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Virgo Moon- The Logician

Updated: Sep 29, 2022

Since this is my Sign, I figured I would cover Virgo in Vedic Astrology.

In Vedic Astrology, the Zodiac signs are based on the position of the stars rather than the Seasons on Earth. This results in a 23-degree difference between the typical Western Tropical Zodiac and the Vedic Sidereal Zodiac. The Moon Sign is also seen as the Zodiac sign vs. the Sun in Western Tropical. While the Sun still holds great importance in representing the soul’s desire or the ego of an individual. The Moon is representing the true nature of a person and the way their mind works. The Ascendant represents the personality, physical body, appearance, and life foundation.

Anytime that the Sun, Moon, or Ascendant is placed in a Zodiac sign, it holds great importance. The Moon is always the most important. Then the Ascendant. Lastly, the Sun will also make an impact. Primarily, the behavior and appearance of a person are based on the Moon and Ascendant. While the Sun can show what a person feels inspired about, where they shine, and what career path they feel drawn towards.

In Vedic Astrology, we also consider Fixed Stars. This is something that relates more to the Moon’s influence than the Sun. Since they can’t be seen from the Western Tropical view. However, this opens up the door to the 27 Nakshatras or Lunar Mansions. Each Zodiac Sign is distributed through 3 to 2.5 Nakshatras. This further distinguishes the Zodiac Signs into three different personality types. Therefore, even a person born under the same Zodiac Sign as someone else can behave differently.

The Moon sign is an important position in the Vedic Horoscope. Many people know that a great deal of importance is put on the Sun sign in Western Tropical Astrology. However, your Zodiac sign in Vedic Astrology is technically your Moon sign. This is because the Moon plays a huge role in your personality. The Moon holds the soul's DNA, as it directly represents the connection to our mothers. Holding the secrets of the past, present, and future of our lives. See, the Moon sign indicates all of the behavioral changes and patterns throughout our lives. Not just physically like the Ascendant does, but the Moon shows our psychological patterns. How we think, feel, react, respond, perceive, connect, and our state of mind is all dictated by the Moon sign. For this reason, if the Moon sign is negatively positioned it can show an unhealthy state of mind. Psychological disorders, paranoia, phobias, and distortions in how we perceive life can relate to the Moon's position in the natal chart. The Moon also shows what makes us feel most comfortable and emotionally fulfilled. Based on your early upbringing, you would've derived certain emotional needs based on a mother's or mother-figure's behavioral patterns. That then becomes deeply embedded in your own behavior. These emotional needs can even extend to the kind of partner that you feel most attracted to, what you need to feel financially/materially secure, and how you deal with emotions. The moon is such a deeply integrated part of being human that it makes up a significant amount of our personal traits and qualities. On another note, the Moon sign can also have a part to play in psychic abilities or high levels of sensitivity. Along with being connected to physical appearance, fashion style, addictions, sweet food/dairy products, water retention, weight gain, etc...

Virgo is the 6th sign in the Zodiac. So, it naturally correlates to the 6th House of diseases, enemies, legal issues, competition, challenges, daily routine, cleanliness, digestion, exercise, debts, healthy lifestyle, healing professions, mental analysis, servants, lower class, the sick, the weak, service, delays, etc... Virgo is a dual sign. Making it a very adaptable Zodiac sign. Adjustments can be made and situations can be perceived in multiple ways. It's also an earth sign. The earth signs deal with the realistic and material world. Often needing tangible evidence and having a strong desire for stability. Along with this, Virgo is ruled by Mercury and Mercury reaches Deep Exaltation at 15° of Virgo. Mercury is the planet of communication, logical decision making, curiosity, quick changes, pattern recognition, multiple perspectives, writing abilities, media/communications professions, journalism, mischief, youthfulness, etc...

Virgos are highly intellectual people. So much so that they might struggle with expressing emotion. Yet, they are highly sensitive deep down. Their focus is more on what makes the most sense in reality. If you are emotional around a Virgo, they aren't likely to give you emotional support. Instead, they will listen intently and hear your concerns. Then they will find a practical solution to help you feel better. This might seem cold to some, but the Virgo way of showing affection is in being of service to others. Not so much to display emotions. Virgo is an effective problem-solver and decision-maker. Sometimes, they aren't quite ready to give up an answer. Often appearing shy or as if they don't know how to respond. This is only because they are still working on forming the perfect answer in their minds. See, Virgos don't like to make quick decisions or to give quick answers without being absolutely certain first. They must work out all of the details in their heads and calculate every solution from every angle. Virgos are natural perfectionists. Often trying to make everything perfect and sometimes beating up themselves if they didn't get it right. A Virgo is like this in every situation. They will keep spaces neat and organized. Their health and physical bodies will be of great concern to them. They will be precise in their use of words and their way of approaching tasks. Although, Virgos don't necessarily want to manage responsibilities while being supervised or within social settings. They prefer to work in the background and can get overwhelmed easily. A common complaint from Virgos is having digestive or nervous disorders. Even though they are very modest and reserved, they have excellent people skills. They are very understanding, helpful, and usually have good communication skills. If you need help with something, ask your Virgo friend. They will show up to support you in whatever way they can. Especially if it involves problem-solving or analytic skills. They have a keen eye for details and are good at using their logic to figure out some of the most confusing problems. Despite their personalities, they are also highly attractive. This is because of Virgo's connection to youthfulness and health. If you look at the symbol for Virgo, there is a beautiful young woman with a flame in one hand and medicinal herbs in the other. So, Virgos are usually physically attractive and even quite charming. Mercury's influence definitely gives them a youthful innocence and a way with words. Their appearance is usually innocent with softer or pleasant features. Virgos can have a good sense of style, but don't try to show off as much. Their outfits can actually appear very modest and fashionable or simple and mundane. A lot of times leaning toward boots, scarves, hats, jackets, accessories, light comfortable clothing, and darker colors. These individuals know just what to say to make you feel supported and acknowledged. Along with having a great sense of humor. On the negative side, this clever playfulness can be used for manipulation. We can see this especially if the Moon is negatively positioned in the chart.

The Nakshatra also matters. Nakshatras or Lunar Mansions are an important part of Vedic Astrology. As they break a Zodiac Sign up into three personality types. So each Nakshatra will express a different side of Virgo. Nakshatras are 27 smaller constellations that fall behind the larger 12 Zodiac constellations. They are each 13° 20'. However, sometimes they begin in one sign and end in another. The three Nakshatras in Virgo are Uttara Phalguni, Hasta, and Chitra.

Uttara Phalguni begins at 26°40' of Leo and ends at 10° of Virgo. So, a quarter of this Nakshatra will fall under Leo. While the last 3 quarters fall under Virgo. Uttara Phalguni is a Sun Nakshatra. So, dignity, righteousness, leadership, and responsibility will be highlighted. It's a very masculine Nakshatra. Even the women born under Uttara Phalguni can be described as having very strong qualities. Although, it's not necessarily loud or aggressive. Instead, there is more of a stoic attitude and a strong sense of comradery. The symbol of a bed or hammock talks about their need for comfort in life and their stable personality. These individuals are good at remaining calm and composed. Yet, they can become prideful, but they usually don't swing to being egocentric. Instead, they believe in respect and carrying themselves in a certain manner. They appreciate helping others and also receiving help from others. They can have a strong level of independence, but will also seek partnership at some point in their lives. The ruling deity (Aryaman) is all about making deals and friendships. They have some of the most likable personalities. Even celebrities with this position are highly regarded as "the ideal man" or "the strong woman". People love their humbleness and consideration. They can also be talented in the arts and anything intellectual. Although, they might enjoy their own style of learning versus learning that is forced onto them. They can be very healthy and responsible people.

Hasta falls completely in the sign of Virgo. It begins at 10° Virgo and ends at 23°20' of Virgo. This is the most clever of all of the Nakshatras under Virgo. Hint: This is where Mercury reaches its Exaltation. This has to do with the rulership of the Moon. These individuals have a great understanding of other people and can easily use that to their advantage. Easily swift and charming, these people know how to use their sweetness and clever mind to succeed in life. However, negative placements in the chart could make them manipulators and smooth talkers. Using cunning methods to get what they want. This is also a bit of a moody and somewhat dramatic Nakshatra despite being in Virgo. The Moon's rulership makes them highly sensitive and they are susceptible to many difficult changes throughout their lives. There can also be a secret connection to spirituality and/or mysticism. Depending on their chart, they can either convince you of the truth of spirituality or they can convince you that spirituality is nothing but a myth. Either way, it's difficult to not believe their argument. This Nakshatra is also symbolized by a hand. So, they can be skilled in anything from writing, working with tools, magic tricks, pickpocketing, etc... They are quick thinkers and light on their feet due to the ruling deity Savitar.

Chitra begins at 23°20' of Virgo and ends at 6°40' of Libra. So, Chitra is evenly distributed between Virgo and Libra. This Nakshatra is ruled by Mars. So, there is a lot of passion in Chitra. This can also be seen by their animal symbol of a female tiger. These people have goals that they fearlessly pursue. They are gentle and magnetic. Although, they can be aggressive and controlling if there are negative placements in the chart. So, it probably isn't wise to cross them. They can be masters at illusion and charm. Seen by the symbol of a bright shining jewel or pretty pictures. These individuals are beautiful, but their looks might be somewhat of an illusion. Their true beauty is in their intelligence and creative abilities. These individuals are brilliant-minded and can create a masterpiece. However, there is a big difference between the Virgo and Libra sides of this Nakshatra. The Libra side will be more interested in fashion, art, music, architecture, literature, design, etc... Whereas the Virgo side tends to be more technical and analytical. Working with computers and technology might even be something that these individuals are talented in. Or dealing with some other skill that involves dexterity and precision. The ruling deity of Chitra is the divine architect (Twastar).

Nicki Minaj Moon in Uttara Phalguni in the 9th House

Mercury in the 12th House in Mula (Sagittarius)

Sun in the 11th House in Jyeshta (Scorpio)

Ascendant in Shravana (Capricorn)

Emma Stone Moon in Hasta in the 2nd House

Mercury in the 3rd House in Chitra (Libra)

Ascendant in Magha (Leo)- Birth Time Debated

Sun in the 3rd House in Swati (Libra)

Bradley Cooper Moon in Chitra in the 11th House

Mercury in the 2nd House in Uttarashada (Sagittarius)

Mars in the 1st House in Jyeshta (Scorpio)

Ascendant in Jyeshta (Scorpio)

Sun in Purvashada (Sagittarius)

Companionship Ideal Companion for Virgo:

Pisces (Polar Opposite), Taurus, Cancer, Capricorn

Virgo doesn't perceive life in the same way as Pisces. However, a Virgo can help Pisces stay grounded in the responsibilities of life. Pisces can also help Virgo to get more in touch with their feelings.

Virgo and Taurus work well together because they're both so rational and down-to-earth.

Virgo and Capricorn can make a hard-working duo. They are both task-oriented and responsible.

Most Difficult Companions for Virgo: Aries, Gemini, Libra

Virgo and Aries live life at a different pace. Aries is eager to act quickly while Virgo needs more time to come to a logical decision. They would have to make serious compromises.

Virgo and Gemini are both intelligent and humorous. However, Gemini can definitely come off as too idealist and fickle in their actions. Virgo wants something rooted in the physical.

Virgo and Libra have entirely different types of intelligence. There's no doubt that Libra can be brilliant in philosophical knowledge and have an excellent understanding of emotional intelligence. However, this will come off as too happy-go-lucky and "air-headed" to grasp onto. Virgo will be more critical and rooted in the facts. Causing both of them to have difficulty understanding one another.

*Nakshatras Also Have Special Companions Based on their Animal Symbols*

- *Note* This doesn't mean that these are easy matches. They are oftentimes mirrors to reveal to you your "shadow aspects". Reflecting back to you your deepest fears and unresolved issues. Instead of being easy matches, they complement each other nicely. Promoting growth that can lead to desired connections.

Male Cow and Female Cow Uttara Phalguni Companion:

Uttara Bhadrapada (3°20'-16 °40' Pisces)

They both share the same stoic demeanor and are very stable in their approach to life. However, Uttara Bhadrapada comes off as too daydreamy and always trying to escape reality. At the same time, this can open up Uttara Phalguni to knowledge that goes beyond what they're fixed to. Uttara Phalguni also appreciates the challenge that Uttara Bhadrapada can bring.

Female Ox and Male Ox Hasta Companion- Swati (6°40'- 20° Libra)

These are two of the most intelligent Nakshatras. Also, they are very cultured and like to enjoy material comfort. However, Swati will also bring out the insecurities of Hasta individuals. Reminding them of what they're avoiding. Swati is a Nakshatra that always requires karmic balance. At the same time, Hasta can feel a great deal of encouragement from Swati.

Female Tiger and Male Tiger Chitra Companion- Vishakha (20° Libra- 3°20' Scorpio)

These are two extremely passionate Nakshatras. They both have an independent fighting spirit and enjoy being in charge. Though, they tend to get along the most out of the three companions. They can have a happy, exciting, and intimate connection.

-Daquan Jones Psychic, Empath, Author, Life Coach, YouTube Creator, Astrologer

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