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Secrets of Rahu (North Node) in Vedic Astrology

Updated: Sep 29, 2022

Rahu: "The Karmic Prison Guard"

The Path of Maya

In Vedic Astrology, the Zodiac signs are based on the position of the stars rather than the Seasons on Earth. This results in a 23-degree difference between the typical Western Tropical Zodiac and the Vedic Sidereal Zodiac. The Moon Sign is also seen as the Zodiac sign vs. the Sun in Western Tropical. While the Sun still holds great importance in representing the soul’s desire or the ego of an individual. The Moon is representing the true nature of a person and the way their mind works. The Ascendant represents the personality, physical body, appearance, and life foundation. Anytime that the Sun, Moon, or Ascendant is placed in a Zodiac sign, it holds great importance. The Moon is always the most important. Then the Ascendant. Lastly, the Sun will also make an impact. Primarily, the behavior and appearance of a person are based on the Moon and Ascendant. While the Sun can show what a person feels inspired about, where they shine, and what career path they feel drawn towards.

In Vedic Astrology, we also consider Fixed Stars. This is something that relates more to the Moon’s influence than the Sun. Since they can’t be seen from the Western Tropical view. However, this opens up the door to the 27 Nakshatras or Lunar Mansions. Each Zodiac Sign is distributed through 3 to 2.5 Nakshatras. This further distinguishes the Zodiac Signs into three different personality types. Therefore, even a person born under the same Zodiac Sign as someone else can behave differently.


I'm currently undergoing a Rahu Mahadasha. Recently, I have also met with many clients who are going through a Rahu Mahadasha. Some of them are experiencing it worst than others depending upon how Rahu is positioned in their natal chart.

Rahu Mahadasha is an 18-year-long planetary period influenced by Rahu. It is a heavily karmic period of a person's life. It is often responsible for some of the most incredible accomplishments and also some of the greatest losses. Many highs and lows can be experienced during this period. Including victories that a person could never imagine themselves ever achieving. To some of the most difficult and painful experiences. Rahu Mahadasha is set on taking an individual towards their material goals and leaving the past in the past. Which can bring about travel or expected changes. A feeling of not being able to remain grounded and losing the very things that we have held onto can be felt. Reports of cracks in walls, strange animals invading the home, relocation, loss of direction/motivation, deviation from normal routines/health maintenance, increased mental disturbance, an increase in isolation, unexpected romance, and sudden surprises have been noted. Some of the most powerful men in history have experienced sudden highs and lows in their status and reputation.

Astronomy of Rahu and Ketu

With Rahu, you don't know what to expect. Rahu is a shadow planet and rules over illusions. Its element is windy and rules over smoke. Carrying demonic energy and not playing by any spiritual or societal rules. Rahu is a true trickster and knows how to cleverly find a way around barriers.

A great example is Donald Trump winning the 2016 presidential election. If we look at his natal chart, Donald Trump won the election in the last year of his Rahu Mahadasha. Rahu is a very powerful planet in his chart because he was born during a Lunar Eclipse. Donald Trump has Rahu conjunct his natal Sun in the 10th House. This Sun relates to our status and reputation. The Sun is also said to be directionally strong in the 10th House. As it relates to the Sun's brightest position at 12 noon. Rahu with the Sun is going to expand the Sun's desire to be seen and appreciated. Especially in the 10th House of career and achievements, public responsibilities, and the legacy that we leave behind. Not to mention, his Sun Sign was involved in a Raj Yogi due to the aspect of Jupiter. A Raj Yoga is associated with providing fame and recognition to an individual. Rahu completely expanded this in his chart during his Rahu Mahadasha.

Vedic D1 Natal Chart of Donald Trump (Rahu w/ Sun in Taurus 10th House)

In Vedic Astrology, Rahu is the name given to the North Lunar Node. This is an invisible point found at the interception of the Moon's path and the Sun's path (Ecliptic). On either side of these annual interceptions (usually in the Winter and the Summer Months), there are two invisible points. The point that is on the ascending side of the interception is the North Lunar Node.

Rahu comes from Hinduism. In Hindu mythology, he was depicted as a demon-like entity (snake or dragon). Rahu's wish was to be acknowledged like the devas (gods or divine entities). However, Rahu was rejected and cast aside as a demon. One day, Rahu disguised himself to sneak amongst the devas. He began to drink from the elixir of immortality. Before it could pass his throat, Mohini (a female version of Lord Vishnu) beheaded Rahu. He remained immortal, but without a body. That body was later referred to as Ketu (the South Lunar Node).

Rahu's Beheading

It is said that Rahu takes his revenge during an eclipse. At this time, he devours the sun and the moon. Leaving us in total darkness. A.K.A, when Rahu drinks from the elixir. As the Sun and Moon are the elixirs of life, providing us with light or consciousness. When Rahu is beheaded once again, it ends the darkness of the eclipse. Rahu is constantly opposing his body while trapped in an endless cycle around the Sun and Moon. A.K.A, the karmic cycle. This is one of the reasons that I would never suggest doing anything auspicious during an eclipse season. It is solely a time of change and an astrologer would never suggest making a big positive decision during this time.

In Astrology, Rahu represents the Maya (illusion) or the material world. It is said that the material world is an illusion that keeps us imprisoned by our deepest desires. The very thing that stops us from reaching true liberation and enlightenment. Rahu is the karmic guard that keeps us trapped in this prison. That prison is the endless obsession with pleasure, money, power, recognition, and material possessions.

Rahu Eclipses the Sun

Rahu is a headless body. So, Rahu has no way of being satisfied and nourished. Instead, Rahu is always devouring and always in search of something more. This shows Rahu's relationship with the future and novelty. Rahu is a very eccentric and rebellious planet. Not operating by the rules of society and causing unexpected changes. Technology, innovation, mystery, and unusual topics can be associated with Rahu. He has no interest in the past or anything mundane.

This symbolism also shows how Rahu deals with our largest hopes and dreams. Rahu can be positive in that it promotes the ambition to strive towards something in life. This planet has been referred to as a magician. As it can bring our wildest dreams into reality and cause sudden events to take place. However, that is all a test. Rahu knows that humans can become obsessed with their desires. Often taking shortcuts and the wrong actions to achieve certain ambitions. Rahu is waiting to see what we will do when tempted.

Rahu (Left) and Ketu (Right)

Nothing personal. Rahu is deceptive and is waiting to trap you. Yet, this is only Rahu doing his job. His role is to enforce karmic lessons. Ketu is always on the opposite axis of Rahu. So, we can't discuss Rahu without including Ketu. They both enforce karmic balance in life. Yet, they do this in a completely different way. Ketu does it by freeing us from illusion. While Rahu pulls us into the illusion.

This karmic "tug of war" between Ketu and Rahu can be seen in Samudra Manthan (the Karmic Story of the Churring of the Oceans). It's the constant "push and pull" to keep the balance of life intact. See, Ketu shows us the truth beyond the illusion. Meaning that Ketu shows us the spiritual and the deeper meaning behind life. To do this, Ketu has to remove our physical attachments. While Rahu shows us that we can achieve our ambitions and takes us into the future.

Yet, they both leave us unsatisfied somehow. If all we do is reach for Ketu, what is the purpose of life? We would already know everything and feel content with where we are. Along with being so spiritual and awakened that we wouldn't be grounded in the physical reality. If we only reach for Rahu, life would have no meaning. We would have all of the material gains that we could hope for. Yet, a void would still exist within us due to the lack of deeper meaning.

Churning of the Ocean

One of the things that I tell my clients going through a Rahu Mahadasha is to incorporate a spiritual practice into their lives. See, Rahu Mahadasha is a time when we are heavily focused on gaining material security and chasing our deepest desires. Yet, at the end of this period, our material success will feel unsatisfying. There will be something missing and those ambitions might not seem as great as they did before. So, gaining material security is needed. It's also important to find deeper meaning and to allow yourself to live life at this moment. Not in the past or the future. Rahu won't let you stay in the past either way. Yet, still, avoid regret and sorrow. Also, don't be so tempted by Rahu that you only think about the result rather than the experience.


When judging Rahu in a natal chart, it's important to understand that Rahu is a friend of Venus and Mercury and shares similarities with Saturn. Rahu is an enemy to the Sun, Moon, Mars, and Jupiter. Yet, Jupiter does have the ability to pacify the effects of Rahu. This will help in seeing how the position of Rahu can affect an individual's horoscope.

This possibly makes Rahu in Taurus, Gemini, Virgo, Libra, Sagittarius, and Pisces some of the most auspicious placements. Although, another thing to consider is the element of the sign Rahu is placed in. Rahu is a windy planet. So, he is likely to favor the flexibility of the Air Signs the most. This would be Rahu in Gemini, Libra, and acting as a co-ruler of Aquarius. Also, Rahu's exaltation is in Taurus and he favor's the materialistic sign of Taurus due to Venus' rulership. Capricorn not so much.

The Fire and Water Signs are tricky for Rahu. Rahu is already a spontaneous planet and fire signs are combustible. This can cause major conflict. Rahu in the fire signs tends to cause the most anger and frustration with life. Although, Rahu in Sagittarius can tame those energies to a certain degree. Rahu in Leo also gives more stability in the abrupt changes, yet ego issues could possibly arise. Rahu is debilitated in Scorpio, giving the most instability possible. Rahu also struggles in the Moon's domain of Cancer. Rahu in Pisces can also be difficult because Ketu strongly favors Pisces. Yet, Jupiter can still assist if strongly positioned.

Rahu also favors the 3rd, 6th, and 10th Houses. While evaluating Rahu, it's important to remember his 5th, 7th, and 9th Aspects. Along with the planets apecting and aspected by Rahu. Planets conjunct Rahu, the planet that rules the sign that Rahu is in, and the planet that rules the Nakshatra that Rahu is in can also play a role.


If you were born with your Moon Sign in Ardra (6°40'- 20° Gemini), Swati (6°40'- 20° Libra), or Shatabhishak (6°40'- 20° Aquarius), then you were born under a Rahu Mahadasha. So, you will only go through this period in the beginning part of your life. However, it is still connected to your Soul's DNA within your mind. Making it your psychological experience and life pattern.

Those who have their Moon Sign in Ashwini (0°- 13°20' Aries), Magha (0°- 13°20' Leo), or Mula (0°- 13°20' Sagittarius), are born under a Ketu Mahadasha. The Rahu Mahadasha comes after the Venus, Sun, Moon, and Mars Mahadasha.

If you were born with your "Moon Sign" in Krittika (26°40' Aries- 10° Taurus), Uttara Phalguni (26°40' Leo- 10° Virgo), or Uttarashadha (26°40' Sagittarius- 10° Capricorn), then you were born under a Sun Mahadasha. The Rahu Mahadasha comes after the Moon and Mars Mahadasha.

Those who have their Moon Sign in Rohini (10°- 23°20' Taurus), Hasta (10°- 23°20' Virgo), or Shravana (10°- 23°20' Taurus), are born under a Moon Mahadasha. The Rahu Mahadasha comes after the Mars Mahadasha.

If you were born with your Moon Sign in Mrigashira (23°20 Taurus- 6°40' Gemini), Chitra (23°20 Virgo- 6°40' Libra), or Dhanishta (23°20 Capricorn- 6°40' Aquarius), then you were born under a Mars Mahadasha. The Rahu Mahadasha comes directly after.

Those who have their Moon Sign in Ashlesha (16°40'- 30° Cancer), Jyeshta (16°40'- 30° Scorpio), Revati (16°40'- 30° Pisces), are born under a Mercury Mahadasha. The Rahu Mahadasha comes after the Ketu, Venus, Sun, Moon, and Mars Mahadasha.

If you were born with your Moon Sign in Punarvasu (20° Gemini- 3°20' Cancer), Vishakha (20° Libra- 3°20' Scorpio), or Purva Bhadrapada (20° Aquarius- 3°20' Pisces), then you were born under a Jupiter Mahadasha. The Rahu Mahadasha comes after Saturn, Mercury, Ketu, Venus, Sun, Moon, and Mars Mahadasha.

Those who have their Moon Sign in Bharani (13°20'- 26°40' Aries), Purva Phalguni (13°20'- 26°40' Leo), or Purvashadha (13°20'- 26°40' Sagittarius), are born under a Venus Mahadasha. The Rahu Mahadasha comes after the Sun, Moon, and Mars Mahadasha.

If you were born with your Moon Sign in Pushya (3°20'- 16°40' Cancer), Anuradha (3°20'- 16°40' Scorpio), or Uttara Bhadrapada (3°20'- 16°40' Pisces), then you were born under a Saturn Mahadasha. The Rahu Mahadasha comes after the Mercury, Ketu, Venus, Sun, Moon, and Mars Mahadasha.


Rahu in the 1st House/Ascendant and Ketu in the 7th House.

-Brave and Ambitious Personality

-Misunderstood By Others or Mean to Others

Rahu in the 2nd House and Ketu in the 8th House.

-Possible Harshness in Speech and Strong Financial Success

-Dramatic Highs and Lows and Possible Health Challenges

Rahu in the 3rd House and Ketu in the 9th House.

-Strong Will to Succeed and Resolve Conflicts

-Sees the "Bigger Picture"

Rahu in the 4th House and Ketu in the 10th House.

-Highly Intelligent and Materialistic

-Separation From Home or High Expectations in the Home

Rahu in the 5th House and Ketu in the 11th House.

-Highly Talented and Authoritative

-Ego-centric or Extremely Confident

Rahu in the 6th House and Ketu in the 12th House.

-Courageous in the Face of Conflict and Resistant to Sickness

-Called Towards Healing and Escapes to Seek Spiritual Enlightenment

Rahu in the 7th House and Ketu in the 1st House/Ascendant.

-Many Transformations and Difficulty in Partnerships

-Intense Karmic Lessons or Lack of Clarity in Life

Rahu in the 8th House and Ketu in the 2nd House.

-Clever Minded and Possible Secret Destructive Behaviors

-Happiness Through Wisdom and Attachment to Finances

Rahu in the 9th House and Ketu in the 3rd House.

-Long Unexpected Journeys and Unafraid of Risky Adventures

-Delays in Bringing in Finances and Being Friendly Towards Others

Rahu in the 10th House and Ketu in the 4th House.

-Driven Towards Success and Can Achieve Great Fame

-Separation From Home or Forced to Leave Domestic Land

Rahu in the 11th House and Ketu in the 5th House.

-Possible Large Gain of Wealth and Support Through Others

-Interested in New Experiences and Drawn to Mystical Knowledge

Rahu in the 12th House and Ketu in the 6th House.

-Service-Oriented and Desire to Retreat to Peaceful Places

-Health-Oriented and Psychological/Mystical Understanding


*Areas to Be Cautious OF*

Rahu and Ketu Negatively Positioned in the 1st/Ascendant, 2nd, 7th, 8th Houses:

Common For Eating Disorders, Secret Destructive Behaviors, and Dramatic Changes in Life/Personality

The Difficulty and Luck of Rahu/Ketu on the 6th/12th HouseAxis

Common For Many Life Challenges Early in Life, But Great Success Can Come With Time

*There's a Great Need to Find Balance Between Your Spiritual and Material Obligations*

-Don't Escape Reality, Find a Spiritual Path Instead.

-Don't Allow Challenges to Defeat You. You Have Great Strength Within You.

Best Solutions For Any Rahu Position, Especially During a Rahu Mahadasha

-Continue to Persevere Through Hardships

-Avoid Becoming Lazy

-Have a Disciplined Routine

-Incorporate a Spiritual Practice (Prayers, Chants, Meditation, Religious Services, Etc...)

-Remain Ethical in Your Behavior

-Stay Away From Temptations and Shortcuts

-Care For a House Pet

-Treat the Misfortunate With Kindness

-Avoid Getting Caught in the Past or Resisting Change

-Enjoy Life and Be Open to New Opportunities

-Seek Support When Going Through Psychological Challenges

-Pay Close Attention to Hygiene and Maintaining Health

-See Astrologer For the Correct Gem Stones

-Use Discernment Before Trusting Anything/Anyone

-Face Any Insecurities and Get To Know Yourself Better

-Be Mindful of Any Pride or Greed Towards Your Material Success

-Keep a Positive Mindset and Take Time to Find Clarity in Any Confusion

-Daquan Jones

Psychic, Empath, Author, Life Coach, YouTube Creator, Astrologer

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