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Secrets of Budha (Mercury) in Vedic Astrology

Updated: Sep 22, 2022

Budha- "The Young and Swift"

Path of Analytical Skill


Vedic Name: Budha

Friends: Sun, Venus

Enemies: Moon, Ketu

Neutral: Mercury, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Rahu

Own Sign: Virgo (Moolitrikona), Gemini

Exaltation Sign: Virgo

Debilitation Sign: Pisces

House Association: 3rd & 6th House

House Significator: 2nd House

Directional Strength: 1st House

Body Part: Hands, Shoulders, Skin, Hips, Intestines, Lungs, Nose, Nervous System

Day of Week: Wednesday

Color: Green

Association: Details, Movement, Logic, Speech, Youth

Nakshatras: Ashlesha (16°40'- 30° Cancer),

Jyeshta (16°40'- 30° Scorpio), Revati (16°40'- 30° Pisces)

In Vedic Astrology, Mercury is known as Budha. He is the ruler of Mithuna (Gemini) and Kanya (Virgo). The directional strength of Mercury can be found in the Ascendant/1st House, and Mercury is known as the Karka (significator) of the 2nd House. His Exaltation (highest position) is also found in his Moolitrikona (strongest) sign of Virgo.

So, what does Mercury represent in Astrology? Mercury is the most curious and youthful of all of the planets. In fact, Mercury is referred to as being the youngest of the 9 Graha (celestial bodies). To learn about other Graha, check out my blog post on Secrets of Ketu (South Node, Mysteries of Shukra (Venus), Secrets of Surya (Sun), Secrets of Rahu (North Node), Secrets of Guru (Jupiter), and Secrets of Shani (Saturn). With Mercury being the youngest, he represents youthfulness. This includes youthful behavior, younger siblings, and having a youthful appearance.

Mercury is also associated with curiosity. Especially when it comes to gaining knowledge. However, Mercury is not philosophical or wise by any means. He is more associated with logical decisions, skillsets, trivialities, and everyday communication. We discussed in previous blogs how Rahu is very unconventional in thinking, Saturn is about the wisdom of the real world, Jupiter is the teacher of higher wisdom, and Ketu deals with uncovering the deeper truth. Even Venus is the teacher of esoteric, artistic, and cultural wisdom. Mercury deals with the knowledge that makes sense at a base level and that can be quickly used as a skill.

This also means that Mercury doesn't represent philosophical or more profound conversation. Gossip, media, social media, and quick chat can be seen from Mercury. This is why individuals with strong Mercury placements tend to be good at catching the attention of others. Jobs in marketing, commerce, car dealerships, journalism, comedy, and talk shows can be seen through Mercury. The attention span of a Mercury person tends to be short and their understanding is shallow. Yet, they are able to grasp certain abilities and knowledge quickly and easily. So, teachers and performers of specific skill sets are represented by Mercury.

For this reason, Mercury is one of the most important indicators of business and entrepreneurship. Seeing Mercury in the D1 Natal Chart can show what area you are most skilled at. The D10 Dasamsa should also be analyzed.

Mercury is also associated with curiosity. Especially when it comes to gaining knowledge. However, Mercury is not philosophical or wise by any means. He is more associated with logical decisions, skillsets, trivialities, and everyday communication. We discussed in previous blogs how Rahu is very unconventional in thinking, Saturn is about the wisdom of the real world, Jupiter is the teacher of higher wisdom, and Ketu deals with uncovering the deeper truth. Even Venus is the teacher of esoteric, artistic, and cultural wisdom. Mercury deals with the knowledge that makes sense at a base level and that can be quickly used as a skill.

This also means that Mercury doesn't represent philosophical or more profound conversation. Gossip, media, social media, and quick chat can be seen from Mercury. This is why individuals with strong Mercury placements tend to be good at catching the attention of others. Jobs in marketing, commerce, car dealerships, journalism, comedy, and talk shows can be seen through Mercury. The attention span of a Mercury person tends to be short and their understanding is shallow. Yet, they are able to grasp certain abilities and knowledge quickly and easily. So, teachers and performers of specific skill sets are represented by Mercury.

For this reason, Mercury is one of the most important indicators of business and entrepreneurship. Seeing Mercury in the D1 Natal Chart can show what area you are most skilled at. The D10 Dasamsa should also be analyzed.

A damaged or badly placed Mercury can also affect the analytical strength of an individual's intelligence. Yet, keep in mind that Mercury is not the only indicator of intelligence. If Mercury is weak and Jupiter is strong, the individual might struggle analytically but will possess great wisdom. Mercury in a difficult placement can show issues such as dyslexia, illiteracy, autism, memory impairment, auditory issues, visual problems, obsessive-compulsive disorder, attention deficit disorder, etc... Autism can actually happen when Mercury is in an extremely powerful position too. This is due to having abnormally high levels of intelligence.

It is easy for Mercury to be in a difficult position in the natal chart because of the speed at which he moves. Be mindful of if you have Mercury Debilitated, Mercury in a Combustion (Burned Out by the Sun), Mercury Conjunct a Malefic Planet (Mars, Saturn, Rahu, Ketu), Mercury in a difficult House, or Mercury behaving as a Functional Malefic. Mercury in the D9 Navamsa should also be examined. If Mercury is damaged in the D1 Natal Chart and strong in the D9 Navamsa, this can indicate difficulties before the age of 30. Yet, Mercury will end up behaving positively for the individual. Mercury's Dasha should also be examined. The effects of Mercury will be strongest during a Mercury Mahadasha.

Movement is also connected to Mercury. This is because of the curious and youthful nature. Along with how quickly Mercury moves from one position to the next. On one level, this represents the movement of the logical mind. The ability to analyze, study, and communication. Yet, it also represents physical movement. A difficult Mercury position can show excessive speech, restlessness, anxiety, insomnia, fidgeting of the body, and constant busy activity. It can be difficult for an individual to relax if their Mercury is poorly placed. This is why getting enough sleep, avoiding stimulants, practicing meditation, pranayama, yoga, mudras, and constructive outlets are recommended for a damaged Mercury.

Jobs that involve transportation or thinking quickly on your feet can be good for Mercury individuals. Small trips and local communication, in particular, can be seen from Mercury. Neighbors, siblings, friends, close relatives, local news, negotiation, the postal service, exchange of ideas, etc... are all seen. Mercury can even indicate sports, board games, and other activities that involve strategy. Playgrounds can be seen because of the connection to youthfulness. Anything involving the use of hands is connected to Mercury. Such as hands-on skills, activities that require specific tools, and writing. Even skills that involve technology and the internet can be represented by Mercury. Especially if it has to do with computer code or communication through social platforms. Recognizing patterns, details, shapes, language, numbers, objects, and people can also be seen. The strength of a person's memory can also be seen through Mercury.

Mercury is definitely more of a mundane planet. For this reason, Venus is the greatest friend of Mercury. Venus is all about the pleasure and satisfaction derived through the senses and the Maya (material illusion). Well, Mercury is the skill and intellect to function in the Maya. The Sun is also a friend of Mercury. This is because the Sun and Mercury are always near one another. Budha Aditya Yoga is a healthy Conjunction of the Sun and Mercury. It's a Yoga that's known for gifting an individual with sharp intelligence, strong communication, and success in business.

Where Mercury struggles the most is with the Moon and Ketu. This is because Mercury is already a planet that changes frequently and quickly. The Moon behaves in a similar way. So, Mercury with the Moon tends to create inconsistency and mental instability. We can see this perfectly depicted in the Ashlesha Nakshatra. Ashlesha is a Nakshatra that tends to have fickle behavior and intense moodiness. It is often seen as a Nakshatra that's cruel, cold, manipulative, and deceptive. However, most of this is because Ashlesha has an inability to find stability with their intense moods and primal instinct. Mercury and Ketu don't get along because Ketu is one of the most spiritual of all of the planets. It's all about investigating the deeper truth, past life knowledge, and the unknown. Whereas, Mercury wants to stick to what makes sense in the practical world. This is why Jyeshta is one of the best Nakshatras for seeking out deeper truths behind the mysteries of life. The logic of Mercury and the spirituality of Ketu make them open to learning and asking about the bigger questions in life. Some of which have no explanation due to a lack of human understanding. To find out more on Jyeshta, feel free to check out my blog post on Secrets of Jyeshta.

The other planets are seen as having a Neutral relationship from Mercury's perspective. Mars paired with Mercury can give great skills. Mars is very technical and would do well with the logic of Mercury behind it. However, Mars with Mercury can give an individual a hot temper and harsh speech. Saturn with Mercury is also great for intelligence because they are both practical. However, it tends to slow down the speed of Mercury and can even show delayed speech. Rahu with Mercury would also show a very clever and skilled way of thinking. However, Mercury and Rahu are both considered tricksters. So, an individual with this placement might be more inclined towards cheating and other wrong actions. Jupiter is Neutral to Mercury because they are opposites. Mercury deals with smaller mundane issues. While Jupiter deals with philosophical wisdom.

So, we know that the Sun and Venus are favored by Mercury. Moon and Ketu are not favored. Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, and Rahu are neutral to Mercury. This gives us an understanding of some of Mercury's easiest and most difficult placements.

Mercury in Aries (Neutral)

Aggressive Speech, Competitive, Purposeful, Impulsive, Quick Minded, Prone to Trouble

Mercury in Taurus (Friendly)

Soft Eloquent Speech, Writer, Singer, Music Lover, Creative, Cultural, Finacial Skill

Mercury in Gemini (Own Sign)

Diplomatic, Patient, Confident, Articulate, Idealistic, Observant, Detailed, Organized

Mercury in Cancer (Enemy)

Emotional Decisions, Moody, Romantic, Imaginative, Writer, Nurturing, Compassionate

Mercury in Leo (Friendly)

Charismatic Speaker, Authoritative, Performer, Creative, Skilled in Politics

Mercury in Virgo (Own Sign, Moolitrokona, Exaltation)

Rational Communication, Realistic Decisions, Perfectionist, Analytical, Quick-Minded, Organized, Strategic, Health-Focused

Mercury in Libra (Friendly)

Balanced Communication, Negotiator, Curious, Business-Oriented, Artistic, Cultural, Fashion Oriented

Mercury in Scorpio (Enemy)

Deep Conversation, Manipulator, Helpful, Researcher, Occult Knowledge, Detective

Mercury in Sagittarius (Neutral)-

Preacher, Religious, Wise, Philosophical, Optimistic, Humorous,

Finacial Skill, Writer

Mercury in Capricorn (Neutral)

Serious Speech, Disciplined, Perfectionist, Government Skill, Wise,


Mercury in Aquarius (Neutral)

Group Speaker, Scientific, Humanitarian Thoughts, Idealistic, Conflicting

Mercury in Pisces (Debilitation)

Imaginative, Spiritual, Writer, Dancer, Creative, Difficulty With Logic, Misunderstood

Mercury in Ascendant/1st House

Dig Bala Yoga (Directional Strength)-

Communicator, Language Expert, Curious, Artistic, Philosophical, Sophisticated, Writer, Politician, Philanthropist, Cultural, Photographer, Business Oriented, Entrepreneur, Multifaceted, Youthful, Attractive, Playful, Humorous, Performer, Charming, Diverse Interests, Finance Expert, Lawyer, Diplomatic, Talkative in Marriage

Mercury in 2nd House-

Family-Oriented, Traditional, Good Speaker, Singer, Cultural,

Historical Knowledge, Financial Skill, Independent, Materialistic,

Hidden Knowledge

Mercury in 3rd House-

Quick-Minded, Entrepreneur, Multifaceted, Writer, Media, Salesperson, Logical Communicator, Good Memory, Youthful, Connection With Siblings, Business-Oriented, Good Student

Mercury in 4th House-

Connection To Mother, Influential Speaker, Work From Home, Realtor, Problem-Solver, Counselor, Gains Comforts

Mercury in 5th House-

Creative, Writer, Poet, Mimicker, Improviser, Performer, Curious,

Past Life Knowledge, Gambler, Mystical Knowledge, Game Expert, Connection With Children, Romantic Banter, Independent Success,

Political Skill

Mercury in 6th House-

Mediator, Negotiator, Lawyer, Social Worker, Financial Skill, Overanalyzer, Anxious, Critical, Detailed, Mental Disorder, Digestive Issues, Lung Problem

Mercury in 7th House-

Merchant, Lawyer, Negotiation, Business-Oriented, Similar Partner, Talkative in Marriage, Good Communicator

Mercury in 8th House-

Occult Knowledge, Deep Communicator, Detective, Researcher, Archeologist, Observant, Dark Interests, Emergency Medic,

Mystical Studies, Difficult Marriage, Complications in Family,

Connected With Inlaws, Secret Agent

Mercury in 9th House-

High Intelligence, Religious Studies, Philosophical Writer, Lecturer, Traveler, Business-Oriented, Wealthy, Ego-Centric About Intelligence

Mercury in 10th House-

Business Skill in Communication, Successful, Connection To Father, Serious at Home

Mercury in 11th House-

Financial Skill, Social, Networker, Event Organizer, Intellectual Friends, Connection to Children, Knowledgeable, Creative Writer

Mercury in 12th House-

Shy, Quiet, Psychic Medium, Misunderstood, Writer, Spiritual, Imaginative, Speech Issue, Mystical Knowledge, Interpreter, Successful in Isolation, Foreign Business, Avoids Conflict

-Daquan Jones

Psychic Empath, YouTube Creator, Author, Life Coach, Astrologer

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