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Secrets of Purva Phalguni

Purva Phalguni

(13°20'- 26°40' Leo)

"Pure Bliss and Creativity"

Meaning: Little Fig Tree

Name: The Fruit of The Tree

Star Name: Delta and Theta Leonis

Symbol: Hammock, Front Legs of the Bed

Deity: Bhagya (god of Fortune)

Vimshottari Dasha Lord: Venus

Purusharta: Kama (Desires)

Gana: Humanushya (Human)

Varna: Brahmin Caste (Priest)

Element: Apah (Water)

Gender: Female

Nadi: Pitta (Fire and Water)

Guna: Rajasic (Passion)

Nature: Urga (Fierce)

Activity: Balanced

Trimurti: Vishnu (To Maintain)

Yoni: Female Rat

Yoni Consort: Magha

Shakti: Power to Procreate

Direction: North

Color: Light Brown

Facing Direction: Upward

Most Compatible: Ardra, Magha, Uttara Phalguni

Least Compatible: Pushya, Chitra, Dhanishta

Padas (Quarters) of Purva Phalguni

Luck, Marriage, & Microscopic View

1st Pada: 13°20'- 16°40' Leo

Navamsa: Leo (Vargottama)

Focus: Confidence, Pride, Creativity

2nd Pada: 16°40'- 20° Leo

Navamsa: Virgo

Focus: Social, Hardwork, Service

3rd Pada: 20°- 23°20' Leo

Navamsa: Libra

Focus: Charm, Beauty, Relationships

4th Pada: 23°20'- 26°40' Leo

Navamsa: Scorpio

Focus: Emotion, Intensity, Addiction

Purva Phalguni is positioned from 13°20' to 26°40' of Vedic Sidereal Leo. Its name means "The Fruit of the Tree" or "The Fig Tree". Purva means "Former" and Phal (Producing Fruit) Guni (Of Good Quality). Purva Phalguni is also referred to as the Star of Fortune. The symbol is "a Swinging Hammock" or "the Front Legs of the Bed". Bhagya is the presiding deity. This Nakshatra is also influenced by Venus according to the Vimshotarri Dasha system. Along with having the influence of the Sun because it falls entirely in the royal sign of Leo.

"The Fruit of the Tree" or "The Fig Tree" represents the reward of past karma (deeds). Purva Phalguni is said to have already completed their karma in their past actions. So, the only thing left is to enjoy the reward of those past actions. This makes this Nakshatra all about enjoyment. The total enjoyment of all beauty and pleasure. Venus is associated with Purva Phalguni because it's the planet of pleasure and enjoyment. This is definitely a pleasure-seeking Nakshatra. Purva Phalguni is connected to beauty, fashion, luxury, sexuality, romance, and the arts. It even represents fertility and the enjoyment of creative expression. Relating to the Rajasic quality of Venus and this Nakshatra. This is also symbolized by the swimming hammock or the back legs of the bed. Relating to a place of bliss and relaxation.

Purva Phalguni is known as The Fruit of The Tree. Once again, relating to the enjoyment of positive karmic return. However, this is also said to be a lucky and abundant Nakshatra. Along with being a very generous Nakshatra. These are individuals who have a love of sharing their creative talents. Even if it drains them of their time, energy, and resources. Purva Phalguni is fully immersed in the beauty of the creative process and the enjoyment of the creative performance. Many individuals born under this Nakshatra are involved in singing, acting, dance, poetry, fashion design, modeling, fine arts, etc... They know how to put on a dramatic and quality performance and do it only for the pleasure of creativity. Fame and fortune can come to these individuals.

There is also a love of children found in Purva Phalguni. In some ways, they are a child themselves. Purva Phalguni people are free-spirit and love backpacking or "living on the road". These individuals are social, humorous, and fun-loving, and know how to bring a party to life. This goes along with the shakti being the power to procreate. Purva Phalguni is connected to all forms of union and creativity. It represents the merging of polar opposites to bring a creation to life. Even the men in this Nakshatra are producing art by tapping into their divine feminine. Merging the masculine and feminine energies together. However, the polarity is very strong in Purva Phalguni. The men born under this Nakshatra tend to have a more ferocious and territorial nature about them. Whereas, the females display more of a loving nature. In both, there is a strong desire for pleasure. However, the men show a more forceful side that's connected to the masculine expression of sexuality. This merging of opposite polarities is related to the presiding deity. Bhagya rules the fortune and enjoyment that is found in Purva Phalguni.

Purva Phalguni is a very happy-go-lucky placement. These are usually very friendly and playful people to be around. Their humor and easy-going nature are especially likable. Purva Phalguni can even be very witty, charming, and flirtatious. This relates to the sexual union shown in this Nakshatra. However, there is also a dark side to this placement. Despite having a very pleasant personality, they can also become very egotistical. These are definitely the performers of the Zodiac. So, they require a lot of attention. Sometimes making them a bit arrogant, show-offish, and even pompous. Interestingly enough, you can also see the exact opposite. Purva Phalguni displays the polar opposites in being hedonistic or celibate. For some with this Nakshatra, they prefer being alone and finding union with Spirit.

Depiction of Bhagya

Janelle Monáe

Purva Phalguni Ascendant

Venus in the 4th House in Jyeshta (Scorpio)

Sun in the 4th House in Anuradha (Scorpio)

Moon in the 10th House in Rohini (Taurus)

Purva Phalguni Ascendant

Venus in the 1st House in Purva Phalguni

Sun in the 12th House in Ashlesha (Cancer)

Moon in the 12th House in Pushya (Cancer)

Willem Dafoe

Purva Phalguni Moon in the 8th House

Venus in the 6th House in Punarvasu (Gemini)

Sun in the 7th House in Pushya (Cancer)

Uttarashada Ascendant (Capricorn)

-Daquan Jones

Psychic Empath, YouTube Creator, Author, Life Coach, Astrologer

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