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Secrets of Ketu (South Node) in Vedic Astrology

Updated: Sep 29, 2022

In Vedic Astrology, the Zodiac signs are based on the position of the stars rather than the Seasons on Earth. This results in a 23-degree difference between the typical Western Tropical Zodiac and the Vedic Sidereal Zodiac. The Moon Sign is also seen as the Zodiac sign vs. the Sun in Western Tropical. While the Sun still holds great importance in representing the soul’s desire or the ego of an individual. The Moon is representing the true nature of a person and the way their mind works. The Ascendant represents the personality, physical body, appearance, and life foundation. 

  Anytime that the Sun, Moon, or Ascendant is placed in a Zodiac sign, it holds great importance. The Moon is always the most important. Then the Ascendant. Lastly, the Sun will also make an impact. Primarily, the behavior and appearance of a person are based on the Moon and Ascendant. While the Sun can show what a person feels inspired about, where they shine, and what career path they feel drawn towards.

In Vedic Astrology, we also consider Fixed Stars. This is something that relates more to the Moon’s influence than the Sun. Since they can’t be seen from the Western Tropical view. However, this opens up the door to the 27 Nakshatras or Lunar Mansions. Each Zodiac Sign is distributed through 3 to 2.5 Nakshatras. This further distinguishes the Zodiac Signs into three different personality types. Therefore, even a person born under the same Zodiac Sign as someone else can behave differently. Without having a head to a body, there is no perception or hunger of man. So, Ketu also represents where we feel like we have fully satisfied ourselves. Making it a place of dissatisfaction with life and contentment with where we are. In both Vedic and Tropical Astrology, it is understood that Ketu represents our past life experiences. We have already done it before, so why would we have a desire to do it again? So, Ketu has no hunger or ambition behind it. However, we still feel unconsciously pulled towards Ketu. When we are uncertain of the unknown or lack knowledge in an area, we are inclined to move back towards Ketu. There is where we do know and have prior experience under our belt. Have you ever known a subject or conducted a task without knowing how? This is the domain of Ketu. As he holds all prior knowledge from previous lifetimes. Along with the knowledge of Spirit found through one's intuition or divine guidance. In order to connect to Ketu, an individual has to sacrifice their head or ego and surrender to their higher self. 


Astronomy of Rahu and Ketu

When looking at a natal chart, Ketu holds great secrets about how we can achieve our goals in life. Not because Ketu is the path. Instead, it's because Ketu is the unconscious knowing that directs the soul. Trusting your gut instinct and allowing your Spirit Team to guide you is to follow the path of Ketu. Naturally, you will feel comfortable and knowledgeable about where Ketu is positioned in your chart. You don't have to figure out or do anything. It is innately within you. For this reason, Ketu can show where our natural talents and creativity exist. Helping us to move towards our Rahu position by harmonizing them together. Although Ketu is a Sattvic (Pure) planet, he is still demonic due to his connection to Rahu. Ketu is often referred to as an individual's daemon or guardian angel. Meaning an entity that is both pure and demonic and acts as a bridge between the physical and spiritual plane. Some of the demonic qualities associated with Ketu have to do with combustion. Ketu is a very explosive planet and is centered around transformations. Although, don't expect these transformations to be pleasant. Ketu brings sudden changes and moments of crisis. This is why Ketu is said to be a co-ruler of Scorpio. Ketu's job is to transform you for the sake of your spiritual progress and evolution as a soul. This includes losses and endings. One must sacrifice and surrender to find the truth in life. 

Beheading of Rahu

Yet, these endings lead to new beginnings. As Ketu is the combustion of life force energy that explodes us in and out of realities. We can see this in the fact that Ketu rules the Ashwini Nakshatra. Ashwini (0°-13°20' Aries) is the horse head (divine head) rather than the head of a man (ego). So, Ashwini acts as the spirit vessel that explodes consciousness into existence. It is the beginning of life itself. Have you ever seen a baby? How they are pure. Babies haven't been affected by the conditions of society or the ego of man quite yet. This is the childlike demeanor of Ashwini and the very nature of Ketu. Those who are born with major Ashwini placements have direct access to Spirit due to their child-like innocence.  Ketu is the inner child within. Pure and unaffected by this world. Only carrying prior knowledge from previous incarnations. So, this also deals with the truth. Ketu is the truth beyond the veil or beyond the Maya (material illusion) of this world. Another reason why Ketu pertains to Scorpio and the 8th House. Dealing with the secrets that we keep and the truth that is revealed. However, this also relates to Pisces and the 12th House on a larger scale. Pertaining to all that is hidden beyond the physical and accessing the mystical knowledge of the Universe. Since there is no head or ego to get in the way, the divine truth can be seen. Not the truth invented by man or the made-up systems of society. The Universal Divine Truth is brought to us by Spirit. See, Ketu being a demonic entity doesn't play by the rules of society. Therefore, similar to Rahu, Ketu is an eccentric and mysterious planet. Its nature is secretive and difficult to understand. However, unlike Rahu, Ketu does adhere to the rules of Spirit. This is where his Sattvic nature becomes relevant. 

Rahu Eclipses the Sun

Ketu is also associated with mental disorders. Especially if Ketu is Conjunct or Aspecting the Natal Moon. Due to Ketu being a planet of spirituality and mysticism, Ketu isn't in touch with the physical plane. At least not in your current reality. For this reason, Ketu can also represent where we escape from difficult situations or where we retreat from reality. An individual must retreat in order to access Ketu. This is usually through meditation, multidimensional travel, time travel, past life regression, light transmissions, dreams on the astral plane, leaving through the astral and ethereal bodies, spiritual retreat, following your gut instincts, etc... By doing this, you are temporarily disconnecting with your body anchored in the physical plane. Yet, your mind and soul have traveled somewhere else. For this reason, it is important that an individual is prepared and healthy on all levels for the journey within. In some cases, anxiety, depression, and other serious mental illnesses can develop through being overwhelmed by the connection to the source. Along with explosive emotions such as anger. Also indicates that souls who are operating from their daemon are more susceptible to having difficulties with mental illness. 

Depiction Relating to the Path of Ketu

Ketu is the reminder that we are unconscious vessels driving an infinite force of consciousness. Some will understand and some won't. Some will take years to access their Ketu and some will feel automatically attuned. Some will get too caught in the mundane world to ever reach this stage of enlightenment. It is not to be judged or understood. Ketu is just innately there. An individual can choose to surrender and feel into it or not. Although, Ketu will always unconsciously guide us whether we choose to become conscious of him. If we look at the Nakshatras ruled by Ketu, none of them are accessing knowledge through force. Ashwini being childlike and appeasing the inner child can open up their intuition. Magha (0°-13°20' Leo) respecting the ancestors and carrying out daily routine allows access to the astral plane and to multidimensional travel. Mula (0°-13°20' Sagittarius) being naturally curious and open to learning brings about deep truth and philosophical understanding.

Ketu (South Lunar Node)

Seeing where Ketu is positioned in a Natal Chart can give more insight into the talents and knowledge that we've gained in a previous life. It can also show you how you escape reality and where you feel the least satisfaction in life. Along with the key to understanding your path to enlightenment and where major transformations might need to occur in your life. 

  It is important to see which House and Zodiac Sign Ketu occupies. Then to see if there are any planets Conjunct with Ketu. Also, realize that Ketu casts a 5th, 7th, and 9th Aspect from himself. 

    It can also be helpful to see Ketu in the D9 Navamsa and the further divided Varga (Divisional) Charts. This can include D20 Vimshamsa, D30 Trimshamsa, D40 Khavedamsa, D45 Akshvedamsa, and D60 Shastiamsa. As well as checking a few of the special Varga Charts. These would be the D5 Panchamsa, D6 Shashtamsa, and D8 Ashtamsa. 

***Note: Knowing an Accurate Birth Time is highly important when getting into the Varga Charts. Especially towards the end as we get into the deeper and heavily karmic divisions ***

The D5 and D9 are important as they are directly connected to our Dharma (Duty and Purpose in Life) and karmic return.  These charts relate to the 5th and 9th Houses. In Vedic Astrology, the 5th and 9th Houses form a triangle with their aspects to the 1st House or Ascendant. We call this a Trine aspect in Astrology. So, the 5th and 9th Houses are referred to as Trikona (Trine) Houses. Meaning that they bring us great fortune and abundance. These two Houses do this in entirely different ways. 

    The 5th House deals with what we collect through a past life. This includes all of our talents, creativity, knowledge, rituals, children, romantic interests, and enjoyment. It is believed that everything that is connected to the 5th House is something that we are karmically connected to from other lifetimes. The abundance of this House is a reward for our past deeds. So, the D5 chart reveals our past life merits, spiritual preferences, and rituals.

    The 9th House has more to do with the continuation of learning from past lives, ancestral karma, and Dharma in this life. It is also believed that our ancestral karma comes from our father's ancestry rather than our mother's. As mothers were said to give their children nourishment while the father would give their children purpose. Also, this is because the 9th House pertains to fathers, gurus, teachers, mentors, counselors, etc... This was a role that was typically given to men with wisdom and experience. However, times have changed. So, it is possible that the teachers we learn from can be females rather than males. Take the interpretation as it relates to you. The D9 is typically shown alongside the D1 Natal Chart, as it gives a microscopic view of our natal horoscope. The D9 shows our Dharma and Karmic consequences from past lives. Whether that be good or bad. It is the universal law that is placed on us in our lives. Along with this, the D9 is said to be the fruit of karmic actions. This is because it is connected to the sweetness of marrying a spouse. However, Dharma is found in marriage also. This is why the D9 is often said to be active around the age of maturity (29 at the first Saturn Return). Although, this is technically active in the background from the moment of birth. An individual might find luck and abundance in their D9. However, it isn't all about enjoyment like the influence of the 5th House. The 9th House deals with religion, culture, philosophy, travel, higher education, written laws, ethics, and publication. This is a serious House and the D9 is a chart that comes with serious obligations. 

    The D6 and D8 are important because they deal with our mundane struggles in life. However, understanding these struggles in a spiritual or psychological way can help us better understand the solution. This would be Ketu's domain of unveiling hidden truths. These are two of the most discussed Disthana Houses. Disthana means that they give the most struggles in life. This category of Houses also includes the 12th House. However, we'll just be talking about the 6th and 8th Houses.

The 6th House is a House of illness, healing, delays, obstacles, competition, servants, the misfortunate, subordinates, daily habits, stressors, hard work, debts, litigation, divorce, problem-solving, debates, etc... So, the D6 is focused on mundane misfortunes in life. Whether you are prone to sickness, ending up in debt, or getting involved in debates can be seen from this chart. The D6 can help us to cope with these areas by looking deeper into the issues and seeing how they play out in our lives. 

    The 8th House deals with more chronic issues in life. In this House, we can see chronic illness, accidents, crisis, death, longevity, secrets, sex, mystical knowledge, scandals, investigation, desires, fears, abuse, manipulation, dark fantasies, illegal dealings, psychology, research, poison, weapons, the unknown, etc... The 8th House is often referred to as "the pit" or "the cave" of the chart. It is sometimes even compared to the reproductive organs or the human psyche. So, the D8 can show us how prone an individual will be to getting into accidents, having conflicts over inheritance, or how long their lifespan is. 

Ketu in the 1st House/Ascendant and Rahu in the 7th House.-Many Transformations and Difficulty in Partnerships-Intense Karmic Lessons or Lack of Clarity in Life

Ketu in the 2nd House and Rahu in the 8th House.-Clever Minded and Possible Secret Destructive Behaviors-Happiness Through Wisdom and Attachment to Finances

Ketu in the 3rd House and Rahu in the 9th House.-Long Unexpected Journeys and Unafraid of Risky Adventures-Delays in Bringing in Finances and Friendly Towards Others

Ketu in the 4th House and Rahu in the 10th House.-Driven Towards Success and Can Achieve Great Fame-Separation From Home or Forced to Leave Domestic Land

Ketu in the 5th House and Rahu in the 11th House.-Possible Large Gain of Wealth and Support Through Others-Interested in New Experiences and Drawn to Mystical Knowledge

Ketu in the 6th House and Rahu in the 12th House. -Service-Oriented and Desire to Retreat to Peaceful Places-Health-Oriented and Psychological/Mystical Understanding

Ketu in the 7th House and Rahu in the 1st House/Ascendant.

-Brave and Ambitious Personality

-Misunderstood By Others or Mean to Others

Ketu in the 8th House and Rahu in the 2nd House. 

-Possible Harshness in Speech and Strong Financial Success

-Dramatic Highs and Lows and Possible Health Challenges

Ketu in the 9th House and Rahu in the 3rd House. 

-Strong Will to Succeed and Resolve Conflicts

-Sees the "Bigger Picture"

Ketu in the 10th House and Rahu in the 4th House.

-Highly Intelligent and Materialistic

-Separation From Home or High Expectations in the Home

Ketu in the 11th House and Rahu in the 5th House.

-Highly Talented and Authoritative

-Ego-centric or Extremely Confident

Ketu in the 12th House and Rahu in the 6th House.

-Courageous in the Face of Conflict and Resistant to Sickness

-Called Towards Healing and Escapes to Seek Spiritual Enlightenment

    The D20 relates back to the 8th House. This time focusing on mystical knowledge and spiritual transformation. This chart reveals spiritual practices, discipline in worship, and the progress of an individual's spiritual growth. If you haven't seen my recent blog post Secrets of Shani (Saturn), feel free to read it. In a section of the blog post, I discussed how Saturn feels at home in the 8th House. This is because of its connection to the discipline that is needed for spiritual growth.  This can also be seen through the relationship between Ketu and Scorpio/8th House. Ketu is akin to Mangal (Mars). Mars' nature is instinctual and explosive. It lacks stability. This stability is only found in Saturn. Therefore, Saturn is the planet that can stabilize the effects of Mars and Ketu. Helping us to find discipline and stability after going through intense transformations and spiritual evolution. 

    The D30 relates to the 6th House. This chart shows how prone an individual is to attracting illnesses, misery, and evil into their lives. The D30 is very similar to the D6. However, it looks at these issues from a karmic perspective. Also, showing a connection to this House through Saturn and Rahu's influence. To know more about the karmic implications of Rahu and Saturn, make sure to have a look at my current blog posts Secrets of Rahu (North North) and Secrets of Shani (Saturn). 

    The D40, D45, and D60 pertain to karma our entire astrological makeup. It should be understood that the word "karma" in Astrology refers to the deeds and lessons that must be completed in this physical reality. If there are unresolved karmas or new karmas that can't be fulfilled in this life, they are liable to carry over into the next existence. That doesn't make it a curse or mean that you are doomed in life. It is simply a journey that the soul is obligated to take. It's best to view karma in this way. Especially in these last three charts. 

    The D40 shows the auspicious consequences of our entire life's journey. The D45 shows our entire personality and behavior. Making it a major factor in how we approach life and carry out all of our actions. Yet, these traits aren't just from this life. It also pertains to previous incarnations. Therefore, the D45 might reveal to us our greatest potential that we are completely unaware of. Lastly, the D60 is the final judging factor of all Varga charts and all aspects of our character/life blueprint. 

    It's important to realize that Ketu feels more comfortable in particular placements. Ketu is exalted and at home in Scorpio. Along with being akin to Mars and a great friend to Jupiter. So, Ketu does well in Aries, Scorpio, Sagittarius, and Pisces. 

    Ketu is also fairly neutral to the Sun and Moon. Especially the Moon. So, Ketu can also do okay in Cancer and Leo. However, watch out for if other planets are involved and where the dispositors are placed. These are still luminaries that are being eclipsed by the influence of Ketu.

    Rahu is in opposition to Ketu, but can't exist without Rahu. They are the same entity and always fall on the same axis. So, Ketu is neutral in Aquarius. 

    More rational planets like Mercury and Saturn have a difficult relationship with Ketu due to Ketu being so spiritual and intuitive. Along with Venus dealing with the material world and Ketu being detached from the material world. So, Ketu struggles in Taurus, Gemini, Virgo, Libra, and Capricorn. 

***However, the House position of Ketu will be more important than the Zodiac Sign. If you are using Vedic Astrology, the Nakshatras will also tell you more about Ketu's position.***

    Ketu also feels comfortable in the 8th House and is exalted in the 12th House. Making these favored positions. This doesn't mean that they are easy positions. Just be aware that Ketu will form a Trine with his 5th and 9th Aspects. So, the 4th House will be involved when Ketu is in the 8th or 12th Houses. This can cause separation from the home or a lack of nourishment. There is dissatisfaction with how an individual was raised or how their state of mind is. This can point toward depression or a lack of happiness in life. However, Ketu in the 8th or 12th can take you on a profound spiritual journey and help you evolve as a soul. It can also point towards an opportunity for foreign travel or exploring the unknown. The 6th House is a House of illness, healing, delays, obstacles, competition, servants, the misfortunate, subordinates, daily habits, stressors, hard work, debts, litigation, divorce, problem-solving, debates, etc... So, the D6 is focused on mundane misfortunes in life. Whether you are prone to sickness, ending up in debt, or getting involved in debates can be seen from this chart. The D6 can help us to cope with these areas by looking deeper into the issues and seeing how they play out in our lives. 

    The 8th House deals with more chronic issues in life. In this House, we can see chronic illness, accidents, crisis, death, longevity, secrets, sex, mystical knowledge, scandals, investigation, desires, fears, abuse, manipulation, dark fantasies, illegal dealings, psychology, research, poison, weapons, the unknown, etc... The 8th House is often referred to as "the pit" or "the cave" of the chart. It is sometimes even compared to the reproductive organs or the human psyche. So, the D8 can show us how prone an individual will be to getting into accidents, having conflicts over inheritance, or how long their lifespan is. 

    The D20 relates back to the 8th House. This time focusing on mystical knowledge and spiritual transformation. This chart reveals spiritual practices, discipline in worship, and the progress of an individual's spiritual growth. If you haven't seen my recent blog post Secrets of Shani (Saturn), feel free to read it. In a section of the blog post, I discussed how Saturn feels at home in the 8th House. This is because of its connection to the discipline that is needed for spiritual growth.  This can also be seen through the relationship between Ketu and Scorpio/8th House. Ketu is akin to Mangal (Mars). Mars' nature is instinctual and explosive. It lacks stability. This stability is only found in Saturn. Therefore, Saturn is the planet that can stabilize the effects of Mars and Ketu. Helping us to find discipline and stability after going through intense transformations and spiritual evolution. 

    The D30 relates to the 6th House. This chart shows how prone an individual is to attracting illnesses, misery, and evil into their lives. The D30 is very similar to the D6. However, it looks at these issues from a karmic perspective. Also, showing a connection to this House through Saturn and Rahu's influence. To know more about the karmic implications of Rahu and Saturn, make sure to have a look at my current blog posts Secrets of Rahu (North North) and Secrets of Shani (Saturn). 

    The D40, D45, and D60 pertain to karma our entire astrological makeup. It should be understood that the word "karma" in Astrology refers to the deeds and lessons that must be completed in this physical reality. If there are unresolved karmas or new karmas that can't be fulfilled in this life, they are liable to carry over into the next existence. That doesn't make it a curse or mean that you are doomed in life. It is simply a journey that the soul is obligated to take. It's best to view karma in this way. Especially in these last three charts. 

    The D40 shows the auspicious consequences of our entire life's journey. The D45 shows our entire personality and behavior. Making it a major factor in how we approach life and carry out all of our actions. Yet, these traits aren't just from this life. It also pertains to previous incarnations. Therefore, the D45 might reveal to us our greatest potential that we are completely unaware of. Lastly, the D60 is the final judging factor of all Varga charts and all aspects of our character/life blueprint. 

    It's important to realize that Ketu feels more comfortable in particular placements. Ketu is exalted and at home in Scorpio. Along with being akin to Mars and a great friend to Jupiter. So, Ketu does well in Aries, Scorpio, Sagittarius, and Pisces. 

    Ketu is also fairly neutral to the Sun and Moon. Especially the Moon. So, Ketu can also do okay in Cancer and Leo. However, watch out for if other planets are involved and where the dispositors are placed. These are still luminaries that are being eclipsed by the influence of Ketu.

    Rahu is in opposition to Ketu, but can't exist without Rahu. They are the same entity and always fall on the same axis. So, Ketu is neutral in Aquarius. 

    More rational planets like Mercury and Saturn have a difficult relationship with Ketu due to Ketu being so spiritual and intuitive. Along with Venus dealing with the material world and Ketu being detached from the material world. So, Ketu struggles in Taurus, Gemini, Virgo, Libra, and Capricorn. 

***However, the House position of Ketu will be more important than the Zodiac Sign. If you are using Vedic Astrology, the Nakshatras will also tell you more about Ketu's position.***

    Ketu also feels comfortable in the 8th House and is exalted in the 12th House. Making these favored positions. This doesn't mean that they are easy positions. Just be aware that Ketu will form a Trine with his 5th and 9th Aspects. So, the 4th House will be involved when Ketu is in the 8th or 12th Houses. This can cause separation from the home or a lack of nourishment. There is dissatisfaction with how an individual was raised or how their state of mind is. This can point toward depression or a lack of happiness in life. However, Ketu in the 8th or 12th can take you on a profound spiritual journey and help you evolve as a soul. It can also point towards an opportunity for foreign travel or exploring the unknown. The 6th House is a House of illness, healing, delays, obstacles, competition, servants, the misfortunate, subordinates, daily habits, stressors, hard work, debts, litigation, divorce, problem-solving, debates, etc... So, the D6 is focused on mundane misfortunes in life. Whether you are prone to sickness, ending up in debt, or getting involved in debates can be seen from this chart. The D6 can help us to cope with these areas by looking deeper into the issues and seeing how they play out in our lives. 

    The 8th House deals with more chronic issues in life. In this House, we can see chronic illness, accidents, crisis, death, longevity, secrets, sex, mystical knowledge, scandals, investigation, desires, fears, abuse, manipulation, dark fantasies, illegal dealings, psychology, research, poison, weapons, the unknown, etc... The 8th House is often referred to as "the pit" or "the cave" of the chart. It is sometimes even compared to the reproductive organs or the human psyche. So, the D8 can show us how prone an individual will be to getting into accidents, having conflicts over inheritance, or how long their lifespan is. 

    The D20 relates back to the 8th House. This time focusing on mystical knowledge and spiritual transformation. This chart reveals spiritual practices, discipline in worship, and the progress of an individual's spiritual growth. If you haven't seen my recent blog post Secrets of Shani (Saturn), feel free to read it. In a section of the blog post, I discussed how Saturn feels at home in the 8th House. This is because of its connection to the discipline that is needed for spiritual growth.  This can also be seen through the relationship between Ketu and Scorpio/8th House. Ketu is akin to Mangal (Mars). Mars' nature is instinctual and explosive. It lacks stability. This stability is only found in Saturn. Therefore, Saturn is the planet that can stabilize the effects of Mars and Ketu. Helping us to find discipline and stability after going through intense transformations and spiritual evolution. 

    The D30 relates to the 6th House. This chart shows how prone an individual is to attracting illnesses, misery, and evil into their lives. The D30 is very similar to the D6. However, it looks at these issues from a karmic perspective. Also, showing a connection to this House through Saturn and Rahu's influence. To know more about the karmic implications of Rahu and Saturn, make sure to have a look at my current blog posts Secrets of Rahu (North North) and Secrets of Shani (Saturn). 

    The D40, D45, and D60 pertain to karma our entire astrological makeup. It should be understood that the word "karma" in Astrology refers to the deeds and lessons that must be completed in this physical reality. If there are unresolved karmas or new karmas that can't be fulfilled in this life, they are liable to carry over into the next existence. That doesn't make it a curse or mean that you are doomed in life. It is simply a journey that the soul is obligated to take. It's best to view karma in this way. Especially in these last three charts. 

    The D40 shows the auspicious consequences of our entire life's journey. The D45 shows our entire personality and behavior. Making it a major factor in how we approach life and carry out all of our actions. Yet, these traits aren't just from this life. It also pertains to previous incarnations. Therefore, the D45 might reveal to us our greatest potential that we are completely unaware of. Lastly, the D60 is the final judging factor of all Varga charts and all aspects of our character/life blueprint. 

    It's important to realize that Ketu feels more comfortable in particular placements. Ketu is exalted and at home in Scorpio. Along with being akin to Mars and a great friend to Jupiter. So, Ketu does well in Aries, Scorpio, Sagittarius, and Pisces. 

    Ketu is also fairly neutral to the Sun and Moon. Especially the Moon. So, Ketu can also do okay in Cancer and Leo. However, watch out for if other planets are involved and where the dispositors are placed. These are still luminaries that are being eclipsed by the influence of Ketu.

    Rahu is in opposition to Ketu, but can't exist without Rahu. They are the same entity and always fall on the same axis. So, Ketu is neutral in Aquarius. 

    More rational planets like Mercury and Saturn have a difficult relationship with Ketu due to Ketu being so spiritual and intuitive. Along with Venus dealing with the material world and Ketu being detached from the material world. So, Ketu struggles in Taurus, Gemini, Virgo, Libra, and Capricorn. 

***However, the House position of Ketu will be more important than the Zodiac Sign. If you are using Vedic Astrology, the Nakshatras will also tell you more about Ketu's position.***

    Ketu also feels comfortable in the 8th House and is exalted in the 12th House. Making these favored positions. This doesn't mean that they are easy positions. Just be aware that Ketu will form a Trine with his 5th and 9th Aspects. So, the 4th House will be involved when Ketu is in the 8th or 12th Houses. This can cause separation from the home or a lack of nourishment. There is dissatisfaction with how an individual was raised or how their state of mind is. This can point toward depression or a lack of happiness in life. However, Ketu in the 8th or 12th can take you on a profound spiritual journey and help you evolve as a soul. It can also point towards an opportunity for foreign travel or exploring the unknown.

In a previous blog post, I talked about Secrets of Rahu (North Node). Check out that post to know the story of Rahu and Ketu. These are technically one entity that has been split into a head and a body. Ketu is the body of that entity. So, it is important to look at Rahu's position when getting an accurate evaluation of Ketu. With Ketu being the body, Ketu has no head (ego). So, Ketu doesn't make decisions based on ego. Instead, Ketu acts based on inner knowing and subtle feelings. Making Ketu a highly instinctual planet. There is a primal quality to this. Ketu is connected to psychic abilities and unexplained memories.

-Daquan Jones

Psychic, Empath, Author, Life Coach, YouTube Creator, Astrologer

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