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Scorpio Rising Vedic Astrology

Scorpio in Vedic Astrology is known as Vrischika वृश्चिक. Vrischika means Scorpion. A Scorpion is an Arachnida. This makes them cousins of spiders. Therefore, they are similar to insects. In fact, Scorpio was initially described as an insect instead of a scorpion. Insects can crawl into dark, hidden spaces that other creatures can't reach. Even scorpions are known for living underground. Scorpio is opposite to Taurus. Taurus is the 2nd House in the Kaal Purush Kundali (Cosmic Man- Natural Horoscope). The 2nd House deals with food, money, family, values, and possessions. In the 2nd House, we are able to sustain ourselves through our security. It is a place of comfort, stability, and familiarity. However, Scorpio is the 8th House in the Kaal Purush Kundali. The 8th House is directly opposite the 2nd House. So, it signifies the battlefield where there's a lack of comfort. It is a place of secrets and sudden events. It is also the House of the unknown (Past, Future, Occult, Magic, Sexuality, Research). So, Scorpios are the explorers of the Zodiac. They seek to explore the dangerous, hidden, and unknown factors of life. There is a quest for "what lies beneath".

This is often a sign that is compared to a still body of water. Scorpio is a Fixed Water sign. A pond can be covered by pond scum or lily pads. This makes it difficult to see into the water. It can look calm, but there might be snapping turtles or other threats at the bottom. Scorpios are the same way. They don't easily reveal themselves or let others get too close. What you see of them is only the tip of the iceberg. Depending on the degrees of Scorpio, they might appear to be friendly and bubbly. Yet, they might hold pain and resentment beneath their smile. In other degrees of Scorpio, they might seem shy and soft-spoken. Yet, they might be intense and obsessive in privacy. There is some aspect of them that they prefer to keep hidden away. Often, it can be because it feels too out of control to express. They might've had situations where they acted impulsively and it lead to destruction. So, they seek self-control. Being easily provoked can feel like a powerless experience. This can lead to restricting emotions, sexuality, or inner darkness.

However, Mars is the ruler of Scorpio. So, they aren't as gentle as they might appear. This is not a sign to mess with. Crossing their boundaries or pushing too far can result in war. Scorpios have natural defense mechanisms. Any subtle feeling of betrayal or danger can lead to attack mode. These are individuals who don't back down from a challenge. They are willing to fight for a noble cause or to stand up for themselves. The planetary placements can decide how this is expressed. A Scorpio might get into physical altercations. In other cases, they might just find their way into heated articulation. Mars doesn't just make them protective of themselves though. Mars is a soldier. He carries out his mission. So, Scorpios are fiercely loyal. A Scorpio will go all the way to protect their loved ones. They would willingly die for the love of their life. In some cases, they would kill for the love of their life. Sometimes, Scorpios can be overprotective, possessive, and dominating. There can be a deep fear of abandonment and betrayal. Like a soldier, Scorpio can also be very militant. They are disciplined, orderly, hardworking, and authoritative. This makes them good leaders. However, they should be cautious of becoming too controlling and dogmatic in a leadership position. This militant quality makes them perfectionists.

In Vedic Astrology, the co-ruler of Scorpio is Ketu. Ketu represents the knowledge we've acquired in past lives. It also represents history, antiques, and ancestry. Along with this, Ketu is about getting to the route of our existence. It relates to deeper truths through spirituality, occult knowledge, symbolism, psychic abilities, investigation, and research. Ketu also represents imagination, creativity, and detachment from the material illusions of life. This gives Scorpio a keen insight into all things hidden and unknown. They are the natural detectives of the Zodiac. Scorpios can be deeply insightful and inquisitive. These individuals are never satisfied with the superficial. There are always deeper questions to be answered. Ketu also reveals their powerful, mysterious, attractive personalities. However, Ketu can get Scorpios into addiction, black magick, reckless actions, and scandals on the shadow side. It's up to the Scorpio if they will use their power for good or evil. Ketu is a shadow planet of past life karma. So, Scorpio is an extremely karmic sign. Scandals and mistakes can come back to haunt them. Ketu represents sudden endings and beginnings. So, Scorpios can also go through many ups and downs in life. Yet, they have the courage and enthusiasm to take on challenges. They are strong. These transformations never break a Scorpio psychologically. It always brings out the best in them.

The biggest personal indicators in Astrology are the sun, moon, and Ascendant. However, everyone will experience Scorpio differently depending on the placement. The sun is happy in Scorpio because the Sun and Mars are friends. Scorpio in the Ascendant can experience the themes of Scorpio in their life and inherent nature. The Moon in Scorpio tends to pose the most challenges. It is also where we see the full intensity of Scorpio due to its debilitation.

Though, we should understand the differences between the sun, moon, and ascendant. The sun is the soul and one's purpose. This is usually prominent in one's career. The moon is the mind and body. It's one's thoughts projected into physical form and the way we relate to the world around us. The Moon is your Jamna (Birth sign). So, these qualities will show up strongly for the Moon. The Ascendant is the health, appearance, intellect, and nature of the individual. It also shows one's life path in the present incarnation. So, the Ascendant maps out the 12 Houses (areas of life) present in the natal chart. The natal chart is a map of one's past, present, and future karmas reflected in the Zodiac signs, planets, and houses.

Scorpio Ascendant (or from the Moon Chart) has come into this life to dig for deeper answers. They are mysterious and guarded. Spirituality and mysterious subjects come naturally to them. They are attractive, powerful, and hold deep insights into life. Transformations can occur in their lives. They want to experience the unknown either physically, through knowledge, or both. Sexuality can be viewed as an adventure or something that needs to be controlled. They are highly competitive, protective, and passionate. Sometimes, they can come across as arrogant if they aren't being mindful of their ego. Privacy is a must for them. On the negative side, they should watch for obsessions; self-harm; self-destructive behaviors; accidents; and scandals.

Aries in the 6th House always bring competitors and challenges into their lives. However, they are brave enough to overcome these obstacles. Scorpios don't like enemies. So, they want to deal with them quickly and forcefully. They can be skilled debaters or skilled at getting out of challenging situations. However, they should be cautious about trying to control everything. Some things won't go as planned and some people can be disrespectful. There is no way to control things outside of ourselves. This tends to frustrate Scorpios. Leading to stress, anger, headaches, blood diseases, inflammation, or excessive heat in the body. Scorpio Ascendants are also good at recovering quickly from diseases. They tend to have an abundance of energy. However, it's important to be aware of how this energy is being directed. No physical outlet can lead to overthinking. Scorpios need an outlet to express all of their passion.

Sagittarius in the 2nd House makes their speech philosophical. Scorpio Ascendants value spirituality, religion, philosophy, travel, teachers, and mentors. They can come from a family of preachers, teachers, philosophers, social activists, social workers, and humanitarians. Education and morals could've been an important part of their early childhood. The family tends to focus on bringing them up with certain philosophical and/or cultural values. Scorpio Ascendants could've also left home or traveled to a foreign land from a young age. They tend to be fortunate and skilled in financial matters. Depending on where Jupiter is placed, they should be cautious of eating habits. Jupiter is a softer planet. So, they can have an addiction to sweets or dairy products. Overindulgence should be avoided.

Pisces in the 5th House can pose challenges in conventional education depending on Jupiter's placement. They tend to be very wise and educated. However, Pisces can create dreaminess in this area. Scorpio Ascendants have deep occult and spiritual knowledge. They can be very creative and have a need to express themselves. Pisces in the 5th House can also show a desire to let their children express their creativity. However, they also like to pass down their values to their children. They are laid-back and compassionate parents. Scorpio Ascendants can add touches of darkness, sadness, romance, or spirituality to their creativity.

Capricorn in the 3rd House can make them disciplined in their courage. They don't want to show their strength unless it's necessary. Scorpio Ascendants can be calculative in their actions. They take their time to gain mastery over skills. Small talk and trivial concerns don't interest them. Scorpio Ascendants aren't afraid to discuss serious or heavy topics. They want it to be authentic. Sometimes, their communication can come across as serious and straightforward. Time management and completing tasks are important to them.

Aquarius in the 4th House can show a lot of confusion around the family and home environment. Rahu is the co-ruler of Aquarius and Rahu creates illusions. So, Scorpio Ascendants might feel that their family experience is happy. Then, unhappy memories might return to them when they leave the home. They might be in situations where their family has lied or deceived them in some way. Deep down, they could feel like the black sheep of their family. Maybe their family members don't understand or accept their eccentric personality. The mother could've struggled with addiction or could've been distant in the connection. They might have a friendly connection with their mother instead of a motherly one. In some cases, the Scorpio Ascendant could've felt smothered in the home environment. This can lead them to try to leave home as soon as possible. All sorts of odd scenarios could've played out. They can also have an eccentric mother and can make their home eccentric as they get older. Scorpio Ascendants might bring mystical or foreign objects into their home. These individuals can love having technology and gadgets in their homes. They can also invite groups of people into their homes. There tends to be a deep feeling of being misunderstood. This can also reflect in others imagining their home differently than it is.

Taurus in the 7th House shows that Scorpio Ascendants are serious about relationships. They can take their time to open up completely to their partner. There tends to be an attraction to beautiful, creative, and friendly partners. They like a more grounded and easygoing relationship. However, Scorpio Ascendants can become suspicious, paranoid, possessive, fiercely loyal, and dominating towards their partner. There's often a fear of abandonment and betrayal. This can become a self-fulfilling prophecy. There can be a tendency to lose connections.

Libra in the 12th House shows that they can get into relationships with foreigners or while in foreign lands. They can have long-distance relationships. At some point, they can also become distant from their partner. This might be due to their career. Scorpio Ascendants find a sense of balance in isolation, foreign lands, spiritual practices, and exploring their imagination. There is a need to retreat into their private lives. They can also have expenses due to their partner. Sometimes, there can be a fear of losing too much energy in sexual thoughts or activities.

Gemini in the 8th House takes Scorpio Ascendant through many ups and downs in life. They tend to be deeply curious about the unknown. Scorpio Ascendants are comfortable exploring and talking about sexuality, danger, astrology, occult knowledge, spirituality, and darker subjects. They might get into trouble for talking about topics that others would view as taboo. Sometimes, they can make light of heavy situations like death. This can offend others. Depending on their chart, Scorpios can easily deal with emergency or crisis situations. However, they might make impulsive decisions in these situations at a young age. They can also have multiple sources of income. Sometimes, they might even have resources hidden away.

Virgo in the 11th House makes them particular about their friend circle. They seek intelligent, responsible, and supportive friends. Scorpio Ascendants are supportive friends themselves. Sometimes, they can be calculative in seeking opportunities from their network circle. However, their true friend circle tends to be smaller. While their larger circle is mostly made up of associates. They are calculative about their goals as well. They don't aim for anything impossible. Sometimes their gains can be a result of losses or can come from hidden sources. It's important to be cautious of scandalous occupations or anything that could backfire karmically.

Cancer in the 9th House makes Scorpio Ascendants emotionally attached to their religion, spirituality, or philosophical views. However, their views can also change with life's experiences. They find happiness through foreign travel, gurus, mentors, and developing a philosophy in life. Being in a foreign land can feel like home for them. There is potential to achieve higher education. However, there can be ups and downs along the way. Scorpio Ascendants can also make great teachers, couches, mentors, mystics, and shamans themselves.

Leo in the 10th House shows that Scorpio Ascendants are skilled leaders, business people, and actors. Others see potential in them. They are authoritative, structured, efficient, inspiring, and respected. The strength of the Sun's position helps to increase one's success. However, there might be issues with jealousy; rivalries; and competition. This is especially true when working in employment. It can sometimes happen even when working with partners or hiring employees. People might behave this way because they feel intimated by the power of the Scorpio Ascendant. It's best not to get drawn into conflicts or to let others take their power away.

There are three Nakshatras in the Scorpio Rāśi. These asterisms tend to present different aspects of Scorpio.

Vishakha is passionately devoted. Sometimes, their devotion can go to extremes. They can often juggle more than one talent or pursue multiple goals. Vishakha can receive jealousy and hatred from others. Although, they can also dominate others when going to extremes. I won't discuss this asterism much because it mostly falls in the Libra Rāśi.

Mike Patton- Vishakha (Scorpio) Ascendant, singer, producer, film composer, voice actor

Anuradha is loving and a good negotiator. They tend to come across as shy, sweet, innocent, and friendly. Although, they might hide their true feelings to maintain harmony. Deep resentment and intensity can still be felt from within. Sometimes, they can be moody and fickle. They are very rebellious and have unique insights. Yet, they always balance themselves out. This ability of self-control makes them great to have around in crisis situations. People born under Anuradha could be involved in the police, fire department, foreign affairs, and government jobs. They have a great love of travel. Anuradha people can transform themselves for the better despite their difficulties. These individuals are faithful and devotional. They should watch their passions and can not bear hunger. There can be a tendency to be overly strict and disciplined at times. Yet, they are actually fun and spontaneous deep down. Anuradha can also have an interest in astrology and mystical subjects. They are skilled at deciphering codes, symbolism, and hidden messages. Visionaries, scientists, mathematicians, archeologists, historians, computer programmers, and mystics can be seen with AnuradhaThese individuals can be extremely beautiful and might end up in a love triangle. Keeping secrets isn't always their strongest quality. They prefer to be honest and polite. Their negotiation skills and desire for group harmony can lead to massive success in life.

Jennifer Lawrence- Anuradha Ascendant, American actress

Tom Holland- Anuradha Moon, English actor

Jyeshta tends to assume the role of the older sibling or a leadership role of some kind. They are responsible, hardworking, and determined. Rivalries are common for them. They have a deeply inquisitive mind and can be suspicious at times. Going down a rabbit hole of conspiracies can happen if they become too obsessive with truth-seeking. Jyeshta is fiercely protective of themselves, their loved ones, and those who can't fend for themselves. They are extremely intelligent and seek to master a particular skill. This is the most private and intense part of Scorpio. Revealing themselves to others might not come naturally. Working alone can be helpful for them and they must gain control over their senses. Also, having a superiority complex or being arrogant should be avoided. Sometimes, they can come across as condescending or preachy. They can have an interest in occult knowledge, mysticism, psychology, tantra, murder mystery, or the horror genre. On the negative side, they can go into black magick, gangs, addictions, and scandals. Jyeshta also has the power of psychological warfare and can have loose morals at times. This tends to manifest through dark and provocative themes. Martial arts and ninjas might also interest them. Along with this, they can be successful materially.

Some also say that the end of Jyeshta and the beginning of Mula corresponds with Ophiuchus. Ophiuchus is the serpent bearer. There's a lot of debate in the Astrological community on whether Ophiuchus should be a Zodiac sign. A lot of the qualities of Ophiuchus do correspond with Jyeshta and Mula. In Vedic Astrology, the end of Jyeshta and the beginning of Mula form a gandanta point. Meaning that it's a karma point where there's an overlap between water and fire. Mula even falls in the tail of the Scorpio constellation despite being in the sign of Sagittarius. So, Mula has similar qualities to Scorpio in some ways. Although, Scorpio is more of the battlefield and Sagittarius is a declaration of war. This gandanta point is very mystical and powerful due to Mula's connection to the galactic center.

Stephen King- Jyeshta Moon, author of horror, suspense, crime, science fiction, fantasy novels, and supernatural fiction.

Alfred Hitchcock- Jyeshta Saturn, director of suspenseful films.

Vishakha "Two Branches"

The Star of Purpose

0°- 3°20' Scorpio

Symbol: Triumphal Archway, Potter's Wheel

Deity: Indra-Agni

Caste: Outcaste

Quality: Demon

Nature: Mix of Soft and Sharp

Animal: Male Tiger

Desire: To Gain the Greatest Splendor Amongst the Gods

Power: To Achieve Many and Various Fruits

Result: Fruit of the Harvest

Anuradha "Tiny Spark"

The Star of Success

3°20'- 16°40' Scorpio

Symbol: Triumphal Arch, Staff, Lotus

Deity: Mitra and Radha

Caste: Worker

Quality: Deva

Nature: Soft

Animal: Female Deer or Female Rabbit

Desire: To Be Regarded as a Friend in All Lands

Power: To Worship

Result: Honor and Abundance

Jyeshta "The Seniormost One"

The Elder Star

16°40'- 30° Scorpio

Symbol: Umbrella, Earring, Magick Talisman

Deity: Indra

Caste: Merchant

Quality: Demon

Nature: Sharp/Dreadful

Animal: Male Deer or Male Rabbit

Desire: To Gain Supremacy Among the Gods

Result: One Becomes the Hero

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