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Secrets of Anuradha Nakshatra

Updated: Sep 22, 2022


(3°20'- 16°40' Scorpio ♏️)

"Beauty Rises From Darkness"

Meaning: Tiny Spark

Name: The Star of Success

Star Name: Delta Scorpii

Symbol: Lotus, Staff, Triumphal Archway

Presiding Deity: Mitra (Goddess of Friendship and Harmony)

Planetary Association: Shani (Saturn)

Aim of Life: Dharma (Principles)

Temperament: Deva (Divine)

Caste: Shudra (Worker)

Element: Agni (Fire)

Gender: Male

Ayurvedic Type: Pitta (Fire and Water)

Quality: Tamasic (Ineretia)

Nature: Soft

Trimurti: Vishnu (To Maintain)

Yoni: Female Deer or Female Rabbit

Yoni Consort: Jyeshta

Best Match: Rohini and Uttara Phalguni

Worst Match: Chitra, Purvashadha, Dhanishta

Padas (Quarters) of Anuradha

(Luck, Marriage, & Microscopic View)

Pada 1: 3°20'- 6°40' Scorpio

Navamsa: Leo

Focus: Leader, Expressive, Career-Oriented

Pada 2: 6°40'- 10° Scorpio

Navamsa: Virgo

Focus: Deeply Analytical, Curious, Social

Pada 3: 10°- 13°20' Scorpio

Navamsa: Libra

Focus: Artistic, Occult Studies, Bohemian Style

Pada 4: 13°20'- 16°40' Scorpio

Navamsa: Scorpio (Vargottama)

Focus: Occult Studies, Intense, Family-Oriented

Anuradha is positioned from 3°20'- 16°40' of Vedic Sidereal Scorpio. It can also be found in Western Tropical Scorpio and Western Tropical Sagittarius. Anuradha means "Another Radha" or "Tiny Spark". The star name for Anuradha is Delta Scorpii. It is also known as the Star of Success. The symbols for Anuradha are a bolt of lightning, a staff, the Triumphal Archway, and a Blooming Lotus. Anuradha is ruled by the deities of Mitra and Radha. Saturn is also the planetary ruler. Along with having an influence from Mars and Ketu due to being positioned in Scorpio. This Nakshatra highlights the healing and regeneration ability that's found within the sign of Scorpio. Transformation is a huge theme of Anuradha.

"Another Radha" refers to Anuradha's connection to Vishakha. Vishakha is the Nakshatra that comes before Anuradha. If you haven't already, feel free to see my blog post on the Secrets of Vishakha. Another name for Vishakha is Radha. This is also one of the ruling deities associated with Anuradha. Radha is the goddess of love, worship, and devotion. This is one of the main qualities of Vishakha that allows them to succeed. They have great faith and are extremely devoted to their purpose in life. The same is true for Anuradha. These are extremely passionate, competitive, and hard-working individuals. This passion can also get them in trouble. Anuradha is extremely passionate and wants to live life to the fullest. They can become overindulgent and consumed by their desires. Anuradha is known for being a Nakshatra that can't bear going without the proper nourishment. They are very sensitive to hunger. When Anuradha is placed strongly, it also tends to make a person religious or devoted to a certain spiritual philosophy. Anuradha is said to have the shakti or the power to worship. The connection to God and devotion to sacred practices tend to help them stay optimistic. Even in the most challenging situations, their spirit can't be defeated. This is why Anuradha is also referred to as the Star of Success. The success of Anuradha can also be inspiring and motivating for others. They make excellent leaders and guides for others. Also, this can be seen in the symbol of the Triumphal Archway. Which also relates back to the previous Nakshatra of Vishakha. Anuradha has so much great potential within them.

Along with the connection to the symbol of a lotus. A lotus is a flower that grows in muddy turbulent water. Yet, it still blooms into something truly beautiful. This can describe the nature of Anuradha. These are individuals who are usually very beautiful in appearance. Especially if the Moon or Ascendant is involved and there are no negative afflictions. They can have soft facial features, a sturdy build, and bright almond-shaped eyes. One of the most likable qualities of Anuradha is that they appear to be always smiling and laughing. This makes others feel happy around them and makes them easily approachable. Negative placements can give a rougher appearance and can also give scars on the face and body. However, these are individuals who have soft and beautiful personalities. Anuradha is one of the sweetest and most loving of all of the Nakshatras. Yet, they usually go through many difficulties in life. They can grow up in poverty or in a difficult environment. There can also be a conflict with a parent or a lack of a parent in the upbringing. Anuradha individuals can suffer through moments of chaos, confusion, disturbance, and making bad decisions. Abandonment, loss, and betrayal seem to be major themes of their life. Sometimes, they can hold grudges and are deeply hurt. They can be ego-centric, preachy, jealous, possessive, controlling, resentful, and moody. However, their connection to God and their softer personality tends to keep them level-headed. Meaning that this is the only Nakshatra in Scorpio that tends not to become ruthless and vengeful. They never lose faith and continue to remain optimistic. Which ultimately allows them to succeed and become beautiful souls. Just like the lotus that lives in an unsettling environment but still turns into a success. The lotus is also a symbol of occult knowledge. This is because a lotus rises out of muddy water. Muddy water is murky. So, Anuradha can uncover hidden and complex knowledge. Including mystical and taboo subjects.

Anuradha is also usually very knowledgeable. This is shown by the symbol of the staff. Anuradha is sometimes referred to as "Tiny Spark". This "Tiny Spark" is representing knowledge from a higher power. Once again, these are usually religious or spiritual people in some way. So, they have a strong connection with God. Through that, Anuradha has a strong level of intuition. They receive guidance and insight in their lives. Especially in those moments of conflict and sudden changes. This allows them to remain faithful and to find stability when all seems to be lost. Anuradha individuals can go through difficult situations and come back from them as if everything is intact. The staff is also a symbol of seniority and wisdom. So, they can have old soul energy about them. Where they are wise beyond their years. Anuradha is deeply intellectual and has profound insight into life in general. They also prefer to be respected for their wisdom. Sometimes they even demand respect. In Ancient times, the staff was a symbol of respect for wise elders. They usually are met with criticism instead of respect. So, this desire to be respected for their wisdom can become ego-centric at times. However, their insights and understandings can't be denied. These are extremely intelligent individuals. Anuradha has a head and heart connection that allows their knowledge to be very soulful. It's the ability to combine intuition and rational knowledge together that makes them so wise. This is due to Anuradha being ruled by Saturn. Saturn is a rational planet that deals with reality. However, Anuradha is also in Scorpio. Scorpio deals with digging for deeper truth and esoteric knowledge. Ketu is the co-ruler of Scorpio after all. To learn more about Saturn and Ketu, check out my blog post on Secrets of Shani (Saturn) and on the Secrets of Ketu (South Node).

Mitra is the presiding deity of Anuradha. Mitra is the solar deity of friendship, compassion, and cooperation. So, Anuradha usually does well in groups and teams. They work really well with others and are good at managing people. Excellent leaders and guides are seen as having Anuradha prominent in their chart. This is mostly because of their compassion for others and their true understanding of friendship. Anuradha individuals are extremely loyal and are willing to make sacrifices for others. They are so soft and loving. Known for their acceptance and sympathy for all walks of life. This is a Nakshatra that genuinely cares and feels for the needs of others. You might see them showing a great deal of affection or expressing a lot of gentler emotions. They are truly tender and easy to love. Often, Anuradha loves to make others laugh and loves to give hugs. They can also be very romantic. Along with wanting to help others. This can have to do with Saturn being a planet of societal responsibility. Along with the loving energy of Mitra and the devotional energy of Radha. We can also see this depicted in the animal symbol. Anuradha is symbolized by a female deer or rabbit. Though, Saturn can also make them quite shy at times. Especially in their younger years. This is another reason why the female deer or rabbit is associated with Anuradha. Anuradha tends to feel lonely deep down and paradoxically has a strong need for privacy. So, they are friendly and a joy to be around. However, they also tend to have pain that they hide from others. Scorpio is a dark sign. The female or rabbit also represents wandering and curiosity. Anuradha individuals love to learn and can be very fickle. Travel is also a love of theirs and they find more success if they move somewhere foreign to their homeland.

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-Daquan Jones

Psychic, Empath, YouTube Creator, Author, Life Coach, Vedic Astrologer

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