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Secrets of Krittika Nakshatra

Updated: Sep 22, 2022

Krittika (26°40' Aries- 10° Taurus)

"Blunt and Fearless Warrior"

Meaning: The Cutters

Name: The Star of Fire

Star Name: Pleiades

Symbol: Sharp Blade

Presiding Deity: Agni (god of Fire)

Planetary Association: Surya (Sun)

Purushartha: Kama (Desire)

Gana: Rakshasha (Demon)

Varna: Brahmin (Priest)

Element: Privithi (Earth)

Gender: Female

Nadi: Kapha (Earth and Water)

Guna: Rajasic (Passion)

Nature: Mix of Sharp and Soft

Activity: Active

Trimurti: Shiva (To Dissolve)

Yoni: Female Goat

Yoni Consort: Pushya

Shakti: Power to Burn

Direction: North

Color: White

The Direction of Head: Downward

Most Compatible: Jyeshta, Dhanishta, Shatabhishak

Least Compatible: Rohini, Swati, Uttarashada, Shravana, Revati

Padas (Quarters) of Krittika

Luck, Marriage, Microscopic View

1st Pada: 26°40'- 30° Aries

Navamsa: Sagittarius

Focus: Confident, Willful, Leader

2nd Pada: 0°- 3°20' Taurus

Navamsa: Capricorn

Focus: Nurturing, Supportive, Materialistic

3rd Pada: 3°20'- 6°40' Taurus

Navamsa: Aquarius

Focus: Futuristic, Social, Ingenuous

4th Pada: 6°40'- 10° Taurus

Navamsa: Pisces (Pushkar- Luck From Efforts)

Focus: Happy-Go-Lucky, Social, Supported

Depiction of Agni

Krittika is positioned from 26°40' Sidereal Aries- 10° Sidereal Taurus. The Aries side of Krittika makes up one-quarter of Krittika. This means that the majority of this Nakshatra is found in Taurus. It can also be found in Western Tropical Taurus and Gemini. The meaning of Krittika is "The Cutters". Krittika is also known as The Star of Fire. The Star Name is the 7 major stars found in the Pleiades. Krittika is symbolized by a sharp blade. Agni and Kartikeya are the presiding deities of Krittika. The Sun is also the planet associated with Krittika in the Vimshotari Dasha system. Along with Mars ruling over the Aries portion and Venus ruling over the Taurus portion of this Nakshatra.

"The Cutters" refers to the critical and piercing nature of Krittika. Individuals born under this Nakshatra are intense and straightforward. Their aura is usually very strong and noticeable. They can come off as very regal and domineering at times. Even stubborn, independent, competitive, fearless, and strong-willed. These are natural go-getters and their personality is larger than life. Krittika is usually well respected and popular amongst others. Especially if they have their Ascendant or Moon Sign in Krittika. Along with this, they don't possess a great deal of diplomacy. They are very honest and direct. There's no time to play games or beat around the bush with these individuals. They are determined to get straight to the truth and make their point known. Krittika individuals can be overly critical and analytical. They aren't afraid to call out others for their mistakes and setbacks. This can rub many the wrong way. However, Krittika doesn't do this to be mean or malicious. They do it to make sure that everything is running smoothly. Krittika is a natural perfectionist and great for business matters. Unfortunately, this sharp intellect and bluntness don't help them in relationships. Another meaning of being "The Cutters" is to separate. Many separations in relationships and losses of friendships can be seen in the lives of Krittika individuals. Krittika might even have to remarry at some point. On the positive side, these individuals know when it's time to end a toxic relationship and won't hesitate to do so.

Their specialty is in purging the people, places, and things that no longer serve us. Just like their Shakti, the power to burn. This represents the purification by burning. Some individuals with Krittika prominent in their charts might also be involved with fire rituals and other sacred practices to rid themselves/others/situations of impurities. This is because they have good judgment and get straight to the root of an issue. On the negative side, they can lose control just like fire is difficult to control. This can include anger issues and outbursts. Along with addiction and having excessive passion. Alcohol and sex addiction seem to be the most common. There can be a tendency to become lustful and to have many casual affairs. Along with being impulsive and making reckless decisions. The placements of the planets will make a difference in how strong these qualities might be. The Aries side of Krittika is also more firey than the Taurus side. Where Taurus might be able to focus their passion a bit more. However, Taurus can also become extremely materialistic. The key is to have a healthy outlet to express the energy properly.

Depiction of Kartikeya

"The Cutters" can also refer to an inner identity conflict that these individuals possess. The presiding deity of Krittika is Agni, the god of fire. In the stories, Agni was able to transform his identity. He is typically depicted as possessing two heads with one body. He even has a son by the name of Kartikeya. Kartikeya is the god of war and the savior of all the gods in a battle against demons. The son, Kartikeya, is also sometimes depicted as having six forms and was raised by the Pleiades. They were also known as the 7 weeping sisters who were wrongly accused and punished for crimes that they didn't commit. The 7 sisters raised Kartikeya to keep him safe from the war while he was just a child. When Kartikeya was old enough, he went into battle. Proving to be the answer that the gods needed to survive the battle. In many cases, Krittika individuals want to be diplomatic but also want to face challenges head-on. This creates a conflict in their psyche. Where they are fiercely direct and critiquing in their speech. However, they do have good advice and their harshness is actually for the good of everyone. The 7 sisters fostered Kartikeya. This also shows that Krittika individuals might decide to be foster parents or adopt children themselves. Krittika people have very protective qualities that lend to them being nurturing. They also make great teachers and might be involved in education. Especially when it comes to teaching children. Along with this, they can be nurturing to society. They can feel a calling to serve a greater cause and to stand up for social justice. This is a perfect position for humanitarian work and fighting against injustices. Krittika will thrive in any legal disputes or intellectual debates. Even working in politics and dealing with political issues might attract them


The peacock represents Krittika's strong and magnetic energy. Krittika is extremely active and energetic. They are decisive and competitive. Krittika doesn't hesitate to take bold action in life. Sometimes, they are even a bit ego-centric and show-offish. Like a peacock showing off its colored feathers for attention. This is the Sun's first Nakshatra and the Sun is ego. To know more about the Sun, check out my blog post on the Secrets of Surya (Sun). In traditional Astrology, Krittika was actually the first Nakshatra. Even though it's known as the third Nakshatra today. This is because the Sun would rise in Krittika on the Spring Equinox when Astrology was written in Vedic texts. Representing the start of Spring and the beginning of everything. This is also because Agni is the god of fire. In order to walk a dark path, a person holding a torch would walk in the front. So, Krittika is a Nakshatra that has strong leadership qualities. Especially in the Aries quarter of this Nakshatra. These are individuals who won't hesitate to take the initiative and be the first ones to try something new.

They tend to have very unique interests and hobbies. Krittika can share these hobbies with others and can even turn them into a business. Once again, they make excellent teachers. Even the Taurus side can make a leader when it comes to artistic talent and working in the restaurant industry. This is because of perfectionism and the ability to act without hesitation. Krittika also usually has a natural love of food and cooking. They tend to also have a fast metabolism because of the strong influence of the fire element. However, they can also waste energy if they don't have a proper outlet for it. Violence and causing harm to others can also be seen on the negative side.

Burnout can also be seen if too much energy is expended without them taking proper care of themselves. Even their bodies can carry excessive heat which can lead to health concerns. Krittika also burns out when they get too comfortable with relying on others. This is because they are built to be the leaders and the ones that others rely on. When Krittika people are at their worst, they can be draining and toxic to be around. However, their good qualities are magnetic and powerful. The more that Krittika helps others, the brighter their energy becomes. Their critical nature allows them to help others to work on character flaws and to become empowered. Krittika isn't dishonest. They will tell you about everything that you do wrong. However, they will also tell you about your strength and potential. Helping others to manifest their greatest success and they are master manifesters themselves. This is truly the fire that burns away impurities to make room for new life to prosper.

Connor McGregor

Krittika Ascendant (Aries)

Mars in Uttara Bhadrapada (Pisces)

Punarvasu Sun (Gemini)

Punarvasu Moon (Gemini)

David Beckham

Krittika Ascendant (Taurus)

Mercury in 1st in Krittika (Taurus)

Ketu in 1st in Krittika (Taurus)

Rahu in 7th in Anuradha (Scorpio)

Venus in 1st in Mrigashira (Taurus)

Bharani Sun (Aries)

Uttarashada Moon (Capricorn)


Krittika Ascendant (Taurus)

Ketu in 1st in Mrigashira (Taurus)

Rahu in 7th in Jyeshta (Scorpio)

Venus in Uttara Bhadrapada (Pisces)

Sun in Dhanishta (Capricorn)

Moon in Ashlesha (Cancer)

-Daquan Jones

Psychic, Empath, YouTube Creator, Author, Life Coach, Vedic Astrologer

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