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Mike Tyson Natal Chart Full of Heart & Skilled Hands

Updated: Sep 29, 2022

Mike Tyson went through great trauma and abuse at a young age. This has given him a tough personality and approach to life. That is usually the case when Scorpio ♏️ is Rising. Whether this means actual abuse, traumatic experiences, psychological fears around showing emotion/intimacy or simply viewing the world as a harsh place. It could be big or small. I see many Scorpio Rising people go through small experiences in childhood that make them hesitant to express themselves or that make their process of trusting others a lot slower. It takes them time to feel comfortable with others and to show who they really are. Rejection and emotional/psychological hurt become an issue with these people. So, trust and loyalty are a big part of what he needs to feel connected. He also takes his time to connect with others. When first meeting him, he might appear tough, mysterious, and powerful. Especially because his Rising Sign is in the first Decan of Scorpio (Mars/Pluto-the most intense). That aura can also come off as magnetic and intriguing depending upon an individual’s response to his overall energy. This is because of the quiet and observant presence he gives off. However, you might find that he is very easy to connect to once he chooses to open up. This is because Scorpio is still a water sign. So while the Fixed nature of Scorpio might take some work to get through, it is still about emotional connection.

He also has his Rising Sign in a Square with Mercury in Leo ♌️. Leo is sitting up top in his Midheaven/10th House. This makes him dominant in his career. Even though he retired from boxing, there is a certain radiance he leaves behind. He outshines and inspires in what he has created. With Mercury here, it doesn’t matter that he is quieter and reserved in personality. He still makes his accomplishments loud and clear in the public. His communication style is straight from the heart. That can come off as cocky or arrogant, but really is just “telling it like it is.” His Rising Sign is in a Quincunx to his Venus in Gemini ♊️. Gemini rules his 8th House of sudden ups & down, shared resources, intimacy, and hidden knowledge. There is more to him than people think. His mind is both curious in a “need-to-be-stimulated” way and in a calculated way. He wants to joke around with others, but he also tends to look deeper for knowledge hidden below the surface. This is where he might find it difficult to express love and appreciation the way he really wants to deep down. Scorpio and Gemini energies aren’t necessarily on the same page. Even though he has a very powerful and intense personality, he actually just wants to relate to others in a fun, light, and playful manner. Sometimes his love of wit and spontaneous fun can come off as too much to others. He loves intelligence in partnership.

His Rising Sign is also in a harmonious Trine to his Sun in Cancer ♋. Cancer rules his 9th House of travel, religion, philosophy, future, and higher knowledge. This shows wisdom gained through a motherly figure. He is emotionally connected to knowledge and wisdom. Especially with the Sun in Conjunction with Jupiter (the planet of expanded thinking). He is very wise and has gained knowledge through his emotional ups and downs in life. It also can show a lot of appreciation and deep connections found outside of his home environment. He had to leave his community to find success. The traditional ruler of his Rising Sign, Mars, is in Gemini. His weapons are his hands and his speech. This is because Gemini is the sign of communication and the original ruler of the hands. A lot of times, you will see writers, fighters, architects, etc. with this placement. I think we can all agree that it contributed to the power and accuracy of his punches. Mars in Gemini is also quite a sassy placement when it comes to communication. Mars is our fighting ability, energy levels, defense, aggression, anger, sexual nature, focus, and courage. When it's in Gemini, all of that drive is channeled through words, written or spoken, or both. So, he can be quite direct and dominating in communication. Intelligence and speed are used as a weapon if he feels threatened in a verbal battle, and he has the mental energy and power to keep arguing until he wins. This quality is dominant in his entire life’s journey because Mars is his Chart Ruler. He is meant to use this power to transform the lives of others. That impact has been seen in his fighting ability, but it is also a part of his communication.

His Modern-day Chart Ruler, Pluto, is in Virgo ♍ in exact Conjunction with Uranus. Uranus is the exaltation of Scorpio. So, it feels very comfortable pairing up with Pluto. While these are Transpersonal (Generational) planets, they still play a strong role in his chart. Both Pluto and Uranus are agents of change. Uranus takes us through sudden surprises to help us evolve as a collective and Pluto causes destruction and endings to force us to heal and transform through our darker natures. With these in the 11th House of hopes, future plans, long-term gains, and large groups of people; we can see that he has made a shocking impact on the public. It also shows sudden changes in future plans and goals at an older age. We did see him retire from boxing. These two also show a little bit more of a controlled or realistic approach to friendships and groups. However, Uranus is always giving unexpected results. So, we can see him either choose very practical or unconventional people to interact with. Either way, these planets create popularity among others. Uranus is connected to humanity and Pluto is intensely magnetic.

Uranus and Pluto are also in a Square to his Moon in Sagittarius ♐. Sagittarius controls his 2nd House. This can show a strongly religious, moralistic, or educational upbringing. I don't have any knowledge of this area for him. He does have the Moon and Jupiter in “mutual reception” in a Quincunx. The Moon’s Domicile is Cancer and Jupiter's domicile is Sagittarius. However, Jupiter is happier than the Moon because Jupiter is in exaltation in Cancer. This makes him very emotional about his thoughts and beliefs. Though, there might be difficulty sharing his values and opinions at times. This is because the Moon goes through phases and the quincunx is a misunderstanding. So, his ability to share his thoughts and values in a way that others understand can wax and wane. The change is also increased by the Square to Pluto and Uranus, but thankfully his Midheaven supports this. His ability to shine in the eyes of the public makes this fluctuation only play out on a personal level. He is quite sure of himself and strives to be the best he can be when he has an audience. That Moon in Sagittarius adds a ton of confidence and independence to his character. All he has to do is believe in himself to feel secure. He doesn't need proof or physical security. That all manifest from his hope and optimism in how he expresses his thoughts and feelings. He also craves independence and the ability to explore life. Even though he still very much enjoys communication with his Mars and Venus in Gemini and Mercury in Leo. He can be a bit outspoken with that combination of the strong Gemini and strong Fire placements. Everything is very honest and direct, even if it is brutal or uncomfortable.

Rahu The North Node is in Taurus ♉. Taurus controls his Descendant/7th House because of that Scorpio Rising/1st House. So, he seeks commitment and consistency in partnerships, whether romantic, business-related, or friendships. However, Rahu in the 7th could have led him to jump from one relationship to the next at a younger age. This is because of Rahu’s hunger to learn and experience more outside of our comfort zone. So, his karmic destiny has to do with learning how to find the security he wants through relationship success. He most likely didn't have a proper relationship experience in his past life. He spent a lot of time conquering enemies and hardships on his own. So, that's where his comfort zone is karmically speaking.

The ruler of his 3rd House of early education, neighbors, siblings, networking, short-distance travel, and familiar surroundings is Capricorn ♑/Saturn. This can show he has a slow-paced, calculated, disciplined approach to thinking, learning, and communicating. This is also supported by Saturn in Pisces ♓. Pisces rules his 5th House of education, recreational hobbies, creative talents, romance, children, and speculation. This shows a daydreamy effect on romance, multiple talents, intelligence, and a ton of sensitivity and compassion in his heart. With Saturn in his 5th House, he might have felt hesitant or restricted from joy at a young age. Saturn is also in Conjunction with Chiron. Chiron in the 5th House can show abuse in childhood because it is our House of joy and self-expression. Chiron in Pisces can also show an early experience of feeling like a victim, being taken advantage of, or giving into addictive/escapist behavior because of the gentle qualities of Pisces. Saturn would have forced him to mature too early because of this heartache. Especially with Saturn and Chiron in a Trine to Ketu. His natural instincts to conquer and survive in a past life are strongly connected to his trauma. Mars is also in a Square to Chiron. So, his fighting hands and direct speech are a part of his way of confronting and healing his past wounds. Neptune is also in his 1st House giving him natural talent and creative vision.

-Daquan Jones

Empath, Psychic, Life Coach, Author, YouTube Creator. Astrologer

-Astrological Natal Chart Provided by: Astro Gold

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