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Secrets of the Shravana Nakshatra

Updated: Sep 22, 2022


(10°- 23°20' Capricorn ♑️)

"Listening + Learning = Success"

Meaning: To Hear and Listen

Name: The Star Of The Learning Ear

Star Name: Altair

Symbol: Three Footsteps

Presiding Deity: Vishnu (god of Perseverance)

Planetary Association: Chandra (Moon)

Aim of Life: Artha (Security)

Temperament: Deva (Divine)

Caste: Outcaste

Element: Wind

Gender: Male

Ayurvedic Type: Kapha (Earth and Water)

Quality: Rajasic (Passionate)

Nature: Moveable

Trimurti: Brahma (To Create)

Yoni: Female Monkey

Yoni Consort: Purvashadha

Best Match: Bharani, Pushya, Uttara Bhadrapada

Worst Match: Magha, Krittika, Ashlesha

Padas (Quarters) of Shravana

(Luck, Marriage, & Microscopic View)

Pada 1: 10°- 13°20' Capricorn

Navamsa: Aries

Focus: Ambitious, Learner, Career Oriented

Pada 2: 13°20'- 16°40' Capricorn

Navamsa: Taurus

Focus: Social, Friendly, Material Success

Pada 3: 16°40'- 20° Capricorn

Navamsa: Gemini

Focus: Curious, Talkative, Media Oriented

Pada 4: 20°- 23°20' Capricorn

Navamsa: Cancer

Focus: Emotional, Supportive, Empathetic

Shravana is positioned from 10°- 23°20' of Sidereal Vedic Capricorn. It can also be found in Western Tropical Aquarius. The meaning of Shravana is "To Listen". Shravana is also referred to as The Learning Ear Star. The Star Name is Altair. Shravana is also symbolized by an ear or three footsteps. The ruling deity of Shravana is Vishnu and the planetary ruler is the Moon. Saturn also influences Shravana due to it being positioned in Capricorn. Shravana is the most like Capricorn because it's entirely contained within the sign. This is a very sensitive and receptive Nakshatra. That might surprise some because Capricorn is typically perceived as being very serious and too focused on social responsibilities. However, Cancer rules the 7th House for a Capricorn Moon or Ascendant. This indicates that there is a hidden soft side to these individuals. There is usually a karmic connection found with the mother. Capricorn individuals might not have gotten as much nourishment as they wanted in their earlier years. Or they could've been overwhelmed by it to the point of not having a choice to make decisions for themselves. Causing a need to grow up very quickly, but they still have an inner child in them that yearns for love. They are just looking for someone to support their sensitive side and for it to be okay to let down their emotional walls. Then, their hardworking and serious image can start to fall away when it's time to connect with others. Don't let the serious, cool, and detached demeanor fool you. Often, a nurturing and emotionally supportive partner will be best for them. It helps them to open up more.

"To Listen". As mentioned before, Shravana is very receptive. They make great listeners and observers. This is their secret as to why they can be so intelligent, wealthy, prominent, and successful. They often listen because they love to learn, but also because they want to have a connection. Shravana individuals are skilled at paying attention to the needs and qualities of others. By doing this, they are able to show their compassion in a practical way. Sometimes when others are struggling, Shravana will point them in the right direction to overcome their difficulties. If a person is talented, Shravana individuals will support them in making use of their talent. These are people who are exceptional at networking and mentoring others. It is said that Shravana has the shakti or power to connect. However, they might not admit this. Shravana individuals tend to be quite shy and reserved. They aren't afraid to connect to others, but they are very self-conscious. Reputation and being respectful to others are important to them. So, Shravana tends to be sensitive about their appearance and struggle with receiving criticism. Their focus tends to be more on how they can nurture the feeling and needs of others. As this is also ruled by the Moon. The Moon represents the mother and nourishment. However, they tend to neglect their own needs and a supportive spouse would help them a lot. Knowing that someone is emotionally available will help boost their inner confidence. Keep in mind that they are under a Saturn-ruled sign. Saturn is the enemy of the Sun and is a fear-inducing planet. To know more about Saturn, check out my blog post on Secrets of Shani (Saturn). Aquarius struggles too. Saturn's agenda is for these signs to focus more on society than themselves. However, Capricorn tends to struggle the most with self-esteem and with upholding a perfectly responsible image to the world. Jealousy and high sensitivity can come from worrying about how others will react to them. This is because Leo is hidden away in the 8th House. Shravana individuals have great charisma and leadership abilities within. They just have to overcome fears and be willing to be seen for who they are. Not for the position that they have or for the person that they look up to. This leadership skill can also be seen through the star itself. Altair is found at the top of the Aquila constellation. Aquila is depicted as an eagle and eagles are a symbol of wisdom, leadership, and counsel.

The Learning Ear Star tells us that listening to people isn't their only expertise. Some of the most intelligent individuals are born under this Nakshatra. They usually carry old soul energy about them. Mature and well-rounded, they always have excellent insight to share with others. They are great leaders and will correct others when mistakes are made. However, they aren't forceful and aggressive about it. Shravana individuals have a natural calming effect and are well-mannered. On the flip side, it can be difficult to convince them of anything that they know to be untrue. So, they can be extremely stubborn at times. Yet, this comes from good intentions. These are well-educated people who want to stick with knowledge, tradition, morality, and security. Sometimes, this can make them overly fearful and paranoid about leaving their comfort zone. The ruling deity is Vishnu after all. Vishnu is one of the Trimurti (three faces of God in Hinduism). He is responsible for providing the nurturing to make sure that creation is preserved. This is one of the most important processes of any living creature in existence. The biggest perseverance in Shravana's case is knowledge. They always love to learn, read, listen, and travel. Traveling might lead Shravana individuals to live in or visit a foreign land. Writing, teaching, and counseling can also be talents of theirs. They can also have an affinity for music because they are such great listeners. So, Shravana individuals are naturally generous, compassionate, understanding, and charitable. This is needed for the good of any community, and they are often well-known as a person to lean on for support. However, Shravana individuals can lack healthy boundaries and can give too much to others. They are highly impressionable and need to be discerning about who/what they chose to be receptive to. This explains why Vishnu in Vedic Astrology is said to equate to Neptune in Western Tropical Astrology. They share similar qualities.

The "Three Footsteps" is said to be the three steps to achieving greatness. They are to listen, process, and learn. Vishnu succeeded in just three steps. The "Ear" again represents their amazing ability to listen and understand others. However, it also talks about their sensitivity. Shravana individuals can be extremely sensitive. This could also be a reason why they seem cool and detached at times. They are usually empaths and are sensitive in ways that others don't understand. Loud noises can especially disturb them. However, they can have sensitivity to other sensory interruptions from their environment. They are soft-spoken, gentle, and patient. Shravana also tends to show an attractive appearance due to the rulership of the Moon. Although, they might have markings or a scar on the face because of Saturn. Younger years tend to be more challenging until Shravana is able to overcome their sensitivity. There could even be a psychic ability or an interest in mystical subjects associated with this Nakshatra. Shravana is usually heavily guided by a higher force. Along with having gifts in illusionary arts. So, magicians and hypnotists can be seen under Shravana. Along with juggling and other unique skills. With the Moon being the ruler. However, these are highly impressionable people. So, discernment will always be needed. They should be careful of being talked into religious cults or being convinced to make sacrifices for ill-intended parties. Once again, Shravana individuals can get hurt or taken advantage of easily. The animal symbol is even a female monkey. This reminds me of "monkey see, monkey do". Judgment and criticism can be traumatizing for them. So, having healthy boundaries and being in the right community of people can help them. The spouse and/or the mother tend to be very beneficial for them in their lives. However, Shravana can lead towards few children or even no children. Although, the D1 Natal Chart, D7 Saptamsa, and D9 Navamsa should be analyzed before coming to this conclusion. It's especially important to see the placements in a female's chart along with a male's chart. It is also best to see the condition of the Moon and Saturn to fully understand Shravana's condition in the chart.

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-Daquan Jones

Psychic, Empath, YouTube Creator, Author, Life Coach, Astrologer

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