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Western Scorpio Rising

Tropical Scorpio ♏️ Ascendant

Dark, Complex, Intense, & Mysterious

Scorpio in Western Tropical Astrology

Main Symbol: Scorpion, Eagle, Pheonix

Additional Symbols: Lizard, Spider, Wolf, Snake, Owl

Mode: Fixed

Element: Water

Planetary Ruler: Modern- Pluto, Traditional- Mars

House Association: 8th House

Motto: "I Desire, Therefore I Will Possess It." or "I Transform."

Sun's Season: October 23- November 21

Body Part: Anus, Genitals

Association: Power, Sex, Transformation, Secrets, Intensity

Many people have asked me if I've ditched Western Tropical Astrology entirely. I haven't. From what I've learned and witnessed, Vedic Sidereal Astrology is more detailed, deeper, and more accurate in predictions. However, I started out as an Astrologer using Western Tropical. So, I still see the importance that it has. Otherwise, I wouldn't have used it at the beginning of my journey.

So, I decided to do a blog post on Scorpio Rising in Western Tropical Astrology. Most people born under this will have Libra Rising in Vedic Astrology. Unless you have it positioned at the last 5 degrees or so. Only then it would remain the same.

After reading this, I also recommend reading my blog post on Understanding Libra Rising. It goes into the Vedic Sidereal understanding. I believe it's very valuable information and far more detailed.

Also, feel free to check out my blog post on Exploring Swati. It's a deeper understanding of Vedic Sidereal Libra by going into the Swati Nakshatra. In Vedic Astrology, we break down each Zodiac Sign into 13°20' sections called Nakshatras. It explores the additional constellations and stars positioned within the 12 Zodiac Signs. Therefore, giving an even deeper and more accurate analysis. Swati is found in Vedic Sidereal Libra or Western Tropical Scorpio.

There'll be more to come on Vishakha (Western Tropical Scorpio or Vedic Sidereal Libra & Scorpio)

A Light Hidden in Darkness

In Western Tropical, we have a different understanding of the sign of Scorpio than we do in Vedic Astrology. If you have Scorpio Rising in Tropical, you probably come off as mysterious and hard to get to know. Yet, others still find something powerful about you that instantly attracts or repels them.

Tropical Astrology sees the Rising Sign as a mask or appearance. Not that it's inauthentic or superficial. It's still a part of you. However, it's the part of you that you give off in your presence and energy rather than who you are when connecting on a deeper level. Many times, our birth situation, childhood environment, and personal experiences throughout life give us our Rising Sign. We aren't conscious of it and have little control over it. It's simply how we approach life and the way that we naturally come off to others. With that, we can use our Rising Sign to make the best out of life or we can let it run our lives unconsciously.

Scorpio is a peculiar sign to have as your Rising Sign. That's because the Rising Sign is about making a first impression, pursuing your goals in life, and interacting with others around you. Well, Scorpio is a very private sign. It represents the sex, emotional intimacy, resources, and secrets held within a relationship. Scorpio also deals with intense and traumatic circumstances that are generally best shared with loved ones. Things like death, abuse, fear, pain, etc...

So, to have Scorpio Rising is like seeing life without a filter. You see all of the pain and darkness of human existence. As a Scorpio Rising, you might even attract people with difficult circumstances and psychological illnesses. You might witness many deaths and losses throughout your life. Darkness follows you and you experience your own dark thoughts and feelings. We'll talk more about why that is moving forward. Part of it is because you are a born healer and empath.

Most Scorpio Risings have difficult childhood experiences. Whether it has to do with the intensity of your own emotions or it has to do with dark experiences that you were forced into. Power struggles, abuse, addiction, abandonment, betrayal, death, and deep emotional pain seem to be major themes in childhood. There might've even been complications in your birth or your parents might've had some conflicts just before you were born. Oftentimes, Scorpio Risings feel powerless and deeply hurt in their childhood. There can be a feeling of being different and misunderstood. Bullying, teasing, and being taken advantage of are common.

These power issues experienced at a young age can have a deep psychological effect. Scorpio Risings often seek out power their entire lives because they feel a lack of power. Strong personalities dominate over them and their kindness is taken for granted. Arguments and disagreements seem to come up time and time again. So, Scorpio Rising seeks to be someone powerful and influential. Whether that involves power gained through having sex, gaining money, having nice possessions, gathering knowledge, gaining the approval of powerful authority figures, or conquering others who challenge them. This can get you so consumed in the material world that you start to lose yourself.

Ironically, Scorpio is one of the most powerful signs in the Zodiac. So, Scorpio Risings don't need to seek out anything external to be powerful. You already have the power within you. The Universe is just waiting for you to realize your true worth and to own it. To do this, Scorpio Rising has to take their attention off of the external world and what others say about them. Instead, the journey needs to be about going inward and facing one's self. Through this, healing and change can begin. As Scorpio Risings heal and do the soul work needed, they transform into a more powerful version of themselves. As there is great untapped potential in these individuals. Along with this, Scorpio Risings can become healers and help to transform the lives of others because of the journey they go through themselves.

Many people are unaware of how sensitive a Scorpio Rising is. They have deeply intense emotions, but can sometimes come off as cool and relaxed in their demeanor. The only time you will see them lose their cool is when their emotions have built up to the point of explosion. This is because they are so quiet and mysterious in their appearance. A Scorpio Rising could keep a "poker face" and never reveal anything to anyone. This also means that they are incredibly loyal to their loved ones because they can keep others' secrets too. These individuals have a subtle quality about them. Some with this placement have even said that they can walk in a room without being detected by others. This is the mysterious energy of Scorpio. For this reason, Scorpio Risings can suffer in silence and do tend to resist pain more than most can. They often feel that they're alone in some way and do prefer to be independent and private within their lives.

Interestingly enough, Scorpio Risings don't enjoy being alone. Scorpio is the sign that represents sex and intimacy. So, they do long for a deep connection. However, that is part of their issue. These individuals don't like having connections with inauthentic and superficial people. They also dislike small talk and aren't easily fooled by a first impression. Scorpio Risings want to know others on a soul level. When first meeting a person, a Scorpio Rising wants to know the fears, traumas, hidden motives, and psychology of the other person. This can come off as intense depending on other placements in the chart. However, they spend most of the time observing rather than actually engaging. Allowing the Scorpio Rising to pick up on any hidden signals in the interaction.

This is why Scorpio Risings tend to make excellent researchers, healers, counselors, investigators, and psychics. Scorpio is always seeing beyond the veil and trying to find the truth that lurks in the shadows. When they are interested in a subject, they can obsess over it. "Leaving no stones unturned" and needing to find the answers to all of their questions. Scorpio Risings tend to also have an interest in dark or mysterious topics. Interests can include horror movies, murder investigations, mystery novels, conspiracies, complex theories, occult knowledge, etc... Also, despite being quiet, they tend to love edgy activities. Such as wild roller coaster rides, skydiving, etc... If life can't be lived to the fullest, they aren't enjoying it. Many actors with Scorpio Rising have even done dangerous stunts in movies instead of letting their stunt double do it for them. They are willing to push themselves to the absolute extremes in life.

Scorpio Risings also possess incredible passion and focus in life. No one can get the job done like they can and they often feel that's true. If they are passionate enough about something, they will see it through. It doesn't matter what obstacles or opponents come their way. A Scorpio can overcome just about anything. They are incredibly strong people and can be formidable at times. Once they understand their power and how to wield it properly, they can be successful at anything. However, Scorpio Rising loves to feel powerful or in control. They also value their privacy and independence. So, more than likely, they wouldn't want someone watching over their shoulder. Instead, they might prefer to work on their own and to have the freedom to go about their task as they wish to. They also have large ambitions in life. A Scorpio Rising seeks to be powerful and influential. They want to help others, but they also want money and beautiful possessions. So, Scorpio's motto is "I desire, therefore I will possess it". They are "all in" It's "go big or go home". Any other ways I can describe it?

So, how do you get close to a Scorpio Rising then? Well, Scorpio likes mystery. Sometimes they don't even know exactly what they want, and they can be more of a romantic and an idealist in matters of love. This is why they might attract people with many issues. Even in relationships. They don't want someone who reveals everything right away or who throws themselves at them. Scorpio Risings are intelligent and complex. Someone who they can slowly unravel and who has some depth to them as well. A relationship with no substance and just trivial concerns are boring to the Scorpio Rising. Often, this can mean attracting a partner who is artistically inclined or who can engage in deep intellectual discussions. They also tend to attract someone beautiful. As they are themselves. Scorpio Risings have a reputation for having a beautiful appearance and giving off sexual energy to others. Often creating intense attraction with their presence alone. Some with Scorpio Rising are even physically unattractive. Yet, they give off a certain charm and magnetic energy that others find irresistible. Making others see them as beautiful regardless. Scorpio Risings might even find that they attract people who project the challenges that they experienced in their childhood. This can be difficult because Scorpio has a hard time letting go of emotional connections. However, once they're done with a connection, they cut it off for good. They can attract dominating, abusive, and controlling partners. Leading to many conflicts and issues of separation. What they really want is a strong and stable connection. Loyalty is important to you.

This need for stability can come from life experience. Scorpio Risings tend to find that their life is never consistent or peaceful in the way that they want it to be. Something is always happening. Whether it's others creating drama, a traumatic experience, events not panning out correctly, sudden changes, or psychological difficulties. It's believed that this is because the soul of a Scorpio Rising has chosen a difficult path in life. The purpose of this is to experience accelerated soul growth. See, every time a Scorpio Rising goes through a difficult situation, they come out of it reborn into a wiser and stronger person. This is why the "phoenix rising from the ashes" is said to be the highest manifestation of this energy.

On the lower manifestation, Scorpio Rising can be vengeful, manipulative, over-competitive, aggressive, jealous, controlling, and self-destructive. They can use their gift to use others' weaknesses against them. It usually doesn't pan out well when you get on the bad side of these individuals. Their emotions are intense and they know everyone's darkest secrets. A Scorpio Rising would make the best villain and can become a person's worst nightmare if they chose to go down that path. There's a saying that goes, "It's the quiet ones that you have to watch out for." Well, this applies to the Scorpio Rising. Especially if anyone hurts them badly enough.

Houses in Western Tropical

Scorpio 1st: Sexy Powerful Transforming Psychic Enigma

Sagittarius 2nd: Wants Truth, Justice, Knowledge, & Everything

Capricorn 3rd: Only Speaks When Useful, Resourceful

Aquarius 4th: Black Sheep, Deeply Misunderstood

Pisces 5th: Enjoys Depth, Art, Mystery, & Romance

Aries 6th: Formidable Opponent, Works Independently

Taurus 7th: Slow to Connect, Loyalty is Needed

Gemini 8th: Curious About Mysteries, Deep Dark Thoughts

Cancer 9th: Learns Through Feeling, Intuition, and Nurturing

Leo 10th: Proud Influential Leaders, "Go Big Or Go Home"

Virgo 11th: Helpful to Others, Loyal But Particular

Libra 12th: Balance is Found Within, Spiritually Analytical

Western Tropical Decans (10° Sections)

1st Decan:

October 23- November 1 or 0°- 10° Scorpio

-Sub Influence of Mars and Pluto

- Strategic, Brave, Passionate, Vengeful, Loyal

2nd Decan:

November 2- 11 or 10°- 20° Scorpio

-Sub Influence of Jupiter and Neptune

-Highly Intelligent, Gifted Creatively,

Supportive, Optimistic

3rd Decan:

November 12- 21 or 20°- 30° Scorpio

-Sub Influence of the Moon

-Magnetic, Strong, Sensitive, Holds Grudges

-Daquan Jones

Psychic, Empath, YouTube Creator, Author, Life Coach, Astrologer

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