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Secrets of Guru (Jupiter) in Vedic Astrology

Updated: Sep 22, 2022

Devaguru "Teacher of Higher Principles"

The Path of Higher Consciousness

In Vedic Astrology, the Zodiac signs are based on the position of the stars rather than the Seasons on Earth. This results in a 23-degree difference between the typical Western Tropical Zodiac and the Vedic Sidereal Zodiac. The Moon Sign is also seen as the Zodiac sign vs. the Sun in Western Tropical. While the Sun still holds great importance in representing the soul’s desire or the ego of an individual. The Moon is representing the true nature of a person and the way their mind works. The Ascendant represents the personality, physical body, appearance, and life foundation.

Anytime that the Sun, Moon, or Ascendant is placed in a Zodiac sign, it holds great importance. The Moon is always the most important. Then the Ascendant. Lastly, the Sun will also make an impact. Primarily, the behavior and appearance of a person are based on the Moon and Ascendant. While the Sun can show what a person feels inspired about, where they shine, and what career path they feel drawn towards.

In Vedic Astrology, we also consider Fixed Stars. This is something that relates more to the Moon’s influence than the Sun. Since they can’t be seen from the Western Tropical view. However, this opens up the door to the 27 Nakshatras or Lunar Mansions. Each Zodiac Sign is distributed through 3 to 2.5 Nakshatras. This further distinguishes the Zodiac Signs into three different personality types. Therefore, even a person born under the same Zodiac Sign as someone else can behave differently.


Jupiter is known as Guru/Devaguru or Brihaspati in Vedic Astrology. Deva means angelic or god-like in nature. Guru refers to a master or teacher who provides spiritual wisdom and practical advice to others in need of direction. So, Jupiter is the priest or advisor to the other gods. He is the most benevolent and the most beloved of all of the Graha (planets). The name Brihaspati depicts Jupiter as the lord of prayers. It is said that Brihaspati grants blessings to those who devote themselves to prayer, compassion, and good deeds. This includes children, good education, longevity, courage, and recovery from illnesses. In Astrology, Jupiter rules Dhanus Rashi (Sagittarius) and Meena Rashi (Pisces). Both of these signs are known for upholding moral principles. This is different from the ethical principles of Shani (Saturn). Jupiter is the written or spoken law based on the principles of right and wrong. While Saturn is the justice or enforced law based on societal expectations and karmic balance. It is said that Saturn and Jupiter are two of the most mature planets and the ones upholding the social spheres of life. However, Saturn is malefic (challenging) and Jupiter is benefic (beneficial). I mentioned before how Shukra (Venus) and Jupiter are the two benefic planets in Astrology. However, Venus is rajasic (passionate) while Jupiter is sattvic (pure).

Sagittarius and Pisces show two different sides of Jupiter. In Sagittarius, Jupiter deals with religion, spirituality, laws, philosophy, foreign culture, higher education, teachings of the father/guru, etc... This is also seen through the 9th House of the natal chart, which corresponds to the sign of Sagittarius. Pisces shows the limitless and expansive side of Jupiter. Pisces is connected to the 12th House which exists beyond the limits of the physical plane or beyond the limits of what we are conscious of within our physical reality. For this reason, Pisces is connected to sleep, meditation, daydreams, mystical knowledge, spiritual enlightenment, foreign places, isolation, facilities, addiction, escapism, etc...

Jupiter is also Exalted in Cancer. In my earlier post on Venus, I mentioned how Jupiter is the significator of a supportive husband and a loving father. We can see that from the fact that Jupiter reaches exaltation in the sign of Cancer. Cancer is ruled by the moon. The moon corresponds to the mother and nourishment. So, Jupiter is the masculine version of the moon in this way. Jupiter is sweet, romantic, warm-hearted, generous, protective, and sacrificing. Yet he carries masculine energy. So, Jupiter is the softer expression of masculinity. Showing a nurturing and caring man. For this reason, Jupiter-dominant men tend to be more attractive as a husband and tend to be extremely loved by children. However, they can come off as awkward and unattractive as a boyfriend. Mostly because of their good and sattvic qualities. Jupiter men are known for having the lowest libidos and for only being concerned about what makes a woman happy. Most of the time, they are a loyal friend but get stuck in the friend zone when it comes to the woman that they want to pursue. Their hearts are too passive and loving. So, women tend to only appreciate them when they're tired of dealing with men without pure intentions and when they are ready for a serious commitment.

Jupiter controls three Nakshatras. Each of them is positioned at the end of an air sign and the beginning of a water sign. Those Nakshatras are known as Punarvasu, Vishakha, and Purva Bhadrapada. To learn more on Purva Bhadradapa, check out The Importance of Purva Bhadrapada. Each of these Nakshatras shows a different side of Jupiter as we go through his evolutionary process.

On the negative side, Jupiter can have a lack of discipline and boundaries due to its benevolent and accepting nature. In Medical Astrology, Jupiter is said to represent the liver and the fat deposits stored within the body. This shows us how Jupiter is protecting and loving. Fat insulates the body. However, fat can also expand within the body causing major health concerns. So, Jupiter is actually dangerous when there is a lack of discipline or boundaries. Have you ever heard the sayings, "Too much of a good thing is a bad thing" or "Most things are good in moderation"? This applies to both Venus and Jupiter because they are our benefic planets. Benefic means that they benefit our lives in some way. However, if they are all good, then there is no conflict. Without conflict, we can't learn discipline and grow stronger. So, in this way, Jupiter becomes debilitating when he is too good. Too much fun and free will can lead to overindulgence and excesses. Also, this is why Jupiter men are sometimes underappreciated by women even though they are what women are looking for long-term. It is because they lack the boundaries to say no or to have a bit more of a "backbone". Making them easy to take advantage of and unappealing sexually. The biggest dilemma for Jupiter men is discerning the difference between respecting women while respecting themselves and completely submitting to women. They are too gentle and loving. In this way, Jupiter people, in general, should learn to establish healthy boundaries within relationships. Not everyone can be protected and not everyone will respect this level of empathy.

Jupiter always comes after Rahu in the pattern of our lives. Rahu is a time of sudden changes and heavy karmic lessons. To learn more about Rahu, check out Secrets of Rahu (North Node). When Jupiter comes, it's because we have learned something karmically from Rahu and Jupiter has come to reward us with his love and guidance. Be sure to see when your Jupiter Mahadasha is. As it's an important time of your life that'll be controlled by Jupiter. If you're unaware of when your Jupiter Mahadasha is, feel free to schedule an appointment with me and we can discuss when your Jupiter Mahadasha will be and what its effects will be on your personal life. Subperiods or Antardashas of Jupiter can also be important times when Jupiter will have a slight influence on the theme of your life.

In Punarvasu, we are coming from Ardra. Ardra is a Rahu-ruled Nakshatra that falls entirely within the sign of Gemini and is known as the Star of Sorrow. So, it is a mentally agonizing Nakshatra with many sudden changes. Like a storm, but Punarvasu is the Star of Renewal. It is when the light returns after the chaotic storm of Ardra. It is also dealing with water like Ardra. However, Ardra is the rain that causes floods and violent storms while Punarvasu is the light rain that nourishes life on earth. Here we see the loving and abundant side of Jupiter. Punarvasu even ends in the sign of Cancer just before the degree will Jupiter will reach his exaltation.

In Vishakha, we are following Swati. Swati is a Rahu-controlled Nakshatra that's positioned entirely within the sign of Libra and is the Self-Going Star. Swati is a Nakshatra that goes through hardships that have to do with their relationships with others. We can see abandonment, betrayal, abuse, and other themes of being taken advantage of. This is due to the kind and diplomatic nature of Swati. Yet, they tend to get tougher and more independent through the struggles of life. This is where we see that a balance is needed in a world of extremes. This lesson carries over into the wisdom of Vishakha. Vishakha is very extreme and passionate. However, to achieve they have to complete one goal at a time before branching off to the next. This shows the expansive nature of Jupiter.

In Purva Bhadrapada, the Dharma of an individual is tested. Most of us refer to this process as the Dark Night of the Soul. Before Purva Bhadrapada, we have Shatabhishak. If you missed it, check out Secrets of Shatabhishak. Shatabhishak deals with being hidden or protected within a private place or a group of people. Here we lose our identity by merging with the collective. Sometimes groups can even be controlling or harmful in some way. Or the private space can be a means for self-sabotage and addictive behavior. Purva Bhadrapada frees us from the enclosed space in Shatabhishak. This is done by stripping us of what we feel like we need so badly. Remember that Rahu is a trickster. He will coil us up in a desire so tightly that we think that we need it. Rahu is the Maya (material illusion). So, in Purva Bhadrapada, we are tested to see what we will do when there is no help and we are granted the freedom that our souls desire. At first, it will feel dark and hopeless. Some will not be strong enough and will fall into ego and darkness. Others will bear the emotional pain to find a single ray of light or spark of inspiration that gives them the slightest hope. Making them realize that they are on the right journey to evolve spiritually and to break away from the conditioning of Maya (material illusion).

Jupiter sees the Sun, the Moon, Mars, and Ketu as great friends. So, Jupiter is happy in his own signs of Sagittarius and Pisces, the Sun's sign of Leo, Mars' sign of Aries, Ketu's sign of Scorpio, and is exalted in the Moon's sign of Cancer. These are some of the best spots for Jupiter to be.

Jupiter sees the Sun, the Moon, Mars, and Ketu as great friends. So, Jupiter is happy in his own signs of Sagittarius and Pisces, the Sun's sign of Leo, Mars' sign of Aries, Ketu's sign of Scorpio, and is exalted in the Moon's sign of Cancer. These are some of the best spots for Jupiter to be.

Jupiter in Sagittarius (Moolitrokona/Strongest Own Sign)-

Teacher, Restless, Adventurous, Free-Spirited, Foreign Traveler, High-Minded, Righteous, Moral, Changing Location, Optimistic, Opportunist, Lucky, Many Opportunities, Negativity Reversals, Moral, Philosophical, Religious, Supportive, Restless HusbandJupiter in Pisces (Own Sign)- Caring, Friendly, Kind, Blessed, Deep Insight, Spiritual, Religious, Metaphysical Teacher, Wealth Magnet, Wise, Helpful, Success in Foreign Affairs, Philosophical, Moral, Spiritual, Ungrounded Husband

Jupiter in Cancer (Exaltation)- Good Memory, Good Learner, Traditional, Good Connection to Teachers, Respect For Family, Caring, Moral, A Loyal Friend, Career Opportunities, Respected, Protective, Helpful, Love of Children, Happy Home, Abundant, Overcomes Conflict, Moral, Generous, Kind-hearted, Supportive Husband Jupiter in Aries (Friendly)- Courageous, Philosophical, Intelligent, Righteous, Pioneer, Risk-Taker, Independent, Entrepreneur, Leader, Creative, Original, Argumentative, Strong Beliefs, Courageous, Independent, Strong-Willed, Capable Husband Jupiter in Leo (Friendly)- Confident, Charming, Kind, Graceful, Cheerful, Entertaining, Moral, Authoritative, Public Attention, Self-Made, Guiding Others, Ambitious, Tenacious, Dominating, Moral Husband Jupiter in Scorpio (Friendly)- Esoteric Wisdom, Religious, Philosophical, Mystical Practices, Protected, Researcher, Protective, Intelligent, Wealth Opportunity, Family-Oriented, Success in Education, Desire For Truth, Passionate, Dynamic, Protective, Supportive Husband Jupiter sees Rahu and Saturn as neutral. Therefore, Jupiter can be a bit challenging in the signs of Capricorn and Aquarius. Especially in Capricorn where Jupiter reaches his Debilitation. In these signs, Jupiter has to work harder because of the harsh reality that's being presented. Jupiter lacks the ability to be cruel because of its innocent and loving qualities. Jupiter in Capricorn (Debilitation)- Political, Authoritative, Organized, Structured, Solid Routines, Slow Wealth Increase, Delays in Success, Fame, Recognition, Hard-Working, Responsibility With Siblings, Delay in Spouse For Females, Happiness Late in Life, Mature, Moral, Ethical, Business & Family-Oriented Husband Jupiter in Aquarius (Neutral)- Rational, Little Faith, Scientific, Humanitarian, Technologically-Savy, Networker, Friendly, Popular, Beloved, Caring, Eccentric/Futuristic Talents, Government Opportunities, Service-Oriented, Friendly, Supportive, Humanitarian, Loyal Husband Jupiter also sees Venus and Mercury as an enemy. This means that the most difficult positions for Jupiter are in Taurus, Gemini, Virgo, and Libra. The reason is because of how practical and materially inclined these signs are. Jupiter is the purest and only seeks out the higher things in life. Jupiter in Taurus (Enemy)- Relatable, Caring, Family-Oriented, Friendly, Sentimental, Financial Ups and Downs, Selfish, Materialistic, Collector, Practical, Caring, Stable, Supportive Husband Jupiter in Gemini (Enemy)- Business-Oritened, Charming, Humorous, Stress and Anxiety, Good Communicator, Diplomatic, Love of Novelty, Many Changes, Curious, Poor Follow-Through, Talented, Wealth Opportunities, Changeable, Friendly, Talkative, Adaptable Husband Jupiter in Virgo (Enemy)- Critical of Faith, Highly Intelligent, Good Learning, Good Memory, Need of Logic Proof, Perfectionist, Career Success, Organized, Conflict Manager, Supportive, Practical, Critical, Problem-Solving Husband Jupiter in Libra (Enemy)- Business-Oriented, Artistic, Polite, Compromising, Justice Loving, Musically-Inclined, Mediator, Relationship Skills, Entrepreneur, Naive of People's Agena, Financial Opportunities, Conflict With Others, Attractive, Wealthy, Artistic Husband Jupiter functions best in the Ascendant/1st House, 5th House, and 9th House. This is because of the karmic connection with these three Houses. Jupiter is known as a karmic planet just like Saturn. However, Jupiter is kind and forgiving. He doesn't like to punish or see anyone in pain. So, Jupiter is said to bring good karma or good luck. This good fortune doesn't always mean it'll be easy or as pleasant as we might think. Even Guru's lessons can be difficult at times but never harsh like Saturn. The Ascendant or 1st House is an indication of what we've come to be and to experience in this life. It is the physical appearance, personality, mentality, the way we approach life, and all of the patterns playing out in our physical reality. In Vedic Astrology, it's said that we have chosen our Ascendant based on what we weren't able to experience in a previous life. The 5th House is the House of karmic rewards from past deeds. Many skills and talents that we've mastered in a previous life can be found in the 5th House. It's where we get to enjoy life and express ourselves in creative ways. This House includes mantras, rituals, children, romance, knowledge, entertainment, recreation, gambling, speculation, fame, and performing arts. The 9th House is our future karma. It is said that the lessons of the 9th House are passed down from the father. So, it can be connected to generational or ancestral karma. Along with higher learning and opportunities to expand our consciousness in life. The 9th House also deals with our Dharmic (righteous action and karmic purpose) responsibilities. Guru in the Ascendant/1st House, 5th House, and 9th House are considered to be blessed positions. Many say that Jupiter in these Houses behaves like a guardian angel. So, these individuals are often protected and guided by a higher power. This never allows them to fall, and safety always comes to their rescue even when all hope seems to be lost. These are also usually very wise and good-natured individuals. Jupiter always has a 5th and 9th Aspect from himself. These Aspects form a triangle. A Triangle is a very auspicious symbol. This is why the 5th and 9th Houses are considered to be Trine or Trikona Houses and are said to bring good fortune based on your past and future karmas. It is always important to see Jupiter's 5th, 7th, and 9th Aspects. It's also important to realize that Jupiter influences his aspects more than the House that he's in. Vedic Astrology refers to him as a lamp shining a light forwards. Therefore, the House that he's in is difficult to see. Jupiter in Ascendant/1st House- Dig Bala (Directional Strength) Optimistic, Adventurous, Friendly, Kind, Attractive, Charismatic, Protected, Overexpansive, Guide to Others, Fortune in Children, Success in Education, Great Learner, Inspired by Teachers, Foreign Partner, Enthusiastic Business Partner, Free-Spirited, Traveler, Changeable in Relationships, Great Teacher, Great Writer, Effective Communicator, Need of Guide, Strong Relationship With the Father

Jupiter in 2nd House- Ups and Downs in Finances, Financial Opportunities, Follow Family Guidance, Charming and Confident Voice, Good Cook, Overindulgence in Food, Weight Issues, Nurturing, Food Allergies, Health Concerns, Justice-Oriented, Bussiness-Oriented, Smart Risk-Taker, Good Business Partner, Conflicts With Shared Resources in Marriage, Guide in Career, Opportunities for Career Success, Wealthy Partner or Partner From a Wealthy Family Jupiter in 3rd House- Involved with Local Community, Busy, Good Communication, Many Projects, Curious, Love of Connection, Media Careers, Confident, Faithful, Positive Early Childhood, Difficulty With Siblings, Love of Travel/Activity, Friendly, Marriage Opportunities, Good Business Partner, Foreign Teachings, Guidance From Father or Distance With Father, Philosophical, Opportunities but Difficulty in Education, Wealth Opportunities, Optimistic, Changing Friend Circles Jupiter in 4th House- Maternal Karma, Motherly Guide, Good Self-Esteem, Optimistic, Supportive, Emotionally Secure, Supportive Spouse, Wealth/Inheritance/Property Opportunity, Generous, Nurturing to Family, Esoteric Learner, Traditional, Spiritual, Religious, Kind, Foreign Travel, Overspending, Opportunity For Promotions and Public Support Jupiter in 5th House- Intelligent, Old Soul, Philosophical, Love of Learning, Natural Teacher, Youthful, Child-Like Innocence, Fun-Loving, Humorous, Breaks in Higher Education, Delay in Children, Enjoys Drama/Literature/Poetry/Music/Art/Dance, Many Changing Romantic Connections, Risk-Taker, Friendly, Success in Higher Education, Happiness Through Foreign Travel, Good Connection to Guide, Religion or Philosophy Practice, Good Connection to Father, Wealth Increase, Changes in Friendships, Fortunate, Protected, Optimistic, Negativity and Diseases Reversed Jupiter in 6th House- Service-Oriented, Medical Professions, Love of Pets/Owning Many Pets, Small Health Concerns, OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder), Medling in Other's Lives, Job Opportunities, Hardworking, Involved in Large Groups, Charitable, Resources Through the Family, Saver of Money, Continual Annoyances and Conflicts, Focused on Health and Healing

Jupiter in 7th House- Traditional in Marriage, Desire For a Loyal Partner, Cultural/Foreign Partner, Need For Security in Marriage, Wealthy and Philosophical Partner, Educated, Guide, Supported in Career, Multiple Marriage, Moral Debates, Wealth Opportunities, Multiple Skills/Careers, Changing Friendships, New Networks, Love of TravelShared Beliefs in Friend Circle, Philosophical, Religious, Truth-Seeker, Preaching to Others, Generous, Humanitarian, Overeating, Happy Connection to Siblings, Great Learning, Communication & Writing Skills, Courageous, Determined Jupiter in 8th House- Truth-Seeker, Love of Occult Knowledge, Researcher, Secretive, Undercover Jobs, Secretive Husband, Good Connection with In-laws, Good with Shared Resources, Positive Transformations, Intuitive, Vivid Dreams, Foreign Gains, Expenditure, Helpful to Family, Moral, Wealth Opportunities, Independent Happiness, Sentimental, Happiness Through Mother, Good Education, Good Property/Inheritance, Peace at Home, Compassionate, Generous Jupiter in 9th House- High Intelligence, Wise, Teacher, Preachy, Stubborn in Belief, Good Connection to Mentor, Advice/Separation From Father, Love of Foreign Culture/Travel, Social, Magnetic, Overindulgence, Illness Reversal, Good Communication Skills, Restless, Active, Change in Location, Impulsive, Protective, Love of Children, Good Parent, Spoils Children, Love to Learn, Education Success Jupiter in 10th House- Intelligent, Wise, Philosophical or Religion, Help From Authority, Empathetic, Supportive, Good Advisor, Fame, Spouse met in Career, Good Family Upbringing, Moral, Ethical, Authoritative, Strong Speech, Help From Family, Good Financial Gain, Overindulgent, Adventurous, Restless, Patriotic, Strong Connection to Mother's Beliefs, Confrontational Over Beliefs, Health Concerns, Illness Reversal, Success in Litigation, Happiness Through Pets Jupiter in 11th House- Wealth Increase, Support, Career Opportunities, Quick Climb to Success, Missed Opportunities, Conflict at Work, Humanitarian, Apart from Political/Activist Groups, Changing Friendships, Support Through Elder Sibling, Happiness through Spouse, Support Through Younger Sibling, Good Communication, Magnetic, Media Careers, Courageous, Philosophical, Moral, Good Parent, Different Beliefs than Children, Risk-Taker, Athletic, Success in Speculation, Love to Learn, Breaks in Education, Foreign Partner, Shared Beliefs/Knowledge in Marriage Jupiter in 12th House- Guided/Protected From the Spirit World, Support in Foreign Lands, Foreign Spouse, Truth-Seeker, Overspending, Generous, Charitable, Helpful to the Underdog, Working in Hospitals and Facilities, Wisdom through Teacher, Vivid Inspiring Dreams, Strong Relationship with Mother, Wisdom & Advice From Mother, Confident, Love of Peace and Meditation, Need For Space in Home, Love of Travel, Good Education, Supportive of Others, Helpful to Animals, Healing Jobs, Mediator, Legal, Jobs, Conflicts Due to Beliefs, Small Health Concerns, Overindulgent, Weight Issues, Researcher, Interested in Mystery/Esoteric Knowledge, Intuitive, See Through Surface, Changes in Gains, Increase in Wealth, Good Inheritance, Conflict with Spouse, Deep Psychological Changes With Spouse

-Daquan Jones

Psychic Empath, YouTube Creator, Author, Life Coach, Astrologer

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