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Secrets of Ashlesha Nakshatra

Ashlesha (16°40'- 30° Cancer)

"What You're Restricted By"

Meaning: The Entwiner

Name: The Clinging Star

Star Name: Hydra

Symbol: Coiled Serpent

Presiding Deity: Nagas/Sarpas (Serpent gods)

Planetary Association: Mercury

Purushartha: Dharma (Principles)

Gana: Rakshasha (Demon)

Varna: Mclecha (Outcaste)

Element: Apah (Water)

Gender: Female

Nadi: Kapha (Earth and Water)

Guna: Sattvic (Harmony)

Nature: Urga (Fierce)

Activity: Active

Trimurthi: Shiva (To Dissolve)

Yoni: Male Cat

Yoni Consort: Punarvasu

Shakti: Power to Inflict Poison and Destroy the Victim

Direction: South

Color: Reddish Black

The Direction of Head: Downward

Most Compatible: Ashwini, Pushya, Jyeshta

Least Compatible: Rohini, Ardra, Uttarashada, Revati

Padas (Quarters) of Ashlesha

Luck, Marriage, & Microscopic View

1st Pada: 16°40'- 20° Cancer

Navamsa: Sagittarius

Focus: Wise, Generous, Hardworking

2nd Pada: 20°- 23°20' Cancer

Navamsa: Capricorn

Focus: Ambitious, Calculative, Hoarder

3rd Pada: 23°20'- 26°40' Cancer

Navamsa: Aquarius

Focus: Secretive, Ingenious, Social

4th Pada: 26°40'- 30° Cancer

Navamsa: Pisces

Focus: Psychic, Unstable, Victim

Ashlesha is one of the most misunderstood Nakshatras in Astrology. It's positioned from 16°40'- 30° of Vedic Sidereal Cancer. In Western Tropical Astrology, Ashlesha can be found in Leo. Its name means "The Entwiner". The name is The Clinging Star and the star's name is Hydra. Ashlesha is symbolized by a coiled serpent and is ruled by the presiding deity of the Nagas. Some also say that Rahu is the deity associated. Ashlesha is also associated with Mercury and falls in the sign ruled by the Moon.

One of the ways to understand this highly misunderstood Nakshatra is to look at the presiding deity. Nagas were a form of the asuras in Vedic Mythology. Asuras were commonly known as demons or lower beings. Part of this was because of their snake-like appearances and for acting from their lower base instincts. The Nagas, in particular, are depicted as half serpent and half man. Whereas the devatas or godly beings were purer in their actions and took a righteous path. Asura translates to super powerful. So, these lower beings possessed more power than the higher being. They also were more attuned to their animal or unexcepted nature. Meaning that they indulged in material pleasure and possessed few moral principles. Essentially their actions were more about enjoyment, survival, and instinct. This is not necessarily bad until it turns to overindulgence and scandalous behavior. The lower-ranking Asuras were more prone to excess and obsession. Whereas the higher ranking Asuras were cultural, educated, and had good taste. In the story, one of the Nagas broke the law. Indra, the god of thunder, saw this and assumed that all Nagas were evil. They were shunned and sent to the Earth or Madhya-Loka (Mid Planetary System), the world of mortals. However, they didn't want to be looked down on by the devatas. So, the Nagas burrowed themselves under the earth. Twastar, the celestial architect, didn't see the Nagas as bad. So, he made a copy of himself. This copy later became known as Maya. Maya created a new world for the Nagas to live in. This is the Lower World below the Earth. The Subterranean Heavenly World where the Nagas stayed became known as Adholoka. There, Maya created a paradise even grander than the Heavenly Plane. The Nagas are focused on pleasure and have all the riches and abundance they could want. Still to this day, Nagas are honored and feared by many. This is because of their powerful magic and psychic abilities. It is said that Nagas are also the protectors of the animal kingdom and properties on Earth. People are often cursed or haunted by serpents when they or their ancestors disrespect the land.

The story of the Nagas tells us a lot about the Ashlesha Nakshatra. Those born under Ashlesha behave a lot like a serpent. Or you could say that they behave like their animal symbol of the male cat. These individuals are very territorial and finicky in nature. Ashlesha is known as the Clinging Star because they tend to wrap themselves tightly around people and things that they are deeply attached to. These are people who might enjoy cuddling and being intimate with loved ones. However, they can also be overly protective, possessive, emotionally intense, and loyal like no other in their connections. This can be a bit overbearing for most people. Interestingly enough, Ashlesha people tend to have a loved one who also had them wrapped in their embrace as a child. This connection can be so psychically imprinted that it's difficult for the child to break away as they become an adult. It can be especially detrimental to young men who have to break free to grow into a man and explore their sexuality. Women also struggle with this in a different way. Young women with this placement tend to have mothers who repress their sexual nature and stop them from interacting with young men. While the mother is simply being protective, it can create a deep psychological fear and restriction in the psyche of the child. In some cases, the father isn't present or the child has a difficult relationship with the father. So, they naturally cling to their mother but are psychologically trapped by their mother's embrace. Ashlesha individuals have a deep need for security and intimate connection that can be difficult to unbind themselves from. It's their basic instinct, like how a serpent can wrap itself into a coil. The clinging doesn't just have to do with intimacy though. Ashlesha can fall prey to addiction and overindulgence. Hoarding and collecting can be seen. Ashlesha individuals also have an interesting relationship with food. They like to try new foods and eat out at restaurants. Yet, they tend to prefer junk foods and desserts mostly. This desire to feel pleasure and security can go too far. Ashlesha can even get caught up in scandal and suspicion. Alcohol, smoking, and drugs might be alluring to them. Being negatively influenced by others or even being the influencers themselves. Taking the wrong path or escaping moral principles can be easy for them because of their connection to their primal drives.

Like a cat, Ashlesha people can be moody and fickle. They have a great battle in their psyche. While trying to find themselves, they tend to want to cling emotionally to their connections. So, they can be warm and affectionate at times. Then cold and detached at other times. Leaving many confused about how to get close to them. They can also be suspicious and skeptical of others. These individuals don't trust anyone on a superficial level and need deep intimacy before letting down their guard. They are often anxious and highly alert in social situations. Reading other people to see their hidden motives and not letting anyone get too close. However, this doesn't always mean that they are shy. Sometimes, they are loud, humorous, and direct in their speech. Regardless, there is still a hint of mystery about them. Ashlesha people tend to grow the most when they are alone. So, they can disappear for some time to go through an internal healing process. Just like how snakes like to hide away when they shed their skin. Snakes are actually the most vulnerable when they shed their skin. This is because they go completely blind and their senses are dulled as they get used to the new layer of skin. So, they are most dangerous at this time. In the same way, Ashlesha individuals can be harsh and territorial when they need their space. They have a protective impulse to lash out when their privacy is intruded on. Many of the qualities of Ashlesha relate to the reptilian brain or the base instincts of human beings. They have this primal energy about them. The symbol of Ashlesha is a coiled serpent. Representing the sleeping coiled energy (Kundalini) at the base of the spine. This energy is connected to the Root Chakra which deals with basic security. So, these individuals are focused on being safe and comfortable. Meaning that their actions are instinctual and driven by the human impulse to have safety and protection. They also like to give the same feeling to their loved ones. These are extremely sensitive individuals.

Ashlesha is connected to sexual energy. Sex is directly connected to the purpose to procreate for survival. Also because Ashlesha is all about comfort. Sex is also associated with pleasure. The repressed sexuality in Ashlesha means having stronger sexual desires. Even sometimes having fantasies that others might see as extreme or strange in some way. Women born under Ashlesha tend to want to dominate men. Yet, they are really testing to see if any men can dominate them. Most men are frightened by their energy and tend to submit to them. Ashlesha women can be strikingly attractive and can have a hypnotic and paralyzing effect on men. Just like how snakes can both mesmerize and terrify others all with one glace. Ashlesha Men tend to be dominated by women. They are often unlike other men. These are men who are extremely sensitive and have great respect for women. Yet, they sometimes are unable to conquer women sexually and instead are prey to women. Ashlesha men are highly attractive and beloved by women. Yet, they can also be victimized and abused by women. This has to do with their binding with the mother from a young age. A binding that can be deadly and stifling to their manhood and sexual development. Speaking of being strikingly attractive, Ashlesha people can have a cat-like appearance with beautifully magnetic eyes and an attractive body. Their whole appearance can be captivating and seductive. Especially for women because they tend to play with their sexual energy to purposefully hypnotize men.

This same sexual energy can be used to persuade and hypnotize others. Ashlesha can be good or bad depending on how they use this power. They can be crafty and deceptive or healing and inspiring. This energy can make their enemies tremble and they can break down anyone at a psychological level. Intelligence and intuition are very high in Ashlesha and they can use words in a dangerous way. The shakti of Ashlesha is the power to inflict poison and destroy the victim. Meaning that they speak harsh and intellectual words like a snake spitting venom. This destroys their enemy from within the psyche. Rendering them frigid and defenseless. One should be cautious with Ashlesha and should never disrespect them. They can be extremely harsh and vindictive. Keep in mind that this is defensive energy. It's primal. Ashlesha people are extremely sensitive and rarely pick fights. Yet, they won't hesitate to react to anyone who takes a jab at them. This is similar to how snakes will strike you if you cross their territory. Think about how vulnerable snakes are. They have no hands and legs, have weak eyesight, and move slowly. So, snakes have to be cunning to survive. They have to be indirect, conceal themselves, feel the vibrations of the earth to sense their surroundings, and quickly strike when their target least expects it. In the same way, Ashlesha individuals are witty, clever, intuitive, defensive, spontaneous, and good at concealing themselves. Often, they prefer their own space like a snake hiding underground. Even famous celebrities born under Ashlesha can be very guarded and mysterious.

Like the Nagas possessing mystical powers, Ashlesha individuals can also have mystical abilities. Their sexual energy can be cultivated and used for a higher spiritual purpose. This is why Ashlesha is directly connected to Tantric practices and sacred sexual secrets. They tend to pick up on vibration like the snake slithering its belly across the earth. These are highly sensitive and intuitive people. Picking up on other people's emotions and feeling out the subtle energies in their environment. Ashlesha people are excellent at understanding the human psyche, reading subtle body language, and knowing when someone is upset. They have great concern for others and can make excellent healers, mystics, and counselors. Some Ashlesha people are more concerned with the earth and taking care of the animals. Just like how the Nagas are the protectors of the land. Ashlesha individuals tend to love exploring deeper. They are highly intellectual people with profound wisdom. Esoteric knowledge, ancient teachings, mystical secrets, divination, witchcraft, tantra, and other deep philosophical topics can be of interest to them. Ashlesha rarely has an interest in small talk and trivial concerns. Unless it has to do with doing business and getting tasks done. These are excellent communicators and business people. Even if the communication is only through writing. They articulate well and have such an agile mind. Sometimes, they are too intelligent for their own good and their speech can get them into trouble.

Johnny Depp

Ashlesha Ascendant

Moon in Purvashada (Sagittarius)

Mercury in Krittika (Taurus)

Sun in Mrigashira (Taurus)

Marilyn Monroe

Ashlesha Ascendant

Moon in Dhanishta (Capricorn)

Combust Mercury in Rohini (Taurus)

Sun in Rohini (Taurus)

Katie Holmes

Ashlesha Moon

Mercury in Anuradha (Scorpio)

Uttara Phalguni Ascendant (Virgo)

Sun in Mula (Sagittarius)

-Daquan Jones

Psychic, Empath, YouTube Creator, Author, Life Coach, Astrologer

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