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Secrets of Punarvasu Nakshatra

Updated: Oct 1, 2022


(20° Gemini ♊️- 3°20' Cancer ♋️)

"Home Sweet Home!"

Meaning: Return of the Light

Name: The Star of Renewal

Star Name: Castor and Pollux

Symbol: Home or Bow & Quiver of Arrows

Presiding Deity: Aditi (Mother goddess)

Vimshottari Dasha Lord: Jupiter

Purusharthra: Artha (Security)

Gana: Deva (Divine)

Varna: Vaishya (Merchant)

Element: Apah (Water)

Gender: Male

Nadi: Vata (Air and Space)

Guna: Sattvic (Balance)

Nature: Chara (Moveable)

Activity: Passive

Trimurti: Brahma (To Create)

Yoni: Female Cat

Yoni Consort: Ashlesha

Shakti: Power to Gain Wealth and Substance

Direction: North

Color: Silver

The Motion of the Head: Sideways

Most Compatible: Bharani, Pushya, Swati

Least Compatible: Jyeshta, Mula, Shatabhisha

4 Padas (Quarters) of Punarvasu

(Luck, Marriage, Microscopic View)

Pada 1: 20°- 23°20' Gemini

Navamsa: Aries

Focus: Successful, Adventurous, Goal-Oriented

Pada 2: 23°20'- 26°40' Gemini

Navamsa: Taurus

Focus: Wealthy, Materialistic, Relationship-Oriented

Pada 3: 26°40'- 30° Gemini

Navamsa: Gemini (Vargottama)

Focus: Intelligent, Successful, Good Communicator

Pada 4: 0°- 3°20' Cancer

Navamsa: Cancer (Vargottama) (Pushkar)

Focus: Emotional, Nurturing, Empathic

Punarvasu is positioned from 20° of the Vedic Sidereal Gemini Rashi to 3°20' of the Vedic Sidereal Cancer Rashi. Its name means "The Two Chariots", "Visible Infinity, "Return of the Light", or "Wealthy Again". Punarvasu is also referred to as The Star of Renewal. The symbol is a home or a bow and quiver of arrows. Aditi is the presiding deity. Jupiter is also associated with Punarvasu according to the Vimshottari Dasha system. Along with Mercury on the Gemini side and the Moon on the Cancer side. Most of Punarvasu is positioned in Gemini. Yet, only one-quarter of this Nakshatra is contained within the Cancer Rashi. This is the last Jupiter Nakshatra that we will discuss on this blog. To see the other two, check out Exploring Vishakha and The Importance of Purva Bhadrapada.

"The Two Chariots" refers to the restoration of goods. Symbolizing the prosperity that comes from returning from a long journey. After coming back with goods, we can relax at the home. If you noticed, most of this Nakshatra falls in the Rashi of Gemini. Gemini corresponds to the 3rd House. A House that requires skills and courage to navigate. It is where we begin to interact with our surroundings and develop our egos (individuality). So, a great amount of mental strength and technical ability is gained from the 3rd House. However, the 4th House is the building where these skills are developed. As it is 2nd to the 3rd House. The resource or asset of the 3rd.

Meaning that the 4th House is where the mother provides care, nourishment, support, and counsel before we enter into the world. The 4th House can also represent the school building that we learn from. It is a place of comfort where we develop ourselves. The last quarter of Punarvasu falls in Cancer, the 4th Rashi. Showing that after accumulating prosperity through our individual skills and effort, the 4th House is where we return to. The safe haven and place of comfort. So, Punarvasu is all about having comfort and security. These individuals love being at home. Even if they travel, they want to bring a part of their home with them. Even if it's just a favorite pillow or a pair of slippers. For those younger, sometimes these people will take a special doll or action figure wherever they go.

"Return of the Light" or "Wealthy Again" refers to the same meaning. To return to a place of comfort, to restore goods, or to return to happiness. Keep in mind that this is the Nakshatra that came before Ardra. Ardra is the storm of chaos and sudden transformations. If you haven't already, check out Secrets of Ardra. Punarvasu is the calm after the storm. The return of the sunlight after the dark stormy clouds that covered the sky. Just like how the 4th House is the place of peace, happiness, nourishment, and comfort that we return to after going out into the world. So, those born under Punarvasu tend to be very calm and cheerful-looking people. Their smile and sober expression radiate a feeling of warmth. These are good-natured people. Punarvasu has a good character and always attempts to do what's right. We can see that this is one of the Jupiter Nakshatras. Showing the devata (divine) and sattvic (balanced) nature of Jupiter. To know more about Jupiter, see Secrets of Guru (Jupiter). These are usually very generous and charitable people. "Wealthy Again" can also refer to the fact that prosperity multiplies for them as they give back to humanity. These are people who are always blessed and watched over.

Punarvasu is called The Star of Renewal. The word Punarvasu can be broken down. "Punar" means return or again. Another meaning is cleansing and purification. Vasu means good or beneficial. Meaning that Punarvasu is to rejuvenate or renew one's self. Many individuals born under Punarvasu go through trials and tribulations. They fail and lose attachments repeatedly. This is a test of their faith. Punarvasu is blessed with never truly being unsuccessful. That's because, when they try it again, prosperity and abundance come back to them. Even if they lose all of their money and possessions. These people can quickly rebuild everything that's been lost and bounce back from nothing. Punarvasu usually doesn't achieve anything the first time. However, every try amounts to better results.

This is also seen in the symbol of the bow and quiver of arrows. This was a magical bow and quiver of arrows in mythology and ancient scriptures. Where an arrow would magically return to the quiver after being released. Along with this being about renewal, the bow and quiver can symbolize their intelligence. Punarvasu individuals have a powerful memory. Being able to easily recall every detail. This gives them great results in education. It also relates to their desire to take a part of their home with them on the go. This great intelligence and memory make them very warmhearted and sentimental. Remembering the people, places, and objects that are meaningful is extremely important to these individuals. In certain positions, Punarvasu can also represent coming back from a near-death experience.

This is definitely a spiritual Nakshatra. Punarvasu individuals are also searching for a way to enlightenment. This makes sense because Jupiter is a planet of spirituality. The Moon is also a reflection of our inner and outer world. Making it a very intuitive and magical Graha. Punarvasu comes in a pair with Pushya. Pushya is said to have the power to create spiritual energy. Both of these are a portal to another dimension. The 4th House is connected to the mother. Also representing the womb as a portal or entryway into this existence. So, Punarvasu individuals can find great interest in learning about spiritual studies and many philosophies. Helping them to learn more about themselves, grow spiritually, and to tap into higher guidance. This can be a highly intuitive Nakshatra. Especially in the quarter that falls in the sign of Cancer.

Aditi is the presiding deity of Punarvasu. She is the mother of the Adityas (solar deities). Aditi is said to be boundless and limitless. Ruling over the earth, sky, unconscious, past, present, future, and fertility. She is the infinite and vast expanse of the cosmos. Just like how Punarvasu possesses limitless and vast potential. Both in memory and in achievements. This is a Nakshatra that can fail and come back to achieve repeatedly. Nothing can stop them. Punarvasu just holds faith that all will work out and tries it again. They also can attract limitless wealth and support. Once again, going from rags to riches, riches to rags, and all over again. However, this also talks about the energy and skills that they possess. Punarvasu knows how to prioritize the right tasks to preserve their energy. Allowing them to have unlimited energy to work on their projects and pursuits.

Along with having a love for the Earth. Aditi also has a great connection to the vastness of the forests and the oceans. So, environmentalists can be seen from this position. Fighting for the cleanup and care of the planet. Even fighting for the rights and caring for the wildlife and aquatic life. These individuals act as advocates and mothers of the Earth and the well-being of all living beings. Always remaining peaceful in nature and promoting the peace of the world. Due to their connection to home, they can also make great caretakers for others. Doing well in jobs related to real estate, nursing, education, hospitality, the hotel industry, or even working from home. There also appears to be a connection to cars due to the symbol of "The Two Chariots". It's especially true on the Gemini side. Showing jobs that involve transportation, marketing, diplomacy, and dealing with the local community.

Celebrity Examples:

Marvin Gaye

Punarvasu Ascendant (Cancer)

Moon in the 2nd House in Uttara Phalguni (Leo)

Jupiter in the 8th House in Purva Bhadrapada (Aquarius)

Sun in the 9th House in Revati (Pisces)

Jack Black

Punarvasu Ascendant (Gemini)

Mercury in the 4th House in Uttara Phalguni (Virgo)

Jupiter in the 4th House in Hasta (Virgo)

Moon in the 9th House in Purva Bhadrapada (Aquarius)

Sun in the 3rd House in Magha (Leo)

Pharrell Williams

Punarvasu Ascendant (Gemini)

Mercury in the 9th House in Purva Bhadrapada (Aquarius)

Jupiter in the 8th House in Shravana (Capricorn)

Moon in the 11th House in Bharani (Aries)

Sun in the 10th House in Revati (Pisces)

Meghan Markle

Punarvasu Ascendant (Gemini)

Mercury in the 2nd House in Pushya (Cancer)

Moon in the 4th House in Hasta (Virgo)

Jupiter in the 4th House in Hasta (Virgo)

Sun in the 2nd House in Ashlesha (Cancer)

Elizabeth Olsen

Punarvasu Moon (Gemini) in the 11th House

Mercury in the 6th House in Uttarashada (Capricorn)

Jupiter in the 10th House in Krittika (Taurus)

Ascendant in Purva Phalguni (Leo)

Sun in the 7th House in Dhanishta (Aquarius)

Drew Barrymore

Punarvasu Moon (Gemini)

Mercury in the 9th House in Shravana (Capricorn)

Jupiter in the 10th House in Purva Bhadrapada (Aquarius)

Ascendant in Mrigashira (Taurus)

Sun in the 10th House in Shatabhishak (Aquarius)

-Daquan Jones

Psychic, Empath, YouTube Creator, Author, Life Coach, Astrologer

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