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Secrets of the Jyeshta Nakshatra

Updated: Sep 22, 2022

Jyeshta (16°40'- 30° Scorpio ♏️)

"Magic and Intensity"

Meaning: The Chief

Name: The Elder Star

Star Name: Antares

Symbol: Umbrella, Circular Talisman

Presiding Deity: Indra (god of Thunder/King of the gods)

Planetary Association: Budh (Mercury)

Aim of Life: Artha (Security)

Temperament: Rakshasha (Demon)

Caste: Farmer/Servant

Element: Vayu (Wind)

Gender: Female

Ayurvedic Type: Vatu (Air and Space)

Quality: Sattvic (Balance)

Nature: Sharp

Activity: Active

Trimurti: Shiva (Dissolve)

Yoni: Male Deer/Male Rabbit

Yoni Consort: Anuradha

Best Match: Magha, Anuradha

Worst Match: Ardra, Punarvasu, Purva Bhadrapada

Padas (Quarters) of Jyeshta

(Luck, Marriage, & Microscopic View)

Pada 1: 16°40'- 20° Scorpio

Navamsa: Sagittarius

Focus: Family, Money, Generosity

Pada 2: 20°- 23°20' Scorpio

Navamsa: Capricorn

Focus: Discipline, Challenge, Protection

Pada 3: 23°20'- 26°40' Scorpio

Navamsa: Aquarius

Focus: Humanity, Science, Eccentricity

Pada 4: 26°40'- 30° Scorpio

Navamsa: Pisces

Focus: Emotion, Imagination, Indulgence

Jyeshta is positioned from 16°40'- 30° of Sidereal Scorpio. This can also be found in Western Tropical Sagittarius. Jyeshta means "The Chief". The Star Name for Jyeshta is Antares. Antares is found in the eye of the scorpion. It's known as The Elder Star. The symbols for Jyeshta are an Umbrella and a Circular Talisman. Indra is the ruling deity of Jyeshta. Mercury is also the planetary ruler. Along with it having an influence from Mars and Ketu because of its placement in Scorpio.

Jyeshta is one of the most intense Nakshatras in the Zodiac. I like to say that it represents the stinger on the scorpion. It is positioned at the end of Scorpio. Although, technically, you will find this star in the eye of the Scorpius Constellation. These are individuals who are strong and powerful in their personalities. With strong opinions and convictions that they aren't afraid to make known to others. However, they can also be physically strong. For physical strength, planetary strength needs to be seen in the natal chart. Having a strong Jyeshta placement can show an interest in martial arts and aggressive sports with a lot of competition. It might just be that these individuals are a coach or have an intense focus on physical fitness. This has to do with this being in Scorpio where we see the rulership of Mars and Ketu. These are two combustible energies. Mars is the planet that is geared towards aggression, strength, assertiveness, fighting for a noble cause, and taking charge of situations. Ketu is even a planet of great power and transformation. Creating explosive endings and beginnings. To learn more about Ketu, check my blog post on Secrets of Ketu (South Node). The ruling planet of Jyeshta is Mercury. Mercury is a planet of movement. Causing these individuals to want to express the body with explosive moments. The ruling deity of Jyeshta is also Indra. Indra is the king of gods. Relating to this being "The Chief" or the Elder Star. So, Jyeshta individuals want to take the lead or be on top in many situations. Promoting a competitive spirit. This can also be seen in the Circular Talisman. Long ago, wearing a circular earring was a symbol of rank and authority. Kings wore shiny earrings to display their nobility and power.

"The Chief" also represents the journey that these individuals take throughout life. This is especially true if they have it in the Ascendant. The Moon will definitely show this at an emotional level. Jyeshta tends to go through many struggles at an early age. They make reckless decisions and can sometimes have difficulty maturing. Arrogance, pride, and entitlement can be a part of this beginning stage of immaturity. Having a superiority complex can be seen sometimes. They know that they are meant to be leaders, but they are sometimes too quick to assume leadership before they are truly ready for it. However, they learn through experience. The hard lessons and challenges that Jyeshta faces make them wiser over time. Notice that Mercury rules this Nakshatra and Mercury is the youngest of the planets. So, they will have a lot of growing to do before reaching their true potential. It can be a harsh "real-world" experience. Yet, Jyeshta individuals do mature in time and can end up making excellent leaders. Due to their experiences, they make excellent teachers and guides to others. Lighting the path for those who need it. Leo is the 10th House for Scorpio Moon/Ascendant. This is why Indra is considered to be on his throne in this Nakshatra. It is said that Jyeshta embodies the power of Indra. The god who wields the power over the heavens and the power of thunder. The shakti (power) of Jyeshta is even said to be the power to rise above perils and to conquer the subconscious. This is why it's also called "The Chief" or The Elder Star.

Along with this, Jyeshta individuals tend to be focused on their careers. Having material security and being respected in their career is important to them. This is an insecurity that tends to be found in this Nakshatra. Even though, these are mainly tough and courageous natives. They do tend to have fears related to their status or achievements. Being the best or being the boss can sometimes be an obsession for them. This can come across as aggressive and dominating to others. Yet, it really comes from a desire to improve upon themselves and to gain stability in life. With Mercury ruling this Nakshatra, there tends to be a lot of change and fluctuation. They can find it difficult to find stability and settle in life. Life can go from success to failure repeatedly. However, they always find the faith and strength to come back from defeat. This insecurity can be seen by the symbol of the umbrella. Jyeshta can tend to hide their intense feelings away. An unhealthy Jyeshta individual could be self-harming, getting caught in addictive behaviors, or self-destructing their life in secret. While remaining positive and cheerful in their appearance on the surface. Being tough is not always good for them. Sometimes it is best for Jyeshta to resolve their problems. This way they can be successful as they are meant to be. They can also be secretive about their money. Their extra money might be secretively stored away or they might not realize that they have additional money hidden away.

The umbrella also symbolizes the "dark world". Jyeshta individuals are incredibly curious due to the rulership of Mercury. They want to know the truth. Not just the tangible truth. They want to know the deeper meaning behind life. Jyeshta individuals are always asking big questions and trying to get an understanding of everything. Sometimes their questions are so deep that there isn't a definitive answer. Many of them ask questions that can be open to interpretation or that can be answered in many ways. This is the Scorpio stinger that digs into everything. They are the natural metaphysical detectives of the Zodiac. So, Jyeshta can have an interest in what we refer to as the "dark world". This simply means occult knowledge and taboo subjects. Although, many of these topics are normal in the modern day. Whereas, hundreds of years ago, they were considered odd and dark subjects to discuss. This can include subjects such as tarot, astrology, numerology, psychics, conspiracies, alternative healing, etc... Their communication and intelligence can also help them progress in their career. Although, there will also be a childlike curiosity to them that allows them to stay in touch with their inner child. Sometimes, they might appear to be very jovial and humorous. Once again, Mercury is the youngest of the planets. So, life is meant to be experienced and taken lightly from their perspective. This might differ from their strong appearance. As they tend to keep their softer side hidden away. Also, this childlike demeanor might keep them pure and honest. Especially because Scorpio is all about uncovering the hidden truths. So, Jyeshta might not be the one to trust with a secret.

The other symbol is the Circular Talisman. The animal symbol of Jyeshta is a male deer or a rabbit. This reminds me of the white rabbit from Alice and Wonderland or from the Matrix. There is some kind of magic behind this Nakshatra. No matter how many difficulties or challenges they go through, they are always blessed and protected. Many times, they gain through their enemies instead of being defeated. This magic has to do with their strong faith in the Spirit and their belief in the mysteries of the Universe. They believe in the protection of energies and the powers of magical forces. Remember that Jyeshta is placed in Scorpio. Scorpio is ruled by Ketu. Ketu unveils the truth and shows us the knowledge that exists beyond the Maya (material illusion). Not only are they protected though. Jyeshta is also very protective, themselves. They stand up and fight for those in need. Especially for the underdog, underprivileged, elderly, children, and women. These individuals come with natural survival and protective instincts. Jyeshta has great compassion and is very generous.


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-Daquan Jones

Psychic, Empath, YouTube Creator, Author, Life Coach, Astrologer

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