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Rohini Nakshatra

Updated: Sep 30, 2022

Understanding Rohini (10°- 23°20' Taurus) The Most Beautiful and Charming of All

In Vedic Astrology, the Zodiac signs are based on the position of the stars rather than the Seasons on Earth. This results in a 23-degree difference between the typical Western Tropical Zodiac and the Vedic Sidereal Zodiac. The Moon Sign is also seen as the Zodiac sign vs. the Sun in Western Tropical. While the Sun still holds great importance in representing the soul’s desire or the ego of an individual. The Moon is representing the true nature of a person and the way their mind works. The Ascendant represents the personality, physical body, appearance, and life foundation. Anytime that the Sun, Moon, or Ascendant is placed in a Zodiac sign, it holds great importance. The Moon is always the most important. Then the Ascendant. Lastly, the Sun will also make an impact. Primarily, the behavior and appearance of a person are based on the Moon and Ascendant. While the Sun can show what a person feels inspired about, where they shine, and what career path they feel drawn towards. In Vedic Astrology, we also consider Fixed Stars. This is something that relates more to the Moon’s influence than the Sun. Since they can’t be seen from the Western Tropical view. However, this opens up the door to the 27 Nakshatras or Lunar Mansions. Each Zodiac Sign is distributed through 3 to 2.5 Nakshatras. This further distinguishes the Zodiac Signs into three different personality types. Therefore, even a person born under the same Zodiac Sign as someone else can behave differently.


In the previous blog post, I discussed the Ashwini Nakshatra. If you missed it, check out the blog post Exploring Ashwini. Today, I want to discuss Rohini. Especially because this is a Nakshatra that I can relate to. As I have three planets including my Sun Sign that are placed in Rohini. Rohini is a Nakshatra that is positioned from 10°- 23°20' of Sidereal Taurus in Vedic Astrology. This is known as "the Reddish One". Sometimes it's also referred to as "the Beautiful and Charming Lady". The star's name is the Star of Ascent. Rohini is represented by an ox chariot/cart or a temple. Its animal symbol is a male serpent or a cobra. Rohini is also ruled by Chandra (the Moon) and Shukra (Venus) as the ruler of Taurus. It is also ruled by the deity of Prajapati (Lord Brahma).

Depiction of Aldebaran as Archangel Micheal (Military Commander of God's Angelic Army) (Protector From the Celestial East)

The meaning of Rohini is "the Reddish One". In Western Philosophy, this is the star of Aldebaran (the Fiery Eye of the Bull). It is one of the brightest stars because of its bright reddish and large appearance that's difficult to miss. In the West, Aldebaran is also seen as Archangel Micheal. Often referred to as the "Military Commander of God's Army" or "the Celestial Watcher/Protector of the East". The Red color refers to the passion and energy that's found in this Nakshatra. These are individuals who are restless and need something to pursue or create. That also lends its meaning to a passion for sensual pleasure and material possession. Taurus within itself is a sign that likes to indulge in the pleasure of Maya (material illusion) in this physical reality. This is because Venus is the planet that wants us to feel the most satisfaction and bliss in life. Taurus is also an earth sign. So, this bliss is directed towards the physical sensory experience. Rohini is found within the heart (or dare I say in the eye) of Taurus. So, we can see most of Taurus' influence here. Individuals born under Rohini love beautiful sounds, smells, sights, flavors, and feelings. It is all about indulging in the beauty of the five earthly senses. So, most individuals born under this Nakshatra will want to be engaged in the aesthetics of life in some way. Whether it's that home-cooked meal or dressing in a nice outfit. Whatever that is to them, it's an experience to be savored while being in the moment. These individuals even appreciate the beauty of nature along with the beauty of the physical body. Rohini is also known for being one of the most attractive of all of the Nakshatras. Specifically when it comes to their physical beauty and natural charm. Those with a Rohini Ascendant, Rohini Moon, Rohini 2nd House placements, or even a combination of prominent planets in Rohini can be very beautiful in their appearance. Even the most masculine men born under Rohini tend to have something feminine or pretty about their appearance. This makes them easily attractive to the opposite sex and very hypnotic in the way that they come across. This beauty can also extend to a talent that they possess. This can include singing, design, fashion, hair styling, cooking, and any other kind of artistic/creative skill.

Depiction of Chandra (the Moon)

The Star of Ascent refers to the ability that is found in Rohini. Rohini is said to have the power to create. So, those born under Rohini usually have either good creative talents or a great understanding of business and finances. Through their gifts, they can generate growth. There is definitely a great speaking ability found in Rohini. This is because Taurus rules the tonality and way of using the voice. So, these are individuals who can also speak in a beautiful tone that can very enchanting. These are individuals who know how to use their voices in a powerful yet pleasing way. Rohini is known for being very convincing and considerate when talking to others. Producing a level of charm and charisma that is relatively harmless and easily approachable. Rohini can make a great salesman and can be very magnetic to others through their style of speech. Often making them also great at inspiring and making others understand easily. However, there can be a dark side to this if certain planets are positioned poorly. Then, the Rohini individual can use their charm to deceive and manipulate. With their clever and sensual wordplay. Mostly though, these are great speakers and they can be very friendly/flirtatious times. However, it's rare that they are aware that they might be giving off signals to others. Rohini individuals just like to make others feel comfortable. They are relatively innocent and playful in their friendliness.

Depiction of an Ox Cart

The Ox Chariot/Cart also talks about the material abundance found in Rohini. The ox is a symbol of material abundance and prosperity in many cultures. Especially in the Chinese Zodiac that focuses on Lunar Mansions instead of the Sun Signs in Western Philosophy. That's a similar yet different approach to the use of the Nakshatras in Vedic Astrology. (To see the similarities and differences between Chinese and Vedic Astrology, keep reading this blog post until the end.) The Ox Chariot/Cart is a symbol of trade and commerce. Once again, Rohini individuals make great business people because of their "gift of the gab". They are brilliant with their words and their tone of voice is easily alluring. Making them excellent for jobs that deal with providing service to customers or speaking over a phone line. Anything such as hospitality, working in the hotel industry, being a recipient, working at cash registers, being a car salesman, working in customer service, etc... They also tend to do well in jobs that involve transportation or working with imports and exports. Along with agriculture and gardening. They can even work in multiple jobs or make use of multiple talents. The Ox Chariot/Cart also represents the forward growth or abundance that is gained. If the planets positioned in Rohini are beneficial, they can produce steady growth in the individual's prospects. Allowing them to feel steady and secure. This is something that Rohini strongly needs due to the Moon's rulership. The Moon is all about nourishment, security, mothers, and providing for home/family. Along with this, Rohini is related to hospitality within their neighborhood and participation within society. So, there is usually a connection to being a part of close-knit groups or communities. Rohini individuals like to feel nurtured and they love to make others feel nurtured also. Taurus is connected to the 2nd House of the Horoscope, and the 2nd House deals with our values, tradition, security, possessions, and family.

Depiction of a Temple

Rohini is also symbolized by a temple. A temple is a sacred place for learning, spirituality, and devotion. This speaks about the true potential found in this Nakshatra. Rohini is often referred to as relating to the Garden of Eden from the Bible. It is said that the desire to indulge in sensual pleasures and innocent friendliness has to do with a time before we had knowledge of sin and evil. It was the time of experiencing bliss while not indulging in the temptation of the knowledge that God warned us to stay away from. This is also why Rohini is said to be knowledgeable in a limited way. Instead of being wise and insightful, Rohini is often limited to trivial or lower knowledge. These individuals can collect mundane information or take a bit of knowledge from various sources. Yet, it is rare that they become masters of multiple subjects or more complex subjects. Rather, they understand everything at a superficial or rational level. This is why Rohini is known for its endless curiosity and obsession with learning all kinds of knowledge. Much like Adam discovering his ignorance with one bite of temptation. So, there is a spiritual quest in Rohini to gain a great deal of knowledge throughout their lives. They are the eternal students of life. This temple can also symbolize spiritual awakening. The idea is for this quest for knowledge to take the individual towards a higher connection. Through this, they can gain mystical knowledge and a highly developed level of intuition. This is ruled by the Moon and Venus after all. The Moon is a highly intuitive planet and Venus is the teacher of darker knowledge or esoteric secrets. This higher connection can also add to the luck and prosperity of a Rohini individual.

Depiction of a Snake Charmer

The animal symbol of the male serpent represents charm and charisma once again. Also, this relates back to the temptation found in the Garden of Eden. In ancient cultures, snakes were regarded as mystical creatures and were used as sacred symbols in many religious/spiritual practices. So, there is always something magical about the serpent. Whether you dislike snakes or not, you can't deny their enchanting presence. There is something striking about them that is difficult to remove your eyes from. In the same way, Rohini individuals are incredibly charming and seductive. They are often difficult to not look at and admire. Especially if their Ascendant or Moon Sign is in Rohini. The Ascendant is the main karaka (significator) for the physical body, and the Moon also plays a role in the appearance to a certain extent. Especially in this position because of the Moon's Exaltation in Rohini. When the Moon is in Rohini, it can even give an individual a strong and muscular appearance. Yet, even the men with the largest muscular frames will still have a soft or beautiful appearance. Rohini individuals can also behave like a snake at times. This is because this Nakshatra is ruled by the Moon. So, they are highly sensitive and emotional individuals. Just like the Moon can wax and wane, their feelings can fluctuate easily. Rohini is very friendly and accommodating the majority of the time. However, when provoked, they are likely to strike their provoker as a threatened snake would. It is difficult to expect to hurt these individuals without getting bitten back. Often their attack is swift and clever. They are known for having the most rational comebacks and easily outmaneuvering others with their charm. Crossing the line with a Rohini individual is subject to being destroyed through witty sarcastic banter or an argument that others are sure to lose. Just like the venom of a cobra that will cause a sure death.

Depiction of Prajapati

Prajapati is the deity associated with Rohini. He is known as the "Lord of Creations" or "the Great Creator". This is a deity that's associated with pregnancy, fertility, abundance, and prosperity. The Moon is Exalted in Rohini. This makes sense because the Moon represents the mother and Rohini represents all of the physical beauty that is born from the mother. Making this a Nakshatra that is connected to creation and material abundance. It is one of the most feminine of all of the Nakshatras. This is due to its indulgence in the divine feminine or earth mother. Representing all of the sweetness, sensuality, and material abundance that can be devoured through the human body. Once again, it is connected to the earthly bliss that was found before the sin of man was activated. The beauty of the physical body and the natural desire for sensual pleasure is found here. Yet, it is in an innocent way and not taken as something that is evil through human eyes.

Additional Facts About Rohini

*Disclaimer- Subject to Change Based on Astrological Influences*

Purushartha (Aim of Life)- Moksha (Enlightenment and Liberation) Gana (Temperament)- Human: Balanced, Hard-Working, Mundane Caste- Shudra (Worker): Employee, Member of Society, Hard Worker Tattva (Elemental Class)- Earth Trimurthi (3 Forms of Supreme Divinity)- Lord Brahma (To Create) Yoni (Sexual Type)- Male Snake: Hypnotic, Beautiful, Sharp-Minded Bird Type- Owl: Wise, Mystical, Intuition Gender- Female Nadi (Aryuvedic Type)- Kapha (Earth and Water): Strong, Moist, Fertile, Excess Nature- Fixed and Balance: Stable, Friendly, Rational, Material Security Quality- Rajastic: Energetic, Passionate, In Motion The Direction of Head- Upward Facing Directional Strength- East: Place of New Beginnings Physical Body- Slim, Flexible, Attractive, Charming, Beautiful Eyes, Magnetic Smile

Padas (Quarters) of Rohini Navamsa (Luck, Marriage, and Microscopic View)

Pada 1: 10°- 13°20' of Taurus Navamsa: Aries Focus: Energetic, Passionate, Strong Desires Pada 2: 13°20'- 16°40' of Taurus Navamsa: Taurus (Vargamatto) Focus: Creative, Material Abundance, Charming Pada 3: 16°40- 20° of Taurus Navamsa: Gemini Focus: Humorous, Intelligent, Communication Skills Pada 4: 20°- 23°20' of Taurus Navamsa: Cancer Focus: Possessive, Nurturing, Concerned With Security

Celebrities With Rohini Nakshatra

Gweneth Paltrow

Rohini Moon in the 4th House

Venus in 6th House in Ashlesha (Cancer)

Ascendant in Shatabhisha (Aquarius)

Sun in the 8th House in Hasta (Virgo)


Rohini Moon

Venus in Revati (Pisces)

Sun in Shatabhisha (Aquarius)

Machine Gun Kelly

Rohini Ascendant

Venus in the 10th House in Purva Bhadrapada (Aquarius)

Moon in the 11th House in Purva Bhadrapada (Pisces)

Sun in the 12th House in Ashwini (Aries)

Chinese Zodiac

12 Zodiac Signs

Vedic Astrology

27 Nakshatras on Outer Wheel

12 Sidereal Zodiac Signs on Inner Wheel

The Chinese Zodiac is different because it still operates off of 12 Zodiac Signs. However, they’re based on the Lunar Mansions or Nakshatras as they’re called in Vedic Astrology. The Chinese Zodiac also considers fixed and moveable stars that are used in Vedic Astrology. However, the Chinese Zodiac doesn't use the Zodiac Signs as we know them. Animal symbols and five elements are used instead. Chinese Zodiac Signs are also mostly used to describe the year that an individual was born. However, they can also be used as having an animal and element for the hour, day, and month that an individual is born. The Chinese Zodiac is especially great for understanding an individual’s strengths and weaknesses. Then it can be applied to Chinese Medicine and Feng Shui practices. If you are interested in more blog posts on the Chinese Zodiac, feel free to let me know.

Vedic Astrology uses the Lunar Mansions or Nakshatras in an entirely different way. The Tropical Zodiac Signs are still kept in Vedic Astrology. However, they are viewed according to the Sidereal Zodiac. Then the Nakshatras are evaluated based on their positions within the Zodiac Signs. Meaning that we look at all 28 Lunar Mansions. Also known as the 27 Nakshatras and the extra auspicious Nakshatra that’s used for ceremonial purposes. Where the similarities are in both the use of the Lunar Mansions and the similar animal symbolism.

Look below to see the similarities between the animals. Some of them have alternative symbols that still carry the same meaning. For instance, we know that Jyeshta is a Nakshatra that is said to be symbolized by either a deer or a rabbit. So, we know that the deer and the rabbit carry the same qualities.

*Disclaimer* This is not to use the two systems interchangeably. Their approach to using animal symbols is entirely different. This is only to show the similarities that are found in both systems of Astrology.

The Year of the Rat is used in the Chinese Zodiac.

The Cat is also used as the animal symbol in Vedic Astrology to represent the Nakshatras of Punarvasu (20° Gemini- 3°20' Cancer) and Ashlesha (16°40- 30° Cancer).

The Rat is also used as the animal symbol in Vedic Astrology to represent the Nakshatras of Magha (0°- 13°20' Leo) and Purva Phalguni (13°20'- 26°40' Leo).


The Year of the Ox is used in the Chinese Zodiac.

The Ox is also used as the animal symbol in Vedic Astrology to represent the Nakshatras of Hasta (10°'- 23°20' Virgo) and Swati (6°40'- 20° Libra)

The Cow is used as the animal symbol in Vedic Astrology to represent the Nakshatras of Uttara Phalguni (26°40' Leo- 10° Virgo) and Uttara Bhadrapada (3°20'- 16°40' Pisces).


The Year of the Tiger is used in the Chinese Zodiac.

The Tiger is also used as the animal symbol in Vedic Astrology to represent the Nakshatras of Chitra (23°20' Virgo- 6°40' Libra) and Vishakha (20° Libra- 3°20' Scorpio).


The Year of the Snake is used in the Chinese Zodiac.

The Snake is also used as the animal symbol in Vedic Astrology to represent the Nakshatras of Rohini (10°- 23°20' Taurus) and Mrigashira (23°20' Taurus- 6°40' Gemini).


The Year of the Horse is used in the Chinese Zodiac.

The Horse is also used as the animal symbol in Vedic Astrology to represent the Nakshatras of Ashwini (0°- 13°20' Aries) and Shatabhishak (6°40'- 20° Aquarius).


The Year of the Goat is used in the Chinese Zodiac.

The Goat is also used as the animal symbol in Vedic Astrology to represent the Nakshatras of Krittika (26°40' Aries- 10° Taurus) and Pushya (3°20'- 16°40' Cancer).


The Year of the Monkey is used in the Chinese Zodiac.

The Monkey is also used as the animal symbol in Vedic Astrology to represent the Nakshatras of Purvashadha (13°20'- 26°40' Sagittarius) and Shravana (10°'- 23°20' Capricorn).


The Year of the Dog is used in the Chinese Zodiac.

The Dog is also used as the animal symbol in Vedic Astrology to represent the Nakshatras of Ardra (6°40'- 20° Gemini) and Mula (0°- 13°20' Sagittarius).


The Year of the Rabbit is used in the Chinese Zodiac.

The Deer is also used as the animal symbol in Vedic Astrology to represent the Nakshatras of Anuradha (3°20'- 16°40' Scorpio) and Jyeshta (16°40'- 30° Scorpio).


The Year of the Rooster is used in the Chinese Zodiac.

The Mongoose is used in Vedic Astrology as the animal symbol to represent the Nakshatra of Uttarashadha (26°40' Sagittarius- 10° Capricorn). Uttarashadha has no match as it's the unconquerable one.


The Year of the Dragon is used in the Chinese Zodiac.

The Lion is also used as the animal symbol in Vedic Astrology to represent the Nakshatras of Dhanishta (23°20' Capricorn- 6°40' Aquarius) and Purva Bhadrapada (20° Aquarius- 3°20' Pisces)


The Year of the Pig is used in the Chinese Zodiac.

The Elephant is used as the animal symbol in Vedic Astrology to represent the Nakshatras of Bharani (13°20- 26°40' Aries) and Revati (16°40'- 30° Pisces)


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