a person and the way their mind works. The Ascendant represents the personality, physical body, appearance, and life foundation.

Anytime that the Sun, Moon, or Ascendant is placed in a Zodiac sign, it holds great importance. The Moon is always the most important. Then the Ascendant. Lastly, the Sun will also make an impact. Primarily, the behavior and appearance of a person are based on the Moon and Ascendant. While the Sun can show what a person feels inspired about, where they shine, and what career path they feel drawn towards.

In Vedic Astrology, we also consider Fixed Stars. This is something that relates more to the Moon’s influence than the Sun. Since they can’t be seen from the Western Tropical view. However, this opens up the door to the 27 Nakshatras or Lunar Mansions. Each Zodiac Sign is distributed through 3 to 2.5 Nakshatras. This further distinguishes the Zodiac Signs into three different personality types. Therefore, even a person born under the same Zodiac Sign as someone else can behave differently.


Today I want to continue the Nakshatra series. Previously, we talked about Uttara Phalguni and Purva Bhadrapada. If you missed those, feel free to check those out down below. Today, I want to talk about Uttara Bhadrapada.

Uttara Bhadrapada spans from 3 degrees 20 minutes to 16 degrees 40 minutes of Pisces. Its name means "the Latter Luck Feet". The Star Name is the Warrior Star. Its symbol is of a man with two faces, the back legs of a funeral cot, and a twin snake in the water. Uttara Bhadrapada is ruled by Ahirbudhnya. It's also ruled by Saturn.

Depiction of Luck

The "Latter Luck Feet" refers to those born under this Nakshatra as having a magical ability to attract good fortune and success. This is mostly found by being drawn to the right people for support. However, the "Latter" part refers to a delay in this luck. Usually, this Nakshatra is slow to attain the results that they seek. This can have to do with being sensitive to this world. Uttara Bhadrapada is a highly empathic Nakshatra. It has a tendency to absorb the emotions of others and can feel the subtleties of this chaotic material world. Also known as the Maya (material illusion). This sensitivity is extremely high now as we are in the Age of Kali. Sometimes, this sensitivity is the number one cause of the slowness in results. As many under this Nakshatra become overwhelmed and require a lot of time to recharge. Managing time wisely is a huge lesson for these individuals. Along with being cautious of who or what they give their energy to. The luck of Uttara Bhadrapada also comes from their hopefulness. These individuals try to remain happy and optimistic. Even when they really feel miserable underneath their appearance.

Depiction of a Shield Protecting

The Warrior Star shows the warrior-like attitude that is found here. Uttara Bhadrapada possesses a stoical attitude. Those born under this Nakshatra are calm and quiet. Almost appearing cold and detached in some way. The destruction of the ego in the previous Nakshatra brings great clarity to Uttara Bhadrapada. Allowing one to remain calm and composed. Even protecting and healing others with their calm presence. This Nakshatra is said to have the power to bring cosmic rain. Giving a divine calming and cooling effect. Along with this is a strong desire to protect and remain loyal to loved ones. Sometimes even becoming possessive and stubborn in upholding family values. Though mostly, this is a spiritual warrior. Protecting the hidden treasure of deepest knowledge in existence. Even using this deep knowledge to heal and protect those in need. From here, we can see problem-solvers, advisors, counselors, healers, teachers, activists, and those who use mystical knowledge to help others.

Depiction of a Man With Two Faces

The man with two faces refers to the duality of this Nakshatra. This duality can also be found in the previous Nakshatra of Purva Bhadrapada. However, here, the duality speaks more about the ability to perceive reality from multiple perspectives. These are the people who can see one situation from two sides. Also making them great at mediating. This is connected to the cooling ability. However, this ability to see from different perspectives can create indecision and confusion. Along with there being a dual personality. Uttara Bhadrapada can behave differently depending on the perspective that suits the situation. It can also represent being caught between two realities like Purva Bhadrapada. Uttara Bhadrapada tends to have a rich and vibrant inner world. It's usually more enjoyable than the material world. This is one of the reasons why this Nakshatra has many talents connected to complex thinking, problem-solving, deep wisdom, spirituality, counseling, photographic memory, and a vivid imagination.

Depiction of Funeral Cot

The back legs of the funeral cot represent the transition of leaving the physical. As Uttara Bhadrapada is said to be walking through life in a meditative or dream-like state. There is an instinctual knowing to this Nakshatra. Where sometimes these individuals are tuned into the Universe and know all of the mystical knowledge without consciously realizing it. This unconscious awareness empathically connects this Nakshatra to everyone and everything in existence. Picking up on subtle vibrations and being intuitively led in the right direction is a big part of Uttara Bhadrapada. Along with studying all of the unexplained and mystical subjects. However, these individuals can even study simple subjects in a very complex way. Uncovering the deepest interpretation behind a topic. This sometimes makes them hard to understand. Even making socializing difficult. As they relate to everyone on a deeper level rather than on the surface. Oftentimes, Uttara Bhadra bypasses the surface to get straight to the deepest depths. Making these highly evolved and misunderstood souls. Sometimes, they can even seem impersonal or socially awkward due to their profound understanding. Which differs from those who only perceive reality at a superficial or mundane level. That doesn't make either perception wrong. It just creates a vast difference in the reality that's experienced.

Depiction of Ahirbudhnya

The snake in the water also relates to the deity that rules Uttara Bhadrapada. Ahirbudhnya translates to "the serpent or dragon from the depths". This is referring to the kundalini energy that lays dormant at the base of the spine. Then awakens and rises up through the 7 chakras to awaken the soul. This can be seen as the life force energy. Different channels in the body relate to different Nakshatras. Uttara Bhadrapada is connected to the Sushumna Nadi ruled by Vishnu and the fiery constitution of Pitta. The relationship to the kundalini can be seen as uncontrollable desire and low-level human behavior at the lowest vibration. This energy can be expelled from the body through short-term pleasure, excessiveness, and distractions. Or with discipline, this energy can rise up through the body to be utilized for mental clarity and creative purposes. Many use this energy for lustful purposes. However, meaningless sex and sacred sex are different expressions of this vital life force. Many who maintain discipline and preserve this energy can reach high levels of spiritual awakening. As Vishnu is the Divine Preserver. Not to mention, this is the 2nd to last Nakshatra. So, it brings the soul closer to spiritual liberation and transcendence of the material world. The serpent of Uttara Bhadrapada is also seen as distant. As it's the dragon from the deepest depths. Here, we can see the most mature level of Saturn because it's the last Nakshatra that's ruled by Saturn. Saturn is the natural enemy of the Sun. Making it a cold, harsh, and detached planet. Saturn represents loneliness, maturity, time, restriction, delay, and discipline. Showing the effect of remaining cold or distant at the surface. Uttara Bhadrapada can become overwhelmed or shy to the chaos of the world. Giving the desire to retreat or isolate. This is a Nakshatra that enjoys quiet, peace, and harmony. Meditation, rest, animals, nature, music, etc... tend to be very healing for them. Along with the connection to spirituality and the pursuit of knowledge. Saturn gives a hard-working and ethical demeanor. Although, sometimes these people can become lazy and might take a long time to get to a result. Saturn is a very slow-moving planet and teaches patience. The serpent isn't a snake either. It's a cosmic being that upholds righteous actions. So, the qualities of snake energy can't be found here. These individuals aren't capable of vengeance, jealousy, or intentionally causing harm to others. However, they can sometimes come off as harsh because of their stable approach to life and the disconnect from society. Those born under Uttara Bhadrapada tend to get a stigma of being stone-cold. Especially females because of the societal expectation for females to be gentle and expressive. Although, some individuals do understand these deep souls and can even bring out a lot of expression in them. One thing is for sure. Children and animals can feel their empathy and compassion more than anyone else. Along with this, Saturn in its most mature form gives strong sacrificing qualities. Ahir Budhyana is also depicted as a serpent that sits below the sacrificial altar. So, we can see a desire to give without expecting anything in return. However, this can sometimes backfire. As many people are likely to take advantage and walk over these sensitive souls. Therefore, boundaries will be required. This comes from the fact that this Nakshatra falls entirely in Pisces. Pisces is a sign with no boundaries, as it binds with everything in existence. This is why we can see the strong psychic awareness, empathy, mercifulness, spiritual ascension, faith in God, and the desire to freely sacrifice for others. However, this can become overwhelming and a heavy burden for Uttara Bhadrapada. That brings up the lesson of letting go and allowing God to help instead of trying to save everyone and everything. Because in this process the individual forgets to save themselves. Saturn also talks about stability. Though, it's not just that these individuals are stable in personality. They also desire to have stability in life. Not through short-term material desires. Instead through long-lasting results. The difficulty is that it takes longer to reach those results as mentioned before. This can sometimes create frustration as Saturn shows the ultimate restriction of time and discipline. This is why Uttara Bhadrapada tends to be disciplined in some way. They understand the art of patience.

Padas (Quarters) of Uttara Bhadrapada

Navamsa (Luck, Marriage, and Microscopic View)

Pada 1: 3 degrees 20 minutes to 6 degrees 40 minutes of Pisces

Navamsa: Leo

Focus: Creativity, Achievement, Family

Pada 2: 6 degrees 40 minutes to 10 degrees of Pisces

Navamsa: Virgo

Focus: Practicality, Intelligence, Perfectionism

Pada 3: 10 degrees to 13 degrees 20 minutes of Pisces

Navamsa: Libra

Focus: Art, Balance, Diplomacy

Pada 4: 13 degrees 20 minutes to 16 degrees 40 minutes of Pisces Navamsa: Scorpio Focus: Research, Intensity, Mystical Knowledge

Celebrities Born Under Uttara Bhadrapada

*Dr. Sebi is a Big Example of Possessing Knowledge that's Considered Unconventional to Society*

Dr. Sebi: Uttara Bhadrapada Moon,

Sun in Anuradha (Scorpio),

Unknown Time

Dr. Sebi or Alfredo Darrington Bowman was a self-proclaimed herbalist and healer who centered his knowledge around unhealthy foods producing excess mucus in the body. While many claimed that he had saved their lives, there was no initial scientific evidence of this. Still, he left behind a mark on society. Along with a confusing legacy filled with individuals trying to claim his healing practices.

This is one example of how deep and complex the individuals born under this Nakshatra can be. Whether they truly have a deeper understanding or are lost in fantasy is up for debate. Many people born under Uttara Bhadrapada can escape reality and develop delusional thoughts. However, the same individuals can also reach a profound level of spiritual awareness. Some of the wisest can be found here. Many born under this Nakshatra even understand and speak on complex subjects before reaching maturity.

G-Eazy Uttara Bhadrapada Ascendant

Jupiter in the 3rd House in Rohini (Taurus)

Saturn in the 10th House in Purvashada (Sagittarius)

Moon in the 10th House in Purvashada

Sun in the 3rd House in Krittika

Mariah Carey Uttara Bhadrapada Sun in the 12th House

Jupiter in the 6th House in Uttara Phalguni (Virgo)

Saturn in the 1st House in Ashwini (Aries)

Moon in the 3rd House in Punarvasu (Gemini)

Ascendant in Bharani (Aries)

Rihanna Uttara Bhadrapada Moon in the 1st House

Jupiter in the 2nd House in Ashwini (Aries)

Saturn in the 10th House in Mula (Sagittarius)

Ascendant in Revati (Pisces)

Sun in the 12th House in Dhanishta (Aquarius)

Joseph Gordon-Levitt Uttara Bhadrapada Ascendant

Jupiter in the 7th House in Hasta (Virgo)

Saturn in the 7th House in Hasta (Virgo)

Moon in the 5th House in Ashlesha (Cancer)

-Daquan Jones

Psychic, Empath, Author, Life Coach, Astrologer, YouTube Creator

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