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Mysteries of Mula Nakshatra

Updated: Sep 22, 2022

Mula (0°00'- 13°20' Sagittarius ♐️)

"Getting to the Deepest Core"

Meaning: The Innermost Core Name: The Foundation Star Star Name: 9 Stars in the Tail of Scorpionis Symbol: Reticulated Roots, A Lion's Tail, or Elephant Goad Presiding Deity: Nirutti (goddess of Decay, Sorrows, & Destruction) Vimshottori Dasha Lord: Ketu (South Node) Purushartha: Kama (Desire) Gana: Rakshasha (Demon) Varna: Butcher Caste Element: Vata (Air and Space) Gender: Neuter Nadi: Kshatriya (Warrior) Guna: Tamasic (Inertia) Nature: Sharp and Dreadful Activity: Active Trimurti: Brahma (To Create) Yoni: Male Dog Yoni Consort: Ardra Shakti: Power to Ruin, Destroy, and Break Things Apart Direction: North Color: Brownish Yellow The Direction of Motion: Downward

Most Compatible: Chitra, Purvashada, Revati

Least Compatible: Ashwini, Purva Phalguni, Uttara Phalguni

Padas (Quarters) of Mula Luck, Marriage, & Microscopic View

1st Pada: 0°00'- 3°20' Sagittarius Navamsa: Aries Focus: Intense, Investigator, Optimistic

2nd Pada: 3°20'- 6°40' Sagittarius Navamsa: Taurus Focus: Creative, Ambitious, Lover of Beauty

3rd Pada: 6°40'- 10° Sagittarius Navamsa: Gemini Focus: Researcher, Sharp, Successful in Academics

4th Pada: 10°- 13°20' Sagittarius Navamsa: Cancer Focus: Shy, Emotional, Unstable

Mula is positioned from 0°00'- 13°20' of Vedic Sidereal Sagittarius. Its name means "The Innermost Core". The stars are the 9 stars that fall at the tail end of Scorpionis. Making it the tail of Scorpio. This is true, even though it falls in the sign of Sagittarius. Mula is also referred to as the Foundation Star. The symbol for Mula is Reticulated Roots, a Lion's Tail, or an Elephant's Goad. Mula is ruled by the deity of Nirutti. It also has an influence from Jupiter due to falling in the sign of Sagittarius. The Vimshottari Dasha Lord is Ketu (South Node).

"The Innermost Core" is referring to where it all started. Even The Foundation Star is referring to the foundation of life. This Nakshatra is connected to our ancestral roots and the roots of all of existence. Some say that it even correlates with the Akashic Records. Mula is also said to be associated with the Galactic Center. A place where all the objects in the galaxy were born from. It's also where the black hole of our galaxy is positioned. Mula individuals want to explore the core of everything. To get to the truth and deeper meaning behind everything. These individuals are investigators and researchers. Leaving no stones unturned. Even the shakti of Mula is the power to destroy, ruin, and break things apart. Representing the breaking open of the surface to see what lies beneath. Mula gives the power to see through illusions and get straight to the raw truth. Stripping everything down to the bare minimum.

However, there is a darker side to this destructive energy. Mula is ruled by the deity of Nirutti. Nirutti is the demon goddess of decay, sorrows, and destruction. When Mula loses focus on their mission in life, the results are catastrophic. Not having a purpose or not following ethical behavior, can lead to total destruction. Nirutti brings punishment for the wrong actions. Leading to major losses and self-destruction. Mula individuals often feel restricted, resentful, or lacking in faith in some way. Sometimes, they are even consumed by fear, restlessness, addiction, nervousness, and anger. This can even be related to the connection to the mother being too attached or nonexistent. Especially if the Moon is in Mula.

This is because the life of Mula comes with many tragedies and setbacks. Including a feeling of not accomplishing their pursuits as quickly as they would like. Success tends to come later in life. The way to overcome these challenges is to stay rooted in their path, define their foundation, and never stray from the right path. Having faith and choosing to accept pain will give the best results for these individuals. There is a choice in Mula. Mula can choose to suffer because of their difficulties or they can choose to accept the pain and keep going. By not letting pain lead to self-destruction, many blessings will come. Many Mula individuals don't realize the potential and strength that they possess. This is because of straying from the path and not exploring the root of who they are. These powerful people can endure a lot of suffering and can withstand the pressure of many responsibilities. This is symbolized by the reticulated roots, a lion's tail, or an elephant's goard. Representing the entanglement in one's karma, responsibilities, and desires. Along with the power reflected in the lion's tail and the ability to endure piercing pain represented by the elephant's goad.

As mentioned before, self-destructive tendencies are what hinder many of these individuals. Sometimes this is due to their strong primal instincts. A quality that comes from the planetary influence of Ketu combined with the expansion of Jupiter. Sometimes, Mula's energy can come off as intense or even terrifying. Even though that isn't their intention. Mula individuals are very soft and good-natured. Yet, they can come off as overly blunt and aggressive. Sometimes speaking before thinking and acting without thought. Mula tends to realize that they make a mistake too late and seeks repentance for it. However, it is better to learn faith and patience. Along with learning from their mistakes instead of repeating them continually. This will only lead to loss and humiliation if not corrected. They are definitely sincere and refuse to sugarcoat anything. This level of honesty can be both refreshing and cruel. Although they are very straightforward and transparent, they can also come off as mysterious. Especially if Mula is in the Ascendant, Ascendant Lord, or Moon Sign. Sometimes even in the Sun Sign. Mula individuals are known for being powerful in a subtle way. Their presence is usually large and prominent while they are also intense and reserved.

Men born under Mula especially tend to be extremely tall and/or very muscular with large shoulders. Yet, they can also be interested in fashion and makeup. Mula individuals can come off as very attractive with sharp proportionate features. Sometimes there also is gender fluidity or a different sexual orientation. This doesn't always happen, but it relates to Mula having a neuter gender. Their strong presence can cloak the genuine compassion that they possess. This compassion is especially towards the suffering of humanity. There can even be a special connection to dogs. As the animal symbol for Mula is a male dog. Sometimes, Mula individuals just need an outlet where they can express their more aggressive or destructive energies. Such as combat sports or creative outlets. This becomes even more true if Mula influences the 5th House of recreation, the 6th House of competition, or Mars (planet of energy and aggression). To learn more about Mars, check out my post on Secrets of Mangal (Mars). Meditation, yoga, and spirituality are also highly recommended to calm the nerves of those with strong Mula placements.

It is clear that Mula individuals are extremely intelligent. They have incredible research skills and are more interested in finding deeper meaning than focusing on mundane topics. However, sometimes this intelligence comes with an ego. When Mula is too self-absorbed they can believe that they possess all of the answers. A wise Mula individual knows that the journey of exploring the roots of everything is never-ending. It's also not just about searching through research, history, philosophy, astronomy, alternative healing, or metaphysical topics. Mula's most important exploration is always about digging up their own roots and getting to the truth of their souls. These are very clever and sharp-minded individuals. They can perform very well in education, yet they tend to be interested in truths that you won't find in conventional education. Restrictions and conditioning aren't their forte. If anything, they are masters at being original. On the negative extreme, this can go as far as avoiding the law or taking the wrong path.

Mula also craves deeper connections. If they pursue a partner for only sex, it doesn't mean anything to them. It's just to fulfill their primal instincts. Yet, when they are serious, they will look for an authentic and meaningful connection. Small talk and a lot of baggage aren't for them. Mula also has no hesitation in cutting off toxic or unwanted connections. The truth and meaning behind everything never escape them. These are individuals who specialize in removing illusions, whether they realize it or not.

Arnold Schwarzenegger Mula Moon in 7th House Jupiter in the 5th House in Vishakha (Libra) Ketu in the 6th House in Anuradha (Scorpio)

Rahu in the 12th House in Krittika (Taurus) Punarvasu Ascendant (Gemini) Sun in the 2nd House in Pushya (Cancer)

Prince William Mula Ascendant Jupiter in the 11th House in Chitra (Libra) Ketu in the 1st House in Purvashada (Sagittarius)

Rahu in the 7th House in Ardra (Gemini) Moon in the 7th House in Ardra (Gemini) Sun in the 7th House in Mrigashira (Gemini)

Oprah Winfrey Mula Ascendant Jupiter in the 6th House in Rohini (Taurus) Ketu in the 7th House in Punarvasu (Gemini)

Rahu in the 1st House in Uttarashada (Sagittarius) Moon in the 12th House in Anuradha (Scorpio) Sun in the 2nd House in Shravana (Capricorn)

-Daquan Jones

Psychic, Empath, YouTube Creator, Author, Life Coach, Astrologer

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