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Understanding Magha

Updated: Sep 22, 2022

Magha Nakshatra (0°- 13°20' Leo)

Sacred Birthright to the Royal Throne

In Vedic Astrology, the Zodiac signs are based on the position of the stars rather than the Seasons on Earth. This results in a 23-degree difference between the typical Western Tropical Zodiac and the Vedic Sidereal Zodiac. The Moon Sign is also seen as the Zodiac sign vs. the Sun in Western Tropical. While the Sun still holds great importance in representing the soul’s desire or the ego of an individual. The Moon is representing the true nature of a person and the way their mind works. The Ascendant represents the personality, physical body, appearance, and life foundation.

Anytime that the Sun, Moon, or Ascendant is placed in a Zodiac sign, it holds great importance. The Moon is always the most important. Then the Ascendant. Lastly, the Sun will also make an impact. Primarily, the behavior and appearance of a person are based on the Moon and Ascendant. While the Sun can show what a person feels inspired about, where they shine, and what career path they feel drawn towards.

In Vedic Astrology, we also consider Fixed Stars. This is something that relates more to the Moon’s influence than the Sun. Since they can’t be seen from the Western Tropical view. However, this opens up the door to the 27 Nakshatras or Lunar Mansions. Each Zodiac Sign is distributed through 3 to 2.5 Nakshatras. This further distinguishes the Zodiac Signs into three different personality types. Therefore, even a person born under the same Zodiac Sign as someone else can behave differently.


Hey, Astro Kids. Welcome back to a brand new topic. In the previous post, I discussed the Mysteries of Shukra (Venus). In today's blog, I would like to cover the Nakshatra of Magha. This is a Nakshatra that I became very interested in after discovering that I have Rahu in Magha.

Magha is positioned from 0°- 13°20' of Sidereal Leo in Vedic Astrology. Magha means "the Throne Room". The symbol for Magha is a Royal Throne. It is also sometimes referred to as "the Power Hidden Within the Clouds". The star name for Magha is the Star of Power or the Star of Royalty. Magha also has the animal symbol of a male rat. If you have figured out the pattern already, then you know that Magha is a Ketu-Ruled Nakshatra. Just like how Ashwini was a Ketu-Ruled Nakshara positioned from 0°- 13°20' of Sidereal Aries in Vedic Astrology. To learn more about Ashwini, feel free to visit my blog post Exploring Ashwini. Magha is not only ruled by Ketu. It's found within Leo. So, Surya (the Sun) is also the ruler. Along with the Pitris being the ruling deity of Magha.

The Throne Room or the Royal Throne also speaks to this Nakshatra being placed entirely in the sign of Leo. The symbol for Leo is a lion. Representing power, status, leadership, and influence. Therefore, it is a highly regarded sign with a great deal of dignity. Those born under the sign of Leo usually have excellent mannerisms, high moral philosophies, exquisite taste, good integrity, respect for tradition and grace, strong leadership and organizational qualities, and a desire for recognition/fame/appreciation/respect/attention/upholding one's image. On one hand, Leo has great values and approaches everything in a graceful way. However, there can also be a bit of ego or entitlement found here as well. This is because Leo wants to be admired and respected for their achievements and contributions. Sometimes they even want to be pampered. After all, they can make excellent leaders, work very hard, have outstanding intellectual abilities, can be creative, can be the most affectionate, and can encourage others. While this isn't necessarily bad, it can lead to becoming ego-centric and expecting that appreciation to always be there. Even leading to laziness and overindulgence in sex/money/luxury/power at times. This is especially true if planetary positions are malefic or negatively afflicted. Therefore, it is advised that Leos be careful of how they use their power over others or how much they indulge in that power. Others will love Leos and will find their personality to be warm and charismatic. However, no one will want to follow behind a leader who's greedy, lustful, controlling, and power-hungry. It is said that power and leadership are not about controlling others, but rather it's about maintaining yourself. This is an example that others can honor. Now, this position doesn't always refer to a political leader or a member of a prestigious family. Especially not in modern times. It is quite easy to become famous in today's day and age. So, Magha can also represent celebrities who reach mass fame and those who become influential through social media platforms. This also relates to the star name of "the Star of Power" or "the Star of Royalty". The animal symbol of the male rat represents the seven deadly sins. Emphasizing the anger, hunger, greed, lust, envy, laziness, and pride that these individuals can become consumed with. On the other hand, the rat can also represent the ability to start small or to start from nothing in life. Then, find the courage to rise to the occasion and seek out a position of success and good standing.

Magha is also sometimes referred to as "the Power Within the Clouds". This relates to the roaring thunder hidden within the clouds and the lighting that comes suddenly during a storm. Representing the great power and authority behind those who are born under Magha. There can sometimes be great anger or intensity hidden within this Nakshatra. Those who have their Ascendant or Moon in Magha can even have an intense appearance. Showcasing dramatic and chiseled facial features. Some even style their hair with a "slick back" or like a large lion's mane. They might even have an interest in dressing up in old-school and stylish outfits. I've seen many Magha individuals wearing suits, boots, leather jackets, cowboy hats, gold chains, scarves, etc... Despite it representing intensity, a thunderstorm leads to rain. This shows that there is a loving and nurturing side to Magha. Especially when it comes to father figures, role models, elders, family, children, and tradition. Despite this, they can be arrogant at times and can have a dislike for certain people who don't behave with grace and regality. "the Power Within the Clouds" can also relate to the power that's found within Magha. Magha is said to have the power to leave the physical body. Meaning, that it's a Nakshatra that's connected to astral travel. So, although this is a success and material-driven Nakshatra, it's very spiritual also. Keep in mind that Ketu still rules Magha. To learn more about Ketu check out the Secrets of Ketu (South Node). Magha is a highly spiritual Nakshatra with the potential to unlock abilities that many might not believe are possible. However, this tends to take a lot of practice and spiritual devotion. Highlighting the connection that Leo has to the 5th House of rituals, mantras, knowledge, creativity, and karmic rewards received through past Dharma (purpose and right action). So, Magha individuals are set on routine and rituals in their lives. Getting all of the mundane responsibilities completed and staying focused on their wellbeing (Leo is ruled by the Sun and the Sun is the significator of health and vitality). It then helps them to stay focused on maintaining their spiritual practices and tapping into their creativity. On the lower end, some Magha individuals might try to use substances and intoxicants to achieve this. Keep in mind that Ketu's element is often seen as white, invisible, or hazy. Like a cloud of smoke or spirits. As Ketu is the planet that lifts the veil and shows us the truth beyond the Maya. So, Ketu also blurs the boundaries of this physical reality and distorts what we believe we know that really only exists at a social/mundane level. Creating confusion, disillusionment, and transformations that we might not enjoy.

The Pitris are the ruling deities of Magha. Pitris refers to the Sacred Ancestors. So, as mentioned before, this is a very traditional Nakshatra. Magha has a great deal of respect for elders and family heritage. They take traditions seriously and tend to want to know about their ancestral history. Magha is also very close and loving towards family members. Leaving behind a powerful legacy and inheritance to their children tends to be important to them. Also, these are individuals who can sometimes have a closer connection with their fathers rather than their mothers. This is because Leo is ruled by the Sun and the Sun represents the father or a father figure. This of course can be interchangeable with the mother in modern days. Depending on the childhood upbringing. The Sun does represent a role model and strongly authoritative figure. However, it almost always deals with a father or a father figure of some kind. Magha individuals also are more likely to follow in their father's footsteps or family traditions when it comes to their career pursuits and personal goals. They also tend to be old souls who are wise beyond their years. There is definitely an aristocratic and mature aura given off them. It is also believed that the status and success achieved in Magha is a sacred gift from the Ancestors. So, it is best not to abuse the power or it can be taken away. Still keeping in mind that Ketu is the planet that frees us from the Maya (material illusion). So, respect for the ancestors and using power responsibly are strongly advised in this position.

Additional Facts About Magha

*Disclaimer- Subject to Change Based on Other Astrological Influences*

Purushartha (Aim of Life)- Artha (Material Abundance and Status)

Gana (Temperament)- Rakshasha (Demon)- Passionate, Aggressive, Ambitious

Caste- Shudra (Worker)

Tattva (Elemental Class)- Water

Trimurthi (3 Forms of Supreme Divinity)- Lord Brahma (To Create)

Yoni (Sexual Type)- Male Rat (Great Feats and Lustful Desires)

Bird Type- Eagle- Higher Vision, Courage, Ancient Teachings, Wisdom

Gender- Male

Nadi (Aryuvedic Type)- Kapha (Earth and Water)

Nature- Active and Fierce

Quality- Tamasic (Dark, Stable, Materialistic)

The Direction of Head- Downward

Directional Strength- West (Place of Introspection and Sudden Changes)

Physical Body- Attractive, Strong, Medium Height, Abundance of Hair, Prominent Neck

Padas (Quarters) of Magha Navamsa (Luck, Marriage, and Microscopic View)

Pada 1: 0°- 3.20° of Leo Navamsa: Aries Focus: Confident, Independent, Leadership Abilities Pada 2: 3°20- 6°40' of Leo Navamsa: Taurus Focus: Ambitious, Materialistic, Status-Oriented Pada 3: 6°20- 10° of Leo Navamsa: Gemini Focus: Curious, Intelligent, Powerful Imagination Pada 4: 10°- 13°20' of Leo Navamsa: Cancer Focus: Charitable, Sentimental, Proud of Family

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Magha Ascendant


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-Daquan Jones

Psychic Empath, YouTube Creator, Author, Life Coach, Astrologer

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