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Pisces Ascendant in Vedic Astrology

Updated: Jul 18, 2023

If you thought you were an Aries Ascendant in Tropical Astrology, you might be a Pisces Ascendant. Use my Birth Chart Calculator to find out your Vedic Sidereal placements.

Pisces is a fascinating sign because it's the last sign in the Zodiac. Pisces can be seen as the 12th House in the Kala Purusha (Cosmic Man). The 12th House is the farthest House from the Ascendant. So, it represents everything distant or unknown to us. It includes foreign lands, hospitals, prisons, asylums, and ashrams in a mundane sense. However, the 12th House extends beyond the physical. So, it also includes paranormal experiences, psychic abilities, mysticism, spirituality, meditation, yoga practices, occult knowledge, astrology, research, deeper contemplation, imagination, sleep, dreams, subconscious fears, subconscious desires, other realms, the spirit world, ancestral karmas, and the condition before birth. The 12th House includes energy loss, expenditure, indulgences, bed pleasures, escapism, foreign travel, charity, compassion, forgiveness, and conclusions.

Pisces is a Dual sign. Dual signs are flexible, adaptable, and have a dual nature. It's also a Water sign. Water signs are sensitive, compassionate, and deeply intuitive. Jupiter is the lord of Pisces. Jupiter is a planet of knowledge, wisdom, philosophy, religion, spirituality, law, justice, morals, principles, culture, traditions, teachers, mentors, gurus, counselors, advisors, hope, optimism, happiness, husbands, children, education, wealth, prosperity, abundance, expansion, foreign travel, good fortune, protection, security, marriage, generosity, compassion, and benevolence.

The Ascendant is one of the most significant points in Astrology. It's vital to know the time of birth to calculate the Ascendant. The Ascendant is the sign rising from the eastern horizon at your birth time. It maps out the rest of your natal chart. All 12 Houses depend on the sign rising in your natal chart. So, the Ascendant becomes the 1st House in your natal chart. It represents birth, general life, health, constitution, appearance, presentation, fame, identity, intelligence, the body, and the brain. Any planets in the 1st House, aspecting the 1st House, or ruling the 1st House can alter the results. That's why an in-depth observation of the natal chart is needed.

A Pisces Ascendant can come across as shy, sensitive, and mysterious. They can be secretive and prefer to be in isolation. At the same time, they are very friendly and accommodating. It's not difficult to get along with Pisces. They have a sweet, innocent, and bubbly character. Sometimes, they are naive in wanting to see the best in others. They are loving and compassionate towards all walks of life. Their caring nature can also make them indecisive or confused in their decisions. They don't want to make decisions that could hurt others. Pisces can excel in music and the arts. They have a vivid imagination with endless possibilities. Also, they can make great counselors and guides. Pisces is the old soul of the Zodiac. They are deep and insightful. These are big-picture thinkers who can see deep below the surface. Pisces can be drawn to subjects others perceive as taboo or "woo-woo." They are deeply philosophical and drawn to mystical subjects. Pisces Ascendants also love to wander to foreign lands and fantasies. Luck is on their side because of their close connection to a higher power. They are deeply intuitive and even psychic. Although, their emotions can lead them to make impulsive decisions at times. They should also be cautious of falling into addiction and escapism when overwhelmed.

Pisces has Aries in their 2nd House. They are independent and courageous in making money. A Pisces Ascendant isn't afraid to take an unconventional path. Speculation and entrepreneurship come effortlessly to them. They can be the first to start a new venture or suddenly initiate their own business. Their early family environment could have been very active. Perhaps their family went hiking or had different adventures. They might've been involved with various clubs or sports teams early on. Pisces are also stubborn and headstrong about their values. Their family and the values instilled in them are meaningful to them.

Taurus is in their 3rd House. Pisces Ascendants are polite and friendly when interacting with others. They don't want to hurt anyone or cause disharmony. Their communication is soft and charming. Sometimes, they need to be more assertive to be understood by others. They do well in professions that involve communication, media, salesmanship, journalism, and entertainment. Pisces can have musical abilities or a genuine love for music. They get along with siblings, neighbors, cousins, and their local community. However, there can be some separation from siblings. They enjoy traveling in comfort.

Pisces has Gemini in their 4th House. They like companionship in their home environment. Pisces Ascendants can travel a lot or have multiple homes. They are restless and need movement. Their home is an intellectual place for them. Pisces likes to research, study, read, and contemplate at home. They might have a desk, library, or study area. Their motherly figure might also be a very talkative and social person.

Cancer is in their 5th House. Pisces Ascendants are caring and nurturing parents. They have a love of children and derive happiness from them. Sometimes, they can work with younger people in their profession. Pisces is exceptionally creative and talented. Their imagination is vivid. They can do well in education. However, they might experience sudden changes in their studies. It's vital for Pisces to feel like they're supported and a part of their school environment. They can be dreamy and unrealistic in their dating life. Casual affairs aren't enough. Pisces needs a meaningful connection. They might enjoy watching romance movies. The mother can dote on them. Generally, the mother is more beneficial for them than the father.

Pisces has Leo in their 6th House. They are authoritative and ambitious at work. Either they will be the boss of their own company or will rise to a higher position. Sometimes, they can be bossy or critical toward their workmates. It can upset them if others don't follow their instructions. They should be cautious of high-stress levels brought on by their work life. Pisces Ascendants can struggle with digestive issues or liver problems. They are also service oriented. Helping those in need is vital to their fulfillment. They can also be concerned with their diet and keeping fit. Although, they tend to pay attention to health checkups only when necessary. Their feet can also be prone to ailments and accidents because Pisces rules the feet. The father can also be absent, sick, or an obstacle for them.

Virgo is in their 7th House. Pisces Ascendants love to live with a partner. However, they can be slightly unrealistic in relationships. They are picky and idealistic. It can lead to superficial connections at first. However, their relationships can improve with time. They also have to be careful of attracting someone who's too critical. Generally, their partner can be rational and analytical. Their partner helps to ground them and is very supportive. Though, relationships become more than just romantic. They grow to enjoy the friendship and mental connection with their partner.

Pisces has Libra in the 8th House. They have a clever way of getting what they want. Pisces is sweet and diplomatic in gaining the support of others. They can be private about serious relationships. Keeping special moments between them and their partner might be meaningful. Sometimes the partner can increase their wealth. They enjoy intimate connections with others and love to discuss occult subjects.

Scorpio is in their 9th House. Pisces Ascendants can find luck in foreign lands. They tend to love traveling. Pisces can have an interest in exploring foreign cultures and philosophies. Their belief system can be extreme at times. They love to explore occult subjects and can have a wealth of mystical knowledge. Learning the conventional way doesn't always work for them. Sometimes, they can go into a situation and intuitively figure it out as they go. They learn best through experience.

Pisces has Sagittarius in the 10th House. They are flexible in their public profession. It might take them time to find their true calling. In other cases, they might have a career that involves being flexible. They can travel a lot for work or have multiple sources of income. Often, they like to pursue more than one project or more than one job at once. Remaining ethical and pure in their reputation is important to them. Their public status and identity are closely connected. They might do work that involves teaching, lecturing, writing, blogging, media, journalism, travel, social work, counseling, mentoring, spirituality, religion, finances, politics, humanitarian causes, etc...

Capricorn is in their 11th House. Pisces Ascendants aren't as outgoing. They can have a smaller circle of long-lasting connections. It takes a long time for them to feel comfortable opening up to new people. So, they prefer friends they've already established meaningful relationships with. Although they are dreamers, they are serious about working towards their dreams. Pisces will put time, effort, and discipline into making their dream a reality. Their success and peak income might come in the 2nd half of life.

Pisces has Aquarius in their 12th House. They are more rational than they appear. Although Pisces can be dreamy, they rarely take anything at face value. They want to research and verify everything they believe. Deep down, they are scientific in their thinking. Pisces is also a humanitarian at heart. They are compassionate and feel they aren't following their purpose if they don't give back. Pisces likes to use spirituality to help those in need. However, they should be cautious of who they associate with. Others might seek to take advantage of their kindness. Friends can become secret enemies and the source of loss.

The ultimate goal of Pisces is to break free from this material world. The symbol of the two fish represents a dichotomy. Pisces is the last sign in the Zodiac. There is an opportunity to evolve spiritually, remove past karmas, and break free from the incarnation cycle. However, there's also an opportunity to obsess over material attachments and restart the incarnation cycle. So, two fish are swimming in opposite directions. The question is, which direction will the Pisces choose to take?

This article is generic. It won't match every person with a Pisces Ascendant. However, it's a helpful foundation to start from. For every House, you have to see the condition of the lord. They are listed below.

Pisces 1st House & Sagittarius 10th House: Jupiter

Aries 2nd House & Scorpio 9th House: Mars

Taurus 3rd House & Libra 8th House: Venus

Gemini 4th House & Virgo 7th House: Mercury

Taurus 3rd House & Cancer 5th House: Moon

Leo 6th House: Sun

Capricorn 11th House & Aquarius 12th House: Saturn

Pisces 1st House & Scorpio 9th House: Ketu

Virgo 7th House & Aquarius 12th House: Rahu

Functional Benefics: Jupiter, Mars, Moon, Ketu

Functional Malefics: Venus, Mercury, Saturn, Rahu

Jupiter is the first lord. I would suggest seeing the condition of Jupiter first. The House Jupiter is in will show where the individual directs their focus in life.

See if Jupiter enjoys the sign he's in. Is he conjunct with other planets or receiving aspects from them? Is he hemmed between malefics? Is Jupiter placed well in the D9 Navamsa? This will show us how strong or weak he is in the chart.

Then, is he forming any yogas in the chart? Yogas are combinations involving particular placements of planets. They can show beneficial or challenging results in the individual's life. Jupiter can form yogas on his own for a Pisces Ascendant. The Hansa Yoga is an example below.

Hansa Yoga (Fortunate, Religious, Spiritual)

Rules: Jupiter in his Own Sign or Exaltation and an Angle or Trine

Jupiter in Pisces 1st House: Hansa Yoga

Jupiter in Cancer 5th House: Hansa Yoga

Jupiter in Sagittarius 10th House: Hansa Yoga

We should also consider that Jupiter is the lord of the 10th House. So, his placement will tell us about the individual's career. The same steps listed above should be applied. The D10 Dasamsa, planets in the 10th House, the 10th House in the Moon Chart, and the 10th Lord in the Moon Chart should be observed.

We must see the individual's Vimshottari Dashas to judge their planetary periods. When is the Jupiter Mahadasha? Jupiter's Bukhtis or Antardashas should also be observed. What's Jupiter's relationship with the Bhukti planets? We can also consider Jupiter as a Bhukti planet in any other planet's Mahadasha.

We can continue by seeing the Jaimini Karakas. The 7 or 8 Karaka scheme can be used depending on your preference. What is Jupiter the Karaka for in the chart? This will depend on the degree of the planets. The Jaimini Karakas are easy to calculate. You can also find out by using a Vedic Astrology software.

We can find out if Jupiter is Badhaka for the natal chart. Badhaka placements present obstacles in life. However, Jupiter will support the chart even if it does present obstacles. The 1st House Lord always tries to protect the individual. It's also in Jupiter's nature to bring luck in good fortune or protection.

The 7th House is Badhaka for Dual signs. So, Mercury and the 7th House will be Badhaka for Pisces. Rashi Aspects to the Badhaka House will also present obstacles. Dual signs give Rashi Aspects to each other. So, anything in Pisces, Gemini, and Sagittarius will also become Badhaka for the Pisces Ascendant.

Along with this, we can see Nakshatras in the natal chart. 3 Nakshatras are contained within the Pisces Rashi. They are Purva Bhadrapada Pada 4 (0°- 3°20' Pisces), Uttara Bhadrapada (3°20'- 16°40' Pisces), and Revati (16°40'- 30° Pisces).

Purva Bhadrapada and Uttara Bhadrapada come in a pair. Purva means "Former," and Uttara means "Latter." Bhadra means "Lucky, Beautiful, Happy, Benevolent, Prosperous, or Beneficial." Pada means "Foot."

Pisces rules the feet. So, we can associate both Nakshatras with foreign travel and travel to other realms. Sometimes, those born under these Nakshatras can have beautiful and delicate feet. They can also be prone to accidents or ailments related to the feet.

They can also be lucky, benevolent, and prosperous. However, Purva is in the former years. So, Purva Bhadrapada can bring early fame, wealth, and abundance. Uttara Bhadrapada tends to give the best results in the latter years. So, those born under Uttara Bhadrapada might need to be more patient and hardworking. Themes of inheritance and support of family can also be seen.

Purva Bhadrapada is given the title of The Scorching Pair. It's ruled by Aja Ekapada (One-Footed Goat). Purva Bhadrapada has the Shakti of spiritual fire and the desire to gain spiritual knowledge. So they can experience an internal battle. Although they can have material success early, they reach a moment of rejecting it. The superficial material gains don't satisfy them. It makes them angry at the world. This dissatisfaction makes them interested in finding deeper meaning through philosophy and spirituality.

The Shakti of Purva Bhadrapada is to use spiritual fire, raise the evolutionary level, or awaken the spirituality in a person. Sometimes they can be controversial. They find truth and meaning. Yet, not everyone is ready. So, they can utter jarring statements that trigger a reaction in others. Many can find them intense, eccentric, and bold. Although, their messages can raise the consciousness of the planet. Initially, people reject them. Then, those same people awaken to a new perspective.

Uttara Bhadrapada is given the title of The Warrior Star. It's ruled by Ahir Budhyana (Serpent of the Deep Sea). Uttara Bhadrapada has the Shakti of cosmic rain and the desire to find a foundation. These individuals are warriors in various ways. They are sensitive and self-sacrificing. It's meaningful to them to protect and nurture those in need. Those born under Uttara Bhadrapada tend to have an affinity for helping animals and the underprivileged. They are champions for the underdog and protectors of their families. There is a virtuous and rebellious quality about them. They stick to their values and refuse to follow the wrong actions of the crowd.

Uttara Bhadrapada also shows a stern and resilient individual. They are dreamy and hopeful. It makes them try to remain positive even when challenged. Sometimes they are tolerant of pain and refuse to complain about their obstacles. It's positive because it helps them overcome many of life's challenges. Negatively, they are sensitive people. So, they might pretend they are stronger than they are and struggle with vulnerability. They might only have one person they allow themselves to be vulnerable around. These individuals feel responsible for carrying a burden on their shoulders. It's sometimes related to struggles with their father. If their father is absent, they want to rise independently in life.

The Shakti of Uttara Bhadrapada is to bring rain and grow plants. Some describe this rain as cosmic. These individuals have a cooling effect on others. They can be perceived as calm and relaxed. It can put the most impulsive people at ease. Uttara Bhadrapada people can also have a hot temper and mood swings. Yet, their temper cools as quickly as it rises. The rain is also associated with spiritual bliss. A lot of spiritual evolution occurs in this asterism. Ahir Budhyana represents the kundalini energy and mystical knowledge. The serpent is often depicted at the bottom of the ocean guarding valuable treasures. It connects this Nakshatra to lost civilizations, psychic abilities, and thought-provoking insights.

Ahir is also called the serpent from the faraway island. The Faraway Island and the ocean floor are difficult places to reach. It can indicate a mysterious and reclusive nature. Others might find it difficult to understand those born under Uttara Bhadrapada. The individuals born under the Nakshatra might also feel they don't belong. It's as if they're from a different world. They might think in unconventional and insightful ways that transcend the mundane world. It sets them apart from others. If they feel they don't belong, they can escape. Imagination and addiction can take them farther away from others.

Revati means "Shining Light Who Shows The Path To Others." It's given the title of The Wealthy Star. Revati is ruled by Pushan (Shephard of Herds of Animals or The Ferryman). This Nakshatra has the Shakti of milk and the desire to become lord of the animals. These are the ultimate dreamers of the Zodiac. They can have creative talents and tend to love art. Others might find them strange because they enjoy their time alone. They can seem untouchable or hard to reach. It's as if they're alien-like. If genetics support it, they will have the most beautiful eyes. They are wise beyond their years and make good guides for others. Often, they will have a belief in a higher power. Revati individuals are also stubborn. They are fiercely independent, and you can't influence their direction. Early experiences can force them to be self-made.

Sometimes, foreign travel is a theme of their early upbringing. Travel also becomes a part of their entire life. Sometimes, they can work in a profession involving travel. These individuals have the potential to earn a great deal of wealth and make their dreams come true. Although, the last Pada is said to have ambitions too big to achieve. They are soft, bubbly, friendly, gentle, humorous, and playful. Revati people can feel like a breath of fresh air at times. Although, their playfulness seems to be a mix of sweet and sinister. The Shakti is to nourish, foster, and protect (milk). I've seen these individuals involved with foster children and animals. I've also seen fluidity in gender and sexuality. Revati is the ultimate Nakshatra of letting go. It's the end of the Zodiac. So, certain boundaries don't exist. They can also be interested in religion, spirituality, wellness, and occult knowledge.

There are many more techniques to read the horoscope. To find out more, see my YouTube Channel and my additional articles.

-Daquan Jones

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