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Secrets of Surya (Sun) in Vedic Astrology

Updated: Sep 22, 2022

Surya "Pure Light of All Beings"

Path of the Soul


Vedic Name: Lord Surya

Additional Vedic Forms: Adityas, Indra, Visvadevas

Friends: Moon, Mars, Jupiter

Enemies: Venus, Saturn, Rahu

Neutral: Mercury, Ketu

Own Sign: Leo (Moolitrikona- Strongest)

Exaltation Sign: Aries

Debilitation Sign: Libra

Friendly Signs: Aries, Cancer, Leo, Sagittarius, Pisces

Enemy Signs: Taurus, Libra, Capricorn, Aquarius

Neutral Signs: Gemini, Virgo, Scorpio

House Association: 5th & 9th House

Excelled House: 1st House/Ascendant

Directional Strength: 10th House

Body Part: Heart, Stomach, Bones

Association: Ego, Soul, Authority, Vitality

Nakshatras: Krittika, Uttara Phalguni, Uttarashadha

The traditional name for Vedic Astrology is Jyotish. Jyotish means the study of light. It comes from the Sanskrit word Jyoti (light). So, the purpose of Astrology is to study light. That light is seen as God or the soul, the natural giver of life. This is also represented by the Sun in this material existence. As the Sun is our ultimate source of light, warmth, energy, and giver of life on this planet. Without the Sun, we wouldn't exist.

For this reason, the Sun is seen as the soul in Astrology. Not the human soul meaning the mind or psyche of a person. It's the soul essence of all beings in existence. The very source of life itself. The Sun is the will and vitality to be alive every day and to pursue our purpose in life. Without it, we would lack the energy and motivation to do anything at all.

There's a reason why the Sun isn't traditionally used to predict horoscopes. Or why appearance and personality are mainly derived from the Moon and Ascendant. It's because the Sun is untouchable. The Sun is not as much about what makes you human. It's about the energy that resides within you and the light that guides you towards you fulfilling your purpose in life. Originally, the Sun was meant to be a point in the natal chart that was only for your purpose on a spiritual level and your right actions in life. As it is a pure and light being. However, even though the Sun can't be read from a transiting horoscope. It can be read from the horoscope that you were born under. Meaning that it can be read as your natal chart. We call this Surya Lagna or the Sun Chart in Vedic Astrology. This can be used if you are unfamiliar with your time of birth. Since the Ascendant can't be found without the time of birth. In some cases, the Moon can't be found without the time of birth either. This is because the Moon changes every 2-3 days. So, the Moon can change between two positions in one day. Yet, it is still said that the Moon Chart and the Ascendant Chart are more accurate in seeing your personality and overall pattern of life.

However, we can quickly see how certain placements of the Sun Sign can lead to feeding the ego. This is because the Sun is said to be the king. The one who carries godly and righteous energy. The pure light of the heavens and the commander over all beings in existence. In Hinduism, this is also referred to as being an exalted being. For this reason, the Sun shows where we feel the proudest, confident, and deserving of praise. The Sun instantly lights up whatever House he's positioned in or whatever planets he's influencing. Making that an area where we showcase brilliance and excellence. This can go to an individual's head (ego) quickly. Especially if they lack a spiritual path in life.

The Sun is said to take on many representations in Vedic Astrology. There are too many to fit into this blog post. However, one of the most common forms of the Sun in Vedic Astrology is Surya Deva. Surya is the god of the Sun. Also known as the creator of the universe and the source of all life. Another name for Surya is Aditya. For he is said to be the son of Aditi, mother of the gods. Aditi is the presiding deity of Punarvasu. We also refer to him as the 12 Adityas or the 12 solar deities. Where he has many stories of taking on different faces. Most of these Adityas have influence over Nakshatras and are associated with the 12 months of the Zodiac Signs. Another form of Surya is Indra. Indra is the king of the gods and the god of thunder. He has unlimited power and rules over heaven. Indra is known for his stories of battling against powerful demons to protect the heavens. Interestingly enough, he was depicted as being relatively weak for a god and being conquered in battle. Yet, he held the highest position and commanded the other gods. It is said he's not known for being the strongest because of his abilities. Instead, it's because he had incredible resilience and would fight time and time again without giving up. Indra is also the presiding deity of Vishakha and Jyeshta. If you haven't yet, feel free to see my blog post on Exploring Vishakha. Some also refer to the Sun as being depicted as the Vishvedevas. The Visvedevas are the Universal gods of the Heavenly Plane. Visvedevas include the Adityas. As Visvedevas is Sanskrit for "All-Gods". Many people believe that Hinduism is a practice related to having multiple gods. In truth, every god in Hindu practices is a different manifestation of the one God. It's a practice of seeing God reflected in all of his creation instead of seeing him as a separate entity outside of ourselves. In Rig-Veda, 33 Visvedevas were counted specifically. 11 for the Earth Plane, 11 for Space, and 11 for the Heavenly Plane. 10 are recognized as the presiding deity of the Uttarashadha Nakshatra. We will discuss more on the Nakshatras of Punarvasu, Jyeshta, and Uttarashadha in future blogs.

In a natal chart, the Sun can be understood in many ways. To start with, we will need to understand the strength of the Sun Sign. If the Sun is placed in Taurus; Libra; Capricorn; or Aquarius, it's considered to be a difficult placement. This is because they are more realistic signs. Meaning that they can easily get caught up in material desires. This takes away from the pure mission of the Sun. Taurus and Libra are even where the Sun is said to lose his strength. This can be good to a certain extent. It means that the individual will have more social decency for the needs of others. However, it can be social etiquette to the point of neglecting one's own needs. This is because they are ruled by Venus, a relationship-oriented planet. To find out more about Venus, see the Mysteries of Shukra (Venus). Capricorn and Aquarius are also difficult because they are about the sacrifices needed within society. This can put a huge sense of responsibility and maturity on these signs. Even to the point of fearing authority or diminishing their sense of self. Again, these are signs that are low on ego and genuinely want to help humanity. However, they lack the proper ego that's needed to be selfish when their needs should come first. Ultimately prioritizing everyone else. This is mostly due to Saturn's mature, harsh, and limited nature. See Secrets of Shani (Saturn), to find out more about the planet Saturn. These are major positions that the Sun doesn't want to be in. As the Sun knows his worth and wants to lead with dignity. That's why their rulers of Venus and Saturn are the Sun's enemies. Even Rahu is a co-ruler of Aquarius. Rahu is the most materialistic of them all, and Rahu is responsible for the darkness that blocks the Sun's light during an eclipse. To know more about Rahu, check out my blog post on the Secrets of Rahu (North Node).

The Sun is also connected to the Trikona Houses in a Natal Chart. These are Dharmic (Purpose and Right Action) Houses. They are also considered to be the most favorable and fortunate Houses. Along with being the Houses in a Natal Chart that are connected to past life karma. I discuss this largely in my blog post on Secrets of Ketu (South Node). This is because Ketu is the planet that directly deals with past life experiences. Feel free to check it out for more details. Jupiter also plays a role in the dharmic implications in a person's life. Check out Secrets of Guru (Jupiter) to find out more. The Trikona Houses are the Ascendant/1st House, 5th House, and 9th House. They tell us a great deal about the pure and righteous nature of the Sun.

However, we do tend to think of this as being kind. Jupiter is the only planet that I have really seen as behaving in a gentle way. The Sun is actually considered to be mildly malefic. Meaning that he is less harsh than the malefics of Mars, Saturn, Rahu, and Ketu. However, he is still a harsh planet. This is because of the pure and righteous nature of the Sun. We can see this in the Nakshatras that the Sun rules. So far, I have only covered one Nakshatra ruled by the Sun. Feel free to see Understanding Uttara Phalguni, to read all about it. However, Krittika is the first Nakshatra ruled by the Sun. It is a harsh Nakshatra. This is because Krittika is all about cleansing out impurities with the sharpness of a blade and scorching fire. It is a very critical and straightforward Nakshatra, but we will discuss it more in a future blog. Uttarashadha also has the animal symbol of a mongoose. Representing its invisibility and noble attributes. As Uttarashadha is all about enlightenment and righteous deeds. Uttara Phalguni is the more gentle of the three. It's centered around favors and contracts within partnerships. Uttara Phalguni is one of the most loyal and stable of all of the Nakshatra. Yet, it still exhibits strong masculine qualities and a regal attitude. This can even be true for the women born under Uttara Phalguni. Especially in the portion that falls in Leo. As Leo is the royal sign that is the Sun's own sign. To read more about this Nakshatra, see the blog post.

Due to the connection to the 1st; 5th; and 9th Houses, the Sun also has to do with knowledge, religion, and law. The Sun is light. So, the Sun brings awareness. Through this, we process clarity and insight in our lives. This is why the ego can even be found where the Sun is positioned. We are illuminated in consciousness where the Sun is. If we are already aware, then we will naturally feel confident in that area. So, the 5th House of past life skills, knowledge, creativity, scripture, and rituals has a big role to play in the Sun's influence. Along with the 9th House of pending karma, father, teacher, travel, culture, law, philosophy, religion, wisdom, and higher education. The Ascendant/1st House is also representing your physical head. So, it is where your mentality and personality are. The 1st House affects your physical patterns and experiences throughout life. Making it one of the 1st Houses of intelligence. Each of the Sun's Nakshatras also shows a connection to sacred practices and intellectual capabilities. Krittika is the most critical and concise. It also deals directly with purification. Uttara Phalguni is also a clever and practical Nakshatra. Along with dealing with righteousness and fairness. Uttarashadha is the ultimate example of righteous deeds and being enlightened with wisdom. As it is the height of the Sun's expression.

As the Sun also is the king, it represents authority. We can see this because the 5th House deals with our sacred practices. The 9th House also deals with the father or any teachers that can provide us with wisdom in our lives. However, we can especially see this because of the Sun's directional strength in the 10th House. The Sun is directionally strong in the 10th House because the 10th House is the space directly above us. Therefore, it is the highest location for the Sun to reach as it goes from East to West. We refer to it as 12 noon. When the Sun is at its brightest and most visible. In the same way, any planet in the 10th House is the most visible to the public. It's where you show up the strongest in the eyes of society. This is why the 10th House is associated with career, ambitions, responsibility, reputation, and authority. For this reason, the Sun represents the father, government, bosses, and any other authority figures in your life. Along with your own authority. Look to the Sun to see how your leadership skills are. Also, this tells us that the position of the Sun will show what your relationship with your father and other authority figures will look like. If you have a badly damaged Sun Sign, you might have a complicated relationship with your father or might not have had a father present in your upbringing at all.

It's important to see what Zodiac Sign is your Sun in and what House is your Sun in. The Sun favors Aries, Cancer, Leo, Sagittarius, and Pisces the most.

Along with the Ascendant/1st, 5th, 9th, and 10th Houses. To see leadership roles or recognition among the public, the 1st, 3rd, 5th, 7th, 9th, 10th, and 11th tend to be the best Houses. If you have the Sun in the 4th, 8th, and 12th Houses, you might be more of a private individual. Sun in 2nd House can show that you have a strong soul focus on family and material comfort. That might make it difficult to have a spiritual or purposeful life. If you have the Sun in the 6th House, you are probably a hard-working individual. You might have really good health, but be cautious of issues related to the heart and bones. It can also make you great at athletics, healing professions, and conflict management.

Also, keep in mind any aspects or conjunctions with other planets. If any planets are too close in degrees to the Sun, they are considered to be in a Combustion.

Meaning that they are engulfed by the rays of the Sun. So, these planets would show up as invisible if you were to look for them in the sky at the moment of birth. Some refer to this as being purified by the Sun. Others say that they are being blasted by the heat of the Sun. This means the same thing. It is also said that each planet is in Combustion at a certain planetary degree. These would be 12° or less for the Moon, 14° or less for Mercury, 10° or less for Venus, 17° or less for Mars, 11° or less for Jupiter, and 15° or less for Saturn. It is also said that Mercury Retrograde is Combust at 12° and Venus Retrograde is Combust at 8°. As a rule, I have found that 10° or less gives the greatest effect. These Combustions can be negative or positive depending on the planet.

A Combust Moon usually happens during a New Moon. This is simply a time to start a new phase of your life. If you have this position, you might experience a lot of intense emotions and disappointments in life.

A Combust Mercury tends to give brilliance in terms of intelligence and business skills. However, it can also give extreme restlessness and difficulty in making decisions.

A Combust Mars can show conflicts with authority and you might have difficulty expressing your assertiveness. This can be frustrating and you might become overly competitive, aggressive, and independent to compensate for it.

A Combust Venus can bring conflicts in marriage and relationships. You might go through many divorces and breakups repeatedly. Along with having difficulty holding onto money and possessions.

A Combust Jupiter can give difficulties with abundance and prosperity. You might struggle with gaining what you want out of life. Along with having challenges in your education.

A Combust Saturn might show conflicts with work and responsibility. You can get fired or have to change your career a lot. You will have recurring conflicts with bosses. Along with potential health issues. Especially involving the bones and skin.

A Combust Rahu usually happens during an eclipse. This is because Rahu is the shadow planet who engulfs the Sun during Eclipse season. This is Rahu's revenge for being beheaded and cast out from being one of the gods. Putting us in a time of total darkness. You will have large dreams and a desire to be recognized in life. There might also be excess in ego. You can take the wrong path in life. This is because Rahu's demonic energy is overpowering the purity of the Sun. It can also give issues with your father. Fluctuations can happen, but the Combust Rahu tends to actually give fame and success in life.

A Combust Ketu can also happen during an eclipse. Except, Ketu is the opposite of Rahu. This can show an individual with low ego. You might be introverted and lacking in self-confidence. This can be great for not getting stuck in the ego. However, you might lack the ability to take action and assert your confidence.

Also, keep in mind that everyone's chart is different. This will play out differently depending on the Zodiac Sign, House, Planets Involved, House Lord, and Sign Lord. Another thing to consider is that Saturn, Rahu, and Ketu in particular are karmic planets. So, a Combust Saturn can improve after your Saturn Return around 29-36 years of age, and Rahu/Ketu tends to improve after 35.

Some other indications to look out for is the strength of the Sun in your other Varga (Divisional) Charts. If the Sun is weak in your D1 Natal Chart but strong in your D9 Navamsa, the Sun can actually be positive for you. Especially as you cross your Saturn Return or enter into a marriage. Your courage and willpower should improve with maturity. However, if the Sun is strong in the D1 Natal Chart but losses strength in the D9 Navamsa, this is not a good sign. The Sun in your D10 Dasamsa can have a big influence on your career. Especially if he's in a leadership position in your D1 Natal Chart or if he's your Atmakarka (soul planet). Also, the Sun as the Atyamakara (supporter of the soul planet) can help you find your talents that will lead to success.

Another important factor to look at is your Dashas (planetary ruled periods). If you are in a Sun Mahadasha, it is a great time to see the positioning of the Sun in your Varga Charts. If the Sun is positively positioned, you might find that authority figures favor you and help to give you the tools for success. It might be a time when your leadership skills are needed and you can find great success in life. The theme of your life during the 6-year Sun Mahadasha will be all about you finding your purpose and developing your self-confidence. A negatively positioned Sun during this Mahadasha can bring conflicts with the government and authority figures. You might also develop ego issues or a lack of self-worth.

It would be important to focus on your purpose in life, avoid disrespecting authority figures, and remain righteous in your actions. Positive self-talk, confidence exercises, and other character-building exercises might be helpful for you. Take the advice of an authority figure that you get along with or who you know you can trust. If you find that you lack motivation, try incorporating exercise; spiritual practices; competitions; some of your hobbies that you're passionate about, or find something that motivates you. Motivational speakers, Ted Talks, audiobooks, motivational music, and other tactics can help you. Also, try holistic practices that help to balance your chakras and promote energy to the body. Such as yoga, meditation, getting enough sleep, drinking enough water, Pranayama, mantras, mudras, getting the proper nutrients in your diet, wearing gemstones that increase your energy, etc... Believe it or not, caffeine; technology; and other stimulates can affect you negatively in this Mahadasha. Even if you are fine in other Mahadashas. Seeing your general physician, a therapist, an ayurvedic doctor, a life coach, or an astrologer might be good for you during this Dasha. Just to be sure that you are getting the proper advice to make the most out of your life.

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