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Secrets of Mangal (Mars)

Updated: Sep 22, 2022


"Military Leader of the Heavens"

Path of Direct Initiative


Vedic Name: Kartikeya, Kuja, Mangal Dev

Friends: Sun, Moon, Jupiter

Enemies: Mercury

Neutral: Venus, Saturn, Rahu, Ketu

Akin: Ketu

Own Sign: Aries (Moolitrikona)

Own Sign: Scorpio

Exaltation: Capricorn

Debilitation: Cancer

Friendly Signs: Leo, Sagittarius, Pisces

Enemy Signs: Gemini, Virgo

Neutral Signs: Taurus, Libra, Capricorn, Aquarius

House Association: 1st/Ascendant & 8th House

House Significator: 3rd & 6th House

Excelled House: 10th House

Directional Strength: 10th House

Body Parts: Head, Brain, Chest, Muscles, Blood, Gallbladder

Association: Males, Violence, Action, Strength, Control

Color: Red

Nakshatras: Mrigashira, Chitra, Dhanishta

Depiction of Kartikeya

Mars is known as Kuja or Mangal Dev in Vedic Astrology. This is the commanding officer of the heavenly army. Another form of Mars is known as Kartikeya, the god of war. Some would also say that Mars relates to Agni. Agni is the god of fire and battles. So, we see a major theme with all of these significations. Mars is a policeman, a soldier, a protector, and a fighter. He shows where our energy and strength are directed towards action. Those who are more geared towards sports, fighting, and competition will have strong Mars placements. Many wrestlers, boxers, and athletes have a prominent Mars. Also, those who seek to protect and stand up for justice. Leadership abilities and the initiative to take action can also be seen from Mars. Along with technical skills.

15th Century Depiction of Aries

Anyone who can repair and build with their tools is Mars-influenced. Handymen, blacksmiths, engineers, construction, carpentry, mathematics, and computer skills can all be seen. Work involving police, military, firefighters, security guards, espionage, etc... are related to Mars. Situations involving wearing a uniform, having structure, and being under a certain level of control can be seen. Mars is strongly related to masculinity. So, even women with strong Mars placements can have masculine qualities. At the least, they will have strong attributes to their personality. However, it can also make a person physically strong and geared towards physical activity. Mars also represents siblings and any men in your life. Men who do have Mars firmly placed in their chart are more likely to go bald. Especially at a younger age than others. This has to do with Mars being a hot and dry planet. So, it said in the ancient text that Mars burns away the hair on the head. Accidents or violence involving fires can be seen. Along with forest fires and purification by fire. This will depend entirely on the placement of Mars.

15th Century Depiction of Scorpio

On the negative side, Mars is considered to be a malefic planet. This is because it represents the energy and strength that we want to act on. Mars is a commanding officer. So, he wants to be in control. Yet, we are never truly in control. So, Mars's position in your chart can result in frustration and an attempt to force your control onto a person/place/thing. Selfishness and violence can be seen if this is expressed negatively. Mars represents anger and war. When anger and frustration can't be controlled, it leads to reckless thoughts; words; and deeds. Anyone with a strong Mars placement is subjected to acting out in an impulsive and violent way. This can also lead to accidents, recklessness, impatience, trauma, obstacles, making enemies, and causing intentional harm. Murder, thieves, and hunters can be seen from Mars. Even butchers, slaughterhouses, and red meat. Mars rules the color red and signifies bloodshed. So, Mars always requires self-control and discipline. This is why Saturn is the planet that pacifies the effects of Mars. To know more about Saturn, check out my blog post on Secrets of Shani (Saturn). Any weapons can be seen from Mars. Guns, swords, knives, etc... Even technical tools that are used to work with can be seen. This can include any hammers, saws, axes, and so on. Needles are another sharp object that's connected to Mars. So, even surgery and surgeons are seen.

Mars is the opposite of Venus. Venus is more about love and sexuality. In particular, Venus shows what men find attractive in their partners or everyone's marital partner. If you haven't already, check out my blog post on the Mysteries of Shukra (Venus). People seem to think Mars is sexual too. In Western Tropical Astrology, everyone says that Mars represents sex or sexual energy. This isn't true. Mars is a celibate in the ancient texts. He is more focused on devoting himself to his mission. Still, Mars Nakshatras can be very sexual. Especially for females. This is because Air signs tend to be sexual due to their thinking nature. They can fantasize and idealize their desires. Males with Mars Nakshatras tend to be more reserved. They need a healthy outlet for their anger and passion.

An exertion of energy is needed wherever Mars is present in the chart. This can include any activities. Getting up in the morning, taking care of hygiene, and completing daily tasks are all seen. So, an individual with a weak Mars will lack the drive to act or will burn out easily. The strongest Mars is, the more strength and energy will be provided. Martian personalities don't like easy and stable lives. They love challenges and have the courage to face anything directly. Victory, facing defeat, confidence, strategy, discipline, and structure can be seen from a healthy Mars. Along with helping those in need, having a solid plan, taking on respectable roles, and being able to build effectively. Along with being a builder, Mars also rules the pursuit of property and real estate.

Mars prefers challenge and conflict. So, he actually does best in the most difficult houses. This includes the 6th, 8th, and 12th Houses. Along with the Houses that grow with time and effort. Those would be the 3rd, 6th, 10th, and 11th Houses. Mars is also considered to be in directional strength in the 10th House. So, that can be a promising position. However, the two negative Houses known as Marka Houses are not as great for Mars. These are the 2nd and 7th Houses. Mars in the 1st, 4th, 5th, and 9th Houses can cause problems, but he'll also protect the significance of those Houses. It's also important to see the aspects of Mars. Mars aspects 4th, 7th, and 8th from his position.

Manglik Dosha is a yoga formed from Mars being in certain Houses. This generally causes problems in marriage due to the heat and intensity of Mars. Many people with Manglik Dosha are extremely loyal and passionate. However, they can attract sensitive partners who they overwhelm with their level of passion. There are exceptions to this rule. The effects can be canceled if Mars is in Manglik Dosha and in a certain aspect or sign. Certain factors pacify the intensity of Mars. So, it doesn't always apply. The House placements of Mars that cause Manglik Dosha are the 1st House/Ascendant, 2nd House, 4th House, 7th House, 8th House, and 12th House.

Mars Retrograde can show issues with self-assertion. There can be a tendency to back out of situations when taking action. This can also show repressed anger, secrecy, exhaustion, fear of self-expression, and personal doubts. Although, it also can help you look at yourself on a deeper level. It can help to try to be more expressive and make sure that others know what you need. Along with taking action in a healthy way. Instead of being impulsive or shying away from the action.

A Combust Mars is when Mars is too close to the Sun. In particular, it's when Mars is within 15° of the Sun. This means that Mars was invisible when you were born. It was blocked out by the light of the Sun. So, the qualities of Mars will be burnt out by the Sun. Meaning that you will lack aggression and initiative in life. This is usually experienced as having your strength blocked by superiors. It's a deep karmic placement that has to do with issues with authority and dominance in a past life. In this situation, you might try to overexert yourself or become aggressive to try to overcompensate. It's a very frustrating and powerless position. In this case, you might need an alternative outlet for your energy and aggression. Otherwise, there can be internal frustration that never gets expressed. Calming and spiritual practices can be good for this placement. Including mantras, meditation, and breathwork.

Mars does best in his Moolitrikona (strongest) and his home sign of Aries. He's also at home in Scorpio. Mars is friends with the Sun, the Moon, and Jupiter. So, he also does well in Leo, Sagittarius, and Pisces. Although he is debilitated in the sign of Cancer. So, he does well there when it comes to taking action. Yet, the effort with Mars in Cancer is due to difficulties. Mars is neutral with Venus and Saturn. So, his impulsivity tends to be pacified when placed in Taurus, Libra, Capricorn, and Aquarius. In particular, Mars is Exalted in Capricorn because he is able to gain the patience to move to the top. He struggles the most in Gemini and Virgo. This is because Mars sees Mercury as his enemy. To know more about the planets Mars relates to, check out my additional blogs on the other Graha. More to come on the significance of the Moon in a future blog post.

It's also important to see Mars's placement in the D9 Navamsa. If Mars is weak in your D1 Natal Chart, that doesn't necessarily mean that you have a weak Mars. It can still reverse the difficulty by gaining strength in the D9. The same thing is true for a strong Mars in the D1. It can lose strength in the D9.

Also, feel free to see my blog on Mars Nakshatras. We'll discuss Mrigashira Nakshatra in a future blog. You can find out more about Chitra Nakshatra in Secrets of Chitra. Along with discovering the qualities of the height of Mars' Nakshatras in Exploring Dhanishta.

Mars in Aries (Own Sign, Moolitrikona)

-Quick, Active, Leader, Strong, Admired, Respected, Adventurous, Adrenaline Junkie, Ego-Centric, Headstrong, Righteous, Honest, Direct, Daring, Strong Stamina, Competitive, Forward Moving, Sports Lover, Accidental, Scars, Resilient

Mars in Taurus (Neutral)

-Possessive, Attached, Sexual, Artistic, Musical, Slow to Anger, Dangerous When Angry, Foreign Attraction, Strong Speech, Overindulgence, Determined, Wealth Accumulation, Resilient

Mars in Gemini (Enemy)

-Restless, Family Issues, Conflict With Siblings, Traveler, Curious, Anxiety, Depression, Lack of Concentration, Business Conflicts, Litigation, Copes With Conflicts, Competition at Work, Stressed, Health Issues, Love of Sports

Mars in Cancer (Debilitation)

-Conflict With Family and Home, Supportive, Overly Sensitive, Impulsive Reactions, Manipulative, Financial Success, Independent, Determined, Nurturing, Patriotic, Protective

Mars in Leo (Friend)

-Dynamic, Strong-Willed, Confident, Independent, Romantic, Protective of the Underdog, Generous, Charitable, Stubborn, Attention-Seeker, Argumentative, Energetic, Determined, Impatient, Egocentric

Mars in Virgo (Enemy)

-Problem-Solving, Technical, Analytical, Researcher, Logical, Success in Education, Overly Critical, Soft Spoken, Agreeable, Needs Mental Stimulation, Easily Bored, Love of Puzzles, Environmentalist, Health Conscious, Perfectionist, Helpful

Mars in Libra (Neutral)

-Diplomatic, Charming, Harmonious, Social Organizer, Indecisive, Low Libido, Low Energy, Avoids Conflict, Justice-Seeker, Repressed Anger, Health Conflicts, Conflicts in Relationships, Needs to Be More Assertive, Supports Family

Mars in Scorpio (Own Sign)

-Strongwilled, Independent, Stubborn, Proud, Admired, Leader, Determined, Investigator, Adventurous, Risk-Taker, Brave, Psychoanalyst, Loves Mystery, Esoteric Knowledge, Relentless, Power Struggles, Legal Issues, Resilient, Successful, Magnetic, Dynamic, Mysterious, Dominating

Mars in Sagittarius (Friend)

-Philosophical, Religious, Interest in Politics, Teacher, Courageous, Overcomes Conflicts With Knowledge, Independent, Traveler, Argumentative, Dominating Speech, Convincing, Secret Enemies, Dislikes a Mundane Life, Victorious

Mars in Capricorn (Exaltation)

-Ambitious, Disciplined, Successful, Wealth Accumulation, Workaholic, Purposeful, Independent, Boss, Keeps Order, Physically Active, Good Routine, Harsh Speech, Competitive, Conflict With Friends, Controlling, Admired

Mars in Aquarius (Neutral)

-Humanitarian, Service-Oriented, Scientific, Researcher, Independent, Compassionate, Justice-Seeker, Frustrated, Determined, Repressed Emotions, Success in Groups, Popular

Mars in Pisces (Friend)

-Spiritual Warrior, Truth Seeker, Compassionate, Good-Natured, Charitable, Generous, Caring, Traveler, Independent, Easygoing, Philosophical, Cultural, Family Issues, Artistic, Imaginative, Empathic, Lack of Concentration, Foreign Travel or Residence

Mars in 1st House/Ascendant (Manglik Dosha)

-Challenges, Courage, Aggressive, Outgoing, Dominating, Athletic, Direct, Impatient, Action-Oriented, Righteous, Attention-Seeking, Protective, Accident-Prone, Restless, Anxious, Impulsive, Happiness in Property, Independent, Conflict With Mother, Attached to Family, Conflicts in Relationships, Controlling, Inability to Compromise, Success in Self-Employment, Separation From Family Difficulties With Finances, Strongwilled, Resilient

Mars in 2nd House (Manglik Dosha)

-Difficulties in Early Upbringing, Loud Aggressive Speech, Argumentative, Strong Morals, Possessive, Quick Food, Indigestion, Unhealthy Eating Habits, Takes Risks With Money, Conflict With Children, Independent in Education, Difficulties With Finances, Accidents, Scars, Resilient, Conflict With Father, Arguments in Philosophy, Difficulties With Foreign Travel

Mars in 3rd House

-Competitive, Athletic, Skillful, Successful in Media and Internet, Enjoys Arguments, Courageous, Faces All Challenges, Aggressive, Strong Communication, Bossy, Needs Mental Stimulation, Traveler, Road Rage, Problem Solver, Health Conscious, Wins in Conflicts, Conflict With Mentors and Father, Adventurous, Difficulties in Higher Education, Arguments in Philosophy, Changes in Career, Natural Leader, Conflict With Authority, Success in Self-Employment

Mars in 4th House (Manglik Dosha)

-Conflict in Home Environment, Activity and Difficulty for Mother, Attached to Family, Separates From Family, Happiness in Property, Improves the Home, Active, Restless, Discomfort, Independent, Competitive, Resilient, Controlling in Relationships, Conflicts in Marriage, Conflicts at Work, Changes in Career, Success in Self-Employment, Controlling in Friendships, Sudden Endings in Friendships, Fluctuating Income

Mars in 5th House

-Creative Skills, Passionate in Romance, Independent, Athletic, Irritation When Controlled, Mathematic Skills, Engineer, Risk-Taker, Adventurous, Wants Independence From Parents, Sudden Loss/Gain in Speculation, Male Child, Active With Child, Conflict With Shared Resources, Resilient, Conflict With Friends, Challenges and Rebels Against Groups, Humanitarian, Fluctuations in Income, Success in Foreign Land, Lustful, Intuitive, Insights in Dreams

Mars in 6th House

-Self-Initiated Conflicts, Purposeful, Workaholic, Many Illnesses, Resilient Against Disease, Defends Others, Independent, Opposes Advice and Mentors, Impulsive in Education, Conflict in Foreign Land, Secret Enemies, Paranoid, Intuitive, Sleep Difficulties, Financial Difficulties, Overcomes Struggles and Debts, Intense Personality, Direct, Powerhungry, Controlling, Personal Growth, Becomes Stronger & Wiser

Mars in 7th House (Manglik Dosha)

-Passionate in Relationships, Sexual, Lustful, Argumentative, Conflict in Marriage, Energetic When Interacting With Others, Independent, Hardworking, Success in Self-Employment, Leader, Confident, Self-Assured, Forward-Looking, Active, Stressed, Accident Prone, Conflict in Early Upbringing, Determined, Strategic, Financial Challenges, Strong Speech

Mars in 8th House (Manglik Dosha)

-Survivor, Resilient, Strong-Willed, Overcomes Challenges, Fear of Losing Control, Possessive, Obsessive, Conflict With Inlaws, High Libido, Sex Addiction, Medical Career, Spy Work, Researcher, Passionate About Mystery, Psychoanalyst, Observant, Sees Through Facades, Inheritance, Strong Speech, Speech Difficulties, Addiction, Eating Disorders, Courageous, Problem-Solver, Counselor, Tech Savvy, Conflict With Younger Male Siblings

Mars in 9th House

-Passionate, Energetic, Creative, Curious, Argumentative, Preachy, Conflict With Teacher, Different Beliefs Than Family, Adventurous, Risk Taker, Traveler, Love of Freedom, Easily Bored, Challenges in Higher Education, Separation With Father, Conflict in Foreign Travel, Restless, Active Imagination, Insomnia, Vivid Dreams, Esoteric Knowledge, Excessive Spending, Multitasker, Computer Skills, Conflict With Home and Siblings

Mars in 10th House (Dig Bala- Directional Strength)

-Independent, Ambitious, Dislikes Supervision, Successful, Conflict at Work, Hot Temperament, Risk Taker, Impatient, Strategic, Purposeful, Competitive, Courageous, Active, Athletic, Self-Disciplined, High Expectations, Stressed, Success With Property, Conflict at Home and With Mother, Changes in Education, Disciplines Children, Resilient, Inspired

Mars in 11th House

-Ambitious, Gains Wealth, Determined, Successful, Popular, Success in Self-Employment, Conflict With Elder Sibling, Overindulgent, Reckless Speech, Changes in Wealth, Security Focused, Difficulty With Children, Conflict in Education, Impulsive Lover, Health Issues, Health Conscious, Debt, Stressed, Defeats Enemies, Love of Competition

Mars in 12th House (Manglik Dosha)

-Restless, Energetic, Explorer, Freedom-Seeker, Conflict in Foreign Land, Success in Foreign Business, Multiple Homes, Drained of Energy, Needs Isolation, Mysterious, Observant, Mystical Knowledge, Detective, Charitable, Humanitarian, Escapist, Casual Relationships, High Libido, Strong Speech, Strong Beliefs, Courageous, Conflict With Male Sibling, Competitive, Accident Prone, Insomnia, Health Conflicts, Debt, Legal Issues, Losses, Conflict in Marriage, Strong Emotions, Jealous, Possessive, Obsessive, Fluctuations in Business


If you were born with your Moon Sign in Mrigashira (23°20 Taurus- 6°40' Gemini), Chitra (23°20 Virgo- 6°40' Libra), or Dhanishta (23°20 Capricorn- 6°40' Aquarius), then you were born under a Mars Mahadasha. So you will only go through this period in the beginning part of life. However, it is still connected to your Soul's DNA with your mind. Making it your psychological experience and life pattern.

If you were born with your Moon Sign in Ardra (6°40'- 20° Gemini), Swati (6°40'- 20° Libra), or Shatabhishak (6°40'- 20° Aquarius), then you were born under a Rahu Mahadasha. So, Mars Mahadasha comes after Jupiter, Saturn, Mercury, Ketu, Venus, Sun, and Moon Mahadasha.

If you were born with your Moon Sign in Punarvasu (20° Gemini- 3°20' Cancer), Vishakha (20° Libra- 3°20' Scorpio), or Purva Bhadrapada (20° Aquarius- 3°20' Pisces). The Mars Mahadasha comes after Saturn, Mercury, Ketu, Venus, Sun, and Moon Mahadasha.

If you were born with your Moon Sign in Pushya (3°20'- 16°40' Cancer), Anuradha (3°20'- 16°40' Scorpio), or Uttara Bhadrapada (3°20'- 16°40' Pisces), then you were born under a Saturn Mahadasha. The Mars Mahadasha comes after Mercury, Ketu, Venus, Sun, and Moon Mahadasha.

Those who have their Moon Sign in Ashlesha (16°40'- 30° Cancer), Jyeshta (16°40'- 30° Scorpio), Revati (16°40'- 30° Pisces), are born under a Mercury Mahadasha. The Mars Mahadasha comes after Ketu, Venus, Sun, and Moon Mahadasha.

Those who have their Moon Sign in Ashwini (0°- 13°20' Aries), Magha (0°- 13°20' Leo), or Mula (0°- 13°20' Sagittarius), are born under a Ketu Mahadasha. The Mars Mahadahsa comes after the Venus, Sun, and Moon Mahadasha.

Those who have their Moon Sign in Bharani (13°20'- 26°40' Aries), Purva Phalguni (13°20'- 26°40' Leo), or Purvashadha (13°20'- 26°40' Sagittarius), are born under a Venus Mahadasha. Mars Mahadasha will come after Sun and Moon Mahadasha.

If you were born with your "Moon Sign" in Krittika (26°40' Aries- 10° Taurus), Uttara Phalguni (26°40' Leo- 10° Virgo), or Uttarashadha (26°40' Sagittarius- 10° Capricorn), then you were born under a Sun Mahadasha. So, Mars Mahadasha will come after Moon Mahadasha.

Those who have their Moon Sign in Rohini (10°- 23°20' Taurus), Hasta (10°- 23°20' Virgo), or Shravana (10°- 23°20' Taurus), are born under a Moon Mahadasha. The Mars Mahadasha will come directly after.

-Daquan Jones

Psychic, Empath, YouTube Creator, Author, Life Coach, Astrologer

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