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Secrets of Hasta Nakshatra

Updated: Sep 18, 2022

Hasta (10°- 23°20' Virgo)

"Clever and Charming"

Meaning: The Golden Handed One

Name: The Hand

Star Name: Delta Corvi

Symbol: Hand, Fist, Laughter

Presiding Deity: Savitur (god of Light)

Planetary Association: Chandra (Moon)

Aim of Life: Moksha (Liberation)

Temperament: Deva (Divine)

Caste: Vaishya (Merchant)

Element: Agni (Fire)

Gender: Female

Ayurvedic Type: Vata (Air and Aether)

Quality: Rajasic (Passion)

Nature: Light and Swift

Trimurti: Brahma (To Create)

Yoni: Female Ox or Female Buffalo

Yoni Consort: Swati

Best Match: Mrigashira, Chitra, Purvashadha

Worst Match: Ashwini, Jyeshta, Shatabhisha

Padas (Quarters) of Hasta

(Luck, Marriage, & Microscopic View)

Pada 1: 10°- 13°20' Virgo

Navamsa: Aries

Focus: Skillful, Energetic, Hard-Working

Pada 2: 13°20'- 16°40' Virgo

Navamsa: Taurus

Focus: Artistic, Practical, Material Success

Pada 3: 16°40'- 20° Virgo

Navamsa: Gemini

Focus: Perceptive, Intelligent, Business Skills

Pada 4: 20°- 23°20' Virgo

Navamsa: Cancer

Focus: Caring, Family-Oriented, Fear of Change

Hasta is positioned from 10°- 23°20' of Vedic Sidereal Virgo. It can also be found in Western Tropical Libra. Hasta means "The Golden Handed One". It's also known as The HandStar. The star name for Hasta is Delta Corvi. Hasta is symbolized by a hand, a fist, or laughter. Savitur is the ruling deity and the Moon is the ruling planet. This is the last Moon Nakshatra that we will discuss. To see the other Moon-ruled Nakshatras, check out my blog post on Understanding Rohini and Secrets of Shravana. Mercury is also associated with Hasta because it falls in the sign of Virgo. Hasta behaves the most like Virgo because it's contained completely within the sign.

"The Golden Handed One" is an extremely prominent indicator of what Hasta is all about. Those who have Hasta strongly placed in their natal chart have great dexterity. All kinds of careers involving the use of the hands can be seen under this Nakshatra. That can include a wide range of skills. Healers can be seen under Hasta. Especially because it falls in Virgo. Virgo is a sign of health and diseases. Many Virgo individuals are very conscious of the health of their physical bodies and their dietary intake. On the negative side, Hasta individuals can be overly self-critical. They can have diseases of the digestive tract and even sensitivities to certain foods. Along with a tendency to have a softer body that's more susceptible to carrying excess weight. Especially around the belly. However, they tend to have youthful and beautiful appearances. Thanks to Mercury being the planet of youth. To learn more about Mercury, see my blog post on Secrets of Budha (Mercury). Virgo has a special connection to the stomach. Which connects it to physical ailments. So, not only can Hasta individuals have a strong focus on their physical health and wellness. They can also possess healing hands and can work in fields that involve the healing of the physical body. This also correlates to the fact that this Nakshatra is ruled by the Moon. The Moon is all about nourishment and caring for others. They can also work in other fields that involve helping others through the use of their hands. These can be more intellectual-based fields. The Moon represents the mind and Mercury represents the logical functioning and skill base. So, intelligence runs very high in the Hasta Nakshatra. There can be an ability to use logic and apply it practically to take care of the needs of others. Hasta is also known for using many hand gestures and movements when they speak.

There is a darker side to this Nakshatra though. We have to see how the planets are positioned before coming to this conclusion. However, Hasta is also referred to as The Golden Handed Star. It is also ruled by the Moon and Mercury. These are changeable and quick-moving energies. They also imply that there's a high level of intelligence. It is even said that Hasta has the shakti or power to take an object of desire and place it into one's own hand. This tells us that Hasta is able to quickly grasp things. There are two meanings behind this. Hasta is a quick learner and is able to think on their feet. Also, Hasta can quickly grab the objects that they desire. So, Hasta is skilled in trickery and illusions. They can be successful in careers that involve clever skills and illusionary arts. Such as juggling, magic, card tricks, and puppetry. The shadow side of this is that Hasta can make excellent manipulators, charmers, and deceivers. If planets are placed negatively in the chart, these individuals can get involved in theft, pickpocketing, sweet-talking to get what they want, and other cunning behaviors. This also relates to the symbol of the fist. Which is all about tightly grasping an object. Hasta individuals can also be possessive and can have a hard time letting go initially in certain situations. They can gossip or become very skeptical if they feel wronged by others. However, once they do let go, Hasta individuals can make changes with ease. Hasta is highly adaptable and tends to lack vengeful behavior. This also relates to the presiding deity of Savitur. Savitur is the solar deity of light and awakening. Whatever he touches turns light. Like the name of this Nakshatra, The Hand. Savitur is the version of Surya that is the giver of life. To learn more about Surya, see my blog post on Secrets of Surya (Sun). He has the energy of procreation, transformation, inspiration, and the weapons to defeat demons. This speaks about the grasping powers and the creative use of the hands found in Hasta. Hasta can also possess many creative talents. Such as skills in art, drama, writing, and music. Savitur also talks about Hasta's connection to transformation. Hasta is a Nakshatra that experiences many sudden changes and has to learn to let go. This is because of the changing energies of the Moon and Mercury.

Another symbol of Hasta is laughter. This goes along with the charm and cleverness of this Nakshatra. Hasta individuals are quick thinkers and make excellent communicators. That means that they are very clever with their use of words. With that, they can be very humorous and entertaining people. They are also known for having great smiles and infectious laughter. Hasta individuals also make excellent debaters and writers. They have a sharp wit and easily play around with knowledge. However, their humor also can be more on the sarcastic side. This is mainly because Hasta is such an intellectual sign. Also because Hasta is contained within the sign of Virgo. Virgo is a sign that deals with every life and have to come up with realistic solutions to problems. So, Hasta individuals might joke about their stressors as a way to make light of the situation. Some will not understand their humor and might not find it funny. The laughter is also a symbol of their ability to be cunning and diabolical. It reminds me of the evil laughter of a villain who comes up with an ingenious plan or who gets their way.

Virgo is probably one of the most logical signs in the Zodiac. That is why Mercury not only feels at home in Virgo. Virgo is the Moolitroka Sign (strongest) for Mercury and Mercury is in Exaltation (highest position) in Virgo. The level of wit and logical thinking is at an all-time high in the sign of Virgo. In fact, I have noticed that not only do neurotypical individuals with high levels of intelligence tend to have Virgo placements. High-functioning individuals with ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorder) tend to have Virgo strongly placed in their horoscope also. The Ancient degrees of Exaltation show that Mercury is specifically Exalted in the Hasta Nakshatra. Although, I see the whole sign of Virgo as an important place for Mercury to be. If an individual has both the Moon and Mercury in Hasta, it's extremely powerful for their intellectual faculties. Hasta individuals are excellent with mental focus, observation, details, organizing, planning, strategy, and time management. These are hardworking people who have mastery over many skills.

The Moon does play an interesting role in the Hasta Nakshatra. It makes these individuals highly sensitive. Sometimes they are a bit moody and can become easily stressed. They can also become impatient when it comes to their determination to complete a task. Work can even get in the way of their happiness in relationships. They can become workaholics and become distant in connections. However, they aren't necessarily highly emotional people. Hasta is calm and relaxed for the majority of the time. They actually make great listeners and are very receptive to the needs of others. I've also noticed that men with prominent Hasta placements have an excellent understanding of women. The Moon does represent motherly energy. Hasta has a cool, reserved, and sensitive nature to it that can be healing for others. They also tend to give good advice and assist others in practical ways. This is due to their quick intelligence and ability to make use of their hands. Hasta is very kind and wants to help others. Or at least they want to be useful and supportive. On the shadow side, these qualities can make Hasta very charming. They know how to influence the emotions of others. Hasta can even persuade and manipulate the views of others. I have seen Hasta individuals argue that Astrology and other philosophies are false. I have also seen Hasta individuals argue why these philosophies are true. In both cases, these individuals were convincing and had proof to back up their claims. This is another quality that comes from the Moon and Mercury. Hasta individuals can make great astrologers, psychics, healers, shamans, mystics, etc... They can have an interest in occult studies. However, they can also go against these beliefs and try to convince others not to believe in them. This is a part of the conflict. Hasta is naturally logical. However, they have the ability to be intuitive, magical, and spiritual. So, they might struggle to rationalize the spiritual part of themselves. They might reject it altogether or keep that part of themselves a secret.

Benedict Cumberbatch

Hasta Ascendant

Joe Jonas

Hasta Ascendant

Gwen Stefani

Hasta Moon

-Daquan Jones

Psychic, Empath, YouTube Creator, Author, Life Coach, Astrologer

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