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Thoughts on the Year 2022

Updated: Sep 22, 2022

Year of the Tiger (Chinese Astrology)

Universal Year 6 (Numerology)

Rahu in Aries /Ketu in Libra (Nodal Axis)- April 2022- October 2023

Saturn in Capricorn/Aquarius

Jupiter in Aquarius/Pisces

Mars in Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces, Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Taurus

Venus Retrograde- December 2021- January 2022

Mars Retrograde- October 2022- January 2023

Solar Eclipse in Bharani- April 2022, Lunar Eclipse in Vishakha May 2022

Solar Eclipse in Chitra October 2022, Lunar Eclipse in Bharani November 2022

2022 is going to be a Universal Year 6 in Numerology. This is found by adding up the numbers in 2022. 2+0+2+2= 6. The number 6 in Numerology is ruled by Venus. It is a number that represents stability, commitment, routine, responsibilities, and serious relationships. This is extremely different from the vibration of 2021. 2+0+2+1 came to 5. 5 is a number influenced by Mercury. 5 is all about exciting change, casual connections, learning, exploring, and unexpected events. It is important to see what your Personal Year Number will be in 2021 to see how this Universal Year Number 6 will affect you personally. Everyone will experience the vibration of a different number depending on their Vibration Number. Your Vibration Number represents your personality as in how you present yourself to others and the way that you approach life. The Vibration Number is found by adding up your Birthday numbers. For example, I was born on June 3rd. So, 6+3 comes to 9. Therefore, my Vibration is 9. Now, for those born with a Vibration number of 9, you have the Universal Vibration. Meaning that 9 added to the current Universal Year Number equals the Universal Year Number. So all Vibration 9 individuals will experience a Personal Year 6 in 2021. On the contrary, others will need to add their Vibration Number to the Universal Number to find their Personal Year Number. To understand the process more, see the example below.

Vibration Number + Univeral Year Number = Personal Year Number

January 9th + 2021 =

(1+9) + (2+0+2+1)

1 + 6 = 7

Vibration 1 will have a Personal Year 7 in 2021

Vibration 2 will have a Personal Year 8 in 2021

Vibration 3 will have a Personal Year 9 in 2021

Vibration 4 will have a Personal Year 1 in 2021

Vibration 5 will have a Personal Year 11/2 in 2021

Vibration 6 will have a Personal Year 3 in 2021

Vibration 7 will have a Personal Year 4 in 2021

Vibration 8 will have a Personal Year 5 in 2021

Vibration 9 will have a Personal Year 6 in 2021

Master Numbers (11 still becomes 2, 22 becomes 4, 33 becomes 6)

Vibration 11/2 will have a Personal Year 8 in 2021

Vibration 22/4 will have a Personal Year 1 in 2021

Vibration 33/6 will have a Personal Year 3 in 2021

About the Numbers in Numerology

0- Ruled by Pluto- Infinity (No one personally carries this, we all share it collectively.)

1- Ruled by the Sun- Independent Leader

2- Ruled by the Moon- Sensitive Nurturer

3-Ruled by Jupiter- Creative Expression

4- Ruled by Uranus- Security Focused

5- Ruled by Mercury- Intellectual Explorer

6- Ruled by Venus- Supportive and Responsible

7- Ruled by Neptune- Spiritualist and Practical Learner

8- Ruled by Saturn- Powerful and Influential

9- Ruled by Mars- Old Soul/Humanitarian (Carries the Vibration of Every Personal Number)

11/2- Higher Octave of the Moon- Master Intuitive

22/4- Higher Octave of Uranus- Master Builder

33/6- Higher Octave of Venus- Master Teacher

You could also think of the number in terms of signs through Angel Numbers below.

0- Nothingness and Eternity

1- Fresh Starts and Opportunities

2- Partnership and Balance

3- Trust and Confidence

4- Stability and Hard Work

5- Change and Wellness

6- Empathy and Responsibility

7- Contemplation and Spiritual Awakening

8- Inner Strength and Karmic Reward

9- Humanitarian Ideals and the End of a Cycle

11- Creativity and Innovation

22- Balance and Diplomacy

33- Spiritual and Social Prominence

As we could see from the Numerology, much stability and compassion will be needed next year. How you're directly affected depends on your Personal Year Number. If you have questions about this, feel free to let me know.

Since September of 2020, Rahu has been in Taurus and Ketu in Scorpio in Vedic Astrology. Or, since May of 2020, Rahu has been in Gemini and Ketu has been in Sagittarius in Tropical Astrology. In this blog post, I will stick to Vedic Astrology.

If you haven't already check out my blog posts on Secrets of Rahu (North Node) and Secrets of Ketu (South Node). Basically, Rahu represents illusion and ambitions while Ketu represents truth and natural instincts. The blog posts above will emphasize more. Taurus signifies hospitality, nourishment, creativity, speech, family, comfort, money, physical beauty, and material possessions. Scorpio is a sign of sex, mystery, truth, esoteric studies, transformation, healing, investigation, other's resources, intimacy, desires, deep wisdom, and research. So, this has been a time of making changes and addressing areas of life that we didn't want to face. While also seeking comfort and familiarity. To be clear, this doesn't have to do with the virus. It has to do with the actions taken after the outbreak of the pandemic. The outbreak itself started back when Rahu was still in Gemini. Specifically, Rahu was in the Nakshatra of Ardra (6°40'- 20° Gemini). Ardra is a Rahu-controlled Nakshatra that's referred to as the Star of Sorrow. More to come on this Nakshatra in a future post.

As, Rahu shifts from Taurus to Aries, Rahu will be in the Nakshatra of Krittika (26°40' Aries- 10° Taurus). Also known as the Star of Fire and influenced by the Sun. The Sun is also the significator of health and vitality. However, Krittika doesn't specifically deal with health. Krittika deals with cutting through impurities. It's a very analytical and strong-willed Nakshatra set on cutting out all nonsense. This brutal and critical approach allows for making forward progress and getting straight to the truth of any situation. At the same time, Ketu will be shifting from Scorpio to Libra in the Nakshatra of Vishakha (20° Libra- 3°20' Scorpio). Vishakha is known as the Star of Purpose and is influenced by Jupiter. It is a Nakshatra that is focused on the confidence to take on opportunities and pursue multiple goals. Vishakha is extreme and passionately intense. This allows for great success. However, if balance isn't found, it can become overly arrogant, and too many pursuits can be taken on all at once. Hence, why it is in Libra where the balance needs to be found within the extremes. So, as we move forward, many questions are coming up. We want to know how we will address all of the issues and what to expect. However, don't get lost in the sea of questions. The truth is that we have a new normal and we just need to figure out how to harmonize with it properly within our lives. Another truth that's coming up is that people are tired of the old way of existing. There is a strong desire for truth and within this upcoming Rahu/Ketu transit, many will continue to fight back and demand the truth. Krittika is a Nakshatra that definitely represents wars and violence. While Vishakha is also very intense. So, issues will continue to heat up. Overall, what we are learning, is that no one is coming to save us. With Ketu in Libra, we have to balance our own life. No one is picking up your collateral damage. We will especially see this theme of independence increase as Ketu gets close to Swati (6°40'- 20° Libra). Swati is the Self-Going Star and is influenced by Rahu. Perhaps virtual reality, artificial intelligence, and other technological advancements will increase during this time. Swati makes its own reality and Ketu is connected to losses and dissatisfaction. There's been a lot of talk about people leaving jobs and technology taking over. Swati is also a great Nakshatra of exceptional intelligence and creativity. In the modern world, many Swati individuals are known for designing films and video games. Where they create a reality of their own that entertains others. People will start to retreat into artificial realities and the lack of human interaction will increase. We have much that is taking us away from the social connection as Rahu sits in the sign of Aries. Also known as the sign of Self. Dominant Superiors will go through an interesting transition at this time. We never know exactly what Rahu will bring due to its rebellious, mysterious, and unpredictable nature. However, Krittika does deal with authority, career, and competition. The next placement of Rahu is also intense. Bharani (13°20- 26°40' Aries) is a Nakshatra that holds the mysteries of birth and death. It is known as the Star of Restraint and is influenced by Venus. While it is an attractive, artistic, and sensual Nakshatra, Bharani can also be dark and intense. Due to it being connected to transformation, it can be destructive and extreme at times. In fact, Bharani is known for making what others consider junk into art or going through moments of suffering that can be channelized into their artistic expression. Perhaps the end of this Rahu/Ketu transit can bring some focus back on health and wellbeing as Rahu enters Ashwini (0°- 13°20' Aries). If you haven't already, learn more about Ashwini in Exploring Ashwini. Also at the end of this transit, Ketu will be in Chitra (23°20' Virgo- 6°40' Libra). Chitra is known as the Star of Wonder/Opportunity and is influenced by Mars. It is a Nakshatra focused on brilliance and glamour. The intelligence of both Virgo and Libra is present in this Nakshatra. On the Libra side, it is more about beauty, fashion design, music, art, entertainment, literature, and architecture. This is also known to be one of the Nakshatra that is famous for sex symbols and models. Along with those who are designing something dramatic or eye-catching. Although, sometimes the beauty that's presented is an illusion and the real beauty is the intelligence that's hidden behind the charm and shiny appearance. Themes of truth and illusion continue to come up in a world that has been run by illusion for so long. Perhaps people are waking up to their own brilliance and worth instead of wanting to choose a more mundane/societal fantasy.

It's interesting that Ketu will spend a great deal of time in Libra. There are two Nakshatra in Libra that carries the animal symbol of a tiger. Vishakha's male tiger is the consort of Chitra's female tiger. The tiger in Vedic Astrology represents the aggressiveness, independence, and passion that's found in these two Libra Nakshatras. Ironically, most people would think of Libra as a gentle sign because of its connection to balance. However, most Libra individuals have extremes in their personalities or live in an environment with many extremes. That is why they are the balance striker. To find balance, you have to know about the extremes first. Also, the balance scale has to tip back and forth to come to a point of equilibrium. Just like how you have to keep negotiating to get the perfect deal. Libra is also connected to the 7th House which relates to the courtroom, marriage, business partners, and the marketplace. All of these are areas of life that require give and take and figuring out how to manage extremes. Balance isn't perfect, it has to be maintained. The most gentle part of Libra is found in the middle of Libra in the Swati Nakshatra.

Why do I bring the tiger representation? We are entering the Year of the Tiger. I know much about this because I was born in the Year of the Tiger. In Chinese Mythology, the Jade Emporer decided to have a great race. There were 13 animals involved in this race. It was to decide how to distinguish the years of the calendar. We know now that only 12 animals made it. There was a cat that lost due to not being able to swim. The rat was the clever one who won the race. To know more about the rat in Chinese Astrology, check out my blog on the Rat Zodiac Animal. The ox was generous enough to give the rat a ride to the finish line and became the 2nd animal.

The tiger took the most difficult route in the race due to impulsive decision-making, but his strength allowed him to make it in 3rd place. So, the tiger is known for being impulsive, emotional, aggressive, courageous, strong, dynamic, stubborn, and ambitious. The tiger is extremely optimistic and always has a winning spirit. He never backs down from danger and is quick to react emotionally. Sometimes he takes action without thinking. The intensity and work ethic are often felt immediately by being in the presence of a tiger individual. They are not angry by nature, but they do hold raw power within them. So, they are relatively charming and peaceful to be around. However, provoking them is a mistake and they can become dangerously untamed in their behavior when in a bad mood. It's very noticeable. Their best quality is their courage and fighting spirit that allows them to achieve anything and to push directly through obstacles. Do you have this Chinese Zodiac animal? Feel free to let me know what your thoughts are on this.

In Mythology, the white tiger of the west was always at war with the blue dragon of the east. As they were the most powerful spirits, they were so different in their approach. The tiger was a fighter who would leap into danger without hesitation and plow through his opponents. While the dragon would patiently rely on wisdom before ruthlessly charging into battle. So, in the end, they have the same strength, but they disagree. This represents the balance of yin and yang. The tiger is wood or the physical and the dragon is metal or the mind/spirit. So, the tiger is the yang/masculine principle while the dragon is the yin/feminine principle.

This gives an idea of what to expect moving forward. It is very different from the stability and compassion of the ox that defined the year 2021. The tiger is a brave and unpredictable spirit that will start off the Chinese New Year in 2022. More specifically, 2022 will be the Year of the Water Tiger. As we know in Chinese Astrology, water relates to the Black Tortoise of the North. Which relates to adaptability, compassion, healing, good memory, and intelligence. This is not the Tiger's natural element. Wood is more unstable, yet it also shares the intelligence and competence of water. However, wood can be hot-tempered, righteous, stubborn, self-motivated, and can complete tasks with intense focus. So, what happens when the tiger joins with water? It shows intelligence and tenacity. Along with having a lot of intense emotion and lashing out when backed into a corner. So, once again, we see a desire for immediate action and continued anger increasing as the year unfolds. Perhaps we will also see more unconventional and revolutionary actions that people will take. Along with achievements and happiness where some individuals might've felt blocked in the past year.

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