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Shani (Saturn) Secrets in Vedic Astrology

Updated: Sep 29, 2022

Shani: "The Karmic Judge"

The Path of Self Improvement

In Vedic Astrology, the Zodiac signs are based on the position of the stars rather than the Seasons on Earth. This results in a 23-degree difference between the typical Western Tropical Zodiac and the Vedic Sidereal Zodiac. The Moon Sign is also seen as the Zodiac sign vs. the Sun in Western Tropical. While the Sun still holds great importance in representing the soul’s desire or the ego of an individual. The Moon is representing the true nature of a person and the way their mind works. The Ascendant represents the personality, physical body, appearance, and life foundation. Anytime that the Sun, Moon, or Ascendant is placed in a Zodiac sign, it holds great importance. The Moon is always the most important. Then the Ascendant. Lastly, the Sun will also make an impact. Primarily, the behavior and appearance of a person are based on the Moon and Ascendant. While the Sun can show what a person feels inspired about, where they shine, and what career path they feel drawn towards. In Vedic Astrology, we also consider Fixed Stars. This is something that relates more to the Moon’s influence than the Sun. Since they can’t be seen from the Western Tropical view. However, this opens up the door to the 27 Nakshatras or Lunar Mansions. Each Zodiac Sign is distributed through 3 to 2.5 Nakshatras. This further distinguishes the Zodiac Signs into three different personality types. Therefore, even a person born under the same Zodiac Sign as someone else can behave differently.


Saturn is seen in Western philosophies as Lord Kronos from Greek Mythology. Lord Kronos and Rhea were known as the parents of Zeus, Hades, Hera, Demeter, and Poseidon. In the story, Kronos eats his children. Yet, he is tricked. Rhea hid baby Zeus and fed Kronos a rock instead. Zeus then grew strong enough to force his father to regurgitate his siblings. After Zeus overthrew his father, Kronos was sentenced to a prisoner in Tartarus. There he waits patiently to return to overthrow Olympus. In Greek texts, Kronos is depicted as an old man holding a sickle in hand. As he is ready for the harvest.

Kronos in the Process of Devouring His Children

No matter if you're using Vedic Astrology or Tropical Astrology, it is understood that Saturn is associated with justice and karmic balance. This is why Saturn is said to reach exaltation in the Zodiac Sign of Libra. Libra is all about the karmic exchange of equal give and take. This can also be seen in Egyptian Mythology. The fate of a soul's journey to the afterlife is weighed on a balance scale. Saturn is often depicted as being at a graveyard. There is where he takes the souls that have no choice but to leave. Their time is up. The Grim Reaper also corresponds with the theme of Saturn. Kronos in himself was a god that dealt with the restrictions of time and how there is a season where the harvest must take place. The Autumn where life begins to die and hard changes need to take place are unavoidable. In the same way, Saturn is a teacher of the hard lessons of this reality.

Libra Depicted as the Weighing of the Soul's Fate

In our natal charts, Saturn represents the most difficult area of our lives. It is understood that Saturn shows the residual karma from our previous lives. Indicating an area of life that needs to be addressed and resolved. Many people who are familiar with Astrology do refer to Saturn as "the devil" or as "the boogie man". Saturn is a justice enforcer. However, Saturn's ultimate goal is to help us mature and reach our greatest success. The area of your horoscope that is affected by Saturn will show restriction. Oftentimes, we will try to get results in life and there will be many obstacles and blocks along the way. This is Saturn's domain. Saturn shows fears, limitations, restrictions, and delays. This area that Saturn will rule is for you to overcome your limitations. However, Saturn won't let you do this right away. Saturn deals with time and maturity. You must wait for the right time for the harvesting of the bounty.

The Grim Reaper Taking the Soul at Death

See, Saturn shows where we might've had unresolved issues in a past life experience. So, Saturn is prepared to keep you from repeating the past. This is done by limiting this area of life. In turn, the limitation is the karmic debt that you are paying in full. Once, you have reached a certain age in this life, Saturn will loosen up his karmic grip. For you have earned the right to get your results through the time that has passed. However, that isn't the end. Saturn still wants you to continue to work responsibly towards your goals. This is a planet that doesn't tolerate a lack of discipline. Therefore, Saturn won't give you the bounty without you putting forth patience and diligence.

Depiction of Past Life Karma

The age that Saturn typically releases the karmic hold is around 29 years of age. To Saturn, a person doesn't mature until their 30s. Typically during a time of settling into marriage or making more responsible choices in life. As the 20s are still a time of figuring out what it means to be mature. Making it a time that is liable to many chaotic changes and childlike mistakes along the way.

Depiction of Maturity Throughout Life

The path of Saturn is a big deal for maturity in this life. At around the age of 14, an individual will go through their first Saturn Opposition. This indicates the halfway point towards maturity. So, this is another type of right of passage to the path of maturity. This is typically a time of rebelling against the influence of an individual's parents. If you follow Tropical Astrology, there is also Saturn Squares at the age of 7 and 21. This also plays a major role in our maturation process. This is because 7 can indicate a strong attachment to the mother and 21 can indicate a desire to detach from the mother. Here in the US, 18 is also considered to be another important age associated with maturity. 54 is the second Saturn Return. This can be described as a time of grand wisdom and maturity. One might have great experience and advice to share at this age. Additional Saturn Oppositions can be found at 42 and 77. The age of 42 can be associated with crises and dramatic changes.

Planet Saturn

Saturn in our natal charts can also indicate the misfortunate. This is because Saturn isn't about instant gratification, magical abundance, or protection from this material world. Instead, Saturn is the planet that deals with patience and hard work. Only then will Saturn give us magical abundance. Unlike Jupiter who teaches us through luck and expansion. Saturn is about the hard reality and working from "the bottom" to get to "the top". So, Saturn is associated with the sick, weak, underprivileged, handicapped, servants, subordinates, and blue-collar workers. Saturn is also associated with the teeth, skin, bones, nails, and hair. All of these areas of the body can be afflicted depending on Saturn's position in the chart. Saturn also deals with the law and authority figures. Typically, grandparents and wise elders can be connected to Saturn. Along with death, isolation, loneliness, depression, separation, and all of the burdens that we are subject to carry in life. This is a cold and distant planet. Making Saturn the natural enemy of his father. Also known as Surya (the Sun).


Believe it or not, Saturn is also associated with spirituality and mysticism. This is one of the reasons that the 8th House is considered to be a great position for Saturn. This is because Saturn gives the discipline that is needed in spirituality. Most spiritual or religious practices require a certain amount of restraint. This is another reason why we see Saturn controlling a significant Nakshatra found in the sign of Pisces. Uttara Bhadrapada (3°20'- 16 °40' Pisces) is a Nakshatra that is known for being deeply imaginative and for carrying deep wisdom. However, it takes a great deal of discipline to achieve the mastery that is needed to access this wisdom. Without the stability of Saturn, an individual is likely to escape reality and get lost in another realm of reality. Saturn is also associated with the 8th House because he's a cold, secretive, distant, rigid, controlling, binding, and harsh planet. This also pertains to the 8th House being connected to sudden changes and the secretive aspects of life.

Spiritual Discipline

It's important to recognize that Saturn has a 3rd, 7th, and 10th Aspect from himself. Also, keep in mind where Saturn is in your D9 Navamsa. Are any planets aspecting/aspected by or Conjunct with Saturn? Along with when you will undergo a Saturn Mahadasha or Antardasha.

Saturn is at home in Capricorn and Aquarius and in Exaltation in Libra. Saturn is Debilitated in Aries and becomes extreme in his uncomfortable positions of Cancer and Leo. Saturn can also struggle in Scorpio, Sagittarius, and Pisces. They are fairy-neutral positions. Mercury and Venus are friends of Saturn. So, Taurus, Gemini, and Virgo are typically easier placements. Still, Saturn holds karmic lessons no matter where he's placed. As he is a naturally malefic planet.

Saturn also does well in the Houses that are challenging or that only grow with time. The 3rd, 6th, 10th, and 11th Houses are known as Upachaya Houses. Meaning that they are challenging, but they get better with time and effort. Saturn does well in these Houses when it comes to work and career. Although, there might be other challenges that come along with the success of the business front.

Saturn in the 3rd is known for causing difficulty with communication and in having the courage to pursue an individual's desires. One might seek isolation or become serious in pursuing tasks in a solitary and restricted way. You might communicate more about serious and mature topics. Having little interest in small talk or petty topics. This can also show a loss or separation from a sibling. Or simply a heavy responsibility or burden brought on by a sibling. This person might require a great deal of your time and support. This is especially true if you have a younger sibling. This position might even deny a sibling.

Saturn in the 6th House is a very promising position. Some consider Saturn to be a Karaka for the 6th House. This is because the 6th House deals with obstacles, delays, hard work, and the underprivileged similar to Saturn. It can protect or delay difficulties in life. However, those difficulties are still present. Due to the 6th House dealing with health, an individual might have concerns about their teeth, skin, and bones. If Saturn is beneficial to the horoscope, it can show a disciplined health routine. Yet, this can be strenuous. This might also show a job as a dentist, chiropractor, dermatologist, etc... However, the Dasha, Zodiac Sign, Depositor, Aspects, Special Yogas, Atmakarka, Atyamakarka, 10th House, 10th House Lord, D9 Navamsa, and D10 Dasamsa should be seen for the career.

Saturn in the 10th House could delay career results. You might have to work extremely hard to see any results. Although, this position can make you a powerful business leader. Whether you are an entrepreneur or work in a mundane job. You are likely to receive respect and recognition in your field. Yet, this only comes after an extreme amount of patience and dedication. You might feel limited in this area, but keep going to see your results. There might be hesitation or cautiousness in your approach to the public or the career sector. You have a desire for privacy but won't be able to have it. Your job might also cause distance in your connection to family or with a spouse.

Saturn in the 11th House is a great position for material abundance. However, don't expect to see results right away. This will be a long and slow process. Yet, by the end of it, you will have left your mark. You might have a grandparent or elder in your life who supports you. Along with the possibility of having an elder sibling who supports your dreams. However, you might be subject to taking care of this elder individual in your life. You might also have a limited amount of friends. It's important not to lose your identity by trying to force your way into connections just to compensate. You will have your soul tribe in time. Much of your life is being delayed or you might've undergone a delay in your personal development. This can actually mean that you live a longer life.

Saturn can also do well in the 8th House, but the 12th House is a difficult placement for Saturn. The 8th House Saturn can support your spiritual development and personal transformations. However, Saturn in the 12th tends to increase mental disorders and isolation. This can make life very unfortunate and difficult to manage. Keep in mind that this is very general. Understanding the Zodiac Sign, Dasha, Depositor, and Aspects is important. Even seeing Saturn in the D9 Navamsa can help to make the proper evaluation of these placements.

Saturn in the 2nd and 7th House can also be beneficial. These Houses are known as Marka Houses. Meaning that they can bring the most miserable and tiresome experiences. AKA. the Death Houses.

Saturn in the 2nd House can make a person very resourceful and responsible. You might be very good at doing what you need to do to survive in the world. Hard work and money management are in your nature. You might be very disciplined and possibly controlling within the home. Along with managing other people's resources and stability. Working towards your dreams and supporting your friends is also in your nature. However, this usually comes from a limitation in early childhood. Whether you didn't have enough resources or you experienced losing a loved one early on. So, facing unresolved issues and fear of abandonment might be a part of your karmic lesson.

Saturn in the 7th House can make you extremely committed and loyal in your dealings with others. Whether that's with a marriage partner, a boyfriend/girlfriend, a friend, a business partner, etc... You are extremely dependable. For this reason, you might attract those who are sick, weak, handicapped, underprivileged, or limited in some way. This can put a huge burden or responsibility on your shoulder. Just be cautious that this isn't someone who is simply taking advantage of your support. Also, you can experience a harsh death, illness, or separation in a partnership. Just know that you will be repaid with prosperity and abundance for your effort and support.


Saturn in Aries- Power of Leadership, but Difficulty in Leadership Positions

Saturn in Taurus- Skilled Financially and Respects Family, but Afraid of Risks with Money

Saturn in Gemini- Power of Reasoning and Problem Solving, but Delay in Decisions/Speech

Saturn in Cancer- Deeply Reflective and Self Improving, but Prone to a Negative Mind

Saturn in Leo- Hardworking and Authoritative, but Prone to Aggression and Frustration

Saturn in Virgo- Clever-minded and Creative, but Low Self-Esteem and Reliant on Others

Saturn in Libra- Power of Diplomacy, but Difficulty in Marriage and Overly Judgmental

Saturn in Scorpio- Experimental and Excellent Researcher, but Prone to Illness and Accidents

Saturn in Sagittarius- Educated and Involved in Foreign Dealings, but Preachy and Distant

Saturn in Capricorn- Helpful in Society and Highly Ambitious, but Fear of Law and Authority

Saturn in Aquarius- Justice-Oriented and Highly Intellectual, but Secretive and Sacrificial

Saturn in Pisces- Ethical and Artistic Talent, but Sacrificial and Isolated in Groups/Institutions

Saturn in 1st House- Powerful Personality, but Shy and Restricted in Expression/Appearance

Saturn in 2nd House- Responsible and Resourceful, but Limited in Childhood Upbringing

Saturn in 3rd House- Limitation in Communication, but Communication Can Drive Success

Saturn in 4th House- Disciplined Homelife, but Restricted in Thought and Nourishment

Saturn in 5th House- Talented and Creative, but Restraint in Expression of Fun and Creativity

Saturn in 6th House- Many Challenges, but Protected by Limitations or Delays in Hardship

Saturn in 7th House- Strong Commitment, but Possible Sickness/Death/Separation of Partner

Saturn in 8th House- Great Spiritual Progress and Longevity, but Possible Debilitating Disease

Saturn in 9th House- Great Mundane Wisdom, but Lack in Exploration or Rigid in Views

Saturn in 10th House- Great Work Ethic and Material Abundance, but Struggle with Authority

Saturn in 11th House- Success and Support, but Limitation in Friends and Delay in Gains

Saturn in 12th House- Deep Sorrow and Mental Disorder, Separation From Home/Property


If you were born with your Moon Sign in Pushya (3°20'- 16°40' Cancer), Anuradha (3°20'- 16°40' Scorpio), or Uttara Bhadrapada (3°20'- 16°40' Pisces), then you were born under a Saturn Mahadasha. So, you will only go through this period in the beginning part of your life. However, it is still connected to your Soul's DNA within your mind. Making it your psychological experience and life pattern.

If you were born with your Moon Sign in Ardra (6°40'- 20° Gemini), Swati (6°40'- 20° Libra), or Shatabhishak (6°40'- 20° Aquarius), then you were born under a Rahu Mahadasha. So, Saturn Mahadasha comes after Jupiter Mahadasha.

Those who have their Moon Sign in Ashwini (0°- 13°20' Aries), Magha (0°- 13°20' Leo), or Mula (0°- 13°20' Sagittarius), are born under a Ketu Mahadasha. The Saturn Mahadasha comes after Venus, Sun, Moon, Mars, Rahu, and Jupiter Mahadasha.

If you were born with your "Moon Sign" in Krittika (26°40' Aries- 10° Taurus), Uttara Phalguni (26°40' Leo- 10° Virgo), or Uttarashadha (26°40' Sagittarius- 10° Capricorn), then you were born under a Sun Mahadasha. The Saturn Mahadasha comes after the Moon, Mars, Rahu, and Jupiter Mahadasha.

Those who have their Moon Sign in Rohini (10°- 23°20' Taurus), Hasta (10°- 23°20' Virgo), or Shravana (10°- 23°20' Taurus), are born under a Moon Mahadasha. The Saturn Mahadasha comes after Mars, Rahu, and Jupiter Mahadasha.

If you were born with your Moon Sign in Mrigashira (23°20 Taurus- 6°40' Gemini), Chitra (23°20 Virgo- 6°40' Libra), or Dhanishta (23°20 Capricorn- 6°40' Aquarius), then you were born under a Mars Mahadasha. The Saturn Mahadasha comes after Mercury, Ketu, Venus, Sun, and Moon.

Those who have their Moon Sign in Ashlesha (16°40'- 30° Cancer), Jyeshta (16°40'- 30° Scorpio), Revati (16°40'- 30° Pisces), are born under a Mercury Mahadasha. The Saturn Mahadasha comes after the Ketu, Venus, Sun, Moon, Mars, Rahu, and Jupiter Mahadasha.

If you were born with your Moon Sign in Punarvasu (20° Gemini- 3°20' Cancer), Vishakha (20° Libra- 3°20' Scorpio), or Purva Bhadrapada (20° Aquarius- 3°20' Pisces), then you were born under a Jupiter Mahadasha. The Saturn Mahadasha comes after Mercury, Ketu, Venus, Sun, Moon, Mars, Rahu, and Saturn Mahadasha.

Those who have their Moon Sign in Bharani (13°20'- 26°40' Aries), Purva Phalguni (13°20'- 26°40' Leo), or Purvashadha (13°20'- 26°40' Sagittarius), are born under a Venus Mahadasha. The Saturn Mahadasha comes after the Sun, Moon, Mars, Rahu, and Jupiter Mahadasha.

-Daquan Jones

Psychic Empath, Clairvoyant, YouTube Creator, Author, Life Coach, Vedic

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