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Understanding Uttara Phalguni

Updated: Sep 29, 2022

Uttara Phalguni (26°40' Leo- 10° Virgo)

"The King Who Manages the Kingdom"

In Vedic Astrology, the Zodiac signs are based on the position of the stars rather than the Seasons on Earth. This results in a 23-degree difference between the typical Western Tropical Zodiac and the Vedic Sidereal Zodiac. The Moon Sign is also seen as the Zodiac sign vs. the Sun in Western Tropical. While the Sun still holds great importance in representing the soul’s desire or the ego of an individual. The Moon is representing the true nature of a person and the way their mind works. The Ascendant represents the personality, physical body, appearance, and life foundation.

Anytime that the Sun, Moon, or Ascendant is placed in a Zodiac sign, it holds great importance. The Moon is always the most important. Then the Ascendant. Lastly, the Sun will also make an impact. Primarily, the behavior and appearance of a person are based on the Moon and Ascendant. While the Sun can show what a person feels inspired about, where they shine, and what career path that they feel drawn towards.

In Vedic Astrology, we also consider Fixed Stars. This is something that relates more to the Moon’s influence than the Sun. Since they can’t be seen from the Western Tropical view. However, this opens up the door to the 27 Nakshatras or Lunar Mansions. Each Zodiac Sign is distributed through 3 to 2.5 Nakshatras. This further distinguishes the Zodiac Signs into three different personality types. Therefore, even a person born under the same Zodiac Sign as someone else can behave differently.


Today I want to continue the Nakshatra series. Previously, we talked about Purva Bhadrapada. In this post, I will be discussing my natal Moon's Nakshatra. The Nakshatra is called Uttara Phalguni.

Uttara Phalguni spans from 26°40' Leo to 10° Virgo. Its name means "the Latter Fruit of the Tree". The Star Name is the Star of Patronage. Uttara Phalguni is symbolized by a fig tree, a hammock or marriage bed, and the back legs of a bed. The deity that rules Uttara Phalguni is Aryaman. It is also ruled by the Sun.

Depiction of Fruit

The Latter Fruit of the Tree refers to the ability to accumulate wealth. This is a very fortunate and prosperous Nakshatra. As this Nakshatra falls between Leo and Virgo, it holds both the qualities of royalty and hard labor. Those born under Uttara Phalguni tend to have a life of spoils and love to enjoy the pleasures of life. That is coming from the kingly Leo side of this Nakshatra. However, this Nakshatra is far from lazy. The Virgo side of this Nakshatra gives qualities of humbleness, responsibility, practical skills, hard work, and service.

The perfectionism of Virgo is at its highest in Uttara Phalguni. This is because of the influence of the Sun. The Sun radiates excellence and brilliance, while Virgo is about calculations and managing tasks. This combination creates a perfectionistic tendency. Making these individuals overly neat, specific, and organized. Even to the point of managing and supporting others around them. This perfectionism extends into work and daily routines. Along with the intellect that is very high in this position. Some have even said that those born under this Nakshatra are "wise beyond their years". Although, those born under Uttara Phalguni are not idealists or dreamers. Their intelligence remains on a realistic concrete level. Which can have its limitations. As their intelligence has to make sense in the real world and these people tend to learn best from hands-on experience. Making abstract ideals difficult to grasp. Instead, Uttara Phalguni needs clear concrete details, step-by-step instructions, tangible evidence, and the ability to apply their intelligence practically.

Depiction of Deal Making

The Star of Patronage refers to one of the major themes of this Nakshatra. That is the desire to support others and uplift society. Most people born under Uttara Phalguni are seen as a patron by others. People just naturally gravitate towards them for support. This Nakshatra is probably the most challenging when it comes to romance. Uttara Phalguni is more about deals, contracts, and friendship. This is why it's the second Nakshatra represented by a marriage bed. The Nakshatra of Purva Phalguni is more about the romance and enjoyment of a relationship. While Uttara Phalguni is more about the commitment and responsibilities that come after the "honeymoon" phase. So, this Nakshatra is actually more concerned with committing to others and upholding obligations. These individuals enjoy companionship and trust within relationships. The ability to know that there is the support of "having each other's backs." This is why friendship is one of the key features of this Nakshatra. Many people born under Uttara Phalguni remain single or seek romantic partnerships at a later age. While comradery is what truly satisfies them. Sometimes the disconnect from romantic relationships can cause loneliness. Especially towards the later years in life. Potentially causing codependency or choosing the wrong partner for the sake of having love at any cost. On the other end, causing the individual to detach from romantic connection altogether. These are the individuals who are typically referred to as very attractive or ideal partners. While having a tendency to still be alone and to remain fiercely independent.

Depiction of Fig Trees

The fig tree is again about the sweetness of this Nakshatra. Those born under Uttara Phalguni are very warm and cheerful people. They tend to have a large smile and laugh. Naturally radiating the warm and bright energy of the sun. Often, they are very witty and playful. Sometimes, even sarcastic and sharp-tongued. Mostly, Uttara Phalguni is charming and magnetic. Part of their charm is also having to do with their mannerisms. Uttara Phalguni is very generous, respectful, mature, considerate, humble, and has clean etiquette. Resembling the mannerisms of royalty. This is easily one of the most beloved Nakshatras. People tend to describe them as sweet, pretty, handsome, pure of heart, and down to earth. They easily win over the hearts of others. Making them excellent at business and friendships. However, they can get into conflicts with others at times. Although Uttara Phalguni seems laid back, they are very stable and fixed in their values. Making it difficult to change their minds or to argue with them. Especially due to their close attention to detail and quick-wittedness. These people can come up with quick remarks, point out the flaws in other people's arguments, and easily outsmart their opponents. They are known for being clever with wordplay and intellectual banter. Some of them even make great writers, media personalities, teachers, politicians, or performing artists. This fig tree also emphasizes the accumulation of wealth again.

Depiction of a Hammock

The hammock or marriage bed represents the laid-back nature of this Nakshatra. Despite Uttara Phalguni being regal and authoritative, they are fairly quiet and relaxed in demeanor. The humbleness of Virgo calms down the egotistical need to be appreciated and noticed in Leo. Instead, this Nakshatra holds a quiet dominance that is seen as regal by others. Versus the last two Nakshatras that made their dominant presence known. Uttara Phalguni is loved and respected for remaining humble, calm, understanding, friendly, helpful, and pure in their intentions. The bed also represents rest and rejuvenation. However, because it is the back legs of the bed, this is representing the period after rest. When we have to take care of responsibilities and go to work. This talks about the increased energy found in Uttara Phalguni. They feel that they need to be doing something or will end up becoming restless. While this Nakshatra is calm and composed, there are times when it becomes restless and impatient. Sometimes even become angry and frustrated due to having perfectionistic qualities.

Depiction of Uttara Phalguni

Aryaman is one of the 12 Adityas or 12 godly forms of the Sun. Aryaman is the god of leadership, society, honor, nobility, contracts, favors, and patronage. Emphasizing this Nakshatra's qualities of being easily likable, loving humanity, receiving favors, and upholding obligations within friendships. Here, the king (Sun) is not just relaxing on a throne and feeling entitled. He's managing the responsibilities that keep everything running and holding the weight of an entire kingdom on his shoulders. In this way, their leadership skills come through organizing and being an example of gracefulness.

Additional Facts About Uttara Phalguni

Purushartha (Primary Aim)- Moksha: Liberation

Gana (Quality)- Humanysha: Human

Caste- Kshatriya (Warrior)

Tattva (Element)- Agni (Fire)

Trimurti (3 Faces of the Creator)- Lord Shiva (To Dissolve)

Yoni (Sexuality)- Male Cow (Bull)

Bird- Peacock

Gender- Female

Nadi (Ayurvedic Type)- Vata (Air and Space)

Nature- Permanent

Quality- Rajasic (Passion)

The Motion of the Head- Facing Downward

Direction- East

Body Parts Rulership- Sex Organs, Lower Lip, Left Hand

Physical Body- Attractive, Tall, Strong Constitution, Soft Appearance, Long Nose, Wrinkles in the Forehead, Prominent Chin, Thin Upper Lip, Full Lower Lip, Shiny Eyes, Noticeable Philtrum

Health- Skin Irritation, Digestive Problems, Allergies, Asthma, Body Aches, Dental Issues, Liver Problem, Most Ailments Are Temporary, Health is Usually Strong

Overall Characteristic- Happy Life, Receives Luck, Proper Behavior, Sincere at Work, Religious, Gets a Good Reputation By Helping Others

Education- Independent, Respectful, More Of a Practical Learner, Uses Knowledge For Career Success

Family- Challenge With Family Life, Relatively Good Marital Life, Supportive Spouse, Fortune Increases Through Marriage

Career Interests- Social Work, Philanthropist, Author, Actor, Media Personality, Healing Arts, Astrologer, Astronomer, Mathematician, Entrepreneur, Sales, Marketing

Understanding Leo Vs Virgo

Leo: Proud, Graceful, Luxurious, Indulgent, Relaxed, Educated, Wealthy, Powerful, Creative, Traditional, Egotistical, Organizational Skills, Performer, Entertainment Skills, Status-Oriented, Leadership Skills

Virgo: Healing Ability, Problem-Solving Skills, Service-Oriented, Health Conscious, Perfectionist, Shy, Humble, Detail-Oriented, Rational, Realistic, Calm, Wity, Skilled, Attractive, Hard-Working, Clever Minded

Padas (Quarters) of Uttara Phalguni

Pada 1: 26°40'- 30° Leo

Navamsa (Luck, Marriage, and Microscopic View): Sagittarius

Focus: Righteous, Generous, Ethical in Behavior

Pada 2: 0°- 3°20' Virgo

Navamsa: Capricorn

Focus: Disciplined, Organizational Skills, Career-Oriented

Pada 3: 3°20'- 6°40' Virgo

Navamsa: Aquarius

Focus: Scientific, Loves to Learn, Focused On Societal Issues

Pada 4: 6°40'- 10° Virgo

Navamsa: Pisces

Focus: Introspective, Creative, Inspiring

Famous People Born Under Uttara Phalguni

Serena Williams

Uttara Phalguni Sun (Virgo) in the 6th House

Mercury in the 7th House in Chitra (Libra)

Moon in the 5th House in Purva Phalguni (Leo)

Ascendant in Ashwini (Aries)

Channing Tatum

Uttara Phalguni Moon (Leo or Virgo?)

Sun in Ashwini (Aries)

Mercury in Revati (Pisces)

No Time of Birth


Uttara Phalguni Moon (Leo) in the 9th House

Sun in the 11th House in Vishakha (Libra)

Ascendant in Purvashada (Sagittarius)

Jean Claude Van Damme

Uttara Phalguni Moon (Virgo) in the 1st House

Sun in the 2nd House in Chitra (Libra)

Mercury in the 2nd House in Vishakha (Libra)

Ascendant in Chitra (Virgo)

-Daquan Jones

Psychic, Empath, Author, Life Coach, YouTube Creator, Astrologer

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