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Mysteries of Shukra (Venus) in Vedic Astrology

Updated: Sep 22, 2022

Shukra "Agent of Intoxication"

The Path of Harmony and Sensuality

In Vedic Astrology, the Zodiac signs are based on the position of the stars rather than the Seasons on Earth. This results in a 23-degree difference between the typical Western Tropical Zodiac and the Vedic Sidereal Zodiac. The Moon Sign is also seen as the Zodiac sign vs. the Sun in Western Tropical. While the Sun still holds great importance in representing the soul’s desire or the ego of an individual. The Moon is representing the true nature of a person and the way their mind works. The Ascendant represents the personality, physical body, appearance, and life foundation.

Anytime that the Sun, Moon, or Ascendant is placed in a Zodiac sign, it holds great importance. The Moon is always the most important. Then the Ascendant. Lastly, the Sun will also make an impact. Primarily, the behavior and appearance of a person are based on the Moon and Ascendant. While the Sun can show what a person feels inspired about, where they shine, and what career path that they feel drawn towards.

In Vedic Astrology, we also consider Fixed Stars. This is something that relates more to the Moon’s influence than the Sun. Since they can’t be seen from the Western Tropical view. However, this opens up the door to the 27 Nakshatras or Lunar Mansions. Each Zodiac Sign is distributed through 3 to 2.5 Nakshatras. This further distinguishes the Zodiac Signs into three different personality types. Therefore, even a person born under the same Zodiac Sign as someone else can behave differently.


In the previous blog post, we discussed the Nakshatra of Shatabhishak. If you haven't seen it, feel free to check out the Secrets of Shatabhishak. In today's post, we will discuss Shukra. Also known as Venus in Western Philosophy. This blog post might surprise you If you are coming from Western Tropical Astrology. Venus isn't exactly the way that most people believe it to be. If you believe that this Graha (planet) is all about love and harmony, prepare to be surprised. Venus is a beneficial planet but it isn't necessarily a pure or innocent planet. This is definitely one of the most beloved of all of the planets besides Jupiter.

Venus is the ruler of Taurus and Libra and is Exalted in Pisces. This tells us a lot about Venus's role. Let's briefly explore these different Zodiac Signs to understand more.

Taurus is an Immovable (Fixed) Earth Sign ruled by Venus. It's also the natural 2nd House of the Zodiac. So, Taurus is associated with money, possessions, family, values, tradition, childhood upbringing, speech, and material security. It is one of the most materialistic and sensual of all of the Zodiac Signs. Making it a very practical and reliable sign. However, it is also one that can become obsessed with pleasure and material gain to the point of losing their spiritual purpose.

Libra is a Moveable Air Sign ruled by Venus. It's also the natural 7th House of the Zodiac. So, Libra is associated with justice, diplomacy, business deals, marriage, romantic partners, business partners, popularity, seduction, and emotional intelligence. This is a sign that is skilled in understanding other people on an intimate level and in establishing an equal exchange within partnerships. However, it is also a sign that can be shy to express themselves in an assertive way and can become too consumed by their role within a relationship.

Pisces is a Dual Water Sign ruled by Jupiter. It's where Venus reaches its Exaltation (highest potential) and Pisces is the natural 12th House of the Zodiac. Pisces is associated with bed pleasures, fantasy, creativity, mystery, isolation, surrender, liberation, foreign places, escapism, addiction, substances, altered realities, confusion, peace, sacred places, healing, generosity, and spiritual enlightenment. This is a sign that's very spiritual and loving to all living beings and the planet as a whole. As it's connected to Spirit and the collective consciousness. However, Pisces can also be a sign of confusion and self-sabotaging behavior due to having an overwhelming level of empathy and psychic connection.

Something that we get to know about all three of these Zodiac Signs is that they are all dealing with peace and satisfaction. So, we know that Venus is the planet that wants us to feel the most pleasure in life. On one level, that relates to harmony, love, and equality. However, Venus at his highest potential is about being intoxicated through existential bliss and liberation. So, Venus has to do with everything that makes a human being feel good. This includes food (especially sweets and rich foods), luxury, comfort, romance, intimacy, relationships, beauty, design, music, culture, sex, drugs, alcohol, and any other activities that promote enjoyment in life. Most of these actions are considered to be Rajasic (passionate and exciting) rather than Sattvic (pure). Therefore, Shukra or Venus is a Rajastic Planet.

Notice that Venus is a balanced planet. So balance is needed when dealing with Venus. Most of the actions of Venus can't be considered to be bad or good. It depends only on perspective and on the level that an individual becomes intoxicated by them. We can gain great inner peace and fulfill our desires to the point of satisfaction through Venus. However, Venus can also lead to addiction, obsession, or jealousy. The amount of pleasure that is felt under Venus' influence can drive a man wild and lead to uncontrolled behavior.

This is why Venus is said to represent the female spouse traditionally. Men tend to be more attracted through the physical intoxication of Maya (material illusion). This is because the physical is related to everything that is born from mother earth or the divine feminine. Maya is experienced through the five earthly senses. However, Venus can also be consumed with harmony and discipline. It is said that women are darkness and illusion (not in a negative connotation, it's symbolic). Men are allured by the darkness and illusion of women. However, a man must be a strong tree for the woman to wrap her poisonous vine around. Otherwise, the man without being a rooted tree or lacking a solid foundation will be devoured by the woman. Therefore, losing his vitality and being forced by the woman to plant his roots in the Maya for stability. This can be seen as women challenging men to be strong in relationships while men seek the relationship through the enchantment of women.

Although, that doesn't mean that Venus is limited to the attraction between a man and a woman. Nor does it mean that Venus only represents the female counterpart to a man. Venus can represent friendship, business dealings, and how we relate socially to others in general. In a female's chart, it can also represent the partner to whom they feel attracted. Venus' only role is to bring pleasure. So, this is never limited to any particular standards, interests, sexual preferences, genders, or fascinations of any kind. However, Vedic Astrology is an older practice. So, we do have some traditional implications that are made within the chart. Traditionally in a natal chart, Venus will represent the partner to whom a man feels attracted. Venus can also represent a partner in a woman's chart, but mostly Jupiter will represent the partner that a woman feels attracted to. This is because Venus can represent a sexual and/or romantic partner. While Jupiter represents the qualities that are found within a loving and supportive husband or father.

See, Jupiter and Venus are the two Benefic Planets in Astrology. However, Jupiter is Sattvic (pure) while Venus is not. So, Jupiter keeps ethical and Dharmic (karmic right action/purpose) principles. Yet, Venus tends to get caught up in the sensual pleasure that can take an individual away from purpose and principles. It is always important to see these placements within the birth chart when looking into relationships. Along with seeing the D9 Navamsa for serious relationships and the D7 Saptamsa for fertility and progeny. Also, Taurus/2nd House of the chart can show sensual pleasure and possessiveness. Gemini/3rd House of the chart can show immediate desires and attraction. Leo/5th House of the chart can show dating and casual connections. Libra/7th House can show marriage and committed partnerships. Scorpio/8th House can show sexual/emotional intimacy and shared resources within a committed partnership. Pisces/12th House can show fantasy/romance and foreign connections.

Along with this, Venus is said to represent semen and the reproductive organs. This also connects Venus to creativity. As sexual energy is used to create a child. In the same way, this sexual energy or seed can be used to create other works of art. If the seed is allowed to be nurtured properly it can grow from the root or base chakra instead of being discarded through lower pleasures. As the seed raises up the spine through spiritual cultivation and discipline, it can spread to other chakras in the body. Giving potential to be expressed through more artistic avenues. Such as singing, speaking talents, and entertainment. This is related to Venus' ownership of Taurus. Taurus is the sign that rules the throat and the vocal tonality. This also opens the door to cooking and nurturing others. As Taurus also rules the taste buds. So, it's connected to taste, culture, style, and physical beauty. Taurus has a good sense of what's enjoyable and what makes others feel comfortable.

We can also see the beauty of art and design through the connection to Libra. Libras tend to have a good sense of architecture, literature, philosophy, painting, photography, classical treasures, decor, fashion, and/or ambiance. Along with this, Libra has the ability to be seductive and sensually pleasing. However, Libra remains classy and subtle in this. Keep in mind that Libra is the Moolitrikona (strongest home) for Venus. So, Venus doesn't need to exaggerate any qualities or work extra hard in Libra. He's comfortable and relaxed in this position.

Also, as Venus climbs through the chakras, we can see how the seed can become a tool for manifestation, miracles, spiritual liberation, clarity of mind, unconditional love, and orgasm that exist beyond the body. This is due to its Exaltation being in the sign of Pisces. Pisces goes beyond the physical and operates on subtle vibrations or through the astral, etheric, emotional, and mental bodies. This lets us know that Venus can also help us access unknown knowledge. So, Venus is the teacher of dark, hidden, taboo, and esoteric studies. The combination of Venus being sexual and spiritual often leads to a connection to tantra and other sacred sexual practices. Along with an interest in metaphysical, scientific, and unexplained phenomena. I have seen many Libra and Pisces individuals who are interested in UFOs (Unidentified Flying Objects), EMPs (Electromagnetic Pulse), ETs (Extraterrestrial), Solar Flares, Binaural Frequencies, and other subjects exploring the conspiracies or hidden truth behind what's really going on in our world. There can also be an interest in witchcraft, ancient ruins, and lost civilizations.

Venus Positions: Partner, Interests, Creativity, Enjoyment

As mentioned earlier, Venus is at home in Taurus and Libra. So, Venus will do well in these positions. It's where Venus functions naturally and doesn't have to do much or exaggerate. Especially in Libra because Libra is the stronger of the two.

Venus in Taurus makes an individual or their partner a lover of all things beautiful and sensual. However, they don't go overboard unless other planets interfere. There is a love of nature, art, food, luxury, family, and security. These are people who are extremely in tune with the five earthly senses. They are very polite, accommodating, peace-loving, graceful, and seductive with their speech. You or your partner might also love being social or showing others how to have a good time. This is an extremely loyal and reliable placement with an easygoing and playful tone.

Venus in Libra show you or your partner is very balanced in the partnership. They have a subtle and magnetic aura. This can even show someone who dresses in a classy and sleek way. Making them appear sexy but not in a provocative way. This is especially true if your partner is a woman or you are a woman. This can be an individual who is creative, intelligent, talented, and captivating in everything that they do. They don't try at all, there is just an effortless sex appeal and graceful charm about them.

Venus is also good friends with Mercury, Saturn, and Rahu. So, Venus will do well in Gemini, Virgo, Capricorn, and Aquarius. However, keep in mind that Saturn and Rahu are malefics. So, there might be obstacles or delays involved. Check out my blog on Secrets of Shani (Saturn) and Secrets of Rahu (North Node) to learn more about the effects of these planets.

Venus in Gemini is a great position for communication and emotional connection. Gemini is a sign that's all about connecting with others. Gemini is symbolized by the twins. Twins tend to have special connections where they can sometimes feel each other's pain and emotions. This is likely to show a relationship that is based on good communication and shared interests. You or your partner might be very curious and involved in multiple intellectual pursuits. There's restlessness and playfulness to this placement. There might be shared adventures or taking lessons on different subjects together. This can also be a highly sexual and moody placement. Due to the changeability in Gemini. You might also find that you or your partner are very flirtatious and witty.

Venus is Debilitated in Virgo. However, Venus and Mercury are still friends and this is a great position for relationships. The reason is that Venus loses the need for indulging in too much fantasy and liberation. This shows you or your partner is very loyal and practical in the partnership. This can produce a housewife or a highly supportive husband. There is a strong need to provide service and be useful within the partnership. Making them strongly committed partners and able to manage realistic expectations within the partnership. It is advised to be cautious of the need to be perfect. There can be a fear that the individual isn't good enough when they are truly an excellent partner. It is also advised to be cautious of being taken advantage of or overstepping the boundaries of others.

Venus in Capricorn is a great placement for a serious committed relationship. This can show that either you or your partner are willing to put a great deal of effort and maturity into the connection. It also can give a great deal of privacy because Capricorn is the sign representing status. So, any issues are likely to be approached within the relationship instead of being publically broadcasted. The difficulty is that there can be some distance or detachment due to being seriously committed to responsibilities at work. Delays might also come due to fear from either you or your partner. This can possibly push back marriage until later in life. It might also be that someone in the relationship is either older in age or more mature in their mentality/personality.

Venus in Aquarius can also be considered a great position. If you're someone who's nonjudgmental and open to exploration. Venus in Aquarius can be very strange and might go against the norms in relationships. It might just be that you or your partner likes to dress eccentrically, has tattoos and piercing, or likes to dye their hair a unique color. It could also be another aspect of the partnership as well. Perhaps your partner has a very mysterious and original personality. They could approach love and sexuality in a unique way. Along with this, you or your partner might be involved in metaphysics, science, experimentation, technology, machinery, future advancements, social work, and/or philanthropy. There can also be some distance as Aquarius is a very secretive and detached sign. However, Aquarius can also be very friendly and sociable. So, the results can be very unpredictable for this placement. It's important to see any Aspects, of Rahu's position, Saturn's position, the House placement, and the House that Rahu; Saturn; and Venus rule.

Venus has an Enemy relationship with the Sun and Moon. So, Venus in Cancer and Venus in Leo is considered inimical positions. This is because an individual might feel more inclined toward connecting to a partner that reminds them of their parent. As Cancer represents the mother/nurturing provider and Leo rules the father/strongly authoritative figure. Keep in mind that those roles can be reversed, filled by one parent, or only one of these roles might apply depending on the childhood upbringing.

Venus in Cancer can show an individual who has a strong attachment to their mother. Therefore, they will likely be very sensitive and nurturing or will attract a partner with these qualities. This can be negative or positive depending on the Moon's role in their natal chart. A functional malefic or damaged Moon Sign can show a lack of nourishment/conflict with the mother. If this is the case, their relationship with their partner can also be complicated. A positive Moon Sign will give more benefic results. There is usually a strong desire to have emotional security and a cozy connection with the partner. Lots of warmth and affection are needed. This can also mean that you or your partner can be "high maintenance" and very needy at times

Venus in Leo can show a strong attachment to the father. So, the individual will look for qualities that match a father in the relationship. This will apply regardless of gender or sexual preference. So, even a man with this placement can attract a woman with a dynamic and domineering personality. This can also be positive or negative depending on the condition of the Sun in the chart. If the relationship with the father was turbulent, then there can be ego battles and control issues within the partnership. This could show a narcissistic partner or simply a more self-centric partner. It is advised to be cautious when dealing with a narcissist. On the other hand, if the relationship with the father was good, then this can show a partner who is very confident, supportive, warm-hearted, creative, charismatic, adventurous, and encouraging. Just don't expect them to be submissive. They are likely to want to take the lead in all areas of the relationship. Also, they will want to do whatever they can to make you feel loved and will want to be pampered in return.

Venus has a Neutral relationship with Mars, Jupiter, and Ketu. So, these positions can be more challenging. As Venus shares some characteristics of these planets but still contradicts them in some ways too. Jupiter and Ketu are considered Sattvic and Venus is not. However, they also are all spiritually inclined. Check out my blog post Secrets of Ketu (South Node) to learn more about Ketu. Mars is the exact opposite of Venus. Where Venus brings pleasure in life, Mars can be very confrontational. However, they both are extremely passionate planets.

Venus in Aries is an interesting position. I have this one myself. So, hopefully, my perspective will be useful to others who also have this placement. When Venus is in Aries, you or your partner will likely be strong-willed, competitive, and enthusiastic. If a man has this position, he can still attract a dominant and energetic woman who likes to take the lead. Passions run high in this position due to Mars being the ruler of Venus. If you know about Astrology, then you know that there is a great deal of passion and intensity when the energy of Venus and Mars are connected. So, this can show that you or your partner can be impulsive and overly eager to give love and affection within relationships. There's no time to waste with this position. It's not all sex and intense passion though. It can show an individual who's extremely romantic, protective, possessive, and wants some speed or activity within the connection. There might be traveling, competition, games, or other exciting events shared with your partner. Along with someone in the relationship needing some space and independence at times. You might also be someone or attract someone younger or someone who is very youthful in mentality/personality. That is if Venus isn't influenced by Jupiter or Saturn. Jupiter's influence can make the partner mature by being very philosophical and ethical in behavior. Saturn's influence might make them older in age or someone who's "wise beyond their years".

Venus in Scorpio is one of the most intense positions of all. This can give the individual high sexual desire and strong romantic feelings like Venus in Aries. However, the level of passion is more intense than Aries. This shows that you or your partner is obsessive, passionate, bold, wild, intimate, protective, and experimental within the partnership. Passions with this position are wild and untamed. This might also be the partner who wants to learn about and/or try multiple positions in the bedroom. They are unafraid to experiment with anything dark or unknown. So, be prepared for an adventure. The level of emotional attachment will be strong and might even be too much to handle. On the other hand, if Venus is negatively influenced, it can show a partner who is manipulative, ruthless, dogmatic, overly competitive, and obsessed with the conquest. So, caution is advised with this placement. You or your partner might be interested in research, esoteric knowledge, spirituality, psychology, and anything involved in observation or exploration. It can also show a partner who works in a medical profession or an authoritative position in their career. These are highly ambitious and enthusiastic individuals with high levels of passion.

Venus in Sagittarius tends to show a mature and sophisticated partner. They might work in a teaching profession or they might be involved in social work. There can also be an interest in social activism, politics, travel-related careers, public speaking, and administrative positions. It can also show a partner who has a tendency to preach and share advice a lot. This can be annoying for some and helpful for others. They can be an excellent mentor and can reach high levels of success in life. There is a desire to continue learning and exploring. So, this might also be a partnership that involves traveling and or taking a class together. You or your partner will be restless and passionate. Always looking for something to do or some cause to stand up for. On a sexual/romantic level, it can also make the partner lustful and extremely affectionate. However, they can also be quick to move on and tend not to get too attached. These are freedom-lovers who are always on the go. So, if you can't keep up with their pace, they might not keep you around.

Venus is exalted in Pisces. However, some might not enjoy this position depending on their needs in a relationship. Keep in mind that Pisces is the place of unconditional love. So, there might not be as strong of a commitment as one would like from this position. A strong Venus in Pisces position will likely be more focused on spreading love through creativity, healing, spirituality, and/or social work. This is an excellent placement for artistic ability.

Venus in the Ascendant/Rising Sign/1st House

Magnetic in Appearance and/or Personality, Popular and Well-Received, Fortunate in Life, Cultured and Pleasant Deamenor, Considerate of Others, Good Manners, Art/Music/Learning

Venus in the 2nd House

Attracts Money and Resources, Desire to Spend on Beautiful Possesions, Good Taste, Focus on Appearance and Clothing, Sexy and Charming Tone of Voice, Love of Family

Venus in the 3rd House

Peaceful in Social Connections, Generous, Popular, Good Connection With Siblings, Skilled, Artistic Talent, Highly Sexual, Changing Connections, Laziness in Learning, Too Agreeable

Venus in the 4th House- Dig Bal Yoga (Directional Strength)

Social, Empathetic, Happy Relationships, Good Mother Connection, Luxurious,

Love of Comfort in the Home and Vehicle, Generous, Attracts Property and Opportunities

Venus in the 5th House

Playful, Creative, Enthusiastic, Forward-Looking, Skilled in Drama and Performance, Attractive, Intelligent, Social, Passionate in Romance, Good Parent, Good Fortune

Venus in the 6th House

Avoids Conflicts, Mediator, Helpful and Healing, Service-Oriented, Detailed, Perfectionist, Misunderstood, Divorce, Health-Focused, Dietary Issue, Animal Lover, Success at Work

Venus in the 7th House

Attractive and Popular, Flirtatious, Need For Partnership, Balance in Relationships, Harmonious Partner, Romantic, Lover of Beautiful People, Disturbed by Conflict, Overly Pleasing, Bussiness Oriented, Highly Sexual, Charming, Appearance Focused

Venus in the 8th House

Interested in Esoteric Knowledge and Research, Mysterious, Sexual Intensity, Obsession, Secrets or Scandals, Possible Interest in Pornography or Prostitution, Fear of Intimacy, Relationship Trauma, Attracts Money Through Others

Venus in the 9th House

Love For Group Philosophy/Religion/Education, Support/Beliefs/Gains From Father, Foreign Partner, Love of Travel, Great Public Speaker, Debates, Dreamy Lover, Possible Lustful Temptations, Large Social Circle

Venus in the 10th House

Well Received for Skills, Charming and Polite in Career, Success-Oriented, Service-Oriented, Respect for Authority, Professional Partner, Focused on Reputation

Venus in the 11th House

Social, Popular, Attracts Abundance, Charitable, Large Hopes and Ambition, Female Friends, Wealthy Partner, Likes to Make Others Feel Comfortable, Compassionate

Venus in the 12th House

Romantic Fantasies, Unrealistic Expectations, Foreign Partner or Meeting in a Foreign Place, Spiritual, Creative, Deep Imagination, Highly Sexual, Indulgent

-Daquan Jones

Psychic Empath, YouTube Creator, Author, Life Coach, Astrologer

Check Out My Video On Venus Mahadasha

Check Out My Video On Venus in Aries

Check Out My Video On Venus in Taurus

Check Out My Video On Venus in Gemini

Check Out My Video On Venus in Cancer

Check Out My Video On Venus in Leo

Check Out My Video On Venus in Virgo

Check Out My Video On Venus in Libra

Check Out My Video On Venus in Scorpio

Check Out My Video On Venus in Sagittarius

Check Out My Video On Venus in Capricorn

Check Out My Video On Venus in Aquarius

Check Out My Video On Venus in Pisces


Those who have their Moon Sign in Bharani (13°20'- 26°40' Aries), Purva Phalguni (13°20'- 26°40' Leo), or Purvashadha (13°20'- 26°40' Sagittarius), are born under a Venus Mahadasha. So, you will only go through this period in the beginning period of your life. However, it is still connected to your Soul's DNA within your mind. Making it your psychological experience and life pattern. If you were born with your "Moon Sign" in Krittika (26°40' Aries- 10° Taurus), Uttara Phalguni (26°40' Leo- 10° Virgo), or Uttarashadha (26°40' Sagittarius- 10° Capricorn), then you were born under a Sun Mahadasha. The Venus Mahadasha comes after the Moon, Mars, Rahu, Jupiter, Saturn, Mercury, and Ketu Mahadasha. Those who have their Moon Sign in Rohini (10°- 23°20' Taurus), Hasta (10°- 23°20' Virgo), or Shravana (10°- 23°20' Taurus), are born under a Moon Mahadasha. The Venus Mahadasha comes after Mars, Rahu, Jupiter, Saturn, Mercury, and Ketu Mahadasha. If you were born with your Moon Sign in Mrigashira (23°20 Taurus- 6°40' Gemini), Chitra (23°20 Virgo- 6°40' Libra), or Dhanishta (23°20 Capricorn- 6°40' Aquarius), then you were born under a Mars Mahadasha. The Venus Mahadasha comes after the Rahu, Jupiter, Saturn, Mercury, and Ketu Mahadasha. If you were born with your Moon Sign in Ardra (6°40'- 20° Gemini), Swati (6°40'- 20° Libra), or Shatabhishak (6°40'- 20° Aquarius), then you were born under a Rahu Mahadasha. So, the Venus Mahadasha comes after Jupiter, Saturn, Mercury, and Ketu Mahadasha. If you were born with your Moon Sign in Punarvasu (20° Gemini- 3°20' Cancer), Vishakha (20° Libra- 3°20' Scorpio), or Purva Bhadrapada (20° Aquarius- 3°20' Pisces), then you were born under a Jupiter Mahadasha. The Venus Mahadasha comes after Saturn, Mercury, and Ketu Mahadasha. If you were born with your Moon Sign in Pushya (3°20'- 16°40' Cancer), Anuradha (3°20'- 16°40' Scorpio), or Uttara Bhadrapada (3°20'- 16°40' Pisces), then you were born under a Saturn Mahadasha. The Venus Mahadasha comes after Mercury and Ketu Mahadasha. Those who have their Moon Sign in Ashlesha (16°40'- 30° Cancer), Jyeshta (16°40'- 30° Scorpio), Revati (16°40'- 30° Pisces), are born under a Mercury Mahadasha. The Venus Mahadasha comes after the Ketu Mahadasha.

Those who have their Moon Sign in Ashwini (0°- 13°20' Aries), Magha (0°- 13°20' Leo), or Mula (0°- 13°20' Sagittarius), are born under a Ketu Mahadasha. The Venus Mahadasha comes directly after.

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